Seems like this info is missing here, so I created this topic.

Link to Valves posting in Steamworks Development group.

5 years ago*

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Cool change, although I don't have too many bgm that I'm already listening to on a playlist, this is a neat modern feature impanted. Very convenient.

5 years ago

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I'm not sure, if it's so cool, yet. The question is, how much will it tie the soundtracks to Steam and how hard will it be to export them for use with another player? If we get tools do so, then it's nice, but not so much, if it's not a straightforward process.

5 years ago

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It's certainly better than the current system, where each soundtrack is in some folder inside the game's installation folder. Now all soundtracks are in a designated folder, so you can easily add just that folder to the music library in your music player of your choice.

Also, you now won't need to download a game (you don't even need to own it, actually) to listen to its soundtrack.

5 years ago

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You can still easily move the soundtracks right now from the game folder. It's not a streaming service, Steam's gotta download the files to your computer. Of course, it's possible to put a locking mechanism in but I don't see Valve putting in the effort for that.

5 years ago*

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The question is, how much will it tie the soundtracks to Steam and how hard will it be to export them for use with another player?

I've seen a few games lock the soundtrack into the associated game, but other than that all the ones I've seen/used have been proper stand-alone music files (ie, without any kind of locking or required player).

Going off the feature list, there doesn't appear to be any plans of changing that. Closest section seems to be

customers can browse and manage their owned and downloaded soundtracks directly from the new Steam library.

which doesn't appear to introduce any new restrictions or restriction methods.

Besides, Valve's internal audio player (as with their internal video player) is [at least historically, and I'm unaware of any changes to that] rather infamously poor in quality (eg, interface, features, stability), to the point where it would inhibit sales.

I can't see Valve putting in the effort to update it (given that their general practice is to introduce and then abandon half-completed Steam features, and this one is particularily long-standing as being neglected), especially as they seem to have mostly dropped all intentions towards directly supporting audio and video software on the platform.

Without the benefit of an internal player which has a native locking function, I can't see publishers putting in the effort to lock media unless a larger service [eg, spotify or itunes] offers support for associative activations. So the concerns'll be the same as always, that the soundtrack activates internal to a game, or that the file format is problematic in some way (ie, meaning you'd need to convert it for use with the device you're intending it to be used for).

5 years ago

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customers can now purchase soundtracks without purchasing the base game.
customers can now download soundtracks without downloading the base game.

I've been wanting both of these for a good while, so yeah, surprise showing by Valve. Even better, if cg is willing, and Valve doesn't bungle the API, presumably this could allow for a "Filter non-wishlisted soundtracks" account option. (Though, hopefully that'd extend towards the Holiday event, or such a filter would mostly just be self-sabotage for anyone who regularly manually filters.)

Of course, combatbeard's thread (linked by him at the bottom of this page) indicates that soundtracks may currently perhaps not be working on SG at all, so... maybe Valve pre-bungled the matter for our (in)convenience. :P

5 years ago

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good that you can buy sountracks now without owning the game..and no more browsing game folders to find the music. :)

5 years ago

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customers can now purchase soundtracks without purchasing the base game.
customers can now download soundtracks without downloading the base game.
customers can browse and manage their owned and downloaded soundtracks directly from the new Steam library.
customers can configure a Steam "music" directory where all soundtrack content will be placed, rather than having to locate it in subdirectories of game content.
developers can upload and manage soundtrack content entirely through the partner site, without using steamcmd.
developers can sell soundtracks where the base game itself is not available for sale on Steam.


5 years ago

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This is pretty cool. Solid QOL update.

5 years ago

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I hope this means that "complete your collection" bundles no longer have soundtrack DLC that inflate the price when you're not interested in the soundtrack.

5 years ago

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It will probably still be possible for the devs to add the soundtrack to the bundle even if the soundtrack is no longer a dlc.

5 years ago

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Nice changes indeed. If only they added a posibility to listen owned soundtrack as a stream from steam servers, without downloading first... But I doubt they will do this, as it would mean extra load on their servers...

5 years ago

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This is a great change, but in my experience as a consumer, the conversion process hasn't gone entirely smoothly. I've actually tweeted to a few publishers because the resulting conversion meant that when you tried to download the soundtrack, you'd only get an empty folder.

So far, out of all the soundtracks I own that have been converted, I've gotten all but 1 fixed; but because I own less than 20% of what has currently been converted, there are probably many more examples still broken.

5 years ago

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The same thing happened when they switched libraries. Valve announced new asset requirements and stuff months ahead, and when the library launched, after a nice beta period, you could see publishers being in panic, asking "why is our game shown weirdly, people complain to us".

