Is this avatar offensive?
Welp, the answer you are looking for is "SJWs".
Since it's 2017, everything is offensive, sexist and racist.
Even a grandma with a pistol.
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Because you started it... By putting words in my mouth.
EDIT: Just to be clear, I was NOT suggesting that Muslims support jihad, which you came up. Instead I was suggesting that some SJWs support Muslims supporting jihad. Which is pretty much true by following the social media...
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Certainly, not even a majority, but statistics show the scale of the problem. There are troubling numbers showing people supporting the establishment of Shariah in the West, wanting to eradicate homosexuality or even enforce the punishment for apostasy. It varies case by case, but the scale of the groups are not insignificant. Even polls in the UK show that the values derived from the religion often supersede the liberal values of Western society. UK poll
Even if it was just 0.1% with the support of 10%, those are still millions of people with the backing of states, i.e. cause for concern. And their ideology is beyond question because criticism of Islam or Islamism is somehow "racist"...
A quick video on the subject -> No idea how reliable the guy is, but the surveys exist.
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Okay, let's not drift too far before it become messy.
What I wanted to point out was that SJW are not the root of all f¤cking evil like some people like to say.
No, SJW don't support jihad, but profile with jihad pic aren't removed from steam -> SJW don't control Valve and Steam. People should stop blaming SJW for everything displeasing them., duuh.
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I didn't really say anything of the sort.
But, what I do find problematic about what they do do, is in the name of political correctness take things that should be discussed, off the table and demonize people like Ayaan Hirsi Ali who are, in contrast to themselves. working to change things for the better.
Note: I am using the original meaning of SJW, of false self-important pseudo-activists, who desire a leftist autocracy.
Realist and honest progressive activists are generally not SJWs.
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Not that long ago it was that West enforcing particularly Sodomy laws in many places, e.g. on the African continent, telling everyone that it is what God wants. Not that long ago e.g. Sir Douglas Haig was celebrated for sending 2 million boys to their death because... victory. And many of that West even say that all the victims of the strikes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were a (sad) necessity.
So not really issues that would have been recently totally foreign to that West, and depictions of these issues as if Europe had liberal values already since the Roman empire whereas everyone else as if in need of some more invasions to enlarge plantation holdings of a few who are not shy to sacrifice many a life for their profit, to me such doesn't seem as an academical criticism neither. Respectivly, if one is critical of Islam for this and that, how come the same persons are not critical of Christianity too because inquisition and plenty of stuff? E.g. Adolf Hitler, from dominantly Roman Catholic Austria, claimed repeatedly that he sees himself a tool of divine providence... and is that a reason to blame all of Christianity for Adolf Hitler?
That said, not that there wouldn't be anything to be critical about. E.g. in the U.S. apparently in every state corporal punishment at home is legally permitted and in about half of the states corporal punishment at schools is legally permitted - and all that apparently because of wild interpretation of a verse in the Bible which doesn't really say that it is ok for a father to beat child but many do claim that it says that (which it doesn't say tho). Or e.g. in Saudi Arabia the king claims mono-authority on worldly and religious affairs with "citizen" not even having a parliament of theirs to be represented in, all while e.g. Ibn Saud did care little for established rules of Islamic denomination when he had more than a dozen wives he as alleged religious authority apparently claimed to be ok in his case tho - and who then apparently was plenty of inspiration to e.g. Saddam under who there were schools for "priests" serving him or for ISIL which apparently thought they could repeat what Saudis did even tho in this case they had not that support Saudis had from the U.S. in financing plenty through Aramaco.
But these issues are about different things than argumentation of some who make it sound as if because Tarkin ordered in Star Wars Episode IV even a whole planet to be destroyed, as if every perpetrator were innocent with Star Wars to be blamed for every crime that happens, and additionally them even going as far as calling some sadist a typical Christian/Muslim and by that making it look as if that sadism were what God wants instead of them abiding by established academical standards in which it wasn't emphasized that a drug cartel is "Christian" - where some of the members perhaps wear a cross and consider their doing justified by some interpretation of theirs of some verses, but their doing in context of that cartel has not anything religious about it, does it?
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Honestly, that's just pointless apologist rhetoric.
Firstly, no one is defending nor excusing Christianity or the past actions of anyone. Meaningless relativism doesn't justify the amoral behaviour of another group, even more when by your statement the ideas that motivate those actions are outdated.
Secondly, if Hitler's acts were demonstrably due to following dogmatic teachings, the ideas of that religion would be to blame and completely worthy of criticism.
