Looking at the case as presented, I can't help but write it off as an attempt to force a creepypasta. I doubt it's actually a coordinated one, though, just a couple people latching on to something nebulous in hopes of adding to the legend. Looking at the first guy's post history, he was more than likely inspired by that Animal Crossing LP.
The different posts all agree on the same few basic facts, but no one's able to offer much to flesh out anything definitive. Junk clues like 'old man with a white beard' are entirely useless and would never be used by someone seriously trying to offer details, but on the other hand the same poster fleshed things out with the fishing details.
The initial poster only claims it was released after 2000 because 'society wouldn't have accepted it' beforehand, which is a load of crap (hi, Postal). They're also pretty much unable to come up with any sort of timeframe other than before mid-2015 - nothing that might help date it, and for a post written in early 2016, the memory must've faded pretty quickly.
The last poster has less credibility, in my opinion, and it doesn't help that his post really only parrots what came before. He certainly wasn't using uTorrent in 2003, and torrenting in general was still in its infancy, with most of the well-known trackers coming online throughout that year. That doesn't rule out other P2P filesharing services in general, but singling out a single method is suspicious. Additionally, I have to doubt that moisture ruined his hard drive - as a magnetic storage medium, 'dampness' means little. If other particulate matter passed through the filter with the water and was left behind as residue on the platter, it's possible that it could have been damaged if it was powered on, but that would at least mean the rest of the laptop was dry enough to provide power to the HDD before it was turned over to 'professionals'. The fact that he was still attending university last year makes me skeptical that he even would've owned a laptop 16-18 years ago, but that's assuming he's of the usual age for a university student, which isn't a given.
I'd love to be proven wrong here, because it actually sounds interesting, but I'm not counting on it.
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I agree, some of the details given are fishy at best.
I think by this point, I've pretty much discredited the 3rd post. Some of the things the OP said, In addition to what you've brought up, raise some red flags. Such as when he was asked "Is this like an elaborate joke?" and responds:
No. This is my first time posting on this sub. Even if I was a regular here, I still wouldn’t know what to search to find a post on it.
Pretty defensive for someone who's just looking for the name of a game, huh? Also strange that the 3rd post was made just weeks after the second.
But, if the whole thing was a creepypasta from the get-go, then it was a failed one. That first post generated very little attention, and was largely forgotten until the 2nd post was made over 2 years later. It's a puzzle to be sure.
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Definitely one of the fishiest things about this is that one can decide what they played the game.
Freeware on PC or some random console?
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126 Comments - Last post 45 minutes ago by lav29
Hey everyone. I've been following this particular story for quite some time now, and I figured that the third anniversary of the mystery's birth would be as good a time as any to bring this thing to a wider audience. Hopefully, with more people on the case, this thing can be put to rest once and for all.
So the whole thing started on this humble little subreddit, r/tipofmyjoystick. It's a place where you can go in, recollect some of the hazy details of a game you've long forgotten, and hopefully have a member recall, or find you the title of your game. They find almost all games asked about, everything from a Fallout: New Vegas DLC to a gory Pac-Man clone.That is, until the following series of posts, which stumped everyone.
The First Post
The first one was posted in 2016, exactly 3 years ago to the date. The user who posted gave the following details:
In an edit they stated:
A few people gave suggestions, but nothing was figured out. Everyone moved on.
The Second Post
Then, in December of last year, another user made a post about a game very similar to the last one:
Yet again, a game about farming after murdering your wife is posted, and no one can find it. A few suggested Moirai, but that was much too new to be it.
The Third Post
But then again, in the same month, yet another user posts
about a game with the same details as the others:
The members suggest trying to get the data recovered off the OP's hard drive.
Over the coming days, the OP updates the post with the following:
And thats it. No one could find out anything else. The drive was busted, and all leads were dead ends.
Redditor RelaxedCreeper was able to condense the game's main points into one list:
Unsurprisingly, these post are some of the most upvoted in the subreddit. Some have dismissed the whole thing as a hoax, while others believe that the last one or two posts are just copycats trying to cash in on the hype of of a legitimate mystery. Whatever the case, I'm hoping you folks could give some input on what you think this thing is about. If you have have any leads to what this thing may be, don't be afraid to leave a comment. Thanks for reading through all this, and please help yourself to some Level 1+ GAs on your way out:
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