I also backed this myself and am a bit torn on this one, since they added combat - to an adventure game!! so no request nor entry, but woah, what a nice thing to do!
You make it sound though as if Russia's cheap prices were also cheap for Russians. I was under the impressions that for a Russian your prices have the same "feel" to them as, say, European prices to Europeans, meaning equally in a regional kind of way. Is that not so? Or are you just lucky and somehow privileged? Sorry, I might be asking some sensitive personal question here, but as always, I'm a curious person and I watched a lot of Sesame Street as a kid ... German theme song had a line "Wer nicht fragt, bleibt dumm", which roughly translates to "You never ask - you never know" ... and additionally today I learned that apparently our Sesame Street theme song was different from everybody else's o.O ... sooo yeah, wow, that's a lot of text in my spoiler tag, anyways, long story short: I just ask. Please don't be offended. <3
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For what it's worth, the dev says the combat is, "just one of the story lines. You can ignore it totally and take an alternate route."
Unclear how much of the game you might miss out on, but it is at least optional. Also it's turn-based...not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing compared to other combat mechanisms.
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Who knows, it might even spice up the experience in the end, tho when I first read about it I was pretty upset, they were advertising a classic adventnure game after all. Personally I like turn-based the least of all combat styles - it's soooo boring - so that's not a turn-on, and as far as the skipping goes, I'll find out probably real soon, because unlike you I'm already downloading the game and will start playing it in the near future.
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Enjoy! And I'd be curious to hear what you thought of the combat (or if you skipped it).
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Why would I be offended? :) What I've meant is that there used to be a standard Russian equivalent of $20 price tag, namely 400-450 roubles, but lately many games at the same international price range are being sold at a considerably higher price (like 2-3 times higher). Fortunately The Brotherhood didn't go the same unpleasant way and set a standard affordable price.
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All depends on which regions you consider.
7 EU countries have an average net wage below 900. So I wouldn't think people in those countries get the same price "feel" as residents of some other European countries.
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Another happy Kickstarter backer here! I'm sure I won't play for a long time (at least until it's patched a couple of times), but looking forward to it nonetheless. And cool idea for a giveaway! I hope you find a "worthy" winner who will play the game. I've had people swear they were going to play a game I gave them (outside of SG), but no dice.
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I have no interest in playing Beautiful Desolation, but I do want to play God's Basement, so Thanks :)
I have not played Stasis or Cayne yet, but I am interested in both and they will be played eventually.
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That's actually weird, I could swear you were on my WL (and I don't mean the current temporary one). Fixed :)
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i've played stasis on gog, and it was quite special, liked to play something like sanitarium was in the past. also cayne was fun, nice from the developer to offer it for free. so anyway i will buy beautiful desolation sometime when it's slightly more discounted, but it'd be even better to win it earlier.
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Well, that was rude, but whatever suits you, I guess.
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Ok, let's clarify things:
So, what you're implying is if someone can't enter, "you're dishonest and an SG abuser."
I wasn't being rude, your comment about honesty just came across as rather "holier than thou".
I can't enter
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I don't know about you, but it will either tell me "Previously Won" or "Exists in Account". So either way, I shouldn't be able to enter it.
Unless you've had another experience of being able to enter for something you previously won? I'm happy to be corrected.
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S1, if we are to assume SGTools takes into consideration that the user owns all the games they won, how can it say for certain that they key wasn't used elsewhere? The only example I can think of the moment is, say, you buy a bundle, don't activate anything, and then win one of the games from that bundle here, activate the game using the key you got in the bundle, and fob the key off to someone else?
S2, In the rare occasion when this might happen, I'm wondering HOW this might happen? (see my post above.)
S3, whatever man, this is a judgment call, you can love it and leave it, just not something I would use as a rule myself personally when restricting entry into a giveaway. At the end of the day, just cos you have a VAC-ban doesn't suddenly mean you don't play games or are more or less honest than anyone else.
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Yeah, if you read my post, I mention the "Previously Won" restriction, which if that actually works, I shouldn't be able to enter for the same game a second time. I am curious to know though why someone would request a re-roll for a game they actually want, only to enter again in the future for that same game... (perhaps a change of heart?) I don't understand why that would be punished, I'm just trying to get clarification, but I suspect the OP isn't going to reply to me now, so I'm gonna stop what's become a thread hijack and shut up now.
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Nah, the whole getting upset was over the unnecessary comment "(meaning you're an honest gamer & SG user)". I don't think he considered the negative connotations of being called dishonest just because someone might have "broken" one of those rules... it seemed to me like an unintentional dig at more people than perhaps the intended audience. OP is free to say what they like, as are we all. The comment didn't apply to me in the strictest sense, but it does irk me when someone implies something inadvertently and then gets offended when someone asks them about it. I've already spent too much time on this, hah.
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Stasis was a blast for me, it's atmosphere reminded me Alien movies, it has amazing artwork (I'm in love with isometric oldschool art). It was an unforgivable journey, ending was something that I've thought of during next few days. After that I've started Cayne immediately, somehow I liked it less and didn't finished yet, but will do for sure. And Beautiful Desolation looks even more promising than Stasis, with smoother artwork, cool design and nice setting. It looks like a game, which I would play immediately.
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I watched a Let's Play of Stasis instead of actually playing it, because I am a horror wimp. That said, an old-fashioned isometric adventure game sounds like a fantastic thing to play, so thanks for making the thread and bringing it to our attention. :)
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There's a Fanatical coupon for 15% off Beautiful Desolation (which I refuse to write in all caps) that comes with a free key to STASIS (which I am willing to write in all caps) if you buy before March 4th.
I assume the coupon code is easy to come by? Otherwise, if somebody wants it, give me a shout.
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Thank you! I've only had a little bit of time to play the game so far, and it's pretty awesome, I hope you'll enjoy it :)
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To cut a long story short, Beautiful Desolation, a new isometric sci-fi point-and-click adventure by the Bischoff brothers (Stasis, Cayne) has just been released, and I'm giving away my backer key (the game is dirt cheap in Russian Steam store anyway). Let's do it this way: here is a totally unrelated GA for a random decent adventure game (basic rules). If you're able to enter (meaning you're an honest gamer & SG user), please do the following on the GA page:
I'll likely temporarily add you to my whitelist after the above so that you can enter the GA for Beautiful Desolation. If you're already on my WL, then you don't need to do anything, you're already awesome :)
The GA is not on yet, still waiting for the game to be added to the list.
Update: still waiting...
I'm off for today, hopefully by the time I'm back it will be possible to finally create that giveaway.Sorry guys, the game is still not on the list, I've sent a support ticket. You'll all have enough time to enter when the game is finally on the list.The giveaway is on at last.
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