well i lost my account worth 1000$~ that's the saddest ive been and i live in india so that's aallloooottttttt of cash
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don't worry bro :) good things take time just hold on to hope and one day all your dreams will come true :)
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It often works differently than you would think.
I've had three careers, so far. That's because the US economy has repeatedly tanked, ending my work situation. I can't think of anything less fun than looking for a new job, but it has to be done. (I once got laid off three times in one year. Yay.) Just clean yourself up, get out there, and start collecting rejection slips. I've never managed to be rejected more than 35 times before getting a job offer. Sure, it may not be the job you really want, but it pays the bills while you continue to look for the job you really do want.
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Watched my mum die at the age of 10. Shortly after than I was abused by my grandad. Developed depression at an early age of 12. Lost my sister. Raped by an ex girlfriend. Nearly 20 and I don't think I can go on much longer
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I don't think you'd really like to know. :) As a psychology student and a depressive type myself I know a bit too much about it. Still, the saddest thing is people's reactions.
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20 is early. There's a lot of room for good things ahead.
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I'm so legitimately sorry. If you ever want anyone to talk to we are here for you.
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And I thought my life was crappy. My mom died of terminal breast cancer when I was 12, had to raise my two little brothers (10 and 7 at the time) because my dad just sat in his room and cried all day. Then he got married to a total bitch with two younger kids and a dog that craps in my room. But at least I've never been raped or abused. I wish I could help you man.
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Wow, I am so sorry to hear what you've been through. Life certainly hasn't dealt you a fair hand of cards, and it's hard to even imagine what you're going through, but when you pull through this (and you will), you will be a phenomenally strong person who can take on the world.
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Sorry for the late replies guys. Time differences n all. But thank you guys so much. It means lot
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Well , i have been an asshole with a girl all the time : the first time that we dated we had some problems and i decided to friendzone that girl because i didn't want trouble, after what we started dating again but i fell in love with some other girl and i didn't tell her so she was really sad and stuff... she begged me to be with her but i didn't want ... now she doesn't want to talk with me, not even look at me , at a comic expo like 1 month ago i saw her and give them back some books that she gave me and i tried to say sorry and begged her but she doesn't want to forgive me ... u. u i'm an asshole.
I miss that girl so much T.T :(
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It was degree in IT, am I right? You will find another job pretty easy, don't worry. Rent for some bed in a decent flat with 4-5 students can't be that expensive either...
I already mentioned here and there my so-called problems few times and I'm not going to do it again anytime soon. I can send you an e-mail or something if you are interested.
Hodně štěstí.
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Yes, it was in IT, and I hope that this fact will get me a job sooner than other study field do. And I was aiming for living with some other people/buddies, but with absolutely no income, that is not possible and has to wait.
Thanks for the support, though.
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Nah, he's probably one of those people that when you tell them about your problems they say "oh, shut up, kids in Africa have it worse!". So according to this group of people unless you have the worst conditions and experiences possible you don't deserve compassion, warmth and so on plus you can't even complain. Cause, dude, THEY HAVE IT WORSE!
Or he's one of those people who always keeps his chin up even in the darkest of days and refuses to acknowledge the fact that not everyone is as strong as him. Which is selfish and arrogant.
Or maybe something else lol, but those two types of people annoy the fuck out of me.
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They're not two people, it's just one person with both of those "qualities".
I really appreciate your offer, but I hope it's just the shock that I talked about below and that I'll feel better again soon (it's just that my mood changes every 30 seconds right now).
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I finished medicine in june, and I can tell you that people way over exagerate when they talk about being bipolar xD. It's just the shock, and I find myself feeling happy for her since I know the guy and I now that he's a nice person, then sad to think that she already forgot me, then with hope that I'll find someone someday that I can be happy with, then seeing that I don't know how to meet new people and I don't even have the time, then back to the start. I just need to keep my mind busy with something else till everything goes back to normal.
And thanks again. I'll reconsider it if I start feeling worse. I myself have given advice to a couple of people here using my experience with the break up as an example, it just feels bad to be like I went two months back in time.
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Actually isn't it now kids in Syria have it worse?
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Yeah those types of people are... disagreeable to me too. My mom is a bit like the second one. When I first got depression she kept talking about how she's got all these problems too but she doesn't let it get HER down so why couldn't I do the same? Her constant "answer" to my depression was "just fight through it!"... Never understanding that it wasn't as simple as that. She got a bit better after sitting in on a couple months of my counselling sessions though.
