Number of copies / number of entries. Simple maths.
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no, that's not friendly. torture him with maths until he wants to die, but he can't, he will try to suicide, but it's impossible, it will make him desperate, crazy, then, when he die from age, he will die happy. Give him the joy of death.
I'm such a good person
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Ok just do the math yourself:
Take out a calculator if you need to. Now imagine a giveaway for a game with 100 entries and you are one of the 100. Your chance is exactly 1 out of 100, which you should know is 1%.
Now imagine a giveaway with a thousand entries and you again are one of the 1000 people that entered. Your chance of winning this is one out of a thousand. If you calculate that you can see that it is not 1% but 0,1%. You are ten times more unlikely to win the giveaway with 1000 entries.
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To be more specific, there is a greater chance of winning when there are fewer entries, but that doesn't guarantee you a win. Looks at flipping a coin for an example.
If you flip a coin, you have a 50% chance of it coming up "heads," but you also have a 50% chance of it coming up "tails." You flip it once, and it comes up "tails." If you flip it again, you will still have a 50/50 chance of it coming up "heads," but the chance of it coming up "tails" again is smaller because it is unlikely that the same side will come up, again.
After 50 tries, with all of them resulting in "tails," the coin is likely to come up "heads" on the next try. This is not because the chance of it landing on either side has changed--it's still a 50/50 chance--but rather because the chances of it landing on "tails" 51 times in a row are very slim. Even so, there is no guarantee that the coin won't land on "tails" once again. Each coin toss has the same 50/50 chance, after all.
TL; DR: The more you enter, the greater your chance of winning, but there's no guarantee you ever will win.
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The thin line between being a troll and being plain dumb.
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No, if X = number of entries when the giveaway ends and Y = number of copies, you have Y/X chance to win. Everyone in the giveaway gets the same chance to win but your chance is not the same across all giveaways nor does anyone giveaway affect the chance you have of winning another.
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Don't they teach how to use a calculator these days?
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Congrats ! Also congrats on kicking France's butt yesterday ! (I mean la Celeste)
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Since half of these people can't learn to read and comprehend before telling you to learn math (though really, DO just go with what the sensible people are saying here), explain to your friend that "random" is what it sounds like and not what he's assuming.
The system doesn't pick a winner until after all entries have been made and the contest is closed. It doesn't mean that if I the computer had already picked me to win that it would still award me the prize if more people entered (which is what I'm assuming your friend believes). This is simply because no one is chosen until after the contest has already been closed. The only way to test your friend's notion is to invent time travel. He sounds like the perfect candidate to test that kind of technology :)
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I think his friend might be referring to singular odds. Wether there are 10 or 1000 entrants, each one has an equal chance. But each entrants sees his chances decrease with each new entrants entering the giveaway. The more entrants, the less chances for each of them, but still... Equal chances.
Also thanks for taking time to explain things properly, some people kind of forgot how to treat their peers here.
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I don't understand that thing with the nazis or how it can relate to the topic ?
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"Also thanks for taking time to explain things properly, some people kind of forgot how to treat their peers here."
some people kind of forgot how to treat their peers or just dont want to treat them how a normal person would treat them, because it seems senseless.
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Yes, if you enter a 1 entry giveaway, you have a 100% chance of winning. If you enter a 100 entry giveaway, you still have a 100% chance of winning. That's why you have 898 wins! I think 893 of them are invisible though.
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If you dont get your 893 wins soon, you should report the giveaway makers! And sue Steamgifts while you are at it!
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I think that I can sort of see why your friend may believe that...
"If SteamGifts gave every person a random chance of winning (eg. in a 10 entry giveaway, Person X may have a 50% chance while everyone else has a bit over a 5% chance), then you could have similar chances in any giveaway regardless of the number of entries." - Fake Quote.
As long as you don't run it by the logic portion of your brain before believing in it, the concept kinda works-ish.
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i have more chances to win if i enter a 10 entries GA or a 1000 entries GA or its the same since its random?
just that
i know more chances=less entries but i have a friend who say that its random no matter how entries there are in a GA you have the same probability
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