Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

bismillahi rahmani rahim

I can not express how happy I am, it's only 6 days until Ramadan insha allah :), i would to remember all my brothers and sisters here to do the fasting and do the salah inshallah. We´re alhamdulillah muslims and it is necessary for us to do that (Sure do the Salah 5 Times Even without ramadan). I could write much more because of my joy, but i think ill keep it short for now. I also want to put any non-Muslim to the heart to visit Insha allah a moshee that is next to you :), just take a look of the islam and see the true faces. When i walk outside i see that my brothers do bad things, sisters do zina, but this is not a islam problem it is a bases human problem astagfirullah. The islam is religion of peace, when you see a muslim when he kill people without any reason or a reason that he self made from his side and dont looking and practice the sharia - they ´re simply kuffar (means they re in unbelief). We´re all not perfect and we will never be perfect but we´re should to try our best to do the right things and the right things are in the Al Qu'ran, we should learn and live inshallah according to the Qu'ran and the Sunnah of our prophet muhammad (sallahu alayhi wa salaam) amin

may allah subhanahu wa ta'ala guide us all right - amin

All people should live their own belief that is fact, i just want to remember maybe the brothers i have on this site that RAMADAN is comming :D If I made a mistake, correct me jazakallahu khairan :-) and if anybody have questions or just want to discuss a bit - add me ^^
Hope you understand me (I dont speak english well) until then,


Maybe you join the Group , have some Money and will put a give away up next two days

11 years ago*

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I'll keep my Kuffar status, thanks. Enjoy the month of gorging-starving-gorging and the animal sacrifice not much later.

11 years ago

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thanks for metro last light!

11 years ago

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Allah razı olsun, kardeşim. :) (May God be pleased, brother ^_^)

Happy Ramadan!

11 years ago

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Ramadan Mubarak :)
I can't wait for it

11 years ago

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Ramadan Mubarak

11 years ago

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As a Muslim myself, Summer Sale > Ramadan

sorry bro

11 years ago

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Here's a fine example of someone who got his priorities sorted :D

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Sorry? LOL, who cares what you will.

11 years ago

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"As a Muslim myself"


11 years ago

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Interesting , didn't know you are a Muslim

11 years ago

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Well just by birth, i guess

Im not a religious person at all (and frankly i feel that Islam is one of the most damaging and cancerous religions in todays society but i dont want to derail OPs topic with my personal opinion since he opened it with best intents) and i dont speak about it often since it doesnt mean anything to me

11 years ago

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Religion isn't dangerous per se. It is people interpreting it and masses of other people blindly following. The crusades, for example would (might) not have happened if people weren't mindless sheep.

Those radical mullahs with their shariah-preaching ways and their blatant disregard of women's rights are damaging in my opinion. But Islam itself is as peaceful/hateful as any other religion if you interpret it yourself.

meh, I hate religion as a topic. People will get butthurt about anything and reason and good behaviour goes right out the window.

Hopefully this didn't sound condescending or anything. Just wanted to share my point of view on religious beliefs.

11 years ago

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Marhaban Ya Ramadhan

11 years ago

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I don't understand what all this noise is about. Summer sale in 6 days or what? ._.

11 years ago

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The Ramadan.

11 years ago

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meaning no sale? :(

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I personally never new muslims enjoyed the ramadan, but good luck from Israel!

11 years ago

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As a non-muslim myself, with both Muslim and Israeli friends, thanks for this! I want both sides to get along and make peace. And a happy Ramadan to all the Muslims out there!

11 years ago

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I want peace too, most people don't understand that there are Israelis that do want peace!

11 years ago

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Neither people know Palestine would like to have peace, but both ther goverments are asshole's and no one dears to say something about it cuz of MURICA gaining money from it...

11 years ago

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I'm an Israeli who wants piece, A Left-wing.

Right-wings hate Left-wings, Left-wings try to explain themselves to right-wings, Right-wings call to exterminate all left-wings because they are not "real Jews" ( I'm an atheist) and all non-Jews, claim that all Arabs are out to kill all the Jews and their the reason the world hates Israel.

The only thing in common between a Left-winger like me and a right-winger like the majority of our government is that we all hate our government.

11 years ago

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Congrats guys! Here's a little private giveaway for all of you: clicky

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

11 years ago

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Haha nice, thanks :)

11 years ago

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thanks :D

11 years ago

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And you're not suspended for this why, exactly?

11 years ago

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Suspended for making a giveaway? What's wrong with you?

11 years ago

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.. For making a giveaway for a game called "iBomber Defense" on a thread made by OP to salute fellow muslims and wish them a happy Ramadan. Stop acting like you're doing nothing wrong you unbelievable ass.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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You seriously find that funny? Wtf is your problem?

