I agree with you, I am also waiting for the game to not be 30 bucks before buying. On the bright side Christmas is in a month so it may be on sale then. If it is then I will buy it then.
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It seems a little steep imo, but considering Prison Architect is also $30, not surprising I guess. I might also wait for the Winter Sale or the Fall Sale for a price drop.
Honestly shocked it's developed by a one-man team. Quite a feat with its content level.
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Yes, it does however mean that updates are every couple of months, but they add a new system. Like the newest updated added more relationships between the settlers and other factions, as well as drugs. Each drug has it's temporary benefits and then long term negative effects. Very much like real drugs, like some enhance joy, others combat, but they can make the person more tired, more hungry, move slower, and then their is drug dependency where they can withdrawal if they can't take their drug. One drug that has all positive benefits and no side effects, if they fail to take the drug, they will go berserk and kill everyone for days, and then they die.
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But yes I can see that there is a lot of work put into this game, but I do not think it is worth 30 buck a copy yet.
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The longevity is surely there, and the challenge as well. Even though I don't have 30$ for a game, it do worth it, easily. The question if the game has enough appeal that makes someone sure that they will play enough that they feel the 30$ purchase legitimized - no use to buy a good game, if someone gets bored of it in 3-4 hours, or even less :)
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One criticism of the game is that the game is repetitive in how you play the game. However that was when you always started with three people of which are of advanced tech, making the research tree more of rediscoveries. It made a hard start, but easy late and middle game. Now with the ability to make your own starts, you can do lower tech people like the tribes, and thus have research penalty making for an easy start with more people, but a harder middle game as you can not build advanced equipment until much later.
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Also even the negative reviews on steam have 30 or so hours in the game, except a few 1 hours who clearly was not their cup of tea.
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Seems like it hasn't changed that much since I've played, so - yeah, but that doesn't have to make it a boring game per se, there's still a lot of random events and need to adapt to them and your surroundings. Though he really should add some sort of environmental/random/discovery tech to spice things up a bit - RimWorld is one of the few exceptions where community involvement genuinely does work for a mutual benefit IMO.
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In general yes, you have a base to build, and ultimately very few ways to get the best outcome. But as systems and updates are added, the complexity can help the game. For example the only real way to live through toxic fallout is to keep your guys indoors with a large food stash, this encourages the base to be one and connected, but their are creatures that will spawn in caves including your base if it is part of a cave and fires need object close object to spread which encourage the player to have a segmented spaces. In other words the base defense for one scenario is different and vulnerable to another situation. I think the game is worth 20 bucks at any rate, and the game improves all the time.
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I played the alpha about a year ago and would say it's definitely overhyped, but not a bad game - and definitely more on the micro-side of things. Like buzzcrafter said, it has its charm and there's very much attention to detail and therefore a lot to do - from gathering resources to building your refuge, farming, managing the needs of your inhabitants big time ;), defending them against outside raids and inside dangers, etc.
Can't really tell about the endgame as of the time I was playing it wasn't really implemented, thus I don't know about its longevity. Had a very nice and active modding community though.
Short: If they keep at it, RimWorld finna be a very nice, addictive experience, but for the moment the asking price of ~30 bucks seems a little bit steep - even if they have a very small dev team and put a lot of effort in it. I'd say just wait for it a little bit longer if you're not sure whether it's your cup of tea or not.
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So I'm considering getting the game, but long way from ever being close to having $30 in hand ready for purchase. What I'm wondering though is it worth the price tag?
Don't get me wrong, I understand the appeal of it. I've played games it shares similar management simulator, possibly brutal RNG events, and infinite replayability with rogue aspects such as Prison Architect, Don't Starve, and FTL. With the added Sims characters, not unlike Prison Architect though.
But my main question is it an enjoyable experience? Besides managing crisis after crisis, does the game offer real enjoyment or is way to ovverhyped. Is the management more macro based or micro?
I've watched a couple playthroughs of it, but the streamers were pretty good at the game and it didn't offer as much insight as I had hoped. And Steam reviews are way too meme-y, especially positive ones, to trust whole-heartedly. Every other review is a recounting of a crazy event followed by 11/10 "would get mauled again" or a variation on that.
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