Well its giving out games either way, so more kudos to the game giver outer.
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Well obviously there's still a demand for them if they're still getting entries. A large part of the giveaways come from different people anyhow so I don't see how making 1-2 giveaways of each makes someone a "spammer".
Besides, they're bundle games so people don't get much contributor value. How do you know that they just don't have any better way of giving things away so they're doing it here?
The main purpose of the site is to give things away. Maybe people do it in a way less than satisfactory according to your personal standards, oh well.
The bitching about Dota 2/The Ship has gotten extremely old and people making every little thing about contributor points gets really annoying...
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One person has given away 42 copies of Dota 2. He is now a 'top contributor.'
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why are all people so full of hate because of these giveaways?
there are people out there who want these games and even 1000 copies is not enough, that everybody get a copy.
Its about giving and its not worse only because there are many copys out, or because they got these games for free.
would it be better if anybody would leave his free copys in his inventory?
Is it not the idea behind this side that you can give away games you dont need for yourself? So the Ship and Dota giveaways are a perfect example that this concept works!
pls try to understand this, its very important. Its a part of "the spirit" from SG.
cheers and have a nice day
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Of course, giving for the sake of giving is far more commendable, but people who give because of contributor points are people who probably wouldn't have given stuff away in the first place. The fact that there is something that motivates them to give is something, I guess.
Spamming abused stuff is a different story.
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The fact that people need incentive in the first place kind of disappoints me, but I guess it's to be expected. A good bundle of the giveaways on here are but a shadow of generosity, but as evidenced by some users, it's all about the ends and getting free games, rather than making others happy. I must be expecting too much or something =/
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Oh, come on! People are selfish by nature. Even when we do good for others, we only do that because it makes our precious selves feel better. So in the end, does matter, what exactly makes the person feel better - the pure generosity or the virtual money points? It's all selfishness anyway =P
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People who give away to make themselves feel better are altruistic. It's silly and counterproductive to claim that altruistic people are selfish and I imagine this claim is made mainly by people who don't like giving to others and try to feel better about themselves.
(Yep, just checked, Moonbreathe has been on this site for over a year and hasn't given a thing. Surprise surprise.)
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The site worked quite well before contributor giveaways, so I'd say that there are enough people giving away games out of generosity. Contribution value just provides an added incentive, and pushes people towards giving away more. In this respect I think it's a good thing.
What I don't like about contributor giveaways is that they make contribution value an issue. There are lots of threads with complaints about "abuses" and contributor values which would not have been an issue if the contribution value didn't matter.
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I think when I have a bit more money it will be out of generosity. I almost bought Deus Ex:GOTY today just to give it away because of all this talk about it recently. But I don't have even that little amount of money to be throwing around on things that are not food/bills/kids at the moment.
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Well I think people mostly just give games....to get more games?
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This is my guesstimate:
For starters I don't think anyone on this site gives out of pure generosity (otherwise they wouldn't be here).
Maybe 15% (high end) of people on Steamgifts give things away out of generosity + contributor.
Perhaps another 20% give to build their contributor.
The remaining 65% leech or give away free games.
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"For starters I don't think anyone on this site gives out of pure generosity (otherwise they wouldn't be here)."
I disagree but agree.
Some people giveaway stay but never enter anything. ( CG first one to come to mind )
But I guess you can say them wanting to feel good about giving is a selfish act. :p
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I'm going to be very careful, because I don't want to fall into a hole here :P
You can't say you agree but disagree! If people gave things out of "pure generosity" they would give all their games away in anonymous raffles through the forum or somewhere else lol.
People who make giveaways but don't enter anything are extremely rare. There's always another agenda I'm sure (the exception being CG). Most want attention for their group or attention for their YouTube channel etc.
I'm not denying that there are a lot of generous people here, but I am saying that generosity is not the only driving factor behind giveaways ;)
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The most generous people don't seem to ever have a reason(not talking about the dev giveaways) for giving. They kinda just do it to do it.
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Well it never looks like they are trying to do anything shady? :p
Unless they are just secretly trying to attention whore. lol
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I'm not saying their reasons have anything to do with being shady. Their reasons are their own business and probably perfectly reasonable. At the end of the day I get the chance to win a free game, so I'm grateful for that and don't usually need to consider the gifter's motives :)
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I do it more to giveaway. The reason I'm starting with bundles (With the exclusion of Payday and metro 2033) Is that I'm not rich. But with time, I hope to giveaway better games. :3
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I have games that I already have.
Friends have them.
Why not give them away?
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Giving away games just for the contributor points is silly considering how low your chances are to win something even with high contributor value. The best way to increase your chances is to be in a private giveaway group, and the good ones tend to screen people who exploit games solely for contributor value.
So yeah, people who care more about their contributor value than about generosity are pretty stupid.
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Contributor points? They make those now-a-days? I give away what I come across and do not want or already own simply because I don't want them and somebody else probably does. If giving these games means I can enter special giveaways, cool, whatever, I don't believe I've actually every won a contributor giveaway, nor do I care if I do or not, my backlog is large enough as it is.
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What do you guys think about giving away games for the sake of contributor points in comparison to giving away purely for generosity? I'm just curious about what the general consensus is on this site.
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