answer to old version of post
Original post:
My PC is broken So...
My first answer:
and my friend's arm... What does it have to do with OP?
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You edited post I see.
You can use for example Firefox for Android which allows to use extensions ;)
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ESGST is the king, but this tool might help you as well:
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And yes, you can install this with Firefox on mobile xD
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Well you can use chrome-like browser Kiwi Browser which have extensions enabled (chrome://extensions)
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Your suggestion may still be here but in the meantime you can use this info if you don't want to use an extension;
Base american $ prices are what you get for a game. You can check them on SteamDB or simply it will give you the same CV as how much point required to enter. There are some things to consider;
1- 60$ game will require 50P but will give 60$ CV
2- There are "Reduced Value" and "No Value" stuff. When creating giveaway there is * next to name of it. 1 star means "Reduced Value" which will give %15 of the American $ price as CV and 2 star means you will get 0 CV out of it.
It's not really complicated. Also do keep in mind it changes may be retroactive.
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Easiest way to check US price is to add "?cc=us" to the Steam url. You have to do this when you are not logged in, or just open in a private session. For example: SpongeBob US.
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Don't think information about CV should be on the /creation page. Games can be retroactively added to the bundle list, or we may miss a bundle and add it few months later. And people would complain that "it was written I will get 30CV, and have only 4,5CV.
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The "algorithm" is explained in the FAQ
Contributor value is a number that estimates the value of your giveaways within our community. When you give away a game, and the winner marks your gift as "Received", the value of the game is added to your contributor value. If your giveaway was assigned "No Value", or "Reduced Value", the value of the game would be adjusted prior to being added. There are also two other factors that may influence the value of your giveaway.
After you give away a game 5 times (whether in the same giveaway or in multiple giveaways), it will begin decreasing in value. The value is decreased by 10% for each additional copy. This means if you decide to give away 8 copies of a $10 game, it would add $74.39 (10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 9 + 8.10 + 7.29) to your contributor value. This has little effect on the majority of users but prevents individuals from receiving a high contributor value from gifting a large number of promotional gifts, games obtained through pricing errors, or keys from contacting game developers.
If a giveaway is invite-only, region-restricted, or limited to a whitelist or Steam group, it will only add contributor value if it receives 5 or more entries. This is in place to prevent small groups of friends from attempting to cheat the contributor system, and to encourage users to expand the reach of their giveaways. The whitelist feature offers an easy way to target a larger audience, and you can combine it with small Steam groups to receive a greater number of giveaway entries if needed.
If you hover over the "Gifts Sent" dollar value on your profile, you'll see your contributor value after all of the above adjustments have taken place. You might also notice that games valued over $50.00 will only require 50 points to enter. However, their full price will be used when calculating contributor values.
When creating a giveaway and selecting a game, you'll notice "No Value" games are marked with a double asterisk (*), and "Reduced Value" games with a single asterisk (). If you hover over those icons, you'll see the effective date for the value adjustments. For example, if a game is marked with a single asterisk (*), and hovering the icon shows "Reduced value since January 4, 2018", this would mean giveaways created for that game on January 4, 2018, or later will receive reduced contributor value. Games typically receive no value or reduced value when they're featured in bundles, heavily discounted, or available for free in online promotions. Their values are adjusted this way to better represent their true value. Keep in mind, the asterisk icons are just for reference, and the value of a game can be backdated if we need to make retroactive changes.
Games fall into one of the three categories.
No Value
No contributor value when given away after the effective date.
Reduced Value
15% contributor value when given away after the effective date.
Full Value
100% contributor value when given away.
If you visit your profile, you can see a breakdown of your previous giveaways. If you hover over the "Gifts Sent" number on your profile, you'll see the number of gifts you have given away in each category.
For example, you give away three games. Game A is $10.00 and it has no value. Game B is $20.00, and it has reduced value. Game C is $50.00 on Steam, and it has full value. Once your giveaways have ended and the gifts have been received by their winners, you will see the updated values on your profile. In this case, you would see "Gifts Sent: 3 ($80.00)". This would show that you have successfully given away 3 gifts, and their current list price on Steam is $80.00 in total. If you hover over the number of gifts, you would see you have one "No Value" gift, one "Reduced Value", and one "Full Value". If you hover over the dollar value, you would see you have a contributor value of $53. It would be calculated as 0% of the gift with no value (0 x $10.00 = $0.00) + 15% of the gift with reduced value (0.15 x $20.00 = $3.00) + 100% of the gift with full value ($50.00).
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Well, with a banner saying "This is just a projection, real CV may be different in the end", or something like that... This could actually be a user friendly integration to the system, and not much of a constraint for the administration. Also, it would avoid a lot of "I gave away a game that was free before, and I didn't receive any CV!" complaints, as people could know in advance that they would receive no CV.
On the other hand, I have totally no idea about how easy (or hard) could be, implementing this. :)
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We already have pop-up window that inform new users that on this site you create giveaways for people. Not make "request" and get game in return. And there are still people that expect to win game they "give away". So people don't read what is shown to them. CV system is explained in detail in FAQ, and people regularly send tickets "why my CV go down".
