We don't have any history about user suspension, then i don't know when a user was suspended or not by multiple win or not actived game.
If this feature become real, i can avoid some reports and send faster my games at end of GA.

Also support.don't need to read a lot of repetitive reports.

Edit: JustArchi made a nice suggestion

9 years ago*

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A lot of times suspensions are given to new folks who haven't fully read the FAQ and learned from their mistake once the suspension ended. Having said that, its still important to know the rules, but I don't think that one time you messed up when you were a noob that you've made the effort to fix should stick with you the rest of your time here.

Big fat "no" from me.

9 years ago*

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Really? I report a lot of old and active members, some get suspension.

9 years ago

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I edited my post a little bit. I agree that if you still have unactivated/double wins as an older user people have the right to discriminate, but if you've gone back and made it right then there shouldn't be any punishment required beyond the suspension served.

9 years ago

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"My problem" is not who have old problems, the problem is support delay and repetitive reports for same user.

9 years ago

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Ah, I gotcha now

9 years ago

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Actually, if the suspension is tied to a variable in the user's account that associates to the specific giveaway, then it ought actually be pretty easy to list a past suspension to the right of game on sgtool's non-activation or multi-win lists.

Since that'd only show if the giveaway was still in violation, that'd be a happy medium of convenience and clarity for users and staff, and privacy and respect for the users involved.

From that, a user need only check if a suspension is listed, and report if it isn't.

9 years ago

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No, that should be kept confidential.

However it'd be cool if there was an option to check last suspension date, but only for giveaway winners, before sending them the game (so before they mark as received).

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Something like this

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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what would this give lol;you would know that someone got suspended 3 months ago what will this change ;
sorry just don't get it :P

9 years ago

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If guy got suspended 1 month ago then I know that his rules violation from 1 year ago is outdated and I shouldn't submit reroll request.

9 years ago

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ok :) thank you for explaining it to me :)

9 years ago

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Can't submit reroll if this guy was suspended, 1 year or 1 week ago.

9 years ago

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I think you missed what JustArchi was getting at...

If the person info would state if they had got a suspension or not,then you would know you can not ask for a re-roll.As it stands now,unless at the current time it says they are suspended,you will not know if that game they re-gifted or whatever a year ago or a week ago has been served.So you have to request a roll and waste support time and yours if they already have been punished as it would be denied.

Though the way i understand if it was more then a month ago,they would still deny it....so i am not sure if knowing would matter lol

9 years ago

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as you are not sure, let me explain ;)

You request a reroll so Either A or B happens:
A - Winner was not suspended for this non-activation before.
B - Winner was suspended for this non-activation before.

In case of A you will always get reroll, no matter if non-activation happened 1 week before or 3 years ago. Why? Because there is also other valid reason for reroll - "Winner is Suspended". So you reported guy, he gets suspended, theorethically you could now file another ticket for reroll, this time saying "winner is suspended" but it would be pointless as these rerolls like 1-month-rulebreaking rerolls are always granted you got reroll granted in your original ticket and guy not only gets win rerolled but also suspended.

Only in case B it matters WHEN the rulebreaking happened. If rulebreaking happened 2 years ago and guy already served suspension you will not get reroll, if rulebreaking happened 3 weeks ago and guy already served his 5 days suspension - you will still get reroll granted as long as you requested a reroll in less than 1 month since he won multi/non-activated win.

7 years ago

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9 years ago

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happy cake day :)

9 years ago

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This would be nice.

9 years ago

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Just bumping this, because of the recent changes here. This should be the next update!

8 years ago

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it'd be cool if there was an option to check last suspension date, but only for giveaway winners, before sending them the game (so before they mark as received).

Necrobump. We need this.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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7 years ago

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I thought someone must have suggested this at some point!

BUMP, because this absolutely should happen.

8 years ago

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Nobody will ever know I was suspended for 3 days

9 years ago

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Since you solved your problem, i don't need check if you got any suspension

9 years ago

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I got suspended for posting on the forums xd

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I wish :D
I was a naughty swan

View attached image.
9 years ago

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Ahahaha i was kidding :p

How dare you necro'ing?

9 years ago

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I was turning into an addict.
It was the most fun way to take a break :P

9 years ago

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So you could just blacklist random people for no reason? No thanks.

