I don't know if i should even do this, offcourse i know it's not a medical forum, but i am really at a wits end, and also made me much more quiet the last 6 months.
Since november when i had to let go of Bowy i moved a washing machine/dryer on my own several times because she left me with fleas, and since then my world turned upside down, in that i started to leak fluid from behind, so a form of incontinence, luckily and i like to keep it at that, it's just clean fluid, if it dried up again you wouldn't even notice and smell it. Combined with a germphobia it's been a very killing combination and it's also i can't really google much on it, as iti also seem to have some very obscure thing it seems.

In march i had a treatment for internal hemmoroids, the surgeon said your problems should remain steady or get better, but lucky me it got worse, and i even got a second procedure done but that also didn't make it better.
For some weird reason (yet another bad break) incontinence is only covered frontal and not from behind in our country, so around june/july i bought my own fitness thing, some item with a spring you can put between your legs and press against it, but offcouse that yet again only made it more worse. Where normally i only had problems after waking up until i had to go to the bathroom, i now also have "accidents" later on in the day in lesser form.

One would say go to a doctor, but the surgeon just shrugged his shoulders, my stomach doctor said he didn't know and i should probably just live with it ..And i had an MRI taken for my liver and i was like can't they do one for the lower area while they were at it, but that required different settings.
But that stomach doctor also said a MRI there would likely be useless according to him, and i have a general doctor that doesn't even have a clue about an MRI there.

With a lot of hassle that stomach doctor was so kind to fill in a form so i got fysio therapy covered now, and i expected (and was told) they would examine me with a device and maybe a camera inside, and i hoped that would show something in that lower area has shifted and i would need surgery, but they didn't look, monday i got my second appointment, and i still don't know if they gonna do it then.

I just find it all very weird that no doctor can even help me guide through this and that there aren't some simple tests, in case if things have shifted.
I don't know if i could do and try things myself, like if someone would tell me take a 30 minute walk every day i would be right on it.
Just maybe there is just 1 person out there that can recognize this, and help me out.

On the other hand lots of other weird things just happening to me:
-Like just going to the store and an old lady as a customer reads a help wanted sign in that store and asks me if that job isn't something for me (like is it written on my forehead that i am jobless),
-My diabates nurse emailed me if i shouldn't just quit my diabetes medicine when i haven't tested my blood for six months so there was absolutely no ground for it to quit and say that.
-And then i was told a while ago by a person that helped me but quit 3 weeks ago without even a goodbye note or give me a replacement, i should never worry about losing my wellfare and now they suddenly started coming after me again after 4 years, fear of losing my wellfare, and thus also money for my rental and my house. And to top that off they also cut me off my meds 10 weeks ago that gave me some stress relief.

The last few months feels like being on a thight rope while 100 people are throwing stuff at you and i got weird stuff like that above like every day.


2 hours ago*

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MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, colonoscopy ?. Maybe is a virus?. I don't known where are you from.. Here in Argentina we got free health care for people is not the best, but well, i know in united kingdom they too have free health care, maybe if you live near that countrys can go if your country is expensive in medical care. Try eating food with more fiber in it maybe it would help?

Sorry for the bad english.

2 hours ago

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Thanks, your english isn't that bad. :)

Netherlands, it's "free" after your own risk and you still pay a good deal monthly.

I thought at the fysio therapy that looking inside part would be equivalent to a colonscopy, but then i didn't get it (yet) and the stomach doctor again wasn't positive i would find something, it's a nice doctor but clueless in some areas, but then i also don't know if it is part of his expertise, there are "pee" doctors, but can't really say they have doctors for the behind, but someone has to know.

The problems started after moving something very heavy (100-120kg?) a few times, and it got worse after treatment against internal hemmoroids which would make it say it's not a virus especially if it's been going on for about a year, a virus normally would leave by itself eventually.

I tried cruesli, i even received medical fiber back in march but back then it gave me more accidents later on in the day when back then it was only restrained in the mornings so back then i quit, i still have them though, can't get worse (i hope) trying it again.

2 hours ago

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Like andre say below, maybe you got an hernia for moving the thing. Maybe something in your intern just (i don't know the world in english) "cut it", or move, detached?, from the position and is making that happen?.

1 hour ago

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Yeah shifted i would say, or moved. then you need surgery, i just don't know what would be required like f.e an endoscopy/colonoscopy or something else. When you got 3 doctors saying i don't know, i don't know who does then.

1 hour ago

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I was diagnosed with IBS this year and have had various issues since January. Not saying you have IBS but like Edual suggested above, I would recommend getting a colonoscopy and maybe an endoscopy as well. Of course, depends on your healthcare and whether you doctor is willing to refer you. Colonoscopy would definitely show any possible issues down that end though.

2 hours ago

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My bowel movement hasn't been superb in years either, what i forgot to mention is also since november when it began i got more muckus, sometimes also just a small drop with wiping later on in the day, just once a day.
But it could be, but never knew this issue could arise from that, just that with IBS you have problems with the bowel movement?