11 years ago

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Wait a minute. You mean all the muslims are bombers? You have to be suspended for being a racist.

11 years ago

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what's wrong with him is sarcasm

11 years ago

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You call making a giveaway for a game called "iBomber Defense" on a thread directed at muslims sarcasm? You need some morals, decency, and a dictionary.

11 years ago

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I didn't draw that connection until you mentioned it. Seems to me like you're just being over-sensitive.

11 years ago

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Sure. Right. Because that kind of trolling has any place in this thread meant to be something positive from one muslim to other muslims.. Btw, I'm not muslim, I just despise such pathetic trolls and would be happy to see them disappear from the site.

11 years ago

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You don't have to be muslim to be overly sensitive... you may be right, however I sure didn't notice anything and there's nothing in the giveaway or in his other comments to draw that sort of conclusion. Sometimes it's best to just assume people are good.

11 years ago

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I drew to the conclusion right away. It's really not an appropriate giveaway to do on a thread like this whether he meant it or not.

Honestly, I'm more inclined to believe he knew what he was doing.

By his comment above "Wait a minute. You mean all the muslims are bombers? You have to be suspended for being a racist." you can see he isn't exactly feeling like he might've made a mistake but instead pushing it further.

11 years ago

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what mistake? can you explain it to me?

11 years ago

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It should be pretty evident that your giveaway may offend people. Not going to push further on this.

11 years ago

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How a steam game can offend people? Should we sue Gaben?

11 years ago

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yea... OK now I can see it. You're probably right, looks like a troll, my mistake.

11 years ago

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how's treating people equally is trolling?

11 years ago

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Thanks a lot for the wishes and good luck with that trial :-)

I'd be curious to visit a mosque someday but honestly I think I would not be let inside, in some places it's not safe to be an infidel

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

11 years ago

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what do you mean ?

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

11 years ago

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infadel means none christian. It a christian term. Kafir means people who worship false idols, some pagans, and atheists. It does not mean none muslim. It means people who worship false gods or none at all. Just go to the mosque, say you are interested in learning. Be nice and be happy. The only places none muslims are not allowed are holy shrines and mecca.

11 years ago

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Ramadhan Karim :)

11 years ago

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Praise the Gaben

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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One of the reasons why I stopped being a muslim.Well, happy Ramadan to you guys :)

11 years ago

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aynen :)

11 years ago

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and you're still alive? O.o

11 years ago

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Ramadan Mubarak.

11 years ago

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Ramadan Mubarak brother :)

11 years ago

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"All people should live their own belief that is fact"

Well said. Enjoy Ramadan, and don't forget to make a little time for the Steam sale too :)

11 years ago

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I'd rather bet on the 11th of July.

edit : wrong thread, obviously

11 years ago

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lakalaka shikaka laka laaa to you too!

11 years ago

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I don't get it

11 years ago

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guess thats the point

11 years ago

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Happy festivity to you Muslisms!

I'm really surprised that this thread was not turned into a religious flame

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

11 years ago

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tl;dr !

11 years ago

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There are some nice teachings in the Qu'ran but there are many contradictory things that teach hate towards nonmuslims. Here are some facts about islam:

11 years ago

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I think you should read the koran and you would proud for moslems

11 years ago

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For OP, Are you from Indonesian?

11 years ago

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Someone Muslim might you explain this.

Quran makes mention of atoms or ants according to some. It makes the claim that oh Allah and the book is so smart knowing the difference of even such a small thing as an atom and oooh be so impressed of this knowledge.

At that point I go "Hey, wait right there Allah boy and Quran, I actually know more than you oh great God and how is that even possible?"
"Allah, do you know if you take a quark an atom isn't at all that small and light, it is actually quite big and heavy!"

And thus the illusion of this amazing knowledge by Allah and Quran breaks down as you realize modern science has made someone as stupid as yourself know more awesome things than the Quran and a freaking god.

Then you ask how stupid is the god if you know more or disprove its claim to "such a small thing as an atom" isn't really that small compared to some other stuff?

Also it is kind of an old and worn out question still it is a very powerful and smart question to ask. Can god make a rock so heavy it can't lift it? If it can't then he isn't all powerful, if he can't lift it he also isn't all powerful. People usually go for the "this is a stupid question" answer and it is a stupid question and that is exactly the point. Once you realize such a stupid question kind of defeats the concept of god being all powerful that he can't be.

11 years ago

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The bible is even more amazing :)

Also what has the Thread to do with your wall of text? Geez people and their shitstorms

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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You seem so disappointed that God didn't mention another elementary particle (that wasn't even theorized until 13 centuries later) as a comparison to a bunch of people living in the desert during the 6-7th century who barely understood what an atom was...

11 years ago

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Well the actual question I would ask is "If Quran is trying form a point about mentioning the smallest thing possible to make people impressed with the ability of Allah to see it's size and weight why use such a large and heavy particle?"

