Christmas time is coming, which was always very important for me, I tend to forget all bad things that happened across the year, forgive everybody for his/her mistakes, as well as apologize for my own.

After analyzing ArchiBoT's results I now realized that blacklist is a mistake. People are excluding each other for silly reasons, and I don't want to fall into the same category. SteamGifts is about generosity, winning and giving, not about exclusion, drama and toxic community.

Therefore, I purged my blacklist entirely, and I'm not going to use that feature anymore. Also I'd like to apologize if I ever made you upset, angry, or in any other way made you sad. Hope you can forgive me too.

Merry Christmas

Giveaways for everyone

8 years ago*

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I'm feeling it. I'm not going to remove anyone from my blacklist

8 years ago

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Thanks, Archi! Merry Christmas!
I'm thinking about cleaning out my small BL, too.

8 years ago

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Merry Christmas bump!

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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Bump for early merry Christmas!

8 years ago

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As someone who dislikes both White and Black lists It's basically the same thing, white allows some users enter and blocks all the others and black is the opposite of that, i am happy for your decision.

Merry Chirstmas

8 years ago

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But I like my blacklist D:.

8 years ago

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Yet you removed me I see, thank you! :D (removed you from mine as a direct consequence.) Merry Christmas!

8 years ago

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You are a member of Golden and thus exempted :). Merry Christmas to you too :D.

8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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Blacklists are good for blocking people who are known scammers, regifters, etc. But yeah, in general it's just way overused for stupid and pointless reasons.

Merry Christmas and all that other fun holiday stuff.

8 years ago

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Merry Christmas!

8 years ago

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Bump, thank you for giveaways. Merry Christmas! <3

8 years ago

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thats the spirit ! share the love :P

well its a nice change from daily drama topics that are all over the place lately :) and i really wish more people would follow your lead and only keep blacklist for really really extreme cases and not as a way to settle personal differences ;X obviously i dont care about it all that much (havent actually ran into a single blacklisted giveaway) but i think it must be really putting off for newbies though and lets face it, everyone ♥ newbies <3

8 years ago

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Merry Christmas!! :D

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Merry Christmas! =}

8 years ago

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and happy new year!

8 years ago

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Merry Blacklistmas <3

8 years ago

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Thanks and BUMP!

8 years ago

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F@cking exactly!!! That's what I'm saying all the f@cking time! xD Steamgifts is about giving gifts to poor gamers, not giving gifts to the people you specifically want to win. :B No need for big-leveled giveaways for the people that already have money to buy games, blacklisting because someone doesn't like santa hats, or whitelist giveaways because you're creating a master race. I understand group giveaways and private giveaways (from puzzles, discussions, etc.), but I can't understand the other types of giveaways. I hardly even see giveaways for level 0 users. xD Let's hope that people will understand me someday and find out the true meaning of giving. Archi may just be the start. ;P Congratulations, Archi. And thank you for the chance. Merry early Christmas.

8 years ago

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I did the same around two months ago because:

a) I don't make many giveaways anymore anyway
b) whe I do, I make lvl3 GAs and most of the folks on it were level 0 leeches on top of being rude rule breaking idiots
c) The chances of someone from there winning were kinda small because of b) and, well, statistics

Though I don't think blacklists are bad. And it's also possible I will eventually start filling mine again. :3
But for now I am full of love, understanding and forgiveness.

8 years ago

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Merry christmas!

8 years ago

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Keeping the blacklist to zero before it was cool :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Thanks. Bump for you!

8 years ago

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Thanks for the giveaways and Merry Christmas <3

8 years ago

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What a beautiful expression, very genuine and heartfelt... forgiveness is a beautiful thing..... thanks for all the feeling you put into this... bravo!

8 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by JustArchi.