5 years ago

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Nice update ! But I can't found where is the dlc converter they are talking in the annoucement :/

5 years ago

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You need to be developer/publisher for that.

5 years ago

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Ah, sorry. I'm not very awake ... -_-

5 years ago*

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Well, if you will notice it's for closed steam group "Steamworks Development" it will become more clear.

5 years ago

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Sorry I wasn't very awake ...

5 years ago

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This is for developers, not for users

5 years ago

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What about all the banned games, and devs that dumped their game on steam and don't give a damn?

5 years ago

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This is what bothers me too, things like electric highway which got removed a month ago or so, will it just lose my soundtrack to it because of this new system? I bought so many soundtracks, and so far the soundtrack tab in steam only show 4 of them which is kind of concerning

5 years ago

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seems like this DLC will be available, just developers have choice to join with new system and ppl who bought DLC can automatically get "new" soundtrack
conclusion: but if dev don't join, then DLC stays in it's place (in my understanding it seems to reflect future soundtracks as well, devs may opt for DLC rather "new" soundtrack)

5 years ago

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Seems like a good change. A lot easier to find the soundtracks. I think I will have a lot of "new" music to check out :)

5 years ago

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Yep, love the idea.

(I hope it doesn't turn to the Spotify tho, i don't want other than game soundtracks)

5 years ago*

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Sounds great, but wont stop using the old library. Hope this doesn't mess up all my soundtracks there.

5 years ago

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Slowly but surely my missing Soundtrack DLCs keep popping up under the new section. It seems as about 8 of them are added to my library per day. Some with 0 KB, some with "invalid depot configuration", tho. So there are still some hurdles to overcome.

Nevertheless, keep checking the new section for your missing soundtracks and keep messaging the developers and publishers of your missing soundtrack DLCs to convert to the new system.
The steam music player still is only rudimentary, tho, and lacks functionality. But since you're downloading MP3s and/or FLACs, you can use any player you want.

5 years ago

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I own 89 games with soundtrack DLC. Kept track of them by a separate category. The new library music section only displays 16 though. I guess patience is key here 🐌

5 years ago

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Patience and the will to contact developers/producers to change their DLCs to now "real" soundtracks

5 years ago

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I am sorry, if this will be stupid question... but where I can see the soundtrack section? I have not used it before, but thought it would be nice to check the soundtracks I own.
I have just found View -> Music Details / Music player, but that's a real chaos. XD There are showing some of my soundtrack, but also voice wav files from Pillars of Eternity or Witcher. Or I have there some "Album" apparently from RPG maker music add on, which is splitted into 20 lonely track insted of them being in one album. Is that right? o.O

5 years ago

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That is the old and abysmal one. In the new library click on Games (two "lines" below HOME), choose soundtracks, untick games, untick the "only ready to play" button if you use it like I do, and then soundtracks are there, finally pretty neatly organized.

View attached image.
5 years ago

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Oh my, totally missed it. XD thank you! :D

5 years ago

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Was just about to answer you but adam already explained it perfectly

5 years ago

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Just checked, thanks for the directions.

It's still abysmal conversion though. I'm sure I have more OSTs available but looks like the Developers are too lazy converting them properly.

5 years ago

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Solid change but do wonder if it signals the $20 premium FLAC soundtrack era.

5 years ago

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Heard of Bandcamp?

5 years ago

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Jesus gawd no, who has the time to deal with all that?

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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I think the devs a bit misjudged what these soundtracks worth. 10+ euro for a soundtrack that can be found with a simple youtube search? I love game soundtracks but back in the day you got extra cd in the case with soundtrack or you could just browse the folders for free, now they cost as much as the game itself.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

5 years ago

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Is it just me or are those Soundtracks more expensive than they were before the change?

5 years ago

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SG should convert this to the giveaway possibilities , or does that happen also automatically!

5 years ago

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Probably won't ever happen, but I made a thread a few days ago.

5 years ago

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Good question! I don't know the answer to this. And I didn't check if app IDs changed with former soundtrack DLCs that got converted to the new format.
I guess this is a new topic for support to answer.

5 years ago

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Is there a video or a picture of this new tool because i can't seem to find it.

5 years ago

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You find it under the home button in your library, made a picture for finding it

View attached image.
5 years ago

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Thank you, but i was talking about a different one.

5 years ago

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The tool itself is only for developers/publishers.

For us users, adam1224 explained it here.

5 years ago

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Thank you.

5 years ago

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You're welcome

5 years ago

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Closed 2 years ago by AmanoTC.