It's sad when a favourite show gets shelved. I couldn't stand Joel McHale, and therefore the show. Many of my favourite comedies have gone under and it's always a kick in the nuts.
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Well its good so it had to be cancelled, ask shows like Mission Hill, Futurama, Moral Orel, etc...
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I believe this means that the apocalypse happened and their world has been destroyed.
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Fox killed Firefly. For that, it can never be forgiven.
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Never noticed that, I noticed it with shows like MLP and Dr.Who but not this one? Odd, maybe no ones acted crazy about it to me yet, its a pretty decent show, better then most on TV, but thats not saying to much, I would give it an 8/10 I think...
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Awesome show. It's a shame that because you actually have to apply some thought in order to find it funny, people watch dumb shows like TBBT or HIMYM.
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You think TBBT is a "dumb" show, when most of the comedy is aimed at people with intelligence? It's "geek humour", I'm sorry if it goes over your head...
EDIT Of course, I don't mean to offend you in any way but saying it's a "dumb show" is kinda ignorant
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The show isn't really intelligent or marketed towards geeks. All the show does it make references of what people considered a (stereotypical) geek likes and that's completely different, the jokes themselves aren't geeky but since the uninformed hears a joke they think something similar to "Oh they mentioned that character from that popular comic book/video game/sci-fi/fantasy/ect. thing! It mus be geeky!"
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It is absolutely NOT aimed at people with intelligence. It is aimed at average people, making fun of what they commonly think geeks are.
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Eh, TBBT is not really about geek humor. If anything, it makes fun of geeks. It has no affection for its supposed subject matter and mainly consists on the same beaten tropes that populate every mediocre sitcom over, only with a Star Wars reference now and again.
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"It has no affection for its supposed subject matter"
I actually have to disagree with this. I regularly watch the show, and while I agree it's not intellectual humor and it gets its laughs from geek stereotypes, there clearly are geeks on the writing staff and prop/set designers. They aren't just casual references to geeky things, they talk about some actually deeply geeky stuff sometimes... at which point the "straight man" (usually Penny) will just be like "OMG you guys are so weird". canned laughter
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"they talk about some actually deeply geeky stuff sometimes"
It's not that this is completely untrue, but... Most of the humor comes from, as you say, geek stereotypes. I have no doubt that there are some geeks in the writing staff but the fact remains: most, of the humor comes from saying "look at these people! they have different interests from us and are not very socially apt! isn't that funny and strange?". There certainly are people in there that like the things that dress up the show in a geek costume, but the show as an whole uses almost all its references as props.
Well, even The Simpsons have geeky elements central to the plot in a fair number of episodes, and that are not looked down on.
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They don't have those threads anymore, it's a shame. I watch the show because my parents like it, and it's a family bonding experience, but ever since those threads I really really noticed how much truth there is to it, even if it is exaggerated. The only reasoning I can think of is because they do multiple runs and the audience is anticipating the joke by the time the take we see airs.
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Well, there is still a faint hope, that they will go elsewhere, like Netflix. It's unlikely, but I will continue to believe in it, until I'll get my six seasons and a movie!
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A seriously crappy show. Watched the first season and it almost made me poke my eyes out with a sharp stick. Glad it's over.
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What's it like being stupid? Your sarcasm is about as funny and witty as this show was. Community was only good for the type of people who liked shitty shows with dull humor like Entourage. It wasn't quite as bad as Entourage, I'll give you that, but it was miles away from actually good sitcoms like The Big Bang Theory or How I met Your Mother. I've seen better humor than Community had in procedural murder investigation dramas like Castle and Elementary, for which humor is just a secondary and less important purpose.
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I hate how American shows insist on beating the dead horse to a pulp. Maximum 2-3 seasons for every show, happy timez for all.
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ir was a wonderful show and saddest thing about it is they left with a mediocre 2-part finale since they were hoping to get 6th season. of 23 episodes, too.
well, nuts.
i still hope they make their movie, if no one picks up it for the last season.
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While I myself watch for the interesting premise and how damn good Billy Burke is in it, you have to admit Revolution's not very good...AT ALL.
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This gave me goosebumps. I'm not surprised.. but very happy.
If you promise six seasons (and a movie) then at least deliver six seasons (and a movie).
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Give it a try once, especially if you like metahumor.
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I loved Community, it was my favorite show, any thoughts on the matter?
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