So Ive been wondering lately...would a first person MOBA be popular?

Imagine if you will, Skyrim, with its amazing gameplay and all that is has to offer just as a first person MOBA. You have different characters that have different play styles, like a Fire mage, or a Ice mage, Rogue..etc, and it would play like DOTA 2 or League.

Would this be successful? What do you guys think? What would need to be done in order for this to work?


PS. I would totally be capable and available to develop this, just not quite sure how it would turn out on the steam store


11 years ago*

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I don't play much MOBAs, but I would definitely try out a first person one.

11 years ago

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There is one called Smite

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

11 years ago

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and its good

11 years ago

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get your persons right, man

11 years ago

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Haha, Skyrim has an amazing gameplay? You clearly haven't played Dark Messiah: Might and Magic.

11 years ago

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You spelled Morrowind wrong

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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lol thats was horrible and crappy compared to Dark Messiah

11 years ago

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Stop trolling :D

11 years ago

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He is not trolling... The combat in all Elder Scrolls games consists consists of left click spamming damage sponge enemies for hundreds and hundreds of hours... At least they sort of slightly masked it in Skyrim a bit but Morrowind, really? The combat in that game is just plain bad by today's standards in every way...

11 years ago

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In our local pick up game of DnD we have a unique character being played by a person whom is considered rather annoying as a person. This guy sings demented versions for the Barney song, SpongeBob songs and similar things. He also tells bad puns and heckles other players for what could be stupid choices in the DnD game. Quite annoying when you consider that this guy is the oldest person of the gaming group and he is in his late 30s. So, he finally breaks down and begs to join our game and create a new character... Guess what this guy comes up with? He makes a freaking Troll Bard!!! I am not sure if that is painfully funny or just completely ironic.

So... that is my random troll joke for this diversion in the discussion of this thread.

11 years ago

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I think it would work like Smite.

11 years ago

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MOBAs depend a lot on vision of area for tatics and teamwork, a first person one would change a lot of all that, and would have to be mutch more focused on voice imput for tatics once you can't see a friend behind you or ping minimap in the mid of action.
Sound like something that could be worthy a try, but can't say if would be bad or good.

If you think about doing something like that you should maybe try first as a mod for some first person popular game, if it make sucess you can try to launch as a standalone game or make your own from zero and try greenlight (but if the mod make sucess you would even be able to try direct on steam I guess), Counter Strike started like that.

Edit: People talking about "Smite"? Googled and here's a link It's good? Worthy of spending time to try? What you people who already played say?

11 years ago

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I used to play it quite a bit, enjoyed it a lot.
It's third person though, not first.

11 years ago

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Nice but better try with friends too many ppl trolling

11 years ago

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What ^^^ he said. Third-person, maybe, but not first-person.

11 years ago

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Smite is nice IMO:) Though you get a lot of noobs/trolls as teammates (even on higher levels)

11 years ago

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Super MNC is almost a first person moba
Would be annoying if you couldnt see a little behind you or your sides

11 years ago

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Smite isn't first person.. It's 3rd person

11 years ago

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"and it would play like DOTA 2 or League." It wouldn't play like Dota 2 or League.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

11 years ago

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Yet DOTA2 or LoL without the ability to gather intel at a quick glance would be incredibly frustrating. How exactly would fog of war work from an FPS perspective? Why bother having a first person viewpoint if aside from skills you only have an 'auto-attack' which is speed limited, and your own aim causes you to miss, robbing you of vital base damage?

You see, it's not simply a change of camera, its a far-reaching set of adjustments across the entire set of mechanics. And then you have to make it fun. Really, you'd need a damn good reason for changing the view to a first person perspective, and if there isn't any benefits for doing so, why would you? It's like playing a Civ game from a ground-level perspective; without any merit to the viewpoint, all you're doing is adding hinderence and frustration to the player. There's going to be a lot of work making the game fit the idea, when normally the game comes first, and the ideas are generated to fit the game.

