do you like me or not
I don't know what the problem was, but you are forgiven. You are a cool person
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Don't be sorry, I think if people have problems with someone else then it's their problems, nobody forces them to interact with anybody, they could just ignore and do their own things. But if they want to interact and be angry or whatever, it is their choice to do so.
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Don't worry about it too much. You can never please everyone or be friends with everyone. We are all too different for that. It is also difficult when things are said in text because they can be interpreted in different ways depending on how the person reading is feeling. (With talking you see their face, hear there connotation, pick up on their intend,... ect) So mishaps will happen even if you don't even intend them to.
Sometimes people are having a shitty day and they lash out, but that isn't always on you. And that is not who they are. Try to keep that in mind when you get a reaction that startles you a bit, maybe they think the same about your reaction. Two way street and all. Anyways, don't let it get to you. Another day, another interaction. ^v^
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Tina you are just a super nice person to me - awesome friend (and not just because you have an owl pic - i love owls) - you just seem so kind towards everyone - i wish i could be more like you are :)
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You're so sweet for saying that! Thank you. But even I have my bad days like everyone. I can be snappy too sometimes.
Just don't let it get to you, really. Just treat people like you would want to be treated and if they take offence anyway, just let it go and walk away. That's what I do. I hope you can put it out of your head and have a great rest of your day! ^v^ And know that some do appreciate you! <3
Yep owls are just the best! ⊙▽⊙
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Hey, if you mean blacklists even i have 285, against 1300 whitelists, haters gonna hate, and we know you can already get them for just saying a word.
I think these last 2 decades society became more angry in general (not everyone) but if f.e we struggle financially, not knowing how to pay the next bill it can do a real number on people, becoming stressful, here we got 1 million people struggling like that, thanks to our governments.
Or how my mom says in the 80's it was so normal for people to come over, even unannounced, and now noone (where my heart breaks for her, but even i experience that and it's an overwhelming feeling of loneliness) and maybe it was because i was a child then (and didn't had the worries of an adult) but i also felt the 80-90's were way more relaxed, why i got such a nostalgia for it.
I mean just look at a random discussion on twitter, left vs right, or even here in the few political discussions that were tried, but it always got out of hand.
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i don't know if we have got worse or the ease of things like Twitter make it easier to be mad and say nasty things also i think the fact "everyone knows whats best" isn't a good thing either - but your a cool dude
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Its a transition from a local micro culture in the 80s to a global culture that is very censor/cancel and one size fits all.
Before, locally, majority of people were noit heavily stressed until a government starts some form of fight globally.
Now, the local peace of mind, has been replaced by our global media intake. No going back unless enough local people dedicate their intake to locally.
Journalism also died in the 80's as the consumers decided tabloid news was more interesting. Rest of the media followed suit.
Today, successful brainwashing media on both sides calling each other liars are also to blame. They get better ratings with sowing fear and clickbait. Almost everyone is 100% sure their brainwash is the good one. yet wont acknowledge that its still brainwashing.
People claim mind control is not possible, yet it is happening every day.
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I mean you said something nasty about a user, and others then said nasty things towards yourself. I wouldn't say that's exactly surprising. If you really wanted to stand up for yourself you wouldn't have edited your comment but either you realized your mistake and edited it, which is the wrong thing to do, but a step in the right direction, or you wanted to mitigate damage, case in which, you haven't learned anything, but I guess we'll see in a bit.
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I've noticed a few comments that have felt a bit more frustrated than the average, but as a person who works on trying to cool off my own head when it comes to online discussion, I can relate and don't really mind it. I especially don't mind it now since you actively are self-aware of it and are trying to improve.
Not sure how your brain works, but for me, I basically always kept starting off cool and chill, only for further thinking on the subject making me create more and more assumptions, which in turn wound me up further and further. Again, not saying that's how it is for you, but that's how it is for me after trying to evaluate my own mental processes.
Point being, you're all good, boo :))
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i always try to have a good day and like at work i say today i'd get a lot done and feel useful up until the printer or something starts messing me around then... well it does get me down some - but yes i didn't and don't want people un happy because of my words or actions
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Totally understandable. Just keep working on yourself. I highly recommend taking active control and observation of your own thought processes since at least for me it kinda trained my subconscious thought processes. Basically like training yourself on how to react and think. I'm nowhere near where I wanna be, but it's helped me. :)
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well, even jesus didn't please everyone, why should you?
