7 years ago

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Wow this I gotta see. xD

7 years ago

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Lol. Well I would never do it :) Might be fun watching Matt Damon go through it.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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This movie looks very interesting :D

7 years ago

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Hmm, rain can kill you...

7 years ago

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Looks like a fun movie, but that scene on the toy boat is just so wrong. A lot of our things like cars and boats and planes work as well as they do because of their mass - if you've ever seen an RC boat go around you know it's nothing like a real boat. Small RC planes have serious problems with any little gust of wind. A tiny car would flip over from that same gust of wind, no matter how you built it.

So no, I wouldn't be downsized for any reason - especially since it in no way would save the planet. Overpopulation isn't a real threat - first world countries reproduce at a lower and lower rate to the point where some countries (Japan, Germany IIRC) actually would be declining in population if it wasn't for immigration. So the solution to our problem isn't to shrink the "first world" rich, it's to help the third world countries develop into first world countries.

7 years ago

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Overpopulation is the main thread for our planet. The rainforests are being destroyed at a rate of more than 8 million hectars a year just for paper and food (mainly meat) production. There are almost 2 billion motorized vehicles that cause immense air pollution. Pretty much every product produced produces waste too, and the first world countries are consuming more and more. Saying overpopulation is no real thread is just not true.

7 years ago

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The paper industry plants more trees than they cut down - our forests would be far smaller if not for our need for paper. The horrible deforestation of the rainforest wouldn't happen if not for the miserable state of living of the locals - mainly due to the corruption of their governments. The solution to this isn't less people - it's more civilisation.

And what I mean by saying overpopulation isn't the issue is simple: many think the population will grow forever - but the science does not bear this out. We're not too many people, and we never will be - we are just really bad at equally distributing resources, and at distributing the material wealth we actually have. This is not a population problem - it's a political problem.

7 years ago

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Unfortunately those artifical forests have nowhere near the same benefits of a rainforest. Besides that it takes decades for the trees to grow to a size where they can be harvested for paper.

Well, yes the problem is political too. But after all it's still the people who decide where their money goes and what industries they support. And as long as the majority of people don't chose to live a sustainable lifestyle the problem lays in the overpopulation too.

7 years ago

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I wouldn't say any of that is exclusive to over-population. There are also statistics(the one I saw was based in America) that show how much food we waste per day and it's a lot. On the topic of wood and pollution... Yeah, that's a legitimate issue but more in the sense that the companies doing the ineffective logging probably don't know or don't care how to do it effectively.

7 years ago

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Imagine the insects, they would be freaking monsters! 😱

7 years ago

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I kinda feel they showed everything interesting in the trailer...

7 years ago

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imagine how happy most sg users would be looking at little girls, so cute! <333

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7 years ago

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You don't downsize humans, and go camping outdoor.
Now you got arthropods to deal with.
Giant spiders...

7 years ago

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Downsize... literally? What an odd idea. But it would be quite enough if people stopped eating like hogs and polluting the planet.

7 years ago

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Personally I'd like to be much smaller. To be picked up by a partner or fully enveloped while cuddling would be amazing.

Could I be made just a little smaller relative to other peeps?

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7 years ago

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i remember that scene... :3

7 years ago

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Also, how many people do you think would do it to enact thier vore fetishes?

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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maybe works in movies but my body would stop the uptake of oxygen or maybe the pressure would squeeze me in notime... :P

if you take the physical effects by side, i still wouldnt do this... i wouldnt trust the rest that stays big... -.-

7 years ago

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this looks interesting.

7 years ago

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