This guy here
scammed 2 games: Gaz guzzlers + dlc's, and Inside my radio. Told me to go first showed me his profile with a lot of positive comments and then blocked me.

9 years ago*

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maybe u should've checked his steam gifts/rep profile not steam profile,those comments mean nothing

9 years ago

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Agreed. You can remove comments on your steam profile, so don't expect honest feedback there.

9 years ago

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And comments can be farmed too. Seen some guy do a giveaway I think where he gave away the link to a private giveaway to people who commented something like "good trader" on his profile... Not sure if it was here, but it was along those lines...

Edit: Seeing Sundance85's comment below which links to a thread where someone mentions exactly what I just said, I'm fairly sure it went exactly as I said. "Give me positive rep on my profile and I'll give you a link to private giveaway."

9 years ago*

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and those are more valid why?

StreamRep shows nothing unless they've been banned or reported and SteamGifts rep could be faked just as easily.

9 years ago

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The reason being you can delete, without any moderation process, negative feedback on your profile, while -rep on SteamGifts is harder to get removed and requires proof that it was left maliciously or by someone who does not understand -rep (i.e. left -rep because did not accept a trade offer). While +rep can be faked also, and it's hard to guarantee it's legit, it's much more reliable because -rep is indelible (unless you deal with it through a support ticket or the person leaving the feedback).

9 years ago

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Seems like a personal opinion more than anything legitimate.

I had a hateful -rep on ST for almost a year before support bothered to do anything about it. As you said, you could just as easily fake +rep on ST as well. Maybe it's just because I haven't traded for a while, but that +160 on my profile means about as little to me as all the comments on my profile.

There is no real way to know whether or not someone is going to try to scam you. Judge the situation, trust your gut and go from there. I've turned down some people who likely were legit simply because I had a bad vibe, but I've always never been scammed.

8 years ago

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Uh, it's not just a personal opinion; if anything, it's a collective opinion (profile rep is almost universally regarded as worthless, while ST rep is seen as a bit better, even if the system is still flawed). The difference isn't that +/-rep on ST can't be faked. It totally can. But the thing is that legitimate negative feedback is hard to remove, while on your Steam profile you can get rid of it in a single (or is it two now?) clicks. That said, -rep on ST (especially a lot of -rep) is a good metric for refusing to trade with someone. A bit of minus rep can be outweighed, but if the thread creator had checked ST rep this whole issue would have been avoided.

8 years ago

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Thanks for once again voicing your opinion why ignoring everything else I posted!

There is no point in continuing this as it's clearly not a discussion.

8 years ago

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What did I not respond to? I did address your fake -rep (and the fact that +rep on ST can be faked also). If anything, your arguments have completely ignored the fact that the question is whether ST is better as a metric than Steam profiles, not whether it's a perfect metric. The fact remains that fraud will exist, but it's much more easily facilitated on Steam profiles. Though, you are right that it's not a discussion because you dismissed my entire point as a "personal opinion" rather than substantiating any claims against my argument ST +rep can be faked, but -rep is harder to remove and that proves the reliability of ST rep compared to profile rep for assessing whether someone is a scammer, because they cannot remove the -rep to mislead people while they can on their profile. It's as simple as that. Furthermore, the alternative of "trust[ing] your gut" is even reliable than either rep method (while, of course, watching for marks of a scammer is helpful, though you go into none of those) but it's okay, if you're just going to DISMISS ARGUMENTS WITHOUT RESPONDING then it's clear that this debate is clearly dead.

8 years ago

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Read the Guidelines & FAQ You cant put his profile (well, you could, but you are going to get a suspension)

9 years ago

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Do not. Call. Out.

9 years ago

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I am quite amazed that you actualy traded with this guy 2 VAC bans on steam profile and 29 negative reps on steamtrades...


Even more amazed that this dude still didn't get banned here?

btw: Calling out is not allowed , remove his profile link so you don't get suspended here.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I understand about negative rep, but what does VAC ban have to do with it? xD I've heard of people that got VAC banned because of silly programs that weren't actually meant for cheating. :P

9 years ago

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Yes, once. But 2 VAC bans are alarming as it indicates that maybe the person did indeed try to cheat in an online game. Which always makes me chuckle, but that's not relevant.

9 years ago

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But this doesn't mean that a VAC banned user will also scam someone. xD

9 years ago

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One VAC ban might be a mistake, but two? -_-
Also, it's usually a safe assumption that someone who will cheat in a VAC game will try to "cheat" in other things as well. It's not a sure thing, but a good indicator and should always raise a red flag.

