10 years ago*

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Well... you shouldn't be posting here of course, but I can only suggest you seek help locally. With real people. Really.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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The internet is never a good place for those kind of problems. Trust me. You post here to get some help which shows you still care to get over it. Try to find somebody else to talk to. It might take a while, but you need somebody that you can look into the eyes in the end. Everything else will just push you right back where you are now..

10 years ago

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+1. Don't ask random trolling strangers. Look for someone in real life, find a goal you care about, hobby that will help you connect. Just try to walk outside and smile?

10 years ago

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+1. Don't ask random trolling strangers. Look for someone in real life, find a goal you care about, hobby that will help you connect. Just try to walk outside and smile?

10 years ago

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Just dont think about it , That is not the solution for things , this community is full of nice an awesome people , if you want to find people that fits your personality i think this is the right place , just try to be active in here and u will eventually hang out with people and they will make your life happier , Remember that after the storm comes the rainbow ;) so if you feel bad or u want some support u can always count on us :D

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

10 years ago

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Just distract yourself with this community, try to be active in here and make some friends ,this community is full of awesome and crazy people that will make your life Happy ! it depends all on you :3

10 years ago

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They literally just said they can't not think about it, probably meaning they can't really distract themselves either. And another thing, don't tell depressed individuals that things are "all on them" Okay, they can't even handle anything at all, let alone responsibility.

10 years ago

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Forcing someone to like you or to be liked for someone that u are trying to help is not the safest way , let the her pick the people that she likes from this community to make friends with , it will he hypocrite to just add her because how is she feeling right now , it will make things worst. Every one of us We have gone through depressive moments, the thing that is different on how we deal with them , if the psychologist doesn't help u need to find people that supports you, real people that u have feel comfortable with and be happy, not be shy to share with them and stuff

10 years ago

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Don't even try to be 'active'.

10 years ago

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Nothing to distract yourself from the depression ? Distractions and reasons to live are plenty out there, probably you're just looking away and ignoring them :-)

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

10 years ago

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Wow, not sure if serious.

When someone says giving up or thinking of suicide is the "easiest thing to do" you clearly have no idea.

10 years ago

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You’re not alone. I can’t really understand what you are feeling, but I can offer my compassion. I know it’s hard to see this right now, but it’s only temporary… Things will change. You won’t feel this way forever. Look to that day.

10 years ago

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There are hundreds of forums where people will help you. There are websites with volunteer mental health professionals. I mean there are better places than this to post. Hope you feel better soon.

10 years ago

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Cheer up, buddy, there's beauty in many aspects of life. Make new friends by practicing good deeds, help other people making charity, as there are many suffering worse turmoils in this world. Seek this advice as a way of living and you will have a strong meaning of life concept in your hands.

10 years ago

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Contact with some help infoline. You have a problem buddy. The only thing you really have in this world is your life. You can't negate it.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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Your life - it's just your life. Your money - that is your money. No one can take your money. No one can help you with your own life. If you die everybody will be happy to get your money and property. Think about it before you die.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Writing here shows that you are not happy about your situation and want to change it. Which is a good start!
Next step: Google for support groups/lines in your area. Then call and explain your situation. Maybe fix an appointment and hear what they have to say.
They probably have viable strategies for you to try.
Don't give up and good luck!

10 years ago

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You should visit a psychiatrist and a psychologist. Trust me, they will help. Meds and therapy can work WONDERS!

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Psychiatrists usually only gives you drugs for the problem. But psychologists(at least in my exp.) actually tries to take the problem away.

10 years ago

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If psychologist wasn't working out for you then you should change him/her. Not every one fits to every patient.
As about the meds you should ask psychiatrist to change them. There are various meds and some may be better than others.

I've been going through rough patch myself for many years now and while it's not easy I try to keep my head up for family and friends (even though both of those groups drive me crazy very often). You know what helps? Going out more, meeting new people, doing stuff so that I don't have to think because I tend to overthink every little thing. You should try it. I know it's tempting to just stay at home and do "nothing" but it's worse for you in the long run as you can see. Go out, meet people, take up some classes, go to work. Life seems bleak when we don't do anything and just stay at home or if we rarely go out.

10 years ago

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You came to the right place! Actually no, but we are a very friendly community :P
Before you start reading my advice, take note that I may become a bit radical at some point. Just a warming.