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We all need room to grow, and forgiveness for our mistakes so we can put the past behind us, and be better,
Great to see someone owning their mistakes and looking to evolve to a better version of themselves.
None of us are perfect, but you can be that much closer by admitting your faults.
Blessings on your growth and journey! o/
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Oh Come On.You are on of the best people in this community.Ofcourse, everyone gets angry sometimes....but that's okay.We are all Humans,so....I don't know what Happened and why you're making this post.....But I think it's great that You'll be careful from now on,with whatever happened or whatever this is about.We Love you Wigglenose.
P.S: I think now will be the best time to Unblacklist(if you haven't already) the guy who you blacklisted just because he asked for a way to skip the discovery queue.I mean,I like to go through DQs but the DQskip comes in very handy when DQ glitches and you're stuck in the Queue.In those times,the last and only resort is to Skip the DQ using DQSkip so that we can get a new working queue.I dont remember or know why that guy wanted DQSkip tool but I surely remember you blacklisting him because of asking about the tool.Back then I didn't know what DQ,DQSkips was and also I didn't want to get blacklisted by you and start another round of people blacklisting me(Domino Blacklist) just because I didnt blame the guy for DQSkip like everyone else.(I didn't even know DQ could be skipped back then).SO yeah, think before you blacklist someone.That guy could have been me asking for DQskip because My DQ got stuck.(Thankfully I was busy with other things in life or I would have missed all your GAs after being blacklisted.)Still,You are awesome.This is a P.S,something extra.
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There's no need to say sorry to the community as a whole. Attacking newbies who've done literally nothing to offend you or anybody else, on the other hand, is not cool at all. And yes, I'm pretty sure you are not who you say you are, but who am I to judge a person who've wanted a clean slate? That other person was absolutely horrible, you are nowhere near that even when you are senselessly harsh.
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I'm out of the loop and not sure what you're exactly apologizing for but I'm only going to say this (for the last time): no apology or anything like that will make me take you seriously until you keep pretending that you're justseedy's mom and not his alt account. I know it, you know it, most of the frequent posters here know it so not sure why you're still keeping up with that silly charade. That is all
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Thanks a lot for providing context, much appreciated
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Huh? I feel like you should probably at least back what you said up. "Most of the frequent posters here know it" - I dunno, I lurk a lot and I have no idea what you're saying.
Not saying you're not right or that you're wrong, but just kinda surprised to see a mod approach a person saying "Sorry for being mean" by just... saying this.
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It's exactly how he described it, after that account suspension his mom popped up, giving games under sometimes people feel in a similar style of talking, acting, but a professional mod should back the hell out of it and leave it to CG or let it go.
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i thought he was pretending to be his dad not his mom.
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It gets even better when your ticket about their behaviour gets closed with nothing happening after 2 years.... by the person in question. Tells you absolutely everything you need to know about them and SG support.
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Ouff.. disgusting.
I guess I know what to expect with my ticket then. But I wouldn't rope all SG support into xarabas level. He's a special kind of cunt, and has been such over and over again. Right in the open, without consequence, as a mod; ment to enforce the rules.
And any (highly ironic) suspension I get now is worth expressing.. ze truth.
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He can't close yours because its filled as "user report" and since he is only a junior mod he can't see those. Mine was open both under "other" and under "user report". The "other" one was closed by him a few months ago, the user report is still open 2+ years later.
Yea, you are right, I probably shouldn't have generalised like that, there are some good mods in there that shouldn't be lumped in. But the fact that this is enabled in general (and plenty of other issues on top of this) is atrocious.
Agreed, I am not gonna go as far as call anyone names, but I am beyond caring for getting any shit for calling just how bad support has been out at this point.
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u make it sound like mods have monthly meetings on trust ratings based on conjecture
I didnt even know that was justseedy, thats pretty funny actually. Usually people make duplicate accounts to enter GAs, not the other way sround XD
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Xarabas is a selfrighteous jerk and like he says with wigglenose, most frequent visitors know that the same goes for him.
He is never behaving professionally like a mod, as a mod you keep your mouth shut and this is calling out big time.
And mods do have an inner circle, i am 100% sure, someone wanted to drop a bomb but chickened out the last second.
Wigglenose has been around 2 years, and the stories go that far, just been here around enough and you could have easily known.
