Rate the RX 480.
for 1080p/vr best bang for the buck
RX 480 ~ 5,5 TLOPS - 200$
GTX 1070 ~ 6,5 TLOPS - 380$
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By specs alone, it'll the best price/performance card in the medium to medium/high range. But then again, this is where AMD usually beats NVidia, even currently. If you don't plan to go above 1080p, it should serve you for years without problems.
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Currently we don't know the performance difference between the R9 480 and the GTX 1070. Based on past evidence, it is immensely unlikely that the 1070 will be that much more powerful, as NVidia's cards are notorious for being terrible in price/performance. If an Xfire 480 really can keep up with the 1080, that means you can choose between a 700-dollar card vs 2×220-dollar cards to achieve the same goal. If that will be the case, NVidia will have to drop price fast. (A price that was quite higher than in previous generations to begin with, trying to cash in solely on the fact that they released their GPUs faster.)
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AMD stated its performance will be similar to the Nvidia 970 or 980. The price is enticing but I've never had a good run with an AMD card. Either the card goes out eventually or the drivers screw something up. I've never had that problem with Nvidia and I've always had the better performing card.
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I could say the same, just for AMD. The last NVidia I had that was reliable was the 420 Ti. Their drivers were infamously buggy, and as time went on, the prices were less and less affordable. Switched to ATi, got what I expected. Plus in the 250-dollar range, NVidia doesn't really have anything worthwhile: what they offer is beaten easily by any AMD card.
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Well I don't know if the hype is all true, going to wait until release and see what everyone makes of it. If all the leaks and benchmarks are right then I'm very likely to get one. In fact, I'm very likely to end up with 2 in the end if those crossfire specs are correct. One soon, then another in the future when I want to upgrade.
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Still waiting for benchmarks and, eventually, benchmarks with updated drivers. It might be the next best thing for budget builds, I just hope for temperatures below supernova.
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AMD drivers are pretty good, at least at extracting performance, remember chuggin on GTA V on launch but now can get 60FPS almost all the time at 1080p
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shitty drivers for linux maybe ... never had issues on win
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Both ATi/AMD and NVidia have a long history of bad drivers. When I was an NVidia user, one of the national sports was finding the brave person who dared to install the latest drivers to see if it works or if it breaks most things again. (On the other hand, ATi released a new driver once in a blue fucking moon.)
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Actually AMD regularly releases beta drivers that addresses issues with newer games to hold people over until the next full release is out. I've only needed to use a beta driver once because it fixed a particular issue I was having with a specific game and they have been pretty quick in recent history of releasing these betas quickly when issues are found.
At least their driver updates don't fry their cards like one that I had from nVidia several years ago. Anyone else remember driver release 196.75? I do very well. I have never owned a nVidia card since. The runaround I got from them to replace my system that got fried because their card overheated after a failed driver update (the card was melted to the slot) left a bad taste in my mouth after waiting over four months for a resolution. I pulled their card out of the replacement system, sold it, and bought an ATI card and never looked back.
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Had to google that. Wow.
(just the first link I found)
I understand that waiting months was very frustrating, but you at least got replacement parts? Not all bad then (even if four months is way too long). What was damaged, and what did you get instead? Just curious.
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I had a laptop that I struggled with and survived on while waiting but it was terrible for gaming. I had just started playing World of Warcraft like a week before it fried and never went back to playing it after I finally got my PC replaced. Maybe Blizzard would have a case in court if they can prove that they lost my business because nVidia's driver update fried my PC? LOL!
The motherboard was dead. The card had melted into the slot on the board and the whole area around it was black and there were blown capacitors. I didn't even try to see if anything was still good that was plugged into it other than the hard drive which became a second drive in the replacement computer. I most likely still have the RAM sticks somewhere too but nothing to put them in now. They even replaced my case because I could never get the burnt smell out of the other one. I think it impregnated the plastic. It was a terrible odor! The replacement had 4GB RAM instead of 2GB but it was Windows XP so it only saw a little over 3GB of it. I had an Intel NIC and the new one had onboard. I still had about $30 left after selling the nVidia card and getting an ATI one. I think I came out a little ahead other than suffering for over four months.
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good price for the performance, recent leaks have show really close to the GTX970. but it dosent have drivers yet, so it should sit between the GTX970 and 980 in current games performance, its probably gonna beat the 980 on vulkan and or DX12 in the future.
the leaks also show that it reaches 88ºC at full load with Hong Kong weather but the fans were sub 50%, either way im gonna wait until non reference models are launched to get it, i never spend more than 250$ on graphics cards so this card is perfect 4 me :D
Also AMD has showed itself very confident that 2 RX480 easily beat 1 GTX1080 and still be cheaper, so thats that.