9 years ago

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Who said blacklist?

9 years ago

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lots of ppl will blacklist for that, just because yes.

9 years ago

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Just look at VAC bans on Steam profiles. Now when you take into consideration the feature of sgtools, which checks whether or not the person entering giveaway has been VAC banned, you're already judging that person based on pure assumption.

If you could see ban history here on SG, just a lot of unnecessary blacklisting would happen.

9 years ago

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I have VAC banned on my restrited Whitelist (see here).
SGTools can check if someone got problems at the past, but don't check if someone got punished.

9 years ago

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That should actually make ppl not blacklist ppl, because they served they time imo.

Right now if someone see you broke the rule, you get reported and instant blacklisted. If someone sees you was suspended for breaking rules, and haven't broken one since, you most likely avoid blacklist and there is no reason to send report.

9 years ago

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You can only see your history, seeing other's would be a big no

9 years ago

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Where can I see my history?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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It's broken!
"No results were found."

9 years ago

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Same "problem" here.

9 years ago

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Were you ever suspended?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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You can only see your history.

no suspension = No results were found.

9 years ago

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I know, just kidding


9 years ago

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Oh, got it! ahah

9 years ago

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Then you were never suspended?

9 years ago

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I can help you there if you want ;)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Not Activating Won Gift (5 days)
Pixel Puzzles: UndeadZ

yeah, sure, got Pixel Puzzles Japan key instead =\

9 years ago

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Then you should have marked as not received or asked the GA creator for the right key. When you mark as received, you are basicly saying that you got the right key.

9 years ago

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yeah, i know that now) but i've marked it first and only then realized that i've got wrong key.

9 years ago

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I believe you can then still mark it as not received (after 7 days). Not sure though.

9 years ago

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You can! (:

9 years ago

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not this GA is marked as Not Received, as since then i've never got the valid key unfortunately.

9 years ago

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ohh, nice, something I didn't know about! :D:

View attached image.
9 years ago

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AHAHAHAHA yep its always hilarious to see our rookie mistakes and fails xD

9 years ago

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Why does it matter if or when a person was suspended in the past? If they are not suspended now, then they are a part of this community.

9 years ago

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Every ended GA i see the profile of winner, some got a ooooold problem and not suspension, some got a new problems and also got a suspension. Since i send the report to support, i need wait to send or not the game.

9 years ago

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So you want to know if anyone has been suspended so you can blacklist them? That is too much effort. If they are an active user they are good. Let support worry about the punishments.

9 years ago

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I don't said about blacklist, also in my blacklist recruitment i don't blacklist some of the activer users.

9 years ago

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It is pretty much blacklisting. You are finding out so you can prevent them from winning. You might as well just blacklist. Why let them enter if you aren't going to allow them to win?

9 years ago

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I don't blacklist who i report.

9 years ago

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Report to who? What are you calling report?

9 years ago

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Example: request new winner

9 years ago

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So you are not blacklisting, but you are refusing to let people win your games. What is the difference? It sounds like your way is worse than blacklisting. You allow them to enter, then you refuse to let them win. BTW, I have never been suspended, but please do blacklist me. I don't want to enter your GA's.

9 years ago

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As you wish.

Also i'm not refusing to anyone win my games. I've sent a key for a winner with a lot of problems AFTER support advise her have no problems.
I won't post her profile here, but she got 6 not actived and 2 double wins and also paid for this.

9 years ago

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I think you totally misunderstand him. He wants to know wheter they were punished for not activing (for example). If they were, he can just send the key and not report that person. If they didn't get punished, he has to report them.

9 years ago

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He wants to know if the person is punished or not. If justice has been served, then he will give the gift to the winner. Otherwise he will report and refuse to give the gift away. Much like what most other users do.

9 years ago

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It could be used to blackmail people ...
Some ppl get suspended cause they dont know the site rules ... like it is legit for some newer user to not know he should contact the GA creator if he won 2 copies of the same game in short period of time .
I can defend such people .
But lets be fair , ppl always do dumb shit , and sometimes it end up with suspensions.