9 years ago

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But this doesn't mean that a VAC banned user will also scam someone for sure. It can only work as a warning. :P

9 years ago

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It's not the direct correlation. It is more like if the person cheats others in a game, that indicates a character that is more likely to cheat others in other parts of life, including trading.

9 years ago

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It's not a sure thing, but a good indicator

I could swear I said that.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

9 years ago

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Not our problem. Hopefully you learned something.

Hello good Sir or Madam! I, too, hate scamemers! Keep your head up and always do your research before trading!

Damn those scamemers!

9 years ago*

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This comment is not in line with your username.

9 years ago

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My apologies. Fixed.

9 years ago

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Much better :)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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raises glass

9 years ago

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raises dongers

9 years ago

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You should remove the link to his profile since calling out is forbidden here.
I recommend to use the Enhanced Steam browser add because it adds a link to their SteamGifts and SteamRep profile.
That guy already has 29 negative Trade Feedback claiming he is a scammer.

9 years ago

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never seen someone with this many -rep. If you had checked his SG profile you'd known better

9 years ago

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how i can check his sg profile? :p. can you link it to me so i can block them :p.(in a past giveaway i have made if you can :p)

9 years ago

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i can link it to u on ur profile but not here, its considered calling out
Edit : linked it to u

9 years ago

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If you use the Enhanced Steam browser addon it adds a link to their SteamGifts and SteamRep profile to their profile.

9 years ago

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+1 what Sundance 85 said ;)

9 years ago

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First thing you need is his steamID64:

Your id is 76561198031866412

Now that you have the steamID64 you can access their SG profile like this:<steamID64>, for example

If a user has no SG account you will be redirected to the SG start page

9 years ago

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Or if you don't want a plugin, there are lots of sites that'll get a users SteamID from their profile URL, then just add it to the end of or

Looks like I got beat.. Oh well, :p

9 years ago

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I'm sorry you got scammed, but you should delete the link to his profile, it's seen as calling out on this site and is not allowed, you will get a suspension for it.
Also this person has a -29 rep feedback here (no typo!!), why is he not permabanned already??

9 years ago

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Support apparently stays as far away as possible from all user reports related to the Trade section because it's pretty much he said she said.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

9 years ago

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Luckily I don't have experience with scammers so I can't tell first hand but I vaguely remember a support member saying that the Trade section is broken beyond repair, completly toxic and that's why those tickets take forever to be adressed because nobody wants to do it because it's rather complicated and unpleasant compared to the usual reroll-requests and handing out suspensions for not activating / regifting.

Considering the amount of lowballers and people who use Store price for reference I think I know what he means.

Edit: I found the comment I was referring to. I have to admit it was in a slightly different context but probably still sums up the attitude towards the Trade section.

9 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

9 years ago

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That support member said a lot of nonsense that was naysayed by like three different staff members plus cg himself, so I wouldn't read too much into anything he said.

Past that, I can't argue the point, SG's trade section is a bit of a disaster, at least when compared to

9 years ago

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Yea I assumed this was not the official stance towards the issue. Not sure if that makes it less true (that nobody wants to deal with this BS).

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

9 years ago

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Bad pope! Bad!
But I'm afraid it's just suspended... If the legends are true that guy has come back from 3 permanent suspensions.
He has more lives than a cat :D

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

9 years ago

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Just how toxic? About this much:

View attached image.
9 years ago*

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Well played sir :D

9 years ago

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Welcome to my (meaningless) WL, sir.

9 years ago

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Seems about right. Although poor Toxie deserves better than to be compared to that pustule on humanity's arse:P

9 years ago

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wbarton has been inactive since I joined support last year. I've never seen him answer a ticket on SGv2 - in fact all I've seen him do recently is complain about my initiatives trying to get everything support more smoothly :P

9 years ago

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Even if you have prove like that, even if multiple users have reported the same user for the same infraction then this is what happens: (see picture as I have edited this post)

Edit: Dishonest users are clearly getting away with what they do on SG and the time between they are reported to support and the time that support reacts is the time were they can make more victims and is the time they are fully getting away with it and some of them know this very well!

SG trades is like a police no-go zone in some countries.

I have even seen someone of support saying in a thread that nobody cares about SG trades.

View attached image.
9 years ago*

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One big problem is that victims often fail to save important information. The less experience a person has, the more likely he or she is to get scammed, and the more likely that he or she will NOT be able to provide evidence of what happened.

"This person scammed me!"
"Do you have a screenshot of the trade?"
"No, I just closed it and came to complain."

View attached image.
9 years ago

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Which is kind of silly. 29! That's ridiculous.

