I've been buying games pretty regularly over the past few years and have come across a lot of extras, obviously.

I've been thinking of giving them away at some point in the near future, but don't want to just create a ton of individual random giveaways, or do some en-masse key dump. I was hoping to find some way creative way to do it, whether it be through a simple game or puzzle or who knows what. Ideally, I want to put in a small amount of "work" (that is hopefully still kinda fun) so that the games go to people who would actually enjoy them... and don't just hoard shit.. like me. :P

I'm a programmer by trade so technical solutions aren't beyond what I can do. I just don't know WHAT to do.

If you were going to do a mass giveaway, how would you do it?

10 years ago*

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do a giveaway train

10 years ago

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what is this?

10 years ago

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there have been mass giveaways in the past, using a text-adventure-maze.

you would enter the maze at a random point and you could chose which way to walk. there were even different levels, portals and stuff you could pick up and store in your inventory.

it took like forever to map out the maze, but it was totally worth it =)

It wasn't about leaving the maze (there was no exit), but about finding the links to giveaways that could be on specific "spots" in the maze.

I'm pretty sure the site did log which user visited those giveaways spots and you had to post your user name in the giveaway you entered, so you could not share the GA links.

Edit: found the link

10 years ago

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Checking this out. Thanks!

Edit: I like this a lot, in theory. Making a game like that is pretty "easy". This one, at least to me, just doesn't seem that fun, though I only tried it for a few minutes.

10 years ago

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It was one of the most fun experiences I've had on this site. You'll want to get in touch with TGGM if you want to pursue this avenue.

Something requiring a little more effort would be a group puzzle ala jexel, zelghadis or myself. Keep in mind that this will take a ton of effort - I personally spent 200ish hours (and 48 giveaways) on it over 2 months.

Or for a easier time, you can do something like this.

10 years ago

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I'd give the games away one by one, or only a few at the time through a puzzle. I'd set the giveaways to end, let's say, in two days. When the two days would be over, I'd create another puzzle giveaway, and another, until I would be out of games to give. :)

10 years ago

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Make a google doc spreadsheet and post the link maybe.

10 years ago

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That's basically a key dump. Really want to avoid that.

10 years ago

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If i would be good at programming i would programm a flash game and for things like complete 10 lvls or beat the ...boss or find the hidden ....easteregg you would get link to a g iveaway or something like that, you know what i mean?

10 years ago

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what do you think about this?

10 years ago

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Game key scavenger hunt.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

10 years ago

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C'mon !! :D
This "solution" is cringe worthy and you know it! :P Imagine OP has like 50+ spare keys. The winner gonna trade those keys away anyway or even worse just gonna make some giveaways here. :D
OP wants to make sure the winner gonna play them etc etc. But I think, there is no real way to make sue about this part.

At the end of the day making some random giveaways here and there is still the best solution, imho.

10 years ago

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It's probably closer to 500+ at this point.

I've considered giving them all to one person as well, but it's hard to know they won't just get traded away. That'd defeat the purpose.

10 years ago

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What about a giveaway bracket? Say 50 people get to enter and losers advance to the next giveaway. Or you could make it trickier and make people choose their own path. They'd have to enter and lose to advance to the next giveaway. They win and they're out. They pick a path that leads to a game they already have and they're out (because they couldn't enter and lose that one). It would need a nice carrot at the end, though, to get people invested in the idea of wanting to lose and get to the game they really want.

I suppose if the branching paths had some kind of theme it might help people feel like they're making decisions. Or you could just have branching paths to help prevent people from getting eliminated because they encountered a game they already own.

10 years ago

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This is actually pretty damn cool!

10 years ago

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I was thinking some more, and if you really do have like 500+ keys, the carrot could just be a stack of the keys, for the Loser to do with as they please. Getting that far would be a Sisyphean task, so it would need a suitable reward.