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i was here long enough, and decided to tap out when i learned some users, who didn't even know me, were talking about me privately for whatever reason.
honestly information about this community for the past 4 to 5 years just hasn't been on my mind. I have my own circle and treat this site for its main purpose
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i'm relatively new here and i don't know all the drama about you but realistically why is anyone mad at a person who only gives away to the community and doesn't even have a single entered giveaway?
saw the current situation and yes, maybe it wasn't the best approach towards a new user, but also it's not like the points there were wrong - if you have some question it's common sense to FIRST check the available resources such as f.a.q and past threads, and only if you haven't found the answer - make a new post
there will always be people who take things too close to heart though
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why is anyone mad at a person who only gives away to the community and doesn't even have a single entered giveaway?
Because there some people believe in that one shouldn't buy goodwill with giveaways. Giveaways don't make anybody better than the others, and it would have been faster and simpler to tell them a no, then link the FAQ and guidelines as a little reading homework.
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That's a really weird question imho. When people choose to blackllist someone they also choose not to be able to enter that person's giveaways. So why should it matter if this person creates giveaways?
And while I do believe that wigglenose expressed their honest feelings in this thread, there is quite some remarkable history of unnecessarily cruel remarks. My moment when I had enough was this specific scenario.
Three days into the Ukraine war a formerly very active user dared to ask if people could provide any kind of help. Yes, it was begging. But considering the circumstances I really don't see any justification to react as wigglenose did.
If you consider that " too close to heart", so be it.
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I mean it's kinda dumb to call a user that registered like 8 hours before and had 0 entered giveaways a leech. Like he didn't get to take a single thing, and out of all people, he's a leech? Yes the question was bad and faq could've answered it. I myself think too that when you register there should be 2 panels, 1 with some simple general rules and pointing to the full rules in detail, second with how getting cv and giveaways work, maybe a little infographic. And you shouldn't be able to click off of it for a whole minute or two, as to maybe encourage people to look at it.
Wiggly edited their comment now so it doesn't call the user a leech anymore, so I think that also is kinda dumb. If you wanna do edits to your comments after someone calls you out, leave a mark of the original so people can see why you were called out. That maybe brings me back to another point. You shouldn't be able to edit comments after someone has replied to it, as to not change the meaning of the reply.
Also, while we don't know that wiggly is justseedy for sure, even some mods seem to think this is the case, and there's generally a reason why someone gets perma banned. In general you'll get multiple suspensions before you end up with a perma. Sometimes you get suspended just because the mod is wrong, so imagine if they just insta perma'd you just because a mod is wrong and wants to take it out on you and cg doesn't control it. It's their site and they manage it how they want and that's sometimes a problem for some users unless of course you're friends with them or something so you get special benefits. But to get multiple suspensions for no reason is highly unlikely, so just saying in general a perma ends up being well deserved. To show up again on another acc, it's basically ban evasion, although in the end, they aren't entering any giveaways so it's not like they are causing any harm, and they are giving to some users(in their own private group from what I can see) which I consider a positive(assuming it's not all a setup to give to friends etc.), but they end up saying some things that will make you go wtf.
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I don't know you, but I will say this. It's easiest for most people to act like they have never done anything wrong themselves and they usually play victim in situations while blaming everyone around them, but for you to make a post and apologize and admit your wrongs and ask for forgiveness takes a lot of strength most people don't have. Don't beat yourself up about this, everyone has their own individual problems. That's normal for anyone, we all make mistakes and we all say things we regret later. It takes a lot of courage to make a public post about yourself like this, you seem like a genuine real person who's down to Earth.
Just in the future, try to be more understanding with people just asking questions when they're new. There's no reason to stand on a pillar looking down on newbies, when instead you could stand on level ground and give an honest reasonable answer. Maybe OP was confused and just wanted to ask some vets of the website rather than reading the FAQ, as vets might've had some recommendations for OP.
Be the bigger person and help, rather than talk down.
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Idk what this is about, but the fact that you acknowledge you lost ur temper is progress in itself. Most people lack the self awareness and blanket themself in their misery.
On a lighter note, this apology is way better than the recent Ashton kutcher and Mila kunis' Apology
Bcz it has a Giveaway with it 😝
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i suffer from anger issues and i am trying to be better. . i said some nasty things to people in past and i regret it every day. so please think twice before you say something online. you never know what a person is going through in life.
p.s: i read your comments towards a new user and it was really bad.