9 years ago

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CS:GO Player? check
Not being able to write the title right? check
New to SG? check
Didn't check the traders reputation? check
Calling out? check
I'm sorry but I don't feel sorry :(

9 years ago

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also LoL logo as avatar

9 years ago

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damn I noticed it but forgot to mention it :D

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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-29 rep.

Vac banned.

I'm sorry but why are you trading with known scammers? Did you think today was the day he was going to turn it all around and be legit?

9 years ago

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Vac banned.


9 years ago

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scamemers pls

9 years ago

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I've created a dank meme but someone stole it. Dammit scamemers.

9 years ago

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The scamemers are the worst. The worst Jerry. The worst.

9 years ago

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-29... '=.=

View attached image.
9 years ago

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and hes not suspended

9 years ago

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And he wasn't suspended.

(fixed it for you)

9 years ago

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That +30/-29 is quite impressive, I've never seen that much of negative rep o.o

9 years ago

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link it to me please.

9 years ago

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Just make sure any link is private rather than, say, on this forum post.

9 years ago

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A two week suspension? For a -30 feedback (and 4 out of 7 wins not activated)? Are you serious? Do you think this will change anything? I was thinking known scammers (and rulebreakers) are being permabanned here.
I would really appreciate it if support was more transparent about their decisions. Sometimes they seem so harsh and sometimes lenient beyond any reason (like in this case).

9 years ago*

Comment has been collapsed. know support can't give a permanent suspension, right ?

9 years ago

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Aaah, to me that's fiddling with words. Whoever is in charge, be it support, mods, admin, whatever (for me they all fall under the category "support"). Whoever decides, I wish they were more transparent.

9 years ago

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Yeah ok, I'm telling you why Khalaq only gave a 2 weeks suspension, which was your concern, but I'm fiddling with words.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Blackmail? :P
No more skinny dipping for SG staff :P

9 years ago

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Do you truly think so little of us, Eeev? I thought that you of all people would be the kind of person who gives Support the benefit of the doubt rather than assuming the worst.

  1. We do not suspend people based upon that for which they are "known." There has to be an infraction in SG or ST.
  2. We do not suspend without hard evidence. "He scammed me" is not sufficient to prove guilt. Investigations take time.
  3. We have access to people's private information, so we cannot divulge what we know to the general public.
  4. Only Mods, the Supermod, and the Admin have the power to permaban. Supports can only do a temp ban if one applies.
  5. Those who can permaban are not always online and available, so you want to avoid jumping to conclusions. Check again.
9 years ago*

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I apologize if I left the impression I was thinking little of all you people who take care for us on SG. That was not my intention and is not the case. During my time here though I have come across quite some decisions made by "support" (this word being used summarizing all the people in charge here) that I failed to understand and I weren't able to relate to. Hence my wish for more transparency.
For example I've reported people with a rather low amount of unactivated wins and saw them permbanned, when on other occasions I've reported people with a lot more of those plus multipe wins, seeing them banned for four days only / just the latest infraction. It would be nice to somehow be able to understand the reasoning behind some decisions, without having to reveal sensitive information or giving you the feeling of questioning your work.
You know, it's like educating a child. "Because I said so" is not the argument that makes your child feel taken serious, being respected, or treated as an equal human being, if you know what I mean.

9 years ago

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I've reported people with a rather low amount of unactivated wins and saw them permbanned

That would be users that were already caught previously. If you report someone with 3 non-activated wins that was already suspended after the first one, then got caught again after the second one, it's likely that they will get a permanent suspension, while someone with more non-activated wins but never caught before will ususally receive a default suspension (so 5 days per non-activation). So the issue is that we can't always catch an user before he piles up a few non-activations.

I've reported people with a lot more of those plus multipe wins, seeing them banned for four days only / just the latest infraction.

The only reason I can think of for this is that the user had already been suspended for non-activations, but not the multiple win. For example if the user had 3 non-activation and 1 multiple wins, and was already suspended for the 3 non-activation, he will only get a suspension for the multiple wins, and the mods won't add an extension due to the previous infractions because it's a different suspension reason (although a multiple win is a specific case of non-activation so they should still get an extension IMO, but that's not my place to decide).

9 years ago*

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Basically, there are two things you want to keep in mind:

  1. There is almost always more going on than you can see, so punishment may not match the infraction you know about.
  2. There is almost always a delay between the first time a user "catches our attention" and the application of any serious penalties.

When you see something that "doesn't add up," it may be for a variety of reasons.

  • There may be previous history which makes the penalty more severe.
  • There may be extenuating circumstances which make the penalty less severe.
  • There may be a minor penalty which is addressed immediately while a case is built for a more severe followup.
  • There may be things which only the Supermod and/or Admin may address, leading to a delay in processing.
  • There may be a need to contact the involved parties (who are offline), leading to a delay in processing.

