10 years ago*

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Well, you posting this here, while it may seem inappropriate for some people here, shows that, even if it's just a little shred, you kind of want to continue living (or you're, at the moment just afraid of dying)
I know the feeling of thinking that you yourself are not able to do something and being bound and held down by fear, sorrow, sadness, longing, melancholy or whatever strong negative emotion and while I've never been on the verge of suicide or have been diagnosed with depression, I've had my fair (and long!) share of time losing my confidence, struggling to get through the day and sleeping a lot to just pass time without feeling something and feeling like I'm being held down and prevented (externally and self-induced) from being able to do anything to distract me from negative thoughts. I'm still struggling with the after-effects of those certain events, which, frankly, I'm still surprised by (meaning I was dragged down by a particular event much, much more than I would have ever imagined) the intensity I feel and felt about it, in a certain way - and in the meantime, about 2 1/2 years have passed since that fateful event. Of course, that sometimes bothers me more than I should, especially because my (then healthy, but a bit over-the-top) self-confidence was shattered in pieces and I had to build it up from scratch again up until today. But I've still, and probably will never again, will have THAT level of self-confidence I once had. I've also had a dear friend of mine commit suicide and luckily a friend of mine and I found her just in time to rescue her (she's fine now and that sounds cliched, but heck...)
Enough of me though, I'm not trying to whine, just giving a lively example of saving yourself from a seriously bad situation.
Point is, maybe you should do something to besides gaming to distract yourself. If your health doesn't allow much, there still are activities you can do - like for instance educating yourself. I don't know what kind of degree you have, but you might wanna try getting the next highest degree you can reach at the moment, whatever that may be. If you're willing to, it will a) distract yourself and b) having good grades or having fun while studying (you have at least one interest, I hope?) will certainly give you a feeling of success, which will brighten up your day / near future and might also net you some friends or at least contacts. You can build a life on that and hopefully for the better.
Another option would be looking for a job or just an activity (volunteering for instance) that lies within your mental and physical ability.
Volunteering, in that case, will be stressful, but still a really good distraction from your problems, foremost because you will help people in trouble, which will, inevitably, make you feel good about yourself (but also beware of the psychological risks from being to compassionate with your "customers")
In smaller steps, look for a hobby that suits yourself besides gaming and really distracts yourself. In my case, at least, I've been gaming a lot in those times where I've felt sort of useless and without a place in the world, and while it's ofc been some kind of distraction, I had a time where my heart was wrenching and I was playing with tears in my eyes, short of crying, because it didn't fully distract myself.
If you can't reach something (like being turned down for a job you applied or something) that will inevitably bother you and drag you down - but the chance you get from such events is to work hard, invest time, sweat and tears in it, at least, if you really want that particular something and say "Fuck you, I'll show you!" (don't get obssessive though)
All in all: do something that gives you purpose or a sense of belonging, whatever that may be in your life. But there IS something. There's always something, you just have to look for it. I know the looking process might be the hardest and you might not change anything about yourself in the near future, but if you really want it - you can and will do it - which will bring, in many ways, joy in your life. Start with a "go fuck yourself" attitude - even if it's just towards your own suicidal thoughts.

10 years ago

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If you want to you can add me on steam, and you could talk with me about everything you want. Also I read you have health problems but something that helps me when I get depressed is a long walk if you can, and if you dont want to do it alone then grab your mother or father and tell them to come with you.

10 years ago

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Life is war, do not be a deserter.

10 years ago

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That's a grimm way of looking at it.

10 years ago

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What if I'm a pacifist?

10 years ago

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someone mentioned it already...do sports, physical activities, as mundane and cheesy as it sounds, running 5 km distance every day will really reignite your braincells, more oxygen, more serotonin in your blood. Just stay committed to it. If its really severe PLEASE see a specialist, psychologist or psychiatrist, just don't let them to hook you up on some addictive "happy pills", TALK to them and listen what they are saying, when it comes to medication there are less invasive, mild psycho active prescription drugs that will just get you on the right track (tried therapy myself - it helped, it works) without turning you in to a "legal" junkie. All the best!!! Add me on steam if you want.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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don't be afraid of seeing a specialist, seriously, I've been through some rough shit myself, therapy works

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Live for yourself dumbass.Don't give a fuck about others,their thoughts or views on you.

Fuck humans, I hate'em all.I just want to keep earning money on internet and live on my own.Don't want anyone in my life, don't need anyone.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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  1. try live in poland for less then 25% off of what you earn in belgium
    1. find some sports you like (mtb, football, vollyball, orientation running-you can just walk or march like i prefer to) - free friends and you dont have to talk much
    2. board games - again free friends
    3. music concerts, phtography, etc
    4. mountains trips-if you are lucky to have them somewhere near
      with all above facebook with groups from yr city or forums will help
      i know what im talking about, im shy as hell
      and i know that you need some patience for some ppl, and i know it can be hard to find it, you dont have to like everybody and not everybody will like you, deal with it
10 years ago

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Life is the ultimate roguelike! Get up, learn from your mistakes and KICK ITS ASS!

10 years ago

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Try not thinking about bad things. Although I've heard that thinking about sad things can actually make you happier.

Try using websites like 7cupsoftea as well. It helped a friend of mine a lot a year ago.

10 years ago

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You need a girlfriend to take you out of depression.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

10 years ago

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By now, just look for your local mental health phone, I don't know where are you from, but suicide is not the answer, just go look for a medic, there are medicines today that can help. THINK BEFORE DOING ANYTHING THAT CAN'T BE UNDONE. TRY, AT LEAST GIVE THE PROFESSIONAL A CHANCE TO HELP YOU(a doctor). PLEASE, LOOK FOR A MEDIC, PLEASE.

10 years ago

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Posts like these always make me fucking mad.

If you don't value your life, don't expect others to value it for you. If you can't find any reason for yourself to keep on living, don't rely on others to do it for you.
You want something out of your life? Good, go out and get it. Sitting at home, complaining and rolling around in self pity won't help you nor anybody else. If you want a reason to live, then go out and find one.
Nobody will be able to help you if you don't want to help yourself in the first place.

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by Deleted-4505545.