Why bring someones old mistakes into the table ?
I got suspended twice for calling out , does that make me a horrible person ?
Not really .
First time i got suspended , i didnt even know i cannot call out people when they are breaking the rules >.<
Second time was me being dumb , and not phrasing my comment well >.<

9 years ago

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Since i accept enter on the site, i am compromissed to follow the rules.

My point is:
If you got suspended by not active some win game and you win some of my GA, i will report and wait for a answer to send you a game, if i have some history, i can send at the end of GA.

9 years ago

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if you can check multiple windows in not activated, then it should be possible to reach if the person has been punished for this. Anyone who wants to keep giving gifts without checking ok, but some people like to check if it is someone who contributes to the community or not.

  • When I find inconsistencies also make ticket, and has also received an answer that the person has already served the suspension. It would be a ticket unless more time to care about those who are not following the rules
9 years ago

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Mas Nívea, tem gente que eu reporto e tenho que aguardar o suporte até algumas semanas. Nesse exato momento tenho 2 reports de dezembro e 3 de janeiro. Os de request reroll são mais rápidos, as vezes demoram menos de 24h, mas poderiam ser instantâneos com algo do tipo

9 years ago

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esqueci de rever o escrito, não sei se perdeu o sentido mas o q quis dizer é o seguinte... se tem como checar multiple wins e não ativados então nada mais justo que poder checar se já cumpriram a punição por tal (pq alguns ali citaram que seria expor a pessoa -_-). Justamente pq diminuiria o número de tickets já q a nossa intenção é não premiar quem não segue as regras. E diminuir número de tickets justamente torna os tickets "reais" respondidos com mais rapidez...
eu tenho um ticket de reroll na fila pq 3 *** tinham o ganham o jogo ha 3 dias e dizeram que "ñ houve tempo para sincronizar" e estou até hoje esperando o suporte responder o que será feito tendo em vista que não há entradas suficientes para todos rerolls

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago*

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This would probably fall under public shaming, but a variant that Archi suggested shouldn't be an issue.

9 years ago

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but people, rules checkers is the same thing, but showing it has fulfilled suspension would be like saying "he has broken the rules but has already been punished, forget it"

9 years ago

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Which is why I like Archi' suggestion. It saves me the trouble of making a ticket and them giving me a c/p response. The only folks who I should care about if they were suspended and when are those who win my gibs. Otherwise, it is public shaming.

9 years ago

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Liked the Archi suggestion too

9 years ago

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and this is not public shaming? http://www.sgtools.info/multiple-wins

It is like being able to see the name of someone in the police and appear "is wanted for committing a crime," which is different from getting the result "committed crime X and served his time." Both are "shameful" but in the second case you know you do not have to open a ticket.

In the sgtools I can check anyone, but I doubt anyone go around checking everyone, who checks does so with the winners of its giveaways

9 years ago

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Whenever I check my giveaway's winners and see one who has not activated games more then 30 days ago I always feel like that guy got away with breaking the rules since I can't report him and can't see whether he was suspended for it or not. Kinda don't want to send the keys/gifts to these people but still have to

9 years ago

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This week ive reported a guy with 3 years and a problem 1 week ago and another in 2014

9 years ago

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As the rules and time frames are fixed - would it be unworkable if the process that selects a winner, automatically checks for multiple wins and unactivated gifts? If a violation is found - the win is put on hold and a ticket automatically forwarded to support to verify if a reroll and/or suspension is appropriate. This would mean that rules are checked consistently and apply to all winners.

Alternatively these rules could be automatically checked when doing a sync with the steam account. I've seen unactivated wins and in the following 7 days a further 5 or 6 giveaways were won on that account. I can only conclude from that, there are many users who don't bother to check their winners. There are many users who probably don't know how to check, and this sort of "admin" should be handled by processes in the background - transparent to the giveaway users.

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9 years ago

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Maybe the better idea, but implements this... :P
Not too easy. Also this can increase support tickets a lot with false-positives.