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Look at the bright side, things can only get better now :)
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Why exactly would one be worried after one is dead ?
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One wouldn't. In fact, one wouldn't feel anything, neither happiness nor sadness nor pleasure nor pain. Some are terrified by that notion. Either they fear death itself (The Big Unknown) or they simply feel they're not ready yet to die. That's why they think it's the worst thing that can happen to them. I myself can think of many worse fates than that: A fate worse than a fate worse than death
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My girlfriend at the time took her own life when I was 19 and I was the one finding her. Been suffering from PTSD ever since (barely sleep and have night terrors when I do) and I can't really seem to be able to hold on to jobs for too long (mostly a freelancer at this point) nor to new girlfriends, due to aforementioned night terrors and some moments of incredible depression that just pop-up every once in a while.
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Thank you so much for the tip; I've never heard of it and I've taken a shit ton of crap in the past. There is the possibility that it's not available in my country or maybe it just has a different name, but I'll definitely ask my doctor. Again, thank you :)
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Dunno if you'll even respond to this buuuut.. as someone else with this issue, would that be safe for someone with a heart condition? :o
It's just a leaky heart valve, but my mother never let me take much of anything growing up because she was absolutely convinced everything was going to kill me. So when it comes to meds, I still hear her voice echoing in the back of my mind. =p
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Damn. Reading other people's issues made my problems seemed small compared to them. Since you're giving out hugs, well...
HUGS FOR EVERYONE! Come at me bros!
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^ That was a good idea :) Sometimes reading how things can be a lot worse gives me a boost to stop feeling down and just put things in to perspective and think positive. But I also at times feel uncomfortable that the sorrow from someone else makes me feel "better" about my issues =/
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You're not talking about schadenfreude, where you actually derive pleasure from the misfortune of others. You're simply keeping things in perspective, seeing how a bad situation could be much, much worse, and appreciating all of the good things that you have in your life. It's like the proverb that says, "I felt sorry for myself because I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet. "
There are people who've suffered through horrifying tragedy and adversity who still smile at the world because they look past the negativity and focus on the positive things that they still have, be it family or friends, shelter over their heads or a nourishing meal, their health, or even simply a purpose.
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I've never been excited in my whole life and I just don't care about anything. That makes me sad
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Nowadays, it's really no shame to live with parents IMHO.
How are the young adults supposed to move to their own place when the economy is how it is and the unemployment rates are so high, anyway. Recently I was "lucky" enough to get a job, yet I still couldn't afford to pay the rent and buy my own food even if I wanted to O.o
As far as love life goes, don't worry about that! You'll find a guy you like sooner or later... until then, enjoy the freedom :D
Oh, right. My sob story, almost forgot.
I've always found it very hard to cope with the reality. With the strange ways the modern society works.
I don't understand it and I don't like it at all.
I wish I lived in a world with some... some spiritual values. Some respect to the history perharps. I wish I lived in a world where money isn't everything people care about. Blind to everything else, blind to joys and sorrows of their fellow humans, selfish and uncaring...
It makes me sad.
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I think I might know how you feel. Sometimes, I'm just... tired of that all, too :/
Fortunatelly, I usually manage to find something to cheer myself up for a while (like daydreaming about things I enjoy or playing a game or reading a comic book...).
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I do that too, with games, books, movies..sleeping, lol. I'm much happier in my dreams than when I'm awake. That's also kinda sad, I think. It's just a temporary escape. For a more lasting solution, I need to find a source of income (a job), so I could live on my own. Sadly, I have no idea how to achieve that goal. Especially in this economy.
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University will be opening soon (Noooooooooooooooooo)
Currently I am dealing with my granpa's health issues,He just got out of hospital and looks like he is in pain.He barely eats and sleep and we are taking care of him.I hope he will be okay :)
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I hope he'll be okay too. I like old people. You should spend more time with him.
This talk of grandpa reminds me of my own grandfather, and he's not just my grandfather, he is a father that I don't have. I loved him and I was his favourite grandson, but I feel like I failed him.
Back in 2011, he got hospitalized due to blood cancer. My brothers and I took turns to stay at the hospital to take care of him since he distrusted doctors and nurses. At the same time, I was studying at college, and I had missed some classes and one exam when I was there at the hospital.