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I think it will be best to wait for the versions with aftermarket cooling. From what I've read, the chip overclocks well and there will be factory overclocked cards. If they aren't much more expensive than the standard ones, they would obviously be the better choice, especially if you don't change your GPU often. Also, I've seen mention of regular and "boosted" clock frequencies even on the standard editions, but it's not yet clear exactly what that means.
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AMD's hardware might be decent/good but their software is kinda shit. Crimson GUI took out all the advanced video options and what is there is a bunch of simplified presets. AMD apparently doesn't think anyone uses their cards for anything but games. It doesn't have quite as many advanced gaming settings as Nvidia's control panel does. Also many people have reported their fans aren't spinning up properly when your temps go up (I have this problem as well). So you might need to rely on a third party software like MSI Afterburner which I've always used anyways but it's upsetting that something that's necessary for your card to function doesn't work as it should.
I'm not trying to persuade you to buy Nvidia btw. Nvidia has their share of issues as well which was why I went with AMD for my current card. Both of these companies can be pretty shit. You gotta pick the one that's least shitty, which might be Nvidia at the moment.
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Well a lot of people did use those settings, like me.Those video settings also worked on streams and online videos which helped improve the quality. It was stupid of AMD to remove options for advanced users just to simplify things for noobs. Crimson is a big step backwards in my opinion.
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It's probably "if you own a Nvidia card, you fail" rule.;) LOL!
In all seriousness, I wonder what it is as well. I already have the game, so at least I'm not missing out (thank goodness).
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Weird. The ratio must be set pretty high, as I think my ratio is decent at least. And I know that I didn't break any rules.:)
Thanks for letting me know either way.:)
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Ah. Okay. I can probably guess the areas where I'm lacking.:)
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I hear it can out perform a 1080, and isa much cheaper alternative at the very least.
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At AMD:s presentation for the RX 480 they compared a GTX 1080 to two RX 480 in CF and got similar FPS in Ashes of the Singularity. A single RX 480 won't be able to outperform the 1080, but two of them might do, at least when it comes to performance per dollar.
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I like convenience (and also the possibility for small form factor builds) too much to ever go for a multi GPU build, but I just wanted to address the RX 480 outperforming GTX 1080 claim, the only way it might be able to outperform the 1080 would be when using more than one RX 480 (as per the presentation), a single RX 480 won't beat the GTX 1080. Very different target audiences (if we're talking single GPU), and there's a reason for the price difference.
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Crossfire is an absolute nightmare. I was with AMD for three generations prior to my swap back to NVIDIA. I would never choose an AMD again, it was years of problems, when I switched to NVIDIA these vanished on the whole. Much better drivers (of course not perfect by any stretch, but leagues better)
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The only ones who have tested it by now can't tell you anything about it because of a non-disclosure agreement that lasts until tomorrow, when the RX 480 is officially released. There will probably be lots of reviews and tests to check then.
Going by unverified leaks and speculation, we're looking at somewhere around GTX 980 performance for $199(only the US price officially released so far, what it will be in other places will probably be known tomorrow), which is an awesome amount of bang for the buck, and pretty much everything you would need for 1080p gaming for years to come. Wait for the official tests/reviews though.
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thx - i have looked only for graphic Cards with less than 150W and there AMD isnt very strong at the Moment.
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I am definitely looking forward to the lower power requirements. I won't have to get a new power supply if I upgrade to this and it will draw about the same as what I'm using now (HD 6850) and be a much better card. If the benchmarks are even remotely close to a 980 it will be more than enough for me. My eyes aren't good enough to appreciate Ultra settings and 1080P is just fine. Having 8GB RAM on the card instead of only 1 GB will make a big difference for me too.
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I've been nvidia's customer for many recent years (last radeon I've owned was 9250 or something) ... but nvidia's actions during past 1-2 years make me really wonder if I want to support them any further. That's why I hope the new RX series will become huge success to AMD and help them reclaim some of the market back. It's obvious that they aren't able to compete with nvidia's top performers atm but maybe some new strategy and politics changes will help AMD become true competitor once again.
Nobody wants monopoly on this market wheter it's a green or a red one. If RX480 turns out to be a solid replacement for my current GTX970, I'm ready to finally switch teams.
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Wait for 490 then. 480 will be around (custom) 970 level.
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I am no expert in PC building, but I do keep up with its trends, in the hope that I will someday build my own. That day is not far from now, and so I need to know if RX 480 is a good choice.
Hence, to those who have gotten their hands on it / tested it / been following news on it, can you tell me if its really as good as it is hyped up to be?
P.S. Do bump this topic on the way out : SG Karaoke. Tewam would be very pleased.
Obligatory gib for the generous : Lvl 4+
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