And i thought an endoscopy and colonoscopy were the same thing, but it's not, what is the difference?

See, i asked the stomach doctor about the possibility for an endoscopy/colonoscopy but i couldn't remember if there was a difference, but he basically said it was the same, and that most likely they wouldn't find anything.
Normally you would go for a second opinion, and while costs aren't an issue, getting a new doctor (or surgery) is usually a matter of waiting months up till a year ever since corona, they never catched up.

My mother had to wait 1 year to get her left eye fixed, and then another for the right eye.

1 hour ago

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Apparently a small amount of mucus can be normal, but larger amounts can be a sign of IBS or IBD. IBS causes various digestive issues. Some people with IBS experience diarhea, others experience constipation and others have a mixture of both. There are also various abdominal pains associated with IBS. However my understanding is that they usually diagnose you with IBS when they can't find any other cause for your issues. IBS is a miscommunication between your brain and your gut. Again, not suggesting you have it but you need to get checked in case its something else.

Sorry for the confusion with colonoscopy / endoscopy. Instead of endoscopy I should have said gastroscopy. Endoscopy is the parent term for procedures that involve sticking tubes with a camera into your body. Colonoscopy is when it's inserted into your rectum and they inspect your large colon. Gastroscopy is when they insert a tube down your throat to inspect your stomach. Neither is very pleasant so if you have either done I recommend asking for sedation (if it's available).

I'd definitely recommend seeing a gastroenterologist to discuss your issues and see what they recommended. Even if you have to wait for an appointment, it's worth it.

1 hour ago

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Thank you for the clear explanation. yeah i also had a few years always after dinner that i had to cough really loud.
That disappeared and now i have to cough after my bowels are clear. And i have almost really choked a few times in a piece of apple and pizza in the past, only because i always had soda nearby i could clear it with that.

So i always said i always felt sometime is stuck/wrong somewhere between my throat and the end.

There is also an option for a camera in a pill and then you just have to swallow that and you don't really experience pain or hassle but i am afraid that might be costly and not easily tried out.
I will see monday if they gonna check with a camera inside at the fysiotherapy and what comes out of it, else i will press with my general doctor for a gastroenterologist (jeez what a scrablle word). :p

I have also tried to get another general doctor, but there are waiting lists, and even those are closed.

1 hour ago

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Endoscopy can get used in the stomach, intestine, lungs etc..
If used for the intestine it's called colonoscopy.

Endoscop(e) are the tool name.
Colon are a part of the intestine.

Colonoscopy on yt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHuJ-uHVY5I

I would recommend:
Specialist in internal medicine/gastroenterologist for a general intestine check (Ultrasonography + Colonoscopy if needed) and treatment if it isn't a problem of the last ~10cm and don't need directly a surgery.
Specialist in proctology (+ Specialist in surgery if needed). Most likely one doctor with both specialities, to check if the problem is in the last few cm of the intestine (after area).
A urologist for a check of the prostate gland

I have over 25 years of experience with chronic intestine illness(es).

Mucus, a bit white, could be, a part of, the first protection layer of your intestine and if so, a intestine specialist should see the problem in a colonoscopy.

And you should check if you react on milk sugar (lactose) or milk protein. In germany do this a skin doctor (don't question me why).
Lactose is much more often the problem and many people get it (i got it with ~30 years and none of my multiple doctors -multiple intestine and bowel specialists- not realized it for over 10 years. I found out by myself after many years with unneeded extreme pain and problems [so yes, doctors are sometimes absolute blind]).
I have this too and it is very painful, a lot of air in the intestine and a lot of running to the toilet. If you have it in a lower degree it make maybe only a bit problem that you describe then as "leaking a bit".
Could be a reason too.

48 minutes ago*

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Diverticulitis or some kind of hernia? Maybe you have a lesion is some obscure core muscle or something.
But like the other friends said, it would be way better if you could get a real doctor to see you. If your situation gets too unbearable maybe going to any nearby country (even if you're going to pay for exams and stuff it may be way cheaper than in the US) could help.

2 hours ago

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Could be maybe, yeah it definitely feels and sounds obscure.

But what if a stomach doctor, a surgeon and general doctor are shrugging their shoulders?

I am also alone with no option to get to the airport, public transport is also costly and i rather not do, i also have to do a liver biopsy (another issue, my liver values keep shifting for years which they also do nothing about except blood tests).
I live across a hospital, but some things can't be done there, and they have/had plans to shut it down, if that happens i would really struggle if i need regular treatments like chemo or whatever.

1 hour ago

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Sorry, I don't know. Have a bump so maybe somebody will read it and help you.

Still, a forum maybe is not the best place. I think it's better to leave it to the medical experts.

1 hour ago

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Thanks, i really really tried, but as i said a general doctor, stomach doctor, surgeon and fysiotherapist all shrug their shoulders, and can't give me answers to certain questions (like if it's perhaps also excessive sweat (sometimes) due excessive stress.

