It's the best combat of the 3, worst story. Still a fantastic game.
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I loved it TBH. My friends told me not to play it, the internet told me not to play it. So I downloaded "special version" from that swedish website. Aaand I bought right away. I love ME3. Fck haters. Check it yourself.
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good to hear i was looking forward to it, now I'll get it .......thanks
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The story and events are amazing in most of the game. It's just the very ending, that completely falls flat on it's face. No logic, and outright wrong statements when doing certain choices. Completely ruined the entire francchise on the spot.
Combat wise it's nothing more than a bad port, ei. one button does all: Space. 90% of everytime i died was because of this one key doing to many Things, causing the game to do stupid Things i did not want it to. Like jump over a cover into the enemy fire instead of hiding behind it. Typical console dumbing Down, that has not been fixed for proper pc gamers.
If you liked the first to, play it and enjoy it up until the end. If not, no reason to.
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I felt the same way about Mass Effect 3 as I did Dragon Age 2 (though ME3's bad is way better than DA2's bad).
The action/combat is pretty cool and fun. The story and some of the characters felt... meh. Though they both sometimes had some cool or funny things to say, ME3's 'Sargent Muscles' was as annoying as DA2's 'Captain Breasts' in terms of character design.
Overall, at the current price (or sale price) its hard not to pick it up even if its not as good as the others. I spent a lot of time playing both, bad game or not, bad story or not... I still got sucked in quite a bit.
Oh and the Coop multiplayer was pretty fun when I played it with friends. I don't know if its even still alive at this point though.
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The combat is alright, but the story has some holes and the ending is horrible, I barely accepted it with the free Extended Cut DLC. Oh and they probably din't have enought time to put some real models into some areas, so they just used some pixelated cardboard cut-out-looking things. If you haven't already done it, play Mass Effect 1 and 2 before 3! In my opinion, Mass Effect 2 is the best game in the series so far, with good combat, story, ending and graphics.
Edit: Oh, I forgot to mention, half of the squad members are horribly annoying. The best squad members are the aliens. Remember that.
TLDR: The story has some holes, the combat is ok, the ending is really bad, you will have some fun for most of the game but the last few minutes will be horrible.
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Definitely. I've been playing through it these past couple of days and I've really enjoyed it. I prefer how some things worked in the other two, but there are some great new additions, and Multiplayer is very enjoyable (and still alive) despite all the hate it received (most of which was before the game was even out).
Also for those of you that don't know, the online pass is free now. Go to "buy an online pass" in-game (not in the marketplace) and it'll come up as free.
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IMO it's the weakest game in the trilogy, but it's still great. Besides the horribly written ending (because space magic) I found the lack of more dialogue choices very disappointing (for the most of the time you have only two possible answers, good and bad), as well as the lame side quests.
I liked multiplayer, it's not bad at all. But I wish they spent that development time on a singleplayer instead.
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If you are this far in, play it. You may be disapointed, but I think it's better to get some conclusions even if the main ones are a bit crap. The DLC they have released really gave some good fan-service to everyone, and made it feel much more like what Mass Effect was supposed to be.
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Contrary to most, I actually like the original ending of ME3, it wasn't the best, but it fit to what I was feeling throughout most of the series anyway, so I felt good about it.
The universe sucks you in and gives you the best blowjob that you've ever had, but then doesn't swallow, that's all, you can deal with it.
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I liked it, just putting the controversial ending fiasco aside, the rest of the game is solid and will be very similar to Mass Effect 2 in style. The story is fairly strong I thought if you can suspend disbelief when it comes to Shepherd's miracle working abilities.
As for the ending, since I played the game post ending-patch, my only complaint was having to play MP to get the "best" ending, stupid stupid stupid.
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Single-player has great combat, it's fun to play. Story wasn't as good as 1 & 2, but still good. Ending is controversial, but whatever your opinion on it, it shouldn't diminish the game or franchise. Multiplayer is fantastic, me and my buddies are still playing it to this day. 10/10 for multiplayer alone, but the single-player is good, too. Definite buy, in my opinion.
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Is Mass Effect 3 any good? I've been wanting to get it but heard mixed reviews.
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