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62 Comments - Last post 4 minutes ago by wigglenose
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9,900 Comments - Last post 19 minutes ago by CurryKingWurst
The information below is posted in the reddit subreddits that i will link if you want to read the full thing but heres a few bits from it
Hello all!
This has been posted in a moderator discussion subreddit and there's some debate as to whether or not we should participate.
Now the /r/funny mods are currently voting for or against taking the subreddit down for twenty four hours. Currently we have 12 mods voting for the blackout and 5 mods against the blackout (though one of them is for it should there be enough user-support). We're not finished yet but it looks like the majority of the moderators want to do this though it was sensibly suggested that we talk to you before we went ahead with this.
The plan is that if we get enough subreddits to close down for the day then either that'll be enough to raise awareness about the bill or it'll show the admins what reddit thinks about this bill so they'll take the whole site down which would do an even better job of raising awareness.
What is CISPA? I have absolutely no legal expertise but from everything I've heard so far CISPA would allow websites to share your information, it would allow the government to see pretty much everything you do online. It's a matter of privacy. SOPA was different in that it made websites liable for what their users did (good luck making sure millions and millions of users act kosher, right?) and could have resulted in mass takedowns of media content. That was all about piracy and copyright.
TL;DR We want to take the subreddit down for a day to raise awareness about CISPA which will severely infringe upon your privacy online. Please share your thoughts on this matter.
(reddit clicky)[http://en.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/1crosb/lets_talk_about_cispa_and_the_possibility_of_a/]
Here Mark Jaycox has posted a forum in a sub reddit explaining what cispa will do
As the Electronic Frontier Foundation's Mark Jaycox put it in an open forum on Reddit last week, here are some of Cispa's consequences:
Companies have new rights to monitor user actions and share data – including potentially sensitive user data – with the government without a warrant.
Cispa overrides existing privacy law, and grants broad immunities to participating companies.
Information provided to the federal government under Cispa would be exempt from the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and other state laws that could otherwise require disclosure (unless some law other than Cispa already requires its provision to the government).
Cispa's authors argue that the bill contains limitations on how the federal government can use and disclose information by permitting lawsuits against the government. But if a company sends information about a user that is not cyberthreat information, the government agency does not notify the user, only the company.
(News Article)[http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2013/apr/18/cispa-2013-house-vote-internet-privacy]
Even anonymous are getting involved and are calling an internet black out if the bill passed (Which it has)
We are going dark on MONDAY April 22nd at 6 AM GMT for 24 hours to protest your illogical and terrorizing bill against the Internet itself. Even with the whole Internet crying out to stop this BILL, the US House of Representatives failed to do so blinded by lobbyist’s money and cum in your eyes. So we will take action ourselves and open your eyes. Every popular/mainstream websites will be black until you, Mr. DronObama promise us to use your VETO power to stop this bill at Senate. Take this as a protest or a warning, as you wish. One thing is for certain, neither you or anyone else in this world can control the Internet, so don’t even try.
(Another news article)[http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/19/anonymous-blackout-cispa_n_3116509.html]
(Another news clicky){http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/technology/2013/04/talk-begins-of-april-22-online-blackout-in-cispa-protest/]
MY INTERNET BRETHREN! We must stand together in our time of need, We cannot allow some stupid bill to steal our privacy from beneath us! it is unjust to think that what i do on the internet can NOW be shown to any website i click on without them having to get a warrant! if you dont believe any of this just go search cispa online and read it all, but tomorrow i wont even touch my computer, i will not allow cispa to take away my privacy and i hope that maybe my fellow SG'ers will back me when i say that a protest is necessary! maybe even the mods could come together and do an internet blackout opposing cispa to say that WE'RE not gonna take there shit!
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