75% - Total War Shogun 2 Fall of the Samurai {UK} - 6.24£ (o 7,96 €) (9,437 Blue Coins) (Steam)

Napoleon Collection for 6.24€

Total War Rome- Alexander 1.00€

In Napoleon and Shogun 2 is better buy the "Complete version"or dlc are only random stuff?

Shogun and Napoleon are good too?

I only play Rome and Medieval II

Thanks :3

Is the best price ever?

10 years ago*

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Only Fall of the Samurai.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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I'd recommend the gold edition for shogun 2 if you like the samurai era and the gunpowder era of imperial japanese..
If not then just choose the collectors edition of whichever era you like.
Fall of the samurai should have been the final product of empire/napoleon

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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I'm not sure if it was a GamersGate account-related discount or a price glitch that went away after I bought the game, but I managed to get the base Total War: Shogun 2 for 94% off. I'm content either way.

10 years ago

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Glitch but now is fixed :( and congrats!you are a ninja xD

10 years ago

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I'm lucky is what it is. I just so happened to bring my tablet with me into the bathroom, and I just so happened to be signed in on my GamersGate profile on the tablet when I spotted the deal. :D

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

10 years ago

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^^^ What Sighery said.

Disclaimer: I own all of these games but have not had time to play any of them except a few, and only for a few hours. I have followed user feedback extensively, however.

From everything I've read, it seems Napoleon was the final product of the Empire series, and Fall of the Samurai was the "last hurrah" of the Shogun 2 series. If you are considering the Empire series, just skip to Napoleon. If you are considering the Shogun 2 series, you can buy the base game (saving you money) or buy the collection (if you "want it all") and still skip Fall of the Samurai. I would only recommend FotS if you are a completionist ("Gotta catch them all!") or want even more Shogun 2 action.

10 years ago

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I'll have to correct you on that, despite Napoleon being some sort of expansion to Empire there are some major differences that define both games, it's a matter of taste when it comes to deciding which one to go with.
Main differences:

  • Empire has a broad scope, you can choose tons of factions and you can focus on theaters besides Europe, you could conquer the Indies or Americas and completely disregard Europe while focusing on winning tru economical means. (campaign is also longer)

  • Napoleon, like the name already indicates focuses on the french empire and it's enemies, large factions like the Ottomans aren't playable despite being present, due to this the campaign is a lot shorter nor can you access Americas/Indies.

  • Napeleon gives you more elite units (especially with the DLC) and gives you the option to either take land you conquer, or create a vassal even if they've been conquered in the past (this is something that empire doesn't have) imo it's a huge gamechanger due to the way other nations look at you if you have vassals as a buffer between you and them.

  • Diversity, as mentioned previously Napoleon lacks in playable factions, since you're always either playing France or the coalition you always end up fighting the same armies/units, with Empire however you can play 10 campaigns and it's completely different every time since you can even start in the indies, hell you can even become a pirate if that's what you wish.

Personally I've logged probably about 500-1000 hours on each title, and in my experience you kinda get bored in Napoleon after a while, yet Empire doesn't get boring, it get's frustrating since there's still some gamebreaking bugs in there.

10 years ago

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"Personally I've logged probably about 500-1000 hours on each title, and in my experience you kinda get bored in Napoleon after a while, yet Empire doesn't get boring, it get's frustrating since there's still some gamebreaking bugs in there."

I think that's an excellent synopsis, right there. )

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Personally as a fan from the first hour Shogun 2 is my favorite, yet each TW game has it flaws and it's charms shogun2 for example is the most polished title in the whole franchise, yet on the other hand it's rather small in scope since all factions have the same units (with a few exceptions)
If you're into trading have a look at both shogun 2, napoleon & empire, all 3 of those have been in bundles in the past and I think shogun 2 is still obtainable via AMD rewards system so there might be some guys out there selling it for less then it'd cost you on sale on steam.

10 years ago

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nay ai is garbage, stands still and doesnt do anything
optimization was crap too, i was personally very dissapointed with shogun 2, after reading all the positive reviews. The only good thing about that game is the graphics.

10 years ago

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Welcome to the franchise.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Yea for Fall of the Samurai.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Rome alexander is an interesting take on rome; instead of planing and moving at your pace you have a really tight timeline so you have to push for riskier situations that you normally would in a rome campaign.
Napoleon for me is the worst total war because it has a relatively small campaign and it plays very similar to empire, in fact, it feels like an "alexander" expansion to the empire game. Napoleon DLC has a small map based on iberia with english, portuguese and spain forces which is rather boring. The rest of the DLC are just elite troops.
Shogun 2 is a really good total war. It has everything you would expect from total war. The only flaw is the fact that all faction use similar troops but that leads to a "better balance". Fall of the samurai is an expansion for shogun 2 and it plays similar to a fusion between shogun 2 and empire ( through it's closer to empire), in this expansion for the first time fleets can bombard the battlefield, making fleets much more useful then previous total wars. I would say shogun 2 collection is the best buy, since i feel that it's one of the best total war games. For your info there was a bug that once you bought fall of the samurai you could not buy shogun 2 directly from steam, i'm not sure if this bug has been corrected.

10 years ago

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OK...right now this is the situation

Alexaner >YAY 100%
Shogun > YAY 85%
Napoleon > NAY

Maybe pass this time and get Napoleon in the future (Maybe not) about the price...are the best price ever for that games right?

10 years ago

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