Hello all,

After many months since last playing Fallout 4 I recently found myself playing it day in day out again which is good since after 200 hours thrown into the game I have yet to see the ending. But I yearn for those DLC's that are avaible, specially Nuka cola and Far Harbor, so I was wondering what is the price of Season pass when steam puts it on a sale? Perhaps there is a 3rd party seller who has it for cheap(not g2a)?

Thanks in advance guys!

7 years ago

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Humble Bundle had it recently for about ~25Euro. So -50% off. That was the cheapest deal so far, at least since they raised the price for the SP.
I would assume that that price will return during the summer sale. Worth it.

7 years ago

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25€ eh? Since I have 11€ from selling trading cards on steam I don't really need to add much more to get it. I'm glad summer sales are around the corner but it's so hard to wait.

...I wantz it nao v.v

7 years ago

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Jeah... .I wanted to wait for the summer sale, but ended up just buying it from g2a two weeks ago.....

Well the sale is presumably in 2 days now and I just checked on isthereanydeal.com. Apparently a couple of retailers had it already in that pricerange, so maybe it will be even cheaper! :P

7 years ago

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in 2 days?!?!? Oh lord what a bloody great timing!

I bought from g2a only once and when I learned how they do their business I stopped recognising them as a site to buy stuff from.

7 years ago

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Well I myself prefer buying from HB, Bundlestars or Steam directly as I had a good experience with them and the prices aren't often that much higher than the ones on g2a. I see g2a more as a ... flea market for traders and that's sometimes pretty convenient for me. Especially when I want to buy games that I can't easily purchase in my country otherwise. In case of Fallout 4 SP I just... had no impulse control... :P

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Can't be. I've put points in Chem Resist and Party Boy!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Steam has never put that season pass on sale, as far as I know, It's been $50 US since the price was raised the February after it came out. I should have gotten it when it was still $30. I'm still kicking myself for that.

7 years ago

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No i think they had a slight sale on the Season Pass aswell recently with the Free Weekend, but only for about ...20-25% off?
Anyway, it would be a strange decission to let retailers sell the game for about 25Euros now, but stick to the 50Euro on Steam.
So I think that the ~25Euro Pricetag will return... and if not, well, HB has good sales regurlarly to pick up the SP there.

7 years ago

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Only the base game was on sale. If the pass was on sale, I'd have found a way to get it for less.

7 years ago

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i found it for £22.52, whats that in euros?

personally i'd wait until the sales

7 years ago

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Game pricing can be quite different between pounds and euros for some reason. Cca 25€ should be right as SappyMA mentioned

7 years ago

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Your soul :P Never buy Bethesda games without Season Pass / Complete Edition. Their DLC never go on decent sales while the complete editions occasionally do ;)

Edit: I know it's too late now, but maybe for next time ;)

7 years ago*

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But at least they retroactively tag my games as russian ones, close me out of the review option and let me enjoy a full-russian discussion and guide section. I don't know which retard of theirs had the idea of "let's separate the eastern european countries on Steam, apparently they loved it with the iron curtain thingy" but it's so bad that I really consider not getting anything else from Bethesda on Steam. And all of this because of my country - I bought Dishonored from GMG, now it's Dishonored RHCP which doesn't have a store page (no reviews) and has a separate guide and discussions section closed in with polish, russian and czech people who - because they are more and the game has localization - only speak in their own language, basically no english topics. And I have FO New Vegas RU. In Hungary. Fuck Bethesda and 1C and all the russia-pandering fuckers.

7 years ago

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Wow, that's a shitty move. Between Orbán wanting to impose an internet tax, Valve putting the country in EU1 price region although that's apparantly debatable considering local income level and publishers pulling off stuff like that; Hungary doesn't seem like the ideal place to be a gamer :(

I never really thought much about it but do you really think the reasoning behind this move with the seperate game versions is due to pandering to russian customers ?

It's entirely possible but on the first look I don't see what the benefit for russians (and the other mentioned countries) would be to have their own version of the game. I always assumed the RU versions of Fallout Vegas and many other games were more about protecting their profits in more expensive regions... Although that wouldn't entirely make sense neither because apparently those games get playable (in other countries) after a certain time has passed since activation anyway.

7 years ago*

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I bought the store's DLCs from Steam, while having a retail Fallout - it still said that I don't own the base game, but I could buy the DLC. (I don't own the base game because the base game's store page is for the western/non RU version...)

