If Arcadecraft doesn't get into the top 100 on Greenlight before May 16th we are deleting it from Greenlight and a traditional PC version is never going to be released. Firebase is only 2 people and we either get this through or move onto a new project. Unfortunately we cannot pin our hopes and company future on getting through Greenlight months from now so we would rather shelve it if there isn't the interest. Thank you to everyone who has voted for the game and it breaks our heart that we cannot deliver you a game we know you would buy and enjoy."

The previous quotation is from their Greenlight page ----> Arcadecraft

Really bad news I'm afraid :(
Therefore, please vote YES if you like the concept of this game, otherwise is gonna end up as an XBOX 360 exclusive, which is such a shame...

11 years ago*

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I've already voted Yes on this a long time ago. It would be a shame for this project to be shelved because of the way the Greenlight service works.

11 years ago

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they should have just swallowed their pride and offered a free steam key for all voters if they get greenlit.... that would have solved their issue right there

11 years ago

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What about Desura? qq

11 years ago

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so your not willing to "fight" for your game... sorry i cant throw my support in for that. If your game is worth a spot in steam PROVE IT and not throw in the towel and threaten to pull it like a child if you dont get it by xx date.

11 years ago

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It's not MY game...

11 years ago

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just throwing in my 2cents incase the person who is doing the game sees your post. would you really buy that game?

11 years ago

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Yes, I will definitely buy that game. Actually, I bought it already on 360.
Btw you're right about their attitude, it's so childish...

11 years ago

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I wasn't even aware of the game, but after reading the announcement they really helped me to vote no

11 years ago

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Not fair to judge a game just by that.
However, I can't say that I'm thrilled by their announcement either...

11 years ago

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wow, supporting people when they ask for a little help sure isn't your strong suit
why even bother to mention it in this conversation? there is only 1 reason: to start a fight.
your attitude is as bad if not worse...
btw, this is a joke.. or is it?

11 years ago

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I doubt this is a joke, and this is a fair point.
The devs go for a "all or nothing" attitude with their game. Being PC on Steam or else don't bother even putting up on PC. Which at the same time shows they entered their game on Greenlight while there apparently was no porting work done.

11 years ago

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Not interested in buying Arcadecraft on Steam, but always willing to kick a vote towards an XBLIG dev. However, being fairly new to Steam's Greenlight program, I assumed from the thread topic that Firebase/Arcadecraft were getting deleted by outside forces. Like ShadowIronblood, I feel that their threat of self-removal seems like the actions of spoilt children taking their toys and going home, because they didn't get what they wanted when they wanted. I'm sorry, but they'll get no support from me.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I voted no ages ago :x

11 years ago

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May I ask why?

11 years ago

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Didn't look like anything I would ever pay for or play

11 years ago

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Fair enough :)

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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So... the game's released on XBIG, but they're making a big deal about not wanting to "pin hopes on greenlight months from now"? Does it cost money to keep a game on greenlight? And as Peroxide said, what about Desura? This seems more like a forced drama move than anything.

11 years ago

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Except I'm not interested in it =/

11 years ago

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lol, what a terrible ''game''

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

11 years ago

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This bunch of devs I won't support. They are too pushy.

11 years ago

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Game doesn't even look that great and honestly not a fan of an attitude of threatening potential fans like that. Won't buy it no matter what platform it comes out on now.

I'm no fan of how Greenlight works myself, but that sort of attitude isn't going to get their game greenlit. What about putting it on Desura? Or getting their game into a bundle? Heck, the Build a Greenlight bundle from Groupees would have been great to get some exposure.

11 years ago

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Voted yes a long time ago as I like the concept behind the game. But yeah, if you stake your PC port entirely on Greenlight, I'd say you're doing it wrong.

11 years ago

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A new type of 'raising' votes. There are tons of other nice games on Greenlight. After there gone from Greenlight, I will ask Puff Daddy to sing the 'I'll be missing you' song and that is it.
And I have never heard of this game before, must be a popular game of course.
It's their 100 dollar and not mine, so if they burn their cash good luck, but don't expect me to upvote just because they won't be in the top 100 and pull out.

11 years ago

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This reminds me of that other game that has been on Live for a long time now. Except in that one it was just a room you placed classic arcade machines in. And actually play them. And this is a simulation game with NPCs playing fictional games. Simulation games of all sorts certainly have an audience, or else we wouldn't have the jewel many know as Toilet Tycoon. To me, this has that 'facebook game' feel to it. I wish them well in getting their product out to the people that would enjoy it, but I don't know that guilt posts are really the way to go.

"Arcadecraft has hit a grand total of 30,000 sales on Xbox Live! As a result of hitting such a big milestone we have put the game on sale for 80 Microsoft Points ($1). Please tell everyone you know!" -Posted on April 17, 2013

I really don't see the need for negativity from them, seems like the xbox version is doing alright.

11 years ago

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With an attitude like that, definitely down voting.

11 years ago

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thanks for bringing this to light. Downvoted

thanks <3

11 years ago

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You are welcome.
May I ask the reason for your downvote?
That also applies for all the rest who downvoted and didn't explain why.
I think that will add a lot to this discussion.

11 years ago

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About the game: It's a simulation, ok cool. But doesn't look like there some depth on it.

About their their tactic: If they want fast upvotes using that "uhh guys, No more PC ver cause greenlight sucks" then fuck them, fuck their game. Let it rot on Xbox. They could start releasing it first to other pc platforms before re-submitting it on greenlight. But No PC ver just because they failed in greenlight makes them not confident enough on their game, at the same time disappointing some of their fans and possibly future fans

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by TheMisterT.