But the bus number usually is, wrote "911 CALL COPS"



EDIT: False alarm, everyone. My bad.

12 years ago*

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Maybe it was hijacked and the driver made that.

12 years ago

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That's what i thought. But I didn't call the cops. Am I a bad person?

12 years ago

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Maybe. Maybe they are trollin people.

12 years ago

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Pretending to be in distress to cause people to call emergency services is probably a criminal offense. They'd only be trolling themselves.

I'd have phoned the police just to cover my arse. How would you feel if you heard the driver was forced to drive to bumfuck nowhere then killed?

12 years ago

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Plus the passengers!

12 years ago

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soooo.. did you call them?

12 years ago

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wow, maybe they needed help?

12 years ago

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Why would you not call then...? Maybe if it was a crowded street it's okay, but if the street is empty and you're the only one, call the damned cops!

12 years ago

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There were a decent amount of people and traffic. I figured if I didn't call, someone else would. It's NYC. :P

12 years ago

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Maybe, maybe not. Especially in a place as busy as the NYC, if you treated the situation as such who is to say that everyone else who saw it didn't do the same thing? Every now and then an abnormal occurrence appears in our lives, and the majority will pass it by to save their routine. We don't expect something to be happening in front of us so we either assume it false or try to ignore it. Not hating on you or anything but I would have called.

12 years ago

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I have seen this twice. I think the operator cannot disable it once triggered or something, since I got them and there were no hijackers.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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I see those all the time. Usually people just having a laugh.

12 years ago

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Omg I thought that site was for people who wants to share their experience on buses

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Mostlyghostly.