Thirdly, criticism of Islam and Islamism is not the same as blaming all the people who follow the ideology, i.e. fundamentalist Muslims.
Please stop changing the subject with senseless strawmans. After the reformation Christianity is not the same as what it was, all I hope is that the same happens with Islam, so people stop being repressed or murdered in its name.
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You said "Islam" in your previous post, which you then edited to add "Islamism".
I am not one of those being quite relativistic by blaming Islam for plenty while not blaming Christianity for e.g. hundred thousands of Serbian civilians killed by Ustaše who considered Serbians to be Croatians who converted to a different denomination, after a high ranking representative of the Roman Catholic church praised Hitler for invading Jugoslavia by the way. If you are saying that it is apologist rhetoric to point out that many are still portraying Ustaše as if some heroes yet not so white get portrayed as if their entire culture and religion is clearly to blame for same or similar, then that is what you are saying I suppose.
As for "secondly", as a matter of fact, e.g. in 13th century (Baltic-language speaking) Prussia was unjustly conquered by the Roman Catholic Teutonic order in the name of Christianizing alleged heathens, and that with Papal approval. That went down in a manner of that who refused to become baptized was killed, subjugated or exiled. Myself I couldn't really find in the New Testament anything that would consider that as justified, however Luke 19:27 taken out of context would imply that it was what Jesus wanted. But in terms of what the "Holy church" taught, that was apparently quite that and later on didn't even give much opportunity for alleged heathens e.g. in so-called Latin America to avoid centuries of labor camps by merely converting. I do not consider it a proper argument to blame "Christianity" for what happened to part of my ancestors tho, and that because "Christianity" is an abstract word, nor do I consider it proper to make it look as if a perpetrator could hide behind some scripture even if it would be saying exact instructions for conquest and genocide.
As for reformation, that was more of a worldly thing than a church thing. Btw, even after that reformation there were e.g. in Poland Roman Catholics who killed ten-thousands of Orthodox persons, or in 20th century named e.g. Ustaše, or in 21st century cases such as a homosexual person being beaten up by some guys who apparently think that they are serving God by that and "Christian Russians" apparently have not much an issue with supporting a guy in Syria who is allegedly responsible for hundred thousands of civilians killed.
And one of the issues is that e.g. U.S. is happily supporting a non-secular king such as the Saudi one, sending him weapons and entrenching his position of power however technically totalitarian it is, that arguably stands more in way of reformation than as if it were an issue about what imans say who e.g. in Saudi Arabia are not allowed to be if they are not in line of what that king says. And it stands especially in the way when many are inspired as if it would be a legit thing to be like: "oh, if I become a totalitarian king to repress as I want, as long as I have something U.S. is interested in then they are going to be best buddies ever and let my family purchase from public funds not little stakes in their companies".
In other words, to blame Islam or imans for allegedly not being progressive enough while many of them are quite some puppets of that good buddy of the west which has no issue whatsoever with that there is no parliament in Saudi Arabia while they are bombing other countries in the name of establishing democracy, that seems quite hypocritical, doesn't it?
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I didn't.
You clearly don't understand the discussion and continue to insist on going on senseless tangents.
If you want to correct any injustices caused by Christianity today, I'm with you. Saying that Islam is problematic doesn't mean other religions are not troublesome, any more than saying Strawberry ice cream is sweet doesn't mean other ice creams aren't as sweet.
Simply put: ideas are not beyond criticism, especially when they are immoral.
Your feeling that criticism of ideas is persecution of people is as unimportant as is your ignorance of the past 2000 years of the Middle east, which again has little to do with the discussion. That being about texts and ideas needing to be reconsidered (either the books re-written or the attitude with which they are read rethought) given that when they are followed fundamentally, they go against every western liberal value. It's not about blaming people like you insist on doing. How much worse the US made things in the region is irrelevant to the issue of the immoralities and violence that the Quran commands.
Best of luck.
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The ever so good friend of U.S., the Saudi king, says e.g.: "women are not allowed to drive cars", and that is an issue itself regardless of whether some scripture really says that - with him having responsibility for applying that from his position of power. And even assuming that scripture does say exactly that and that the Saudi king feels compelled to act accordingly (and isn't just making stuff up from his gut while financing interpretation of his view as islamic anyhow in specifically wahabistic schools), then again, it is him doing that, similar to how no one can really blame e.g. Star Wars for having depicted destruction of Alderaan as if to blame for use of nuclear weapon.