After some time, the college started calling and I just got to go and continue on studying you know. So, I had to leave my grandpa at the hospital. Good thing my aunt visited him every day after work. Due to weeks of absences, I was stressed as heck back then, and I hadn't got the time to visit my grandpa at all. Until the day came...
His body just couldn't handle the cancer and the chemotherapy stuff no more. He was warded in the ICU with life support on... and man... I wished I had spent more time with him during his final days.
I miss his bad jokes. heh. Give me a hug bro.
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Here's a Hug: http://www.musashi.nl/cms/images/stories/legends/andyhug/Axekick.jpg
:bad joke: ;)
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His bad jokes.I hate those,but I will miss them eventually.His puns are terrible man :)
Your grandpa feel sad and guilty if you dropped(or kicked from) school for him.However,I would feel the same.Sorry to hear that,It must be rough for you(gives a big manly hug)
For my grandpa,indeed I should spend more time with him.My father don't visit him so much and we live in different cities,but I am older now.I always could get my sister and visit.
I feel really sad when he asked me "why you didn't call call me?".The reason was I simply forget to call him.How can you forget such a thing!I told myself.I just keep myself busy with other things and forget important things...
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I've had depression and anxiety since I was around 10 years old. Might have been even longer because I only found out about depression and anxiety when I was 16. But everything the doctors told me they were, I was able to identify those traits all the way into my childhood and some traces I even found written in my journal from that age. It's the kind of depression/anxiety that has no reason and makes me wonder what's wrong with me and why I must be like this. At 16 was when it got very serious though. I didn't want to live, let alone go to school and do my homework. I messed up my entire school year and my parents threatened to throw me out of the house for it. Fast forward couple years to university... did the same thing again. Severe depression and anxiety with suicidal thoughts. Locked myself in my dorm room. Messed up my entire year and ended up having to drop everything under extenuating circumstances and come home. After that had one barely successful year of uni, then the next year was a complete repeat of year 1. Now I don't even want to go to university ever again. Parents are constantly on my case about university. Don't know what to do with my life.
Oh and my dad is in very bad health. He went through a heart attack, triple bypass surgery, 3 heart failures, pneumonia, and a stroke all in the space of 1.5 months. Been almost 2 years since that but he's still having a hard time as his heart is half dead muscle and his lungs keep filling with water for some unknown reason. I feel like any day he could have another heart failure or a stroke and die.
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Hi. I thoroughly sympathise with your father's health troubles. My father died 2 years ago after most of his heart muscle was killed off by a heart attack, which caused chronic heart failure and pneumonia twice over 2/3 years. The sad thing is that he was supposed to get a new heart twice, but the first time the heart was given to a sicker patient, and the second time they noticed the heart was diseased right before operating.
Anyhow, I've come to terms with it, my mourning is done, grief is gone, etc... So if you ever feel like it or need to talk about it, don't hesitate to send me a message or something.
By the way, the reason why your father's lungs keep filling up with water is his heart failure. It is called water retention. Let me quote this for you: "The diminished volume of blood pumped out by the heart (decreased cardiac output) is responsible for a decreased flow of blood to the kidneys. As a result, the kidneys sense that there is a reduction of the blood volume in the body. To counter the seeming loss of fluid, the kidneys retain salt and water. In this instance, the kidneys are fooled into thinking that the body needs to retain more fluid volume when, in fact, the body already is holding too much fluid." My father had the same thing, which caused his pneumonias (I think). One way of reducing water retention is to take diuretics, but I'm sure he already gets the proper medication.
Take care.
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ending your own life brings a great amount of sadness to those around you. there are people out there who care about you.
you might not always see it, but ending your life will also end your life getting better.
and even if you dont think anyone cares, i do. i care about you. i hope you will feel better soon, that goes for everyone in this thread.
I care about you
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Beyond all suicidal considerations, existential realizations and 'come to terms' "realist" rationalizations... The one thing that bothers me more than all of the other things.. is knowing that someone else in my shoes could of made something so much more (In all metaphorical senses) than i ever could've and..... it's unfortunate.
It may not be a story, but that's only because the stories still being written.
