Second one is for:
I suppose that those people are either far too young to understand how this website works or they just straight up wanna troll people. I heard of some that did provide keys for a won game, but every key was invalid, so maybe they thought they could fool someone into marking a game as received or something. To be honest I have no idea tho, because I can't comprehend how someone could not understand the basic and simple concept of this website. A bunch of people comment thanking them, do they think they thank them for giving them the chance to gift them the game? I have no idea. They never reply either, so we can't ask them why they did it.
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A bunch of people comment thanking them
I had always thought that they thank for the free points :v
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It's often thought that the newbies who don't understand the site think that creating the giveaway means they'll get the game. I think that's often the case too and I'm sure you're aware that it happens. That wouldn't explaing the thanking thing of course.
What could explain the thank yous and still tie in to someone really not getting the site would be that the newbie thinks by creating the giveaway someone will win it, but not necessarily them, the game is given by the website owners . They could still see it like a lottery or raffle, with those entering having the chance to win. The 3 giveaway slots? Well they're just the inital 3 chances that a new member gets to name a game that everyone has a chance of winning, and those thank yous are saying thank you for picking a good game. Double giveaways? Well it gives them twice the chance at winning it!
I don't know, just a theory.
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Yeah, that's what everyone rumors, although I just don't want to believe that people are really that retarded naive.
Most people are cautious when registering, thinking that this couldn't be possible 'cause noone would willingly give away games. But thinking they would just register, ask for a game and maybe get it? I'd rather want people to be trolls than being that stupid. I suppose they have to be kids that don't know any better.
Problem is that we won't know for sure. Often they don't react to users telling them how the website works. Last time I added someone to explain the website he/she just said "Yeah, that's what I planned to do" (giving the game away). A day later the giveaway got deleted.
If calling out wouldn't be a rule we could ask those people, but just the doubt that a giveaway could be fake is already enough to be suspended.
Another reason for some minor enhancements to the website, like a little tutorial or disclaimer before someone creates his/her fist giveaway.
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yeah, i think the same too, i mean... a site that give you free game... damn suspicious. So i don't think that those new user is actually "new"
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There's a little popup before you make your first giveaway that states that you need to give the winner a Steam redeemable gift or key.
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I probably forgot about it already. Was this always a feature?
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I accidentally posted my first giveaway twice. The site stopped loading after I clicked on "Confirm Giveaway" and I received no confirmation of having succesfully created a giveaway, so I clicked again. I sent a cancel request for the second giveaway as soon as I noticed it.
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Had that happen to me.
I clicked "create" once and it created the exact same giveaway twice. I deleted the second one right away, but there was no fault of mine I could see.
Maybe server/loading problems?
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I often saw GTA V Giveaways, before it was released on steam, and i saw MANY Giveaways from people with completly new accounts and they gave away the AAA Games everybody wants, but didn't have the money.
In my Opnion, there should be a new Rule for new Members, that they are only allowed to give away bundled games in the first 3 Giveaways and that you have to proof, that they got the Game as a Steam-Gift or a Key.
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There's were few new accounts that started their story with SG with some big game (bobo had a links, not sure if he still has). Yes, there's much more fakes than that, but IMO your idea is much more harmful to new users than winning fake giveaway.
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Well, and what about people who only have Steam Wallet? Or only can giveaway steam keys from boxed games, as they can't buy games on Internet at all?
Why someone who just spend $60 for CoD should spend additional $1 to prove he's not a faker? So you won't win a fake giveaway?
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Nah, I don't think it would work. I'm agreeing with PsyKo and Sinevora.
I think (this will be harsh) that meaybe SteamGifts could create something like cards in football for new users. Your first GA was fake - yelow card. Your second GA was legit? Ok, we now forget about that card and treat you like other creators. Your second GA was also a fake - second yellow card, you are out, try your luck on some other sites.
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I have to ask - does new users really belive that creating a GA will grant them a game? It sure looks like it but was there people on this forums that actually stated that they thought they will get a game that way?
As for question I think they are just impatient, no matter what their intentions are. I mean, If they think that creating GA grant them a game, why would they limit themselves just to two copies? If I would think that this site would give me a free GTA V everytime i create a GA with it I would make at least five of them :P
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the double giveaway i did that when I started. I ended up clicking the create giveaway twice. :(
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As you may have noticed some newcomers not reading the FAQ nor the rules, jump straight into GAs. Few are to assume (so they thank in their description to winner): I create a GA of a game I want, so people will race to give it to me, SG is a paradise. And fewer are to create double GAs of the same AAA game with no description. So why do you think the second GA is for?
By the way I respect newcomers, especially ones registered today with 0 wins/gives BUT say in their GA description that they understood how SG works (like humble gift, indiegala key etc.).
Edit: Hit submit choice votes also includes the pressed once, system submitted twice errors.
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