As most of us know, later in 2016 the new DOOM game is going to be released, and with a new game comes many new opinions on that particular game.I for one am looking forward to this long overdue title. I am a long time fan and grew up on classic Doom / Quake / Wolfenstein games from back in the 90's and even enjoyed the newer franchise like Doom 3 and Quake 4(Basically every ID game ever published haha). I love the fact that this game is going to have not only a campaign and multiplayer but also a co-op aspect to it as well. This just means that the carnage and mass destruction of demons will be double the fun :D. I also think the ability to make your own maps and do what you want makes the game that much more fun.

Im not one to ever really pre-order a game but this game looks like it will take the cake for me. I do however wanna hear your opinions on Doom and if you are a fan or not. I know we all like different things and its hard to satisfy the general public these days but everyone is entitled to their own opinion. So let them Fly lol :D but please be respectful of what others say even if you dont like it yourself

9 years ago

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Do you at some point see yourself purchasing this game. This doesn't necessarily mean preorder but at some point in the future.

View Results
Pre-ordering it
Maybe, not too sure
What is DOOM?

This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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Very true. i was upset when cryotek shutdown Crysis and Crysis 2 servers. i miss many multiplayer games that once had Online capabilities but are strictly single player now

9 years ago

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Some of them even worse. I bought Battlefield 2142 Deluxe as a retail yesterday and it's really dead. Singleplayer is limited to 5 maps (i forgot it was like that, otherwise i wouldn't even buy it) and it crashes a lot even if it's v1.51.

Btw, Unreal Tournament '99 rocks :3

8 years ago

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It looks awesome. I built my new pc just so i can play this.

9 years ago

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No, just don't believe in the hype. It's a way to get your hopes up too much.
I did the same with Watch Dogs.

9 years ago

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Wha? Sorry mate, didn't hear ya, it's this Brutal Doom thingy that's been running on my machine over the past several months, takes all my attention, totally, it's way fun too... ;-)

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

9 years ago

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I play brutal doom not so much for the gore (but that's nice too), but for the gameplay improvements. It makes the game a lot more dynamic.

9 years ago

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Watched a game-play trailer from GDC and it looks promising!.

9 years ago*

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I know right. Straight to the roots of a traditional FPS shooter with tons of explosions and gib action going on :D i dont always play a mindless shooter like these but doom was by far the most entertaining and fun game i had played throughout the years even if it does get a bit repetitive it has aspects and visuals that keep you enjoying many more hours :D

9 years ago

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Yeah, fast-paced, gory, first-person action. Liked it. Was like Shadow Warrior. Skip that-kindergarten-level-base-story and start to blow everything up!. :D

8 years ago*

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I use to play Doom 1, when I was a kid, and loved it. Didn't even know about Doom 2 or 3 at the time they came out so on. Happy to see that a reboot of a game I loved is coming, so definitely pre-ordering it.

9 years ago

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hope you enjoy as much as i do, even way back when, this new title seems like it will bring back some of my younger childhood memories even though it is newer :D

9 years ago

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Doom has a special special place in my heart. many fond memories of playing the classics with friends deep into the night and waking up our neighbors with shouts of terror (i didnt say screams that wouldnt be.... 'manly'). the atmosphere, horror, and hell theme where nowhere is safe really appeals to me in a game setting. the multiplayer deathmatch and co-op modes were some great times. i hope this one delivers especially with the eternal delays of Hellraid which struck me as a modern day medieval Doom or HeXen.

9 years ago

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+1. hope the very same.

8 years ago

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i just liked the graphics, but i assume it will be another mindless fps like painkiller.

9 years ago

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for sure, and yeah it is looking like a mindless shooter but thats not gonna stop me from playing lol :D

9 years ago

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I'd say that's a point in it's favour rather than against. :D

I've literally heard no news about this game from anyone until I saw it on Steam's main page... so at least it's not being over-hyped like most games nowadays.
Nonetheless, its price is waaaaaaay too high for me to buy it on anything but a 80% off sale some years down the line if at all.

Edit: Oh, wait, it's Doom 4. Ok, I have heard a little bit about it. Though not really as much as one would expect for a Doom game. Also that kinda makes me more skeptical about what state it's really in when you look past the trailers.

8 years ago*

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I'm not gonna pre-order but definitely someday in the near future.

8 years ago

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I pre-ordered RAGE.

I'll never pre-order anything made by id Shit.

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by DeathbyQuigley.