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How would you know someone else would do better? i dont know what youve been through but i think the choices you made were the best at the moment with the cards youve been dealt at that time. you arent always in control of what happens to you but you can only do your best handling it. noone can do better then that
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I don't think mine's that bad, but I need to vent a little bit since it has been very recent.
I've always had confidence issues so I've always had difficult meeting new people and barely had any good friends. I didn't give it much thought since I had my girlfriend but after 5 years she left me and I found myself alone with my all best friends living far away from my town, and the friends I had here just ignored me.
I went to a gym, talked to a psychologist and started to realise what was wrong with me, got some confidence back and decided to talk to a friend that had always been very nice to me. She let me hang out with her and her friends and it was the first time I really felt comfortable meeting new people, I started to feel better and stopped missing my ex. After a while my friend started acting like she wanted more. I've never been interested in anything but a serious relationship, and I need to be in love for that, but since I liked her and I was afraid of losing the little I had at the moment I decided to give it a shot. From the next day on I started to feel uncomfortable when I was with her (I felt like I was forcing myself to feel more than what I was feeling at the moment) and after almost a month of waiting to see if the thing improved I talked to her to break up (she was feeling a bit like me too though se was more bright than myself, so it wasn't that bad, perhaps we can still hang out together). I had tried to talk to her a few times before, but I couldn't do it until yesteday, right after I saw my ex with his new boyfriend.
I had come a long way, I realised we weren't fine together, I had forgiven her for how she acted during the relationship and I was feeling very good, thinking that I had almost moved on completely, and now I feel like shit again, alone and with no time to meet new people (I have to study almost the whole day for my MIR exam on january). I really hope this is only the shock of seeing her with someone else, and that it'll pass in a few days.
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Some people tend to think love problems are not that big of a deal, since everbody has them everyday. But I can understand you pretty well. I take love and relationships pretty seriously and get intensely/very badly hurt when it goes wrong. Sometimes it may take me even a few years to recover.
So hang in there and try to avoid your ex ;)
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The funny thing is, yesteday was probably the last time I was going to go out at night in my town for a while, and I hadn't seen her since she left me, and boom, there she was.
What really bothers me is that I don't want to be with her again. I've always been a very old-fashioned person (just kissing someone means a lot to me) but I've never tried to impose my way of seeing things to anybody else, and when I met her she acted like that. But after some time, she started going out with her friends again and I saw her how she acted when she was with them (a completely different person, I know now why I wasn't really comfortable with them, it's not only that I didn't know them, I didn't even know her). A short while after we started, she told me that he had tried to give a kiss to one of her friends and that she banged her head instead, and I thought she had kissed him in the lips, but I didn't want to tell her anything because I didn't know how she really was and if that was normal with her, or probably because I'm just stupid; but some time after she found out that I thought she had kissed him, and asked me how could I believe she would have done something like that, and why hand't I kicked her off. Then she started kissing some of her girl friends, but it was ok cause they were girls; then she started kissing her boy friends, but it was ok because they were gay, and she smoked like there was no tomorrow when she was with them. So I spent most of the relationship expecting her to be how she used to, the person I fell in love with. After we broke up, I talked to some of my friends that new her before me, and they told me what I had suspected, she was like that before she met me, so I fell in love with a person that doesn't exist.
I forgave her after talking to a friend who had been through the same, though he had been the person playing a role, and I realised that she was just too young at the time (she was 16 and I was 17-18), she just had a broken up and didn't know who she really was at the time. I understood everything that happened, what was wrong with both sides, and I didn't mind that much seeing her again (just not with her friends, that would have been the part of her that I didn't like at all), but seeing her with another person... I guess you never want to know they have forgotten you so soon.
Sorry for the brick, but I needed to vent a little bit. Thanks.
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Seeing your ex with someone else can be quite a shock and wreak havoc with your emotions, and you immediately reminded me of this: The Airborne Toxic Event - Sometime Around Midnight
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I would really like to talk to someone who could help me with what i think is depression but i really dont want to be a bother to the few friends i have in fear of them leaving me aswell like my previous 2 ex's did. Even now im afraid theyll read this and think im just a sad person and will avoid me or what they would even think of me. Had a very difficult childhood, ive been threatened several times by my father and his family, even had a gun on my head. my social life has always been in the crapper with only less than a handful of friends. moved out of the house with a handicapped girl ( wheelchaired ) but after 1.5 years of me bathing her, cooking food and just taking 24/7 care of her, she kicked me out after i said no to having a child on account of her body not being able to live through the delivery. this was after 1.5 years of living together. im slowly getting my life back in order but its going rather slow and sometimes even backwards.