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I don't know what happened but the fact that you can say I'm sorry for it on here like this I definitely respect. Also don't beat yourself up about it man, we all say things we don't mean, it happens, no one is perfect.
Anyways here's a whitelist for ya :)
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You definitely have no problem with me, Wiggle.
I don't believe you owe anyone an apology either. If someone has a problem with you for whatever reason, real or imagines, well, it's on them.
Long ago, I came to the conclusion that you can't make people love, or even like you, even people you love, even your family. It pre-dates the internet by a long long time, and, surprise, the anonymity of the internet made it even easier for people to find people to dislike, or downright hate, and to tell them to their face.
I'm forgetting something but that's the most of it: it's not you, it's them.
I'm pretty sure even the Dalai Lama get shit on twitter so chin up and don't worry too much about the ones who don't like you.
Oh and I remember what I forgot before. The biggest lesson, also from my experience: You only need one. One person can make up for the other 8 billions. Two is a downfall. After that, it's just bonus.
Everybody gets pissed sometimes. We make insensitive comments. I promise you everyone of us has. Online or offline. Even the people who told you that you suck. Maybe we thought them and took a breath and didn't post them but we did. We are not saints.
So don't apologize for that either. Take a breath next time but no apology necessary.
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You got called out and rightfully so. I think it's pretty apparent that the outburst you had the other day crossed a line and there are some underlying issues that you need to work through. Perhaps consider taking a break for a few days to reset and come back better. I'm just an internet stranger though so feel free to treat my words as wind.
At the end of the day, I just think it'd be a shame to see you continue on as is. There are enough folks around here who are abrasive or only come out of the woodwork to take shots at other users rather than doing things that lift this community up.
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A wise man once said - "AAA giveaway makes all the problems go away"
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As someone who usually just mentally checks out whenever there's drama going on, reading this thread (parts of it, skipped some) was... instructive? I guess.
But yeah, bashing on newbies is uncalled for. You can simply state the facts and move on, or just let someone else deal with it if you can't be asked to do so.
Also, I feel like you should be apologizing to that new user rather than us. Asking for forgiveness isn't about pleasing the majority but rather... I don't know, communicating to someone that you feel sorry for how you behaved/treated them, now that I think about it it isn't as straight forward as I thought so you might actually have a point. Anyway, I'm too lazy to actually do something beyond writing this comment nor I have the power or influence to do shit about it, so meh, it is what it is. This ain't a horizontally flat society anyway but rather a very hierarchical one so it is for the "king" and his inner circle to decide, there's no jury on this court, only judge and popular opinion.
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Cringe youtube apology.
You got called out, you hopefully understand where you went wrong, although you edited your comment so it looks like the reply is making up stuff so maybe you don't think you were wrong and just wanted to hide it.
I'd say it isn't worth it to make a thread about it. Sometimes it's better to just let it go and maybe the next time you see the situation you will approach it differently/
As in, look at the users profile, realize it's impossible for him to be a leech with 0 entered and less than a day on the site, and then just guide him a little if you feel generous despite the users ignorance to read the faq, or ignore him and move on and maybe someone else does it, as lets be honest, this has already happened a few thousand times already, and there are solutions to this, like making a timed panel every new registration has to wait through and hopefully look at for 2 minutes which would explain in 2 simple sentences how leveling and cv works. But all these threads don't bother the mods enough either or maybe they consider it good as there's some sort of site activity,, so why should it bother you?
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I have never had a problem with you and have no issue with any comments you have made. This is an online forum where you can let your hair down and let loose some times. Don't apologize for being yourself.
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i am sorry to anyone if i come off as mean or angry - i do not mean to be this way - i try to be clam and keep my mouth shut but i don't always come across as nice or pleasant
i will say that a few people have labelled me bad and for that i will say sorry if in anyway i have made your time on this site worse
i do not use this as a way to get back into people's "good books" or have people look up on me either with pity or sadness
i know the hole i have dug with some people is 100% my fault and for that i am sorry
for the people who do like me or at least put up with me then thank you for your patience with me
finally for anyone who thinks for whatever reason i hate them or particularly singled them out then again i am sorry - i did not mean this to be the case, i like everyone has problems with some people but to most i talk to or see around this site i don't have a problem with them - even if they for whatever reason have a problem with me
thanks for your time to read this and for this reason have a giveaway -
edit: i will try to think before i post in the future and think how people will take what i say and if it is truly needed to be posted
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