And that's just the medical things, all the rest the few people around me (i had) also shrugged their shoulders like i feel sorry for you but we don't know either, i am hoping someone for a change does know something to help me.

I know the chances are slim to none, but maybe there is 1 person that recognizes it with theirselves or someone close to them.
I tried google, but with my germphobia i can't dig in to deeply without reading the potential "dirty" stuff and it usually goes about that, which doesn't go well with my germphobia, but i also don't have that part, i am "lucky" that everything is clean but it's still very annoying, but perhaps also something obscure.

1 hour ago

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Maybe you should check if it is related with lactose intolerance. When eating milk you get gas aggregating in colon and it gets in a way of a processes in your colon which result in water not recieved by your organism and you may leak as you say. You should try not eating dairy for a week maybe too check for the difference and obviously consult a doctor about it. It is only a probability, I'm not a doctor, just met with same problem with partial intolerance.

1 hour ago*

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Thank you, that might be a good tip as i do eat cottage cheese a lot (sometimes 2x packages a day) since i moved, because it's easy to digest.

But you did leak too you say or just had the intolerance?

1 hour ago

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Yeah i had a wet stool with gas and much water, which i thought is connected with poisoning or diarrhea. Colonoscopy and gastroscopy showed all is normal, except to much gas with water in colonoscopy. Poop analysis showed too much of undigested food. What was hard is that no doctor suggested lactose intolerance, and i found it myself just controlling my food, because i thought it is a problem with its quality. Took time really.

1 hour ago*

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So you avoid most/any lactose products now or you getting medicine?

Yeah, i totally understand the part where doctors aren't coming up with ideas with what you can have, and basically say "live with it", it's good you found out yourself, that's also what i am trying to do here. It can make you feel so helpless.

59 minutes ago

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Yeah i agree, from doctors you except them blooming with ideas like dr house. And i liked milk a lot always, so it was unexpected for me to have such problems. And it only appeared a couple of years after some rather stupid food poisoning in military, so i don't know what really caused it.

44 minutes ago

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Well we do also put them on a pedestal, but also they treat themselves like gods that they know it all because they studied, but in the end they are also just human.

Like 2 stomach doctors always blamed my shifting liver values on the alcohol i took in the past, while i had many moments i was clean (up till a year) and i said that wasn't it, only now i got a stomach doctor that agreed with me.
It's also not always easy to get a doctor to go with what you think is right or wrong.

I do think i don't have lupus atleast (the running gag on that show).

34 minutes ago

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Also eating cheese or cottage cheese is normal for me since i have only partial intolerance to lactose, and in cheese you have lactose digested by bacteria. What triggers really is milk itself and things containing it in nonfermented form, like condensed milk or sour cream.

52 minutes ago

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Well maybe cottage cheese i translated badly, google says soft cheese, i don't really feel it's anything like cheese form or taste like it, it's more like yoghurt thus a milk form (i think).

It's like this: https://www.dekweker.nl/p.53476.html/melkan-verse-volle-kwark-romig-bak-500-gram.html There is a cow on the package and it says made with milk.

Unless you say whenever it's processed it's okay and you really mean pure milk, but that intolerance might also differ per person? Not everyone is the same after all.

39 minutes ago

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Gastroenterology and surgery are not my field of expertise but I have a general knowledge about them.
Just to clarify a few things I read in the post and comments. The doctor for the back is called proctologist or colorectal surgeon. Rectoscopy or colonoscopy requires preparation. If the doctor did not prescribe a solution for you to drink on the day before the colonoscopy, then the colon won't be clean and they won't be able to see anything.
The cause of fecal incontinence can be multiple, but reading your history it's most likely a grade III or grade IV internal hemorrhoid. The dilated veins prolapse through the anus sphincter and they won't let the anus to close. That can lead to incontinence. I understand that it was treated multiple times already. Maybe the previous method was not working for you and your surgeon might try another method next time (ligation, sclerotherapy, coagulation)

32 minutes ago

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Thank you for the clarification.

To not mess with my mind and since i am not seeing anything, i like to keep it that it's just fluid and would call it differently (if there is even a word for that), and as i said not see anything "dirty" if i i would have had that, it would have driven me insane with the germphobia.

Indeed i been treated 2 times for internal hemmoroids, the second time he found another big one, but what stumps me is that he was totally suprised the problems got worse, like it wasn't in his study books and knowledge like he didn't even believed me.
From november till the procedure in march, i occasionally had a leakage and sometimes not. After the procedure i leaked every morning.

But i asked him to consult with my stomach doctor whocalled me back but i haven't heard back anymore from that surgeon since, so he basically just dropped me instead of just suggesting himself any other forms of treatments or tests.
I even suggested surgery for any hemmoroid removal to the surgeon but he was not going along with that for some weird reason.

15 minutes ago

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That sucks, hope you get better.

32 minutes ago

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Thank you.

25 minutes ago

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as an american.
whats a doctor???

18 minutes ago

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