I just looked on CS:S and it looks IMO pathetic. The first one was hmmm suitable for it's times, but CS:S? WTF? You actually shoot there without using datives?! You take headshots with shooting from hip? LOL.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kkEj4rI2t8 Do not want!
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Yes, I played Battlefield 1942, 2142, BC2 and 3, they were great. I also played like 1000 other games starting from middle 90s.
According to above video and your potential aversion to BF, I'm going to assume you are more like arcade player, that likes shooting without using datives, no sprint, low dispersion, low realism, just simple shooting. IMO.
Anyway I will probably buy the pack for materials for G Mod, as others say.
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It seems you don't fully grasp what a hipster is. A hipster is someone who goes against things that are popular simply because they're popular or because they want to be unique and no other reasons than those. They go against the norm to be cool or different, rather than for some actual cause or reason, so if other people told them to hate something then they would probably love it just because they were told not to.
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Exactly. Battlefield 3 (f.e.) is VERY popular and fantastic game. You can hate EA, Origin, but there's not much bad things you can say about game.
Hipsters started to hate all COD and BF3 players and call them causal noobs, etc. with no real reasons. Not true? I've met SO many times with offending all players, just because of couple kids.
Now, what we got here?
"I'm going to assume you are a Battlefield or COD player so I'm just going to let this one slide this one time."
"Oh, look, it's one of those stupid noobs who don't know what is the best game on the world which is CS. Never say bad about CS, because then you are mental."
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As someone who does not give a shit about any of these games, you sound like a moron.
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Seriously though, you are over-reacting. You trash talked a game a lot of people love, the other guy assumed you enjoy a different kind of shooter and you get incredibly defensive.
According to your definition it seems like you are the hipster.
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You trash talked a game a lot of people love
By saying the facts, that game isn't too real? That's "trash talk"? So it should be forbidden to criticize any game? They are just fanboys, who can't take any critics to their game. I am a hipster, because I have an opinion based on simple facts? I clearly said "it looks IMO pathetic". You are overreacting and "trash talking" people, because I have "wrong" opinion.
Look how they act and how can you write such things still? You guys called me moron, mental and said I should be banned. That's pure fanboyism and overreaction.
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That's not fanboyism; fanboyism implies that they're defending the game with arguments so thin and biased based that they defy all logic. These are valid arguments, though I won't say anything about quality.
Plus, I don't really think the realism argument flies with a game that was made for the purpose being purely a shooter experiment. Nothing more, nothing less. It's pretty much the same deal with CoD. Or, really, Battlefield. Sure, CS is less realistic than Battlefield, but it's a game, it's allowed to be, that was the original idea of an FPS, after all. Granted, this is simply opinion on your part, I've seen people try to use the realism argument several times, and really, if you want realism then just get a gun and go. Alternatively, you can make a game that has the purpose of being realistic. Battlefield and CS both exploit the fact that their games so they can achieve the purpose of being fun.
I can see why someone would want a game to be more realistic other, but they way presented your opinion by saying things like "You take headshots with shooting from hip? LOL." isn't really the type of person people would take seriously. Not only that, but the game wasn't made to be super realistic, It was made to have an arcade-like feel. Battlefield intentionally takes liberties to do the opposite. CS isn't Battlefield, so you shouldn't judge it as if it is.
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Battlefield is FAR from realistic. He probably seems to play good games, not sequels made to milk money out of a dying franchise. If you want a true military sim, go play Arma2.
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I don't want true military, Arma is too boring for fast multiplayer game. BF is a great connection of simulation and arcade game, so it has very high playability. Why are you even telling this? I just pointed that CS:S lacks SIMPLE things, which was even in total non-realistic games.
"not sequels made to milk money out of a dying franchise"
And CS:S is what? New maps, better graphics + physics? What with BF3: much better graphics and physics, 64 player battles, still high realism, new, great game engine (not only for gfx etc., but for destroying environment), large maps.
So, what's so new in CS:S? I would like to compare changes.
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Yes. I played Garry's Mod for 2485 hours, my friend played it for 4707 hours.
Don't forget to get HL2 + CSS for your GMOD.
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If you like to build stuff or messing things up, or dreaming to create a machinima, it is very worth it :D
If not, well there's many multiplayer gamemodes you can play besides of sandbox. Like Trouble in Terrorist Town, Zombie Escape, Deathrun etc.
Not to mention you also get access to Gmod 13 Beta.
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dont give a shit,after the sales are over the prices will be normal again
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What? Where the hell it was for 3,5$? On 75% sale it was for 7,50€ on Steam.
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Like everyone else said :
Buy in a bundle with CSS (this bundle is 75% off too).
Why? Garrys Mod uses materials(models/maps etc.) from other games built on Source engine (not all of them , but many are supported) .
And Garrys mod has a BIG modding scene . Many mods would require you to have CSS , so I would say it is a must have.
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You can get the textures and models from those games downloaded free as an add-on for GMod. This is perfectly legal and you cannot get banned for it because it does not actually give you the other games, it's just an add-on and is completely allowed. All of the add-on's really needed are available here with the exception of Half Life Deathmatch. http://cscheater.comeze.com/downloads.html
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Dammit...Thanks though, to bad g mod isn't 2.50 anymore...
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I regret buying it for the same price. It's not fun. None of the gamemodes ever seem to work out. Either the game won't load or the players are goofing off instead of actually playing the game. Maybe I just need some guidance for this to be fun, but I'm not sure.
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