And Dishonored, as GOTY from external site. It started out as Dishonored, went Dishonored RU (again, the same 4 RHCP country, but they decided to call the activated version RU. Store page is normal. It's not regionlocked, it's an after-activation renaming that has nothing to do with RU-CIS region), then months later they changed it to RHCP.

And now they, learnt nothing, did again name their game RU. I know Russia has around 140M people,but the other three countries add up almost 60M. And each of the three countries had the wonderful history of having oppressed by the soviet union for decades. And they tag our games as russian one. And they apparently get away with that because noone cares about eastern europe, the world is busy discussing if we have enough transwoman of colour vegan hipster protagonists.

7 years ago

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In my opinion it's partly the EUs fault for bringing in some eastern european countries in the EU and thus "breaking" the unspoken continuation of the Warsaw Pact but I'm afraid for now "everybody" is glad Putin is (for now) content with just occupying the Krim island and hasn't gone further yet. Not sure what would happen if he did since the EU currently is (and always has been) a dog without bite and appears to want to avoid hard decisions at all costs.

7 years ago

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I'm from Romania, had Fallout New Vegas for some years now and I got 2 days ago the Ru version. It bothers me a lot and I can't even leave a negative review of the game. Sad part is even tho the page is for the Ru version of the game I'm still asked to pay the full 20 Euro price for the game. ( I already have it but as a principle ). Fallout 3 remained global key for now. I don't know why they've done this.

7 years ago

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You're talking about the company that pushed paid mods once, got an overwhelmingly negative reaction to it and then went for it AGAIN.
Horrid company. Plus, FO4 is trash, and the DLC seem to be even worse than the base game somehow.

Thanks Todd.

7 years ago

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But story DLC take time and effort to make. Challenge rooms, Arena DLC, Build your own robot and underground bunker thingies are much easier to make :D

Who cares if gamers hate that stuff ? Bethesda most certainly doesn't.

Edit: And to the FO4 is trash part... I haven't played it yet (and am in no hurry to do so) but one of my friends did on PS4 and had plot stopper bugs in the questlines of all factions beside one (Institut).

7 years ago*

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I put 20 hours into it trying to see if at least the plot was decent, but not even that saved it.
The gunplay is certainly better than other 3D fallouts, but not by that much to excuse all the issues the game has. First and foremost is the lack of any decent role playing elements, not just in the gameplay but also in the writing. Having a voiced protagonist is a big problem in RPGs where you don't play a specifc character (like you do in The Witcher or Mass Effect) since it limits character development by a lot... New Vegas will always reign king of Fallouts.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I heard that steam version of Fallout 4 can launch any DLC, even if you didn't bought it (you know what I mean ;) ). So if you want to play DLC very bad and right now, you can download it (that's bad, I know, don't throw rotten tomatoes at me, I didn't do that kind of things) and play. And when you've got enough money to buy season pass, you can get it, install their clean versions and continue playing without that guilty feeling ;)

7 years ago

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Not cool.

7 years ago

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That works with any bethesda game. Shame on them for putting the base game at a bigger discount than the complete version, and the dlcs at a even lower discount than the complete version. Not that it makes too much of a difference now, since their games never go lower than 50% anymore. Some time ago you could easily get the base fallouts with a nice -75%. Just fuck bethesda, in general.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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i got it during last winter sale for 25€. not brilliant but ok.

nuka world and far harbor are quite decent and enjoyable. imho all the rest is pretty mediocre at best.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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far harbor is very good overall. no question about it.
and so is nuka world. the nuka cola theme park is pretty awesome. obviously you don't want to become the raider overboss if you're playing as the 'good guy' but you can follow the questline anyway and kill them all off right before the end.

automatron is not terrible either but it's mainly about being able to build your own robots. the questline is ok but short and it feels very much like a half-assed rip off from fallout 3's mechanist vs antagonizer...without the antagonizer.

i guess it depends on the pricing during the sale. no need to pay 20 bucks for the two main dlcs if you can get the full package for 25.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Here is the SteamDB info on the season pass, at the bottom it says the price history on steam.
And here is the IsThereAnyDeal info on it that tells you the lowest prices it has dropped to on other sites.

That being said, it will probably drop to $30 in the Steam Summer Sale on Friday, which is the same price that it's selling for on G2A.

7 years ago

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hmm, says it was 40% off on 29.99€ :c

7 years ago

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