I agree with your rating of Death Note. The story line, progression, and overall psychological war between the individuals was great. Even if some people do suggest that it went downhill after a certain point in the middle. Don't want to include what happens if someone hasn't seen it, but it should be watched if someone enjoys anime.
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Agree with this chain. For someone just entering the darker world of anime its great. Especially when someone is finally moving towards anime that actually has a plot and follows it with no/few fillers. Personally I never go into, probably cause everyone else over hyped it for me, but I accept that its a good anime. I will leave those other 2 anime though uncommented on. Personal taste
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FMA is godlike, FMA:B is nice, and the movie is one of the strangest movies, I've ever seen :P
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Other than the ultra casual stuff(Naruto, Bleach, One Piece) i only watched FMA:B, Death Note and Sword Art Online, i guess the last three aren't thaaaaat casual, but in comparison to the other things i already saw in this thread pretty mainstream and "boring".
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Uhm... I can't choose just one, it's a tie between Bartender and Mushishi.
Those two were incredible, the slow pacing and plot flowed so well. Their ingenuity in solving cases and problems also made me to like them as main characters. The only problem being that the mangas were a tad bit better.
For manga: Brocken Blood (no wiki D:) + Otomen come into mind, but Akumetsu and M to N were also great.
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I don't have one favourite. Here is my TOP-5:
Slam Dunk - One of the greatest sports anime and a really good comedy. It felt really nostalgic when I was watching it for some reason.
Natsume Yuujinchou - Really calming, with good storyline and interesting arcs. And it has Nyanko-sensei.
Fate/Zero - Everything was top-notch: music, animation, art, story.
Kaiji - Different art style, epic narration, cliffhangers, great voice acting. And that metaphors.
Kara no Kyoukai - Really good story, great animation.
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Yeah, I really hope they will animate it. But it's Madhouse, they are hard to predict. We may see it this summer or in 5 years. Or never. The already did few animations from "after 2nd season" for Kaiji Pachinko machine, so there will probably be 3rd season.
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Suzumiya Haruhi no Soushitsu... Great, great movie, of a great series. Slow and boring for someone who didnt know the universe? Sure, but an excelent anime in every aspect for the fans. Excelent adaptation, and a tecnical masterpiece.
Since i watch like, 20 or so full titles a year, probably i will forget some important ones, so about the animes i watched last year only, my favorites are Sakamichi no Apollon, Hyouka and Fate/Zero... Honorable mentions to chuu-2 amd Baccano (who was on my backlog for ages, shame on me)
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Cowboy Bebop, It's an anime that is focused on adults in adult situation that blends action with music in the greatest possible way in a post apocalyptic world that isn't devastated, with great characters(even ed) that makes you care about their personal stories.
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I'm going with the Full Metal Panic series, mostly Fumoffu, since I love the comedy.
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I've not watched that much, and found I have given up on a lot pretty quickly.
I liked Steins Gate, Angel Beats, Evangelion (but not the movies).
Ergo Proxy was okay too. Monster started well, but the series was too long for me which made it feel a bit drawn out.
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Yep Stein's;gate had a really clever plot overall.
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I don't really watch anime much anymore but my favorite is probably 12 Kingdoms. It's one of the few anime shows out there that has good character development. The story is incredibly good too. Unlike most anime, it was based on a novel and not manga. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. I have more favorites but you only wanted one.
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I dont know... I dint like the adaptation work of Juuni Kokki for a anime medium, the novels are vastly better in terms of character development, and you have to agree that all the 26+ episode series have lower than desired budget to spend on animation. So some of the 45 episodes of Juuni Kokki dont look so good.
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That's not a good reason to dislike it. Seriously, what anime or movie was just as good or better than the manga/book? Almost none. The book/manga/novel will always be better. 12 kingdoms is still better than most anime shows and that's what I'm comparing it to. I couldn't careless if it wasn't as good as the novel.
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I dint saying that isnt a good anime (is better than average imo), just that i dindt like it because of a rushed adaptation (though i really enjoyed the ending song). Like or dislikes are a personal matter, the quality is a more solid thing to grab on. I can love an shitty movie or anime for some reason, or hate some really good things. My opinion dont change anything, ppl need to separate "how much i liked something" and "how much something is good in aesthethics/storytelling levels".
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Add some more to the "novel based anime" list:
Fullmetal panic!
Shakugan no Shana
Zero no Tsukaima ( a surprisingly good novel, WAAAAY better than the anime)
Sakura-sou no Pet na Kanojo
Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko
Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai
A Certain Magical Index
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Saint Seiya, it's very trash, but is my love since i was 5 y.o.
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Talking to gloves about school days got me interested in a discussion about anime. While normally I just use /a/ for anime discussions I feel they have degraded a lot recently and there are no good threads there anymore. Now on topic, I think I will have to put mine into different categories I have watched a lot of anime and there is so much to enjoy.
My favorite ending of all time for a anime has to go to, School Days (I won't answer why just watch it)
My favorite anime is really hard, it would be a toss out between Elfen Lied, Eden of the East, Madoka, and Clannad After Story
The first poster remind me of movies so I will do one for that to, it would be Spirited Away.
I was gonna originally do one for each genre, I will save that for another time as it takes a lot of effort considering there is at least 10~ genres. Depending on how specific I get.
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