Stop thinking you want to die! When you start thinking about suicide, think instead of what is waiting for you to come, or that you will never eat pizza again(it works for some :P). The world is out there for you to discover! Try to leave your comfort zone(yes, I know it's hard, but there is no progress in that area).
Try to improve one skill/talent. Do you know how to play guitar or piano? Then learn it! How long can you run without getting tired? I want to see higher scores! When you do this, you are getting away from those suicides thinkings and even bring you some joy when you accomplish something!
Try to make friends. Yes, I know real friends are hard to come by, I'm just telling you to get you a friend that can make you laugh or at least open a smile.
Talk with an elder. But not just an random elder. A wise elder. A man that can tell you stories from his grand-grand-father that survived somehow the Big Crash(it was just an e.g. no real need for this particular story). An elder that can advice you. Because behind that advice there is a hundred life experiences.

I can think of no more advice to give you. I know I have but I don't remember any :P
As I said before, I'm a bit radical in my words, but you don't have to be radical. The progress in this may take a while, but it's a progress and it's good. Also pay attention to Khalaq. He's a member of this community and he has many wise words. Most likely he will make a reply here.

10 years ago

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This probably won't help you, but you are not alone with those kind of thoughts. :)

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Suicide will solve nothing. You only get 1 life, make the most of it. Talk to people, seek help, and stay strong.

When was the last time you laughed? What was it that made you laugh? Whatever it was, do/experience it again and smile. Maybe even just watch some comedy, or listen to some music you like. Open your front door, step outside. There is an entire planet out there where you can achieve anything you want. Anybody can do anything when you put the effort in and enjoy yourself.

10 years ago

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How old are you?

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

10 years ago

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I'm 26, wished to die almost everyday since I was like 16 but yeah, I'm still here. Dying is not so simple as "living"...sometimes there are things worth living for, like videogames for me :)

10 years ago

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Thanks fpr posting this here, it's a first step to reach out to people whom you feel related with. Your concern sound sincere, I'd strongly advise you to seek professional help. There are many nice people out there who can help you change your perspective on life, who will help find the reasons for your dark thoughts and feelings and give a helping hand to resolve many things that bug you.

I know what I'm talking about, I've been to similar processes. Don't give up on life. I know it's not the best season to recognize, but the world is a beautiful place and you are one beautiful soul as we all are. Be hugged <3

10 years ago

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Maybe you should do some sports, that helps me

10 years ago

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This seems self defeating, you are shooting down every option presented to you. I understand that this can be a symptom of depression, but you still need to take ownership for your actions. If professional help isn't working as you have suggested, then maybe consider some very general lifestyle changes. Eat a healthier diet, go for walks, go out and do something once a week (a movie, a party, a concert, shopping, restaurant), go to the gym/pool/community center at least twice a week, join a dating site, join a book club, take a class in something that interests you, do volunteer work. Honestly there are many options available to you, and if professional help really isn't working then maybe you should initiate some of the changes in your life yourself.

10 years ago

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Maybe Monty Python can cheer you up

Just don't take it seriously :)

10 years ago

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I sent you a friend request on Steam. Accept it if you would like to talk.

10 years ago

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When I feel like a worthless slob, I remind myself that someone said 'Thank you' to me at some point. Then I figure I could stick around a while more in case someone else needs something and there's no one else around.

When I feel like talking to someone, I grab a notepad and get myself a nice cup of Earl Grey with a brownie in a nearby café, making notes about things that other people might be saying to each other at the other tables.

All things considered, when being dead and being alive makes no difference (or so it seems), the idea of an outsourced potential purpose does tip the scales in favour of 'I guess there's no harm in breathing'. You might think up a great novel in the process, or you might not - the world doesn't care. You don't have to be Someone and try to justify your existence and earn it. Lay back, eat healthily, and enjoy the view for the remaining 70+ years.

10 years ago

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Not like I'm good at being alive myself, but if you feel like having an acquaintance abroad I volunteer. It would be a shame to die, when there's a person who could send you cute pictures of red pandas on regular basis.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

10 years ago

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Other than medication, what I can recommend is that you find something to keep you busy, like a job, one of the reasons you are feeling like this is because you have too much free time. If you can't find happiness you can at least get yourself busy, eventually you will meet people through work and life won't seem as grim as it does now. You just have to do something instead of spending your time thinking about how terrible your life is or how much you hate yourself.

10 years ago

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I'm so glad that I was able to read this post, man.

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by Deleted-4505545.