And I didn't say that ideas are beyond criticism. But if one takes an approach of blaming an entire religion for what a fraction of persons are doing, what about e.g. one third of women in the U.S. having experienced domestic violence in their life time? Are you critical of society's values about that, with there e.g. not having been a female U.S. president yet, or are you as a matter of fact rather blaming the actual perpetrators?
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You bring this up in a thread about being valve being stupid and it's fine.
I talk about local events relevant to me, but when "politics" are in an off topic thread about politics they're not okay but here, unrelated they are. smdh.
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I brought this up because the last offensive profile I saw was full of that crap, and I'm ready to show an example if needed because I remember the name.
I'm sorry about your threads Jennifer, truly. I participated a bit in them. Did they closed ? I guess mods wanted to stop the shitstorm, because there sure was a lot of d¤ckheads in it.
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Holds the gun too close, doesn't hold it straight, bad trigger discipline, unfocused gaze. Yeah, I'm offended.
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Yeah OK, but what species of mudskipper is that? Such magnificent fins.
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I can understand fishes with legs, but have you seen their EYES?
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"OK, will you learn to walk if there's plants up there?" "Maybe", said some bugs. And fish.
5 million years later
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And they were right, legs are a mistake. So clumsy and inefficient. Billions of years of work and evolution couldn't even come up with wheels. I'm starting to think it's not the best process for designing life.
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Just put the wheel and the axle together, then dissolve material around the axle so you have a freestanding wheel. Make sure the wheel is made out of organic but non-living material like keratin. There, that's not so hard. Evolution's lack of ability to plan for anything strikes again.
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Only mad scientists, I think. Manufacturing a wheel is a lot more efficient than genetically engineering something to grow wheels.
Of course mad scientists need love too.
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what can i say media and global warming effecting every one
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But the media invented global warming, so that's sort of redundant.
Yes I'm being sarcastic, and the fact that some people would not be makes me sad.
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Well you don't seem to know that this is Gabe's Newell grandmother he posted this on his personal facebook account to have a laugh with his friends and family around the time Counter-Strike Go was released. Someone leaked it and it became a trending pic around.
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I've seen far worse on Steam and SG, for example avatars with the images of serial pedophiles\murderers and filthy nazis, fascist and white supremacy symbols and the like.
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Which one can shoot in many a video game tho, whereas the old woman probably just means to protect her cup, which may be one of the few things she has left in life:
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You are fined one credit for a violation of the verbal morality statute.
Also this makes your avatar offensive because it's associated with someone who swears.
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So, actual Hitler (no, not Eduard Elizabeth Hitler either), Stalin, Bin-Laden or other infamous real-life people are OK, but a silly gangsta granny isn't.
Valve logic strikes again.
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Nah, that one was a sweet lookin' old lady; this one isn't... This one has a resting bitch face which reminds me of those Spanish soap operas xD She probably just found out she is her own mother and that she left herself on a doorstep of a ticket booth at a metro station, thus forcing her to sell tokens and tickets for the rest of her life.
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Took a normal photo and made it utterly terrifying, gg xD
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guessing thats a copyrighted "stock photo" only to be used if the license-fee is paid ... in this day and age - its simple enough
to find intellectual property as static unedited pics and asking for the fee / threatening a fine, or in case of steam, for it to be removed
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This account has been banned from changing its avatar until:
9 Sep, 2017 @ 3:22pm
In most cases, this can occur when your previous avatar was removed for being inappropriate. Please see the Community Rules and Guidelines for more information.
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If only Valve was that diligent with terrorism, death threats etc.
But of courrse they aren't... innocent grandma's are way more important to actually remove.
Remind me that I got my black bars over everything VN picture removed and I could just present a whole bucketload of fully uncensored ones that were juuuuuuust fine. Stupid Valve morons.
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"Ready to meet your maker?"
"Ready to meet your cookie maker?" :)
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its because someone reported you, steam dosent give a fuck about what avatar one uses, unless you have a group of people who were very adament, about yours in particular, so looks like you made yourself a group of enemies :P
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28 Comments - Last post 3 minutes ago by Ornoval
111 Comments - Last post 51 minutes ago by Bohemius
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73 Comments - Last post 40 minutes ago by Fluffster
327 Comments - Last post 48 minutes ago by DrR0Ck
I just found this avatar and I found this funny so I made it my avatar, and surprisingly it got removed. Now can't change my avatar until Sept. 9 2017.
I have seen worst avatar than this like actual nude photos and some gore stuffs.
Here is the avatar in question
Also if you found it offensive or anything please tell me ill take the thread down if it is really offensive
and getting that avatar removed is very instant i just uploaded and played for an hour then i got notification that it got removed
and for wasting your time, please take this
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