10 years ago

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Not bad. Pretty neat. Brackets are a win (at least for me).
Let's see whether OP has some spare days to make all of these or not. :D

10 years ago

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I like the way it would self-atrophy and only the truly unlucky would advance. But I've always been a sucker for bastards, cripples and other broken things.

10 years ago

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I think there is no real solution to give away 500+ games ... (Assuming most of those are different games.)
Making those giveaways gonna take ages, lots of lots of work. :O :D
Even just giving away to random people (without the help of SG) would take forever. I don't know man ...

10 years ago

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Wow, I didnt realize you had that many. No matter what, it's going to take a ton of time to create the giveaways, come up with your idea and implement it, and distributing the games at the end.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

10 years ago

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I'm okay putting effort into an idea if it's a good one. For me, key dumps fall slightly below "Why even bother?"

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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I would dump them on my bed and roll around naked on them. And when I tired of that, I would allow people to approach me and withdraw a game from beneath my glistening exterior.

10 years ago

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I'm not sure I want The Ball anymore...

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Puzzles are fun. Sometimes people make a long string with bundle junk for each step, and something good hidden at the very end. One caveat - if you make a puzzle, the games will go to people who enjoy puzzles.

I know of no method to ensure each game only goes to someone who wants to play it. Hope you can find one! :)

10 years ago

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Yeah, that's true.

Keep the ideas coming. I might end up using a combination of my favorite methods or something like that.

10 years ago

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There is only one answer for massive GiveAway - GROUP PUZZLE! :>

10 years ago

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programm something with login and everybody can login there and get 1 game of their choice or not one game, but games of a certrain value like everybody can get games worth 20€ or 20$ so that you can get 4 for 5€ or 1 for 20€

10 years ago

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A riddle, and whoever guesses has to add you and tell you the answer, and if its correct you give him a game(?).

10 years ago

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xD I would just surprise people and gift them the game if I see it in their wishlist. Just so they can get up one morning, check Steam, and say "OH SHIT!"

10 years ago

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Make a website where at random time (e.g. 100 codes per week?) appears a random code (instead of some generated text filling spaces between code drops to avoid scripts/bots/NSA) and please F5 ninjas. It's just... autokeysdumptopic thingie.

10 years ago

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I don't like puzzles... Puzzles are great for people that like them, but for people who don't it's kind of like saying: "Here, jab at your eyeball with a fork for a few minutes". I suggest you give out any puzzle games with puzzles.

The win and you're out bracket idea isn't too bad. You could put the best game as the final prize, and that way winning and losing could be kind of fun. But, it would take a lot of work, you'd have to get people signed up, then find a way to randomly select winners from the list, then determine how many rounds it would be. But, if you did it so that the games get better each round, it could be kind of interesting.

A lot of the other ideas just seem like so much work, to either make the contest or to enter.

10 years ago

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The mechanisms of the bracket wouldn't be that hard. Invite the 50 people (or whatever) to a group. He creates a group giveaway, and kicks out the winner of each giveaway. Something as simple as this could generate a bracket (although multiples of 16 format the easiest this way). Lots of variations are possible, too.

Could do 128 first-round giveaways. Everyone in the group has to enter 1 and only one giveaway (although I suppose they could allow people to enter more than one if they'd rather try and win a game they want and leave than win something else and get kicked). That means 128 first-round winners gets kicked, so right away, half the people are gone from the group. Then 64, and so on.

Although, on second thought, FaeDine probably doesn't have 128 giveaway slots. They could always do it in smaller groups. Say 64 people for the group, with the possibility of doing it again with a new set of people afterwards. FaeDine could even keep a thread actively updated to keep people interested and hoping to join the next batch.

So many possibilities....