11 years ago

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There's no fog of war needed like in smite. There's bushes all around that limit your view and make ganks possible. And also like in smite, you just shoot right forward or something, allowing you to farm?

11 years ago

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"The only difference would be the perspective." Nope.
"Towers, minions, lanes, they'd all serve the exact same purpose." Correct, they would. But I said it wouldn't PLAY like Dota 2 or League, those control more like RTS games with single characters.

11 years ago

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Well as people said before, Smite is the closest thing to it but it is third person. It wouldn't be that different anyways. It's still in beta and I recommend you to try it out just to see if you like the idea =p.

11 years ago

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I agree with Smite being closest thing you're looking for, but that isn't for everyone, I like League, but Smite just wasn't for me.

11 years ago

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Yep, pretty much this. That's why I said just to try it out because it is fairly different. =p

11 years ago

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I actually considered making one where the champions are mecha-pilots and the minions are foot soldiers in a territorial control-style setup . . . . but I wouldn't be able to afford public servers for that kind of audience. :<

11 years ago

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Kinda there's one like that, Airmech on steam ^^

11 years ago

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Soldier Front 2 has something called Hero Mode which is pretty much a first person MOBA, just with very limited amount of abilities

11 years ago

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+1 and its fun

11 years ago

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You would have to bump up the FOV to ludicrous levels so that the field would be visible, but it is probably viable.

11 years ago

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I'd definitely give it a try. Make sure there is an fov slider though.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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that 3rd person view

11 years ago

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A first person MOBA would be fairly difficult, I think. The first issue is that the viewpoint will restrict the player's intel on the battlefield. Even if you devise a good beacon/UI system to keep the player updated on various happenings, their awareness will be directional and limited (more-so than from a third person perspective). The second issue would be pacing, as it seems that MOBA games generally rely on a slower time-to-kill to allow for players to be more strategic and cunning, and to reduce the aspect of twitch-gaming. FPS games tend to operate on an overarching twitch-gaming theme, so you will have to find a balance of mechanics and weapons that finds a 'sweet spot' between twitch combat and strategic combat, while keeping the viewpoint in mind.

There is also the "wiffle" factor that doesn't sit very well in an FPS manner. By wiffle factor, I mean that you just get to watch your character forever swinging their weapon around or sinking entire clips of ammo into the enemy only to watch their health bar move around (with little in the way of feedback from the enemy model). It's tolerable in a viewpoint detached from the thick of combat, but in an FPS game when you're down there face-to-face, it would just seem like your target is sponging everything you throw at them. It's not so bad if you're winning because you get the satisfaction of the kill, but a losing team can grow disheartened even faster due to that 'wiffling'. Especially if your game has a melee element. Frustration is a biiiig factor in MOBA games after all. Consider the wiffle in Skyrim, too. Any melee player is familiar with having to flail their arms forever at opponents to make them fall down, with minimal feedback.

Download and play Super Monday Night Combat until you're fairly familiar with the maps, and you should get a good idea of the many ways your design can go wrong (and interesting ways it can go right).

11 years ago

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I personally wouldn't like it. Stop making MOBAs! D:

11 years ago

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Actually, someone did DOTA mod in minecraft, as u know u got FPP there so maybe try this ? :)

11 years ago

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titan fall, just maybe?

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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third person

11 years ago

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Smite is something somewhat similar to what you want. It's not first person, yes, but it's still better than MOBAs with view from top. IMO Dota, LoL or whatever can't beat Smite at this. It's so much more fun...

11 years ago

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First person means that you are controlling every single movement and motion of your character just like in the FPS and some RPG games,but you buy items and play on lanes like in every MOBA,just the view angle is different...I doubt that I will play such a game,but who knows,first we need to get such a game developed and then give opinions ;)

11 years ago

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Have you tried Smite?
It's a third person Moba, with aiming on everything including auto attacks.

11 years ago

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Archeblade Is like that, but it's 3rd-person... and it's closer to an action-fighter with MOBA elements... but it's fun, and free.

11 years ago

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Thanks for Lichdom.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by vinnyistv.