The world has made me very very tired because all i see around me is greed, lust, lying and whoring.
All i want in life is to find a woman who i can trust, have close friends and not feel like im the third wheel all the time, settle down somewhere and live my life in peace.
But ive been feeling very down for the past.. 8 months i think and all i do it live day to day. I always seem happy and go lucky when im around friends but its just a mask i put up to protect myself.
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My one time when I got truly depressed (being unable to function like normal), it took me most of the year to slowly crawl out of it. It might take you longer as well.
I would suggest to shelf the idea of a girlfriend until you are well on your feet; I personally think it would cause you more trouble than good right now (unless you hit the jackpot, but I would not bet on that). It is never a good idea to let your happiness, self-worth and love for yourself depend on what other say/feel/think towards and about you. Easier said than done though, because humans are social creatures and when it gets personal..well, most do take it personal. Not everyone is able to shrug it off that easily.
I can't say anything about whether you could confide in your friends or not; they might want to support you, but there are also people who can't or don't know how deal with it when someone is depressed. Or they may think it "isn't so bad" because you put up a cheerful front so not to lose or worry them.
If you do confide in someone (your friends or anyone else), it might be a good idea to tell them what you expect of them, what you would like; you could tell them that you just need someone to listen and not run away from you. You could ask if you could call or talk to them if you need to vent and give them time to think about it. You could also tell them that you don't have expectation that they will solve your problems, that you are working on it by yourself. But that if they want to support or help you, that you welcome it, even if it does not work out, you appreciate them caring.
But if don't want to be alone with this depression anymore, maybe you could contact a helpline or social services (anonymous, if you wish) to talk to someone and see if you can figure out what to do together.
These are just suggestions though; we are strangers so I could be saying things you might not find useful at all. And getting out of a long depression is a slow process (my focus during that time was centered on surviving each day and wondering how long it would take to feel normal again. I was not able to set any goals to work towards). Maybe you can at some point figure out what you need for yourself to make you feel content and emotionally fulfilled.
And less than a handful friends seems fine to me. Having a lot of friends does not mean you are better off or will be happier because of it. Unless you are a social butterfly who enjoys knowing a lot of people and, unlike me, is able to stay in touch with all of them ^^
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thanks man, it really means something that someone replied.
im gonna follow your advice and shelf the idea, ills ee what my friends can do for me. right now i dont want to call a helpline though but ill keep it in mind. thank you stranger :)
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I was 12 when my younger sister died. Now I'm 24 y.o. fired from college, unemployed for 2 years and still living with my parents. I never had a romantic relationship and personal contact with people scares me. But otherwise I am quite fine.
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living with your parents at 24 with this economy isnt a bad thing, its not even rare. Throw out some resumes and apply for some work. having something to do day to day is a good way to keep busy and feel fulfilled. People scare me too man, but thats because how most of them act ( or what i see from that ). and im sorry for your loss
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If it is of any comfort, two girls I know have trouble with warm and romantic contact. They don't seem to care all that much about it (and it is not noticeable most of the time), but they don't like people to touch them (incl. hugs from female friends or family). One of them even had an aversion to kissing. The one who says "no" to kissing wants to have kids. I wonder how that will work out when they get older (they are begin 20's).
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Sprained my back. Can't sit for more than 10 minutes now. Can't play games. Can hardly study properly. It has been almost 2 months. For all you people out there, keep your spine healthy, low back pain is fucking annoying.
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How many months do you take to recover? I went to this orthopedic doctor and he was not very helpful.
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2, try seeing another specialists if he/she is not helping with soving the pain problem. Also, even though i don't know the extent of your injury, it may help to ice it every night, but consult an actual specialist first before doing so. I know iceing it helped my injury a lot
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I had some issues with my lower back almost a year ago. The pain started around November and lasted for a couple of months. I didn't go to the doctor, I just replaced my chair with a Pilates ball because I couldn't sit on anything else. The pain just went away by itself. Then I went back to the chair because it's more comfortable, especially when gaming.
