i am sorry to anyone if i come off as mean or angry - i do not mean to be this way - i try to be clam and keep my mouth shut but i don't always come across as nice or pleasant

i will say that a few people have labelled me bad and for that i will say sorry if in anyway i have made your time on this site worse

i do not use this as a way to get back into people's "good books" or have people look up on me either with pity or sadness

i know the hole i have dug with some people is 100% my fault and for that i am sorry

for the people who do like me or at least put up with me then thank you for your patience with me

finally for anyone who thinks for whatever reason i hate them or particularly singled them out then again i am sorry - i did not mean this to be the case, i like everyone has problems with some people but to most i talk to or see around this site i don't have a problem with them - even if they for whatever reason have a problem with me

thanks for your time to read this and for this reason have a giveaway - https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/kYwWP/ball-fall

edit: i will try to think before i post in the future and think how people will take what i say and if it is truly needed to be posted

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9 months ago*

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do you like me or not

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don't know you

The sad part with text on the internet not only do you not know your audience, but you don't know how your text will be interpreted, or the impact.
Nor can you control it.. this thread is a perfect example. Something as simple as an apology is still received in a variety of context and opinions.

My advice for what it's worth, be yourself. (as long as your default self isn't an intentional ass) and when you re-read something you posted that may appear to be curt, sharp or unintentionally hurtful it's a-ok to say "hey sorry didn't mean it like that" and move on. If the other party can't let it go then so be it, disengage and let them have the last word..

9 months ago

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Excuse me but who are you

9 months ago

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What are we talking about, someone explain what she did pleeease

9 months ago

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A brand new user who had registered 8 hours before and didn't enter any giveaways made a thread asking if it's possible to level up by participating in discussions. While the user was at fault for not reading the faq first, which would've answered their question, many had already replied explaining that no this is not the case and leveling up is done through making giveways for games that count to cv. Then came OP and called the user a leech although impossible. This is not the first time they've said things like this and unsurprisingly multiple users from the community called them out. They at first defended their stance and said other things to other users I believe that triggered them.

Of course, OP has now went and edited their comment/s so the leech comment is gone, however you can see Tzaar's reaction to it, and if you read the original you'll see it doesn't make sense, and that's because you can also see it's been edited.

Then OP made a thread that sounds like any youtuber apology, this is terminology now because youtubers are known to be horrendous at making apologies, however op could've just moved on, a half assed apology wasn't necessary, and in this case probably at all, because it's not the first time op does this, so not sure why this one warrants a thread.

OP is also claiming to be the mother of a user who got perma banned a while back, and as you could imagine, many, including mods are a little skeptical that their mom just joined the site now. If you look at the screenshot mayanaise posted on page 1 of this thread, it shows the user basically replying to maya-z- from the point of view of the son, as if being on his mom's acc.

What I find funny, is that in all this cringe apology thread, OP is giving a copy of "their son's" steam game, as if making it up to you by giving you a chance to win a itch.io unfinished project, and as if you'd have to buy the people back in the first place.

I also seem to have upset some people(boo hoo) by not taking op's side and by not being all cute like "you are forgiven love", so if they have the balls to come forward, I'd like to reciprocate the favor to make sure they never have to change their mind like others do, unfortunately CG doesn't let me see them, and those people are cowards so they'll never admit to it. :(

9 months ago*

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lmao. Thank you for the detailed explanation, I appreciate it <3
I already had OP blacklisted but can't remember why. I guess I made the right call :D

9 months ago

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I also seem to have upset some people(boo hoo) by not taking op's side and by not being all cute like "you are forgiven love", so if they have the balls to come forward, I'd like to reciprocate the favor to make sure they never have to change their mind like others do, unfortunately CG doesn't let me see them, and those people are cowards so they'll never admit to it. :(

You may stumble upon some if you go through the community train :v

9 months ago

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That was a good idea that's how I found like 3 others sometime last year, thanks! I didn't even know a train was going on, but I was able to find one more person. Not anyone I knew in any way, but good to be able to return their favor.

9 months ago

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I actually never knew they got permabanned... I always wondered why I stopped seeing them around and then their mother popped up lmao. i'd ask why they got banned but here probably isn't the place for that so I guess it's time for me to go down a rabbit hole.

9 months ago

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well, that's one big mea culpa you don't see often... quite refreshing in a world where so many people double down on 'being right' which all too often just means becoming even more obnoxious and mean to others...

I don't know what you did, but reflecting on it, feeling sorry and trying to be better makes you a good guy in my book. :)

9 months ago

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In the words of Thanos, I don't even know who you are.
So, don't take head to all the things people may think of you, just be the person you should think you should be.
If you find yourself confronted with good arguments, change your perception. If you can't, agree to disagree.
And while a "I am sorry" is one of the most important things you can say, do t use it lightly.

Ah, yes. And don't mind the blacklists. Some people have arbitrary values. We cannot be friends with everyone (thankfully).

9 months ago

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MUCH LOVE and THANKS for these kind words. i am also struggling quite often and a lot with myself in these times. but it will all turn out to be good at some point i believe

9 months ago

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9 months ago

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Closed 9 months ago by wigglenose.