While I understand it can be confusing and/or frustrating for non-Support members to be "out of the loop," we do try to explain things when and how we can. If we give an indication that we are aware of a situation (e.g. my initial posts in this thread), then you can be sure that we are looking into the matter. We will not, of course, announce that we are investigating a person as that would "tip him off" and possibly lead to the deletion of evidence. We want to close the trap on him before he knows to make a run for it.

9 years ago

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oh, so you mean bloopidy blop flipity floop?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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We get it, you've donated a lot of games and think you're holier than thou, but that doesn't make you any better than any other user.

Does it really bother you so much that people don't get banned for the amount of time you see fit? Is it some sort of fetish that you're getting off to?

Seriously, there are far more important things in life to worry about than whether some random person gets a week ban for not activating that .25 cent bundle game.

9 years ago

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Yes, if you're using a website and you're using it according to the rules, you most definitely want to see people getting punished for those rules not being obeyed. Why should I respect the rules, if other people don't and they get away with it?

If you didn't notice, eeev is very active in public giveaways. Public giveaways are filled with rule breakers, ungrateful people, people with 1:250 ratio, and even worse. She needs to spent her own time checking those people, wanting to ensure that your ".25 cent game" goes to someone who in fact is using the site as it should be used, and will not regift, sell, trade away or "give to a friend" the game he won.

And I'd suggest to actually be grateful for having such person as eeev here, because thanks to her and similar users you're winning giveaways. People like me already got annoyed enough to effectively stop doing any public giveaways, limit number of invite only ones, and even hide them behind SGT or similar. This is all the effect of people not getting punished, people not being afraid of punishments, support denying reroll tickets because "infraction did not occur during last month" and similar. Your attitude is effectively killing people like eeev, who want to make public giveaway and ensure that people get punished for breaking the rules, yet they keep hearing "nobody cares about your .25 cent game". Not to mention that your post sounds so hostile towards her that probably you'll keep winning less giveaways from now on.

9 years ago*

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Thank you, Archi.

9 years ago

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I've read that post a dozen times by now, but I still get a chuckle of it. The amount of multiple winning was off the charts.

9 years ago

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+1 Archi

8 years ago

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What Archi said. Also your attitude leaves much to be desired.

9 years ago

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Well, I guess it's a good thing I'm not on here looking for friends!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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oh I want to see that, please! it is like some kinda of hall of shame.

9 years ago

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I wanted to check his steamgifts, but didn't know how...

9 years ago

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This addon ( adds every user's SG link to their Steam profile. Always check if you're trading with the person he/she claims to be.

9 years ago

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done, still not sure how to use it :/

9 years ago

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nvm it's working

9 years ago

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install enhanced steam, it adds links on profiles.

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9 years ago

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Well, you could've asked him (for his profile link) before handing out keys.
Also you could make your own rules in your trade thread like, "Please post here before adding me." so you can automatically ignore any random friend requests, saves a lot of stress and makes it easier to track your trades.

9 years ago

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yea thats true..I just lost 4$ but it still annoys me as fuck. Didn't know that people are still being scammers nowadays..

9 years ago

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I mean, he has a bunch of games, isn't he scared that he'll get permabanned from steam one day and lose everything because of scamming?

9 years ago

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Did you make a point of reporting him on Steam? Steam does presumably do something about people that get repeat 'Attempted Trade Scam' reports filed against them, but so many people don't bother filing those, that many people keep getting away with things.

As for insights into his thoughts, I couldn't even begin to imagine how that sort of mind works.

9 years ago

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My blind guess is that he already scammed people for more than he invested into his steam account. 2 VAC bans and -30 rep on SG, not everyone filled negative rep for that guy, so assume at least 60 users scammed by him.

His account at the moment is worth 0$, nobody would buy it anyway, so he has nothing to lose tbh.

People that are losing the most are people with good reputation and expensive accounts - like you or me. People with -30 rep, 2 VAC bans and endless number of other reports on various different sites have nothing to lose anymore, they'll keep scamming the very last fool they can find, until eventually they get a ban.

9 years ago

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As Sooth has suggested, make sure you report him on Steam. You go to his profile on Steam and press the "More" button then choose "Report Violation". Select "Attempted Trade Scam" or if the scammer was pretending to be another user "Impersonating another user", or whichever option most suits.

Include in the report as much evidence as you can, including preferably screenshots of your steam chat with him.

9 years ago

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yea I just cancelled the chat window with him, great

9 years ago

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You could still file a report. I'm not sure but maybe Steam staff can see chat histories anyway.