10 years ago

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Create a giveaway that people can enter once (here you'll need something to verify each use was unique)
There should be a list of all the game that are being given away, corssed off as they are given away
once the giveaway begins chose one person at random as set intervals of time
That person has a limited time to draw one key at random
If time expired the person is returned to the and another person is selected
You reveal the game name at this point, but not the key
The winner can chose to accept the game and exit the giveaway or return the game to the pool and redraw, you can redraw as long as you have time remaining


  • A bit of tension for the winners as they decide if they want a game or want to take a chance at something better
  • could make it into an interesting event let people see the persons chices


  • would take some time to set up/code
  • lag
  • people with bad internet connections
  • time (500 keys say you chose one person ever 2 minutes would take 1000 minites or roughly 16 hours)
10 years ago

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Not begging

I could help with this and it'd be fun. There was a group once called Greedy Gifters. Group size was limited. Giveaways were frequent, but the catch was, if you were entered in a giveaway when it ended, you got kicked from the group, and banned for a month. Only one giveaway at a time, and they were typically for just an hour or two. This made people really think about their giveaway entries and led to some games of chicken. Lots of good times in Group chat of people taunting and daring each other. You, me, and maybe a couple other people (I think Zelghadis would be a good choice, and maybe a mod) could crank through that list in a week or two.

edit: every other good idea I have read or thought up myself would require as much work, or some sort of web programming to implement.

10 years ago

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now THAT's a fun group!

10 years ago

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That's a really interesting concept. If nothing else, it'd make sure that people who enter for a game really want it. That's a big goal of mine. I like this a lot!!

10 years ago

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Exactly. Sometimes it would be a bundle game and would only get one entry cause that person knew they would win, other times it'd b a better game and people would play chicken, or enter at the last second, and you'd get 5+ people trying for it.

10 years ago

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I really think I might do something like this. It's my favourite option so far, I think. I might put a few of the games towards another idea as well, but this is really cool.

10 years ago

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Why don't you just trade the games for paypal and then donate the money to charity or something, and not give them to fat gamer kids who already have more than they will ever play?

10 years ago

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But I'm a fat gamer kid who already has more than I will ever play. They're my peeps.

10 years ago

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I'm one of them too ಡ_ಡ....come give me a hug big fella.(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ

10 years ago

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random keydrops throughout the forums would be kinda fun, without having the hassle of waiting and other stuff lol

10 years ago

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I would probably do random keydrops in chatrooms, maybe make a giveaway group for the less fortunate. Perhaps even a few private giveaways in random threads on the forum.

10 years ago

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....... ;)

10 years ago

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Seeing some great suggestions in this thread actually, so yeah i might steal some of the ideas later hehe

10 years ago

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If you are giving away 500+ games, you at least need to include two things: competition and gambling. Competition, because who doesn't love fighting for a prize. Gambling, because who doesn't live winning a prize, and then immediately risking it for a greater prize. Divide the games into prize brackets (by value, popularity, etc.), let only the lowest tier be won at first, but then give the option to take the games or proceed to the next round.

10 years ago

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You can make a bot who posts 1 key in the according game sub-forum in the steam community. For example whenever I start a game or before I buy it, I visit the steam forums dedicated to it to see if there are some technical problems or pals to play with in case of a multiplayer title. For a DLCs you might want to use the main game forum O.R.B.. For a game copy it's better to use the trade sub-forums of the game forum O.R.B. trading forum, unfortunately noone there, for other games they're populated, that way you will be sure the game will go to someone who's searching to trade something for it. Also make sure the key is in some cryptic form like with one ? char in it and an explanation what is the ? in a separate sentence in order to be immune for other bots who craws for key drops.

10 years ago

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Create 10-20 giveaways and add the winners to a private group. Then create private giveaways and whoever wins one is out(winner still gets the game). Do that until theres only one guy left and give him the grand prize.You could also create prizes for each place. 1 game for 20th place, 2 for 19th place etc and the winner gets all the remaining keys.

10 years ago

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Jatan11 had one awesome idea(or at least I liked it) where he droped the code for giveaways(that 5 leter/number thing) on some people giveaways and left clues for them and for the guys that found all of them made a special giveaway

10 years ago

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