Would it be impressive if I said "Oh behold, I can observe a hair follicle with my naked eye" No! It's not that impressive proof of my abilities. In god abilities it would be something like "Oh I can observe a building!" if you compare the size/weight correlation between a quark and atom. It kind of comes of as comedy and as you realize it is not something that is meant to be funny but thanks to modern science the verse(s) have become quite funny.

Quran does not have to go for 6-7th century people. Quran has to go for 21st century people also. I do believe they didn't actually use the word atom per say though. As always people have gone in and said "Oh, well you see 13 centuries ago they didn't have the word atom but Allah and Quran meant to say atom with this word as otherwise this text would be wrong". I am pretty sure whatever word or calligraph that verse has will include the word "quark" soon enough so you can come back and comment "See Quran knew about quarks 1400 years ago!" :D

The point I am making is man is updating the text, not the text per say but the meaning of word. Just like gay meant happy, jolly years ago it now means something else as you know. If you read the sentence "I am gay" 100 years ago you would know someone is happy. If you read it fast forward 100 years to today you would think that guy is homosexual. See how the world works? It happens in enough time that we don't even notice it how the words have added meanings added to them as these texts do become older.

At this point of time all the Qurans that translate it as a atom need to update their texts. Also someone has to edit the word with additional meanings or the original text also becomes wrong.

Also Ramadan Kareem to you guys, this isn't meant as an offense or I hate you message. It's a healthy discussion in my opinion. The point why religious topics get closed is people take it personally and start attacking each other and it all goes downhill as religion usually is a large part of someones personality the line becomes blurred. I am just trying to see how you (Yes You! Whoever might be reading) respond to my thoughts I am having.

11 years ago

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I'm pretty sure the word 'atom' has just stuck to one definition over the 13 centuries; if not, I would be more than happy to read up other interpretations from Muslim scholars. Plus, the Qur'an is very explicit in what it means by atom, and it says 'atom' specifically, not anything else so your third paragraph is false (it literally took me a 10 second google search to find the verses). Also, you still don't seem to understand the point I made; during their time, the atom was considered to be the smallest of the smallest, so why would God mention an entirely new particle which people haven't heard of to give them an idea of his power?

Oh and thanks for your tolerance but a discussion that can very likely lead to unnecessary arguments and name-calling isn't really necessary in a thread that just wants people to be jolly :)

11 years ago

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Ok I will try to stop then. I am not trying to force anything on anyone, well maybe arguments may come off like it but one thing I have learned that people including myself have so much inner dialogue that we quite well believe our own views and with to our knowledge good reasons.

Yes atom was considered the smallest and a good way to show his knowledge eg power to explain with stuff they understand agreed.

My point was it does not hold up today. As we have many times smaller particles. You can basically go "Atom isn't that small actually" and that messes up the verses meaning.

It is interesting that you found atom as the specific meaning to the old texts, I would of guessed otherwise. It was more about how words remain but meanings change that I wanted to bring out. I am actually glad you think it's "locked down with the meaning of atom" so to speak as if we find even lesser particles the meaning of atom as a small particle becomes even less relevant. Yes relevant at it's time and might of served its duty to impress and spread Islam but in todays words does the always true Quran really afford to use old references that "modern times" can simply say well atom isn't that small or light.

I won't reply anymore. I think I got my answers and replies. :) Have a merry holiday! :D

11 years ago

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I understand what you're trying to say and I guess it'll be up to the person learning about Islam who decides whether the comparison is convincing enough, but I'm sure that the reasoning behind it would be known to him. Anyways, have a great day!

Edit: Actually, 'atom' back then was philosophically deduced; if you take a block and kept cutting it in half, you'd eventually arrive at the smallest thing possible, and that's what they called the 'atom' ( átomos (Greek: ἄτομος), which means "uncuttable" or "the smallest indivisible particle of matter"). So yes, during their time 'atom' wasn't comprised of a proton, neutron and electron in their eyes, but the smallest thing that exists. If you had discovered the quark during their time, you would have called it the 'atom', not a 'quark' :p. So I guess if we go by that, the quark can be considered as the 'atom' mentioned the Qur'an. Correct me if I'm wrong anybody.

11 years ago

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Yes it was a Greek philosophy, and it seems pretty advanced, I mean how on earth would Greeks know about atoms? The answer is: there were philosophies for EVERYTHING. You throw enough darts at the board and eventually one of them's going to hit the target. Atomism is incredibly vague, just as you said it predicted a "smallest indivisible particle of matter". That combination (large numbers of vague prophecies/ideas) virtually guarantees that at least one of them will be somewhat right. So yes: the Greeks were brilliant, no: they did not know atomic theory

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by ElClassico.