9 years ago

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False positives can be reduced greatly through careful programming. If anything the system deciding what should be flagged would be significantly more consistent than most users doing it (if users bother to do it at all). If you are sloppy with how you define what is valid or not - then you get false positives. At the moment, I'm sure support get a lot of tickets they have to respond with "user already suspended" or some other explanation. Many problems can occur because there is a long delay before a rule breaking user comes to supports attention. If it was automated the information would usually be fresh (closer to the present time). Once support is happy that the process is correct (almost always) then forwarding tickets could be eliminated with the process being system controlled. The suspensions could always be reviewed (eg. a log report) - to keep track of what has expired.

I was just thinking (a dangerous thing to do late a night), and when receiving a key after winning - any other GAs the user is entered in for that same game, should be automatically removed. While it is unlikely that someone would win in quick succession two copies of the same game - but I've come across several "win multiple of same game" that have been dated only 1 or 2 days apart.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Then.... report me(?)

9 years ago

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While it would be very useful when asking for a re-roll I also think it involves a lot of problems, as it would be indirectly calling out people. Of course, anyone can check their status anyways via sgtools easily nowadays, but I don't think everyone does, whereas such a mark on the profile is instantly visible for everybody.

9 years ago*

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Have zero reason to know what kids have had detention. If Reddit has taught me anything, ban, suspensions, and deleted comments are often as much the fault as those in power as the one that posted or did something. The fact that someone was suspended then welcomed back means the issue is over. Continued persecution by wearing a scarlet letter serves no purpose other than to drive people away.

9 years ago

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LOL one of my GA ended now.
The winner have not actived from 2014 and multiple win from 2016, i will wait for the support answer.

Edit: The user got suspended till March 1st.

9 years ago*

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Or the solution I'm sure lots of users do: "Can't be stuffed doing a ticket, I want my CV, just give it to them - not my problem".

Which is why this side of the site / user admin should be automated and not left up to users to check the winners past history and adherence to site rules. Users should just see - "this user is a valid winner - send them the key". No decision required.

9 years ago*

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i will wait for the support answer.

Please remember that no one can answer on User Report

Due to the high number of user reports, comments are disabled. Reports will be closed by a staff member once they're reviewed, and action taken if deemed necessary.

By the way, thanks for your reports.

9 years ago

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support - can't
moderator + can

Also thanks

9 years ago

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moderator + can

Support cannot see User Report
Moderator+ can.
No one can reply there: http://www.steamgifts.com/roles/admin

9 years ago

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Thats what ive said

support - can't
moderator + can

9 years ago

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Moderator+ can see User Report, but cannot add a comment on those tickets.

9 years ago

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Lol, ive read "Please remember that no one can moderate on User Report"

9 years ago

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I'd say yes, but only for people who were suspended more than one time.
The people who made a mistake and learned their lesson should be all fine. Those who never learn, well, they deserve to have fingers pointed at them.

9 years ago

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Honestly, I don't think one's suspension history is any other user's business. Just report someone and support will deal with it.

9 years ago

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Not only that, but their entire criminal history should be released by the police. I don't want to send gifts to rapists, thieves and murderers.

9 years ago

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Nice irony try

9 years ago

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Oh, come on. This is just straight up witch-hunting. A user could have been suspended for very minor reasons or even by accident.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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There are such a thing as minor rules. You can be banned for a minimum of 1 day AFAIK.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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It's considered classified information, though. That's just how it is. As far as forums go, you don't put tags on banned / suspended people because it's the same thing as labelling somebody a criminal. I, admittedly, have gotten a 2-day suspension before for being a jerk(this was 2 years ago) but that's really it. I'm a drastically different person from 2 years ago albeit I can't exactly apologize for the comment. Who's to say somebody who broke a major rule a few years ago is still subject to the consequences today? Consequences shouldn't be permanent.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I feel like that's still putting a label on somebody but at least it's less public. Assuming everybody doesn't share the information of "X person is a baddie! Permanent consequences!" then it would be fine. If you find out that somebody has cheated you, then that's different, though. No one should ever judge before evidence.

9 years ago

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no. no one else but support should know if a user got suspended.

we don't need people checking every single profile to see if it's flagged. there's already enough witch hunting with unactivated and multiple wins.

9 years ago

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Since the unactivated and multiple wins are already visible (if one is checking for it), perhaps a Time Served note or icon could be added to those specific giveaways by the staff member who grants the suspension.
Anything else definitely seems too perma-black-mark-y.

9 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by titoncio.