9 years ago

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Filing reports doesn't hurt anything, even if nothing comes of it. It is often useful to have a "paper trail" to show a pattern of misbehavior.

9 years ago

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Didn't know that people are still being scammers nowadays..
Yes, because today, today humans decided to stop being human. :X

9 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

9 years ago

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I was in a hurry, sorry to hurt your feelings.

9 years ago

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Writing his name here is also considered calling out :)

9 years ago

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since you're responding to people's comments then you also saw the ones that warned you to delete the link. Just looking out for you, since you could get suspended. Also be careful while trading, because sadly after its done theres nothing to be done about it :(

9 years ago

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yea, thanks :|

9 years ago

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I just don't get it how some people can be so damn rude. They don't feel bad at all? What's the reason of scamming.

9 years ago

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Reason for scamming? Emm... scamming? Robbing people? Stealing things to gain something?

Sorry but you could check that guy, I don't even mention negative rep here on SG, but 2 freaking VAC bans should ring a bell, right? It's like you gave a stranger keys to your house while saying that you're leaving for a week, and now week later you're shocked that he robbed your house.

9 years ago

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yea right.

9 years ago

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Don't be too sad about it though, learn from it so you won't do the same mistake twice.

9 years ago

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I hate scammers, but you know what i hate more than a scammer? People like you who are too lazy or too stupid to make sure its legit.
Stop feeding scammers.

9 years ago

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Thank you for your empathy. It's 2 AM and I am really tired, fyi

9 years ago

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You are tired? Clicking a button a few time sure is hard work.

9 years ago

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I just didn't know how to check it alright? I tried it but i couldn't and I trusted him after he showed me those comments on his profile. I am new to this whole thing okay? Last time I got scammed was 8 years ago in a game. After that I just coulnd't trust anyone in this whole online world.

9 years ago

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Dont be too hard on your self, it happens. Learn from it. But you are still an asshole for feeding a scammer.

9 years ago

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When reading the conversation between Roguelvlup and you, he' not really the one coming out as an asshole.

9 years ago

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:/ uhh..

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9 years ago

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Yeah I agree whole-hardheartedly that he is truly being the shithead in the conversation. :(

9 years ago

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don't worry, everyone starts off not knowing something, and we usually learn by messing up. It's okay to mess up and not know, because now you do know and you'll know next time. Honestly people act like they have never made a dumb mistake before.

9 years ago*

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yea, thank you man

9 years ago

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I've been there. I won't be like some people on my thread, who just said that I was at fault for being inexperienced.
First of all: Get Enchanced Steam. That allows you to see their SG profile.
After that if they have negative rep from recent trades, ask them to go first. Most traders are fine with that and will go first if you explain yourself to them. :)
If a trade looks too good to be true, then it most likely is. (I say that as I came out of an amazing trade.)
The amazing trade was just luck and I had a gift anyway, so it was easier to do damage control.

In the end, you'll learn from this. You'll be more careful. After that you'll get your first few successful trades. You'll start making friends and trade partners, who you go to for your trading needs. It'll get better, so keep on trading. It's a really great way to get games/keys or even in more extreme cases: money.

9 years ago

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Finally a good comment. Thank you sir

9 years ago

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Eh, don't worry about it. All the traders who have given me +rep are really friendly to newbies. Check their trades out. Even check my trade out if you want.
Also, another tip might be to actually traverse the trades of others with higher rep, before setting up shop with your own thread. :D

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Oh and another scam. I see 2-3 scam threads a week. Good day to be a scammer eh. (Just because people are greedy+lazy)

9 years ago

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I once saw 4 topics in 2 days and two of them was about the same guy.

9 years ago

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Rep4Rep groups. In plural. And they are working in mass quantities… 0.0
I may have to re-evaluate my opinion on CoD being the filthiest cesspool of online gaming right next to LoL. CS:GO apparently is worse than those two put together.

9 years ago

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LoL still the worst, csgo community only cares about rank/competitive wins and swag skins.

9 years ago

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lol, yesterday some guy added me in Steam. He told me he has GTA5 and whant to trade it for my MoH. Was he a scmummer oder i just lose a opportunity to get GT5 ? :D

9 years ago

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Scammer. People won't just contact you out of the blue saying they have a 60-dollar game to trade.

9 years ago

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The worst part is not falling for the scam, but is not learning from the incident.

9 years ago

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Maybe you should post a link to the scammer profile on your steamwall, so people could know but not breaking steamgifts rules.

Btw steam its not going to do anything, as they dont support trading keys or things outside trading window.

9 years ago

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