I bought a key and it activated

7 months ago*

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Reselling keys and links to reseller stores. Do not use our site to resell keys, and do not post offers from stores which allow third parties to resell their keys or gifts. For example, do not ask others if they are interested in buying your leftover keys from a recent bundle purchase, or link to keys for sale on sites such as Kinguin, G2A, or Eneba.


7 months ago

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I don't know if talking about grey sites is a problem but you definitely shouldn't link to them as per SG guidelines.
I don't use it but I have read a lot of people on reddit who reported having received dupe keys and not getting refunds or taking months to get refunds with hours spent trying to reach and communicate with support so I would say no

7 months ago

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I have bought multiple keys with them. But I had one issue. One day at random they charged me again a bought that I did weeks prior. I contacted theyr support and they returned me the money. But it's something that shouldn't have happen in the first place.

7 months ago

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It isn't about platforms like this being reliable or not but about game creators not getting their share of the deal.

7 months ago

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It's a black market

7 months ago

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yeah it's like g2a, just people reselling keys, so there's a chance they will send you a wrong key.

7 months ago

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For future reference, as awful as Eneba is, it's most certainly not a black market lol

View attached image.
7 months ago

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For me it is a black market, if you want to see it as that or not.
And your picture list it as black market too ;o)

People sell there, partly, bought keys with stolen credit card informations (credit card fraud).
The publishers (and devs) don't see money for their work
They instead must pay the payment processing costs as soon as the stolen credit card (credit card fraud) are detected and the keys revoked.
So they have a harm on top of not earning something. Which can kill small studios.

The people that sell there keys, don't pay taxes in the most cases.

7 months ago*

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By the same logic, Steamgifts is a black market, too: people can give away games bought with stolen cards.

Keys sold on sites on Eneba are mostly bundle leftovers. Of course this doesn't mean that no "stolen" keys are ever sold there, but they're not inherently a black market.

7 months ago

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If you want to buy your keys from legitimate retailers use https://isthereanydeal.com/ to check prices.
Other sites can be like ebay - they let you buy from someone else and you never know where they got the key from.
It could have been a legitimate sale or bundle, credit card fraud or whatever.
Also, some sites like to charge you extra for "insurance" which may actually be illegal in some regions. But they don't care because they will get away with it 99% of the time. And the other 1% they can simply state it was a billing mistake.
So, beware where you buy your keys from.
Because one day a key (or hundreds or thousands) may be revoked by the publisher because they were obtained through fraud and suddenly you have a non-received on your profile.

7 months ago

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Been buying from them without any issue, people in SG can be sometimes weird, so but your games whenever u want

7 months ago

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I got some keys from there and they all worked without a problem but buying from unofficial key sites is like gamble.

7 months ago

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This is why I buy games from the weird man who's behind the supermarket after sunset.

7 months ago

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Wait, what, he sells games? I usually get the unicorn minced meat, only.

7 months ago

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Never had problems with them, and when in doubt always check trustpilot.

7 months ago

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I've had bad luck. From around 5 experiences in total, literally every single one of them has resulted in an invalid key and Eneba not replacing it. Luckily the keys were cheap, but still. I've never had a keyshop be as bad as Eneba.

Plus they constantly have people putting in fake prices to get their games on higher listings, only to cancel all cheap purchases. It's a weird site all in all.

7 months ago

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It is trustworthy as any other grey market website is, I had no problems with dozens of purchases made there. When there was a problem with key activation I always got a refund from their support. You can look at it like this - I got 100% of things that I have paid for, which is not the case with Humble for example who is an official reseller.

7 months ago

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These sites are use at your own risk. Please don't make threads for grey market sites on SG as these aren't allowed.

7 months ago

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Closed 7 months ago by FateOfOne.