There are also different problems with trying to calculate CV directly, when we already know it may be wrong because support did not add game to the bundle / no-CV list
Imagine person who wants to give away Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 and see they will get 0CV for it.
I think it could show on /creation page that bundle games are giving 15% of game base price in US. But showing "exact" value, and then listing all exceptions and problems that may influence this calculation would make it IMO more messy than useful.
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people don't read
100% agree with this, sadly.
Of course you have a far larger experience of the website and its mechanics, and also see all things we normal users don't (BTW, thank you), so your point of view is probably better focused than mine. That change would indeed create a lot of new issue, without being sure to remove others. And indeed, adding the exact percentage of the reduced value, next to the *, would be a good thing for clarity.
Let's say, in case you want to change the kind of useless support tickets you receive, you know what change you can do to the site! :P
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But they do... Look in your profile:
Gifts Sent --> 4 ($67.96)
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Steam bu konuda güvenilir değil muhtemelen o yüzden. Fiyatlar otomatik olarak Steam'den çekiliyor ve sapıtabiliyor duruma göre. Kargaşa olur yazsak diye uğraşmıyorlar tahminen. İkinci sebebi de bundle gören oyunlar hemen eklenemiyor bazen, orada 30 CV alacaksın yazıp paylaştıktan sonra 4.5'a düşerse yine sistemi tam anlamayanlar söylenmesin istiyorlar sanırım. Sebebi bunlar olabilir illa sebep arıyorsan. Bence çok gerek yok ama olsa fena olmaz. Bir yerden sonra biliyorsun ne kadar alacağını.
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Çekilişe giriş için gereken puan oyunun değeriyle eşit. Kısa bir yoldan öğrenmek istiyorsan arama çubuğu var ana sayfada oraya yaz direk çıkar oyunlar görürsün kaç puan gerekiyor girmek için. Tek fark 60 dolar oyunlar da 50 puan gözüküyor da 60 dolar oyunu da bilirsin. Bundle veya yüksek indirim gördüyse o puanın %15'ini alıyorsun. Bir de ücretsiz dağıtıldıysa daha önce oyun değeri 0 oluyor.
Senin mesela 3 tane 0 değerli, 1 de tam değerli verdiğin oyun var. Kendi sayfanda 4'ün üzerine gelirsen görürsün kaç tane hangisinden verdin. 67 doların üstüne de gelirsen verdiklerin gerçekte kaç sayılmış onu görürsün.
Burası direk Steam'in verdiği bir altyapıyı kullanarak çalışıyor, SteamDB de aynı altyapıyla çalışıyor.
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But you can kinda predict that. When you start doing this for real and the number of GAs will be counted in thousands, then you can have a problem (but at that point you start to don't care about CV/RV/Ratios, etc).
Value of your CV is recalculated on every change of SG database (for example game X is now bundled, so your CV will be changed for that value)
And that's all, there is nothing more to write nor explain.
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Okay, here goes kinda implementation in TypeScript, I hope you are happy now:
class Price {
private value: number; // $1.00 -> 100; $123.52 -> 12352
private currency: string;
constructor(value: number, currency: string): void {
this.value = value;
this.currency = currency;
getValue(): Price {
return { value, currency };
class UserData {
private username: string;
private giveaways: object;
constructor(steam_id: number): void {
const data: any = AbstractSGController.getUserBySteamID(steam_id);
this.username = data.username;
this.giveaways = data.giveaways;
getGiveaways(): object { return this.giveaways; }
enum STATUS {
class SteamGiftsAppId {
app_id: number;
status: STATUS;
constructor(app_id: number): void {
const data: any = AbstractSGController.getAppByAppID(app_id);
this.app_id = app_id;
this.status = data.status;
class ContributorValueController {
gamePrice: Price;
user: UserData;
constructor(): void {
this.user = new UserData(req.session.decodedToken.steam_id);
calculateCVForUser(app_id: number): string {
const storeData: any = getStoreData(app_id);
this.gamePrice = new Price(storeData.priceMap['en-US'], 'USD');
const giveawaysDoneWithAppID: number = this.getGiveaways.find(app_id).length;
const SGData: SteamGiftsAppId = new SteamGiftsAppId(app_id);
switch (SGData.status) {
return `0 {this.gamePrice.currency}`;
return `{(this.gamePrice.value * 0.15) / 100} {this.gamePrice.currency}`;
if (giveawaysDoneWithAppID <= 5) {
`{this.gamePrice / 100} {this.gamePrice.currency}`;
} else {
finalValue = this.gamePrice / 100;
for (let i = 5; i <= giveawaysDoneWithAppID; i+=1) {
finalValue *= .9;
return `{(finalValue * 0.9)} {this.gamePrice.currency}`;
case default:
const cake= 'The cake is a LIE!';
throw cake;
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besides the game, the function to show the value added to the steam gift account of the game or something like that
(Not just reduced value the exact value ) example (not correct value) if you giveaway GTA 5 your steamgift account will gain 55 dolar
İnfo the differences between yours and i wanted is i want to see the value before the giveaway not after
New edit it's seems esgst can show this but i won't close it because i wanna know if there is another solution
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