And I'm not exactly sure about this, but I think my troubles started because I was playing Assassin's Creed II with a controller with my feet up. I might've sprained something during the heat of combat without noticing it until it was too late.
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I know how that feels... Got nerves pinched during labour with my 1st kid, and didn't pay much thought to it 'till much later - had quite a few problems with a baby to take care of my own. By the time I actually went to see therapist it was all messed up - I could hardly sit straight or walk normally by then. Lucky me it wasn't too late, few months of therapy took care of it (though not permanently). Now, 20 years later, I have to do therapy pretty much every few years, otherwise I start limping again. What helps me to save money on those visits (by prolonging time in-between) - good massage chair, massaging pads (with spikes, yikes! - painful while doing, but great relief later), good orthopedic mattress (cost me a little fortune but totally worth it), and - Tiger balm! Good thing Costco sell it in big tins. :D
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Well, not as big of a problem as serious ones, but here it comes (forgive if my English is not good enough).
I've always had a really shitty confidence in myself and had problems at the school with my mates, mostly because I find half of them to be complete garbage most times, but anyways.
When I was 16 I met one girl. She isn't the smartest, neither the most beatiful one, or even especially kind to anyone, but God knows why I like her. I really, REALLY love her, to the point that I am totally and completely sure that I want her to be my girlfriend and eventually marry me.
See, the problem is that she doesn't think the same thing, and as such she told me several times "no".
We're good friends, and I would have no further problem than not being her boyfriend, but the real shit is that she seems to, don't know if to have fun or just mess with my heart, get in love with almost every male friend I have.
I am not joking, with 16 she wanted my best friend to be her boyfriend and asked me almost every day for advices to help her. She did that for almost 2 years, and I dealt with it. "Shit happens", I thought.
We got to university and she forgot my friend, so I thought that I wouldn't have to suffer that again. How stupid I am.
She almost instantly fell in love with another friend I made some days ago there. He also didn't want her as his girlfriend, so I had to hear her cry again for half a year.
Then she came to like yet another guy more, this time a frigging weaboo who is into furry and 2D-only girls. You can already imagine what I am talking about here. Guess who suffered yet again that same shit from the other times. For fuck sake, I even had to help her make a plan to "make senpai notice her".
She is still in love with that fucking jackass who won't just give her an opportunity because "I'm not prepared for a relationship", yet he flirts with other common friends.
Do you guys think that I am as stupid as them for trying to help my platonic love be happy and suffering the same shit over and over?
I don't know if I deserve this shit, man, I know I'm not a saint, but even though I kinda got through it I still get depressed from time to time, to the point that I don't want to be with nobody and I just cry of anger and jealousy all night long.
I know this may be a pretty common problem, but I just wanna know your opinion, guys, today I feel like I'm shit again.
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Sounds like this girl is just using you, in a very selfish way. If she cared about you even as a friend, even though she obviously knows you have a thing for her, she wouldn't act like that. I think the only way you can fix your situation is to completely sever your relationship with her. Sometimes there's no reasoning with certain people and a clean cut might be the fastest and the least painful solution.
It's the Hollywood romantic fantasies that are messing with your head, I reckon. There's one book that helped me shake off all that crap from my subconsciousness. The Art of Loving by Erich Fromm. I warmly recommend it to everyone on this thread.
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I guess I've whined enough on this forum but I'll do a quick recap, as you can see Minous2 you're not the only one in that situation :3
Plus I'm often very empathic, so I feel like shit reading sob stories and even more when people have real problems that they struggle with while on the other hand I'm just being lazy.
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124 Comments - Last post 34 minutes ago by FateOfOne
129 Comments - Last post 36 minutes ago by Deleted2137
Three months ago, I made a happy thread about how I finished school and got the perfect job. Well, now I got fired and things are not looking so well. So I decided to make this a sob story thread.
My sob story:
I don't have a job (worst time to get fired, too), I am almost 26 and still live with my parents (was planning to move, that is down the drain), my love life has been lower than zero for 4 years now (the only guy I ever liked is now taken), and I am not even close to achieving/doing something worthwhile.
So tell me, what is your sob story?
Edit: Wow, I didn't expect such a huge response. It is not in my capabilities to reply to every single one of you, but I want you to know that I read every single story and hope everything works out the best for all of you :)
P.S. You can add me on Steam and talk to me, as some people already did.
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