10 years ago*

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Rise of the apes.

10 years ago

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I'll start off with the obvious one: a honkin' big asteroid might do the job. To kill off 99% of all humans it would need to be particularly honkin', though.

10 years ago

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Nuclear war.

10 years ago

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Diseases. Lots and lots of Diseases. Most likely would be a huge asteroid hitting us dab in the middle of China. Knocking us off into a spiral loop where we would instantly die. DEATH!

10 years ago

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Death? Yay!

10 years ago

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I hope that you die first!

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

10 years ago

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Hmmm... Your link appears to be missing a letter, or am I just missing something?

10 years ago

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Super volcanic eruptions that black out the sun and cool the planet. We all starve.

10 years ago

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Missing something?

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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An asteroid, an volcanic eruption or the blackening of the sun are unlikely to extinct us, beacause we can predict them well enough to prepare ourselves. On the other hand my money would be on the diseases. Just think about the current problems with ebola or the multiresistant bacteria. There's some potential there ;)

10 years ago

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We can predict volcano eruptions now? That's news to me.

We can anticipate them somewhat, but still not to the extent that we're safe from them. We're doing a little better for asteroids, but even there the impact estimates are anything but accurate. And even if we noticed one, it's an open question if we'd have enough time to "prepare ourselves" for what would be a devastating ecological change.

10 years ago

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True but you wouldnt get your 99% extinction.
But you've got a point. Time would probably be sufficient for a panic, not for a real rescue plan.

10 years ago

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A series of super volcanic eruptions due to all the ash buildup in the atmosphere and shock waves sent through our oceans causing tsunamis we could be wiped out entirely

10 years ago

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Toba Volcano Super Eruption.... in the past it nearly kill all of human in this world (only near 15000 people who survived this)
Here is some link for further reading:

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Nuclear war. Alien Invasion. Nuclear science gone wrong. Destruction by an army of rabid platypi. Zombie Dinosaurs. Did I cover all the usuals?

10 years ago

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nope, one word...sharknado!

10 years ago

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Or... SHARKNADO 2!!!!

Edit:Oops, no scifi

10 years ago

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Disease, war, nukes, stupidity.

10 years ago

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The unseen death!....viral / bacterial ninjas are at the top of the food chain so my money is on super pandemic

10 years ago

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Plague Inc.

10 years ago

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The return of Disco

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Yellowstone eruption.

10 years ago

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Diseases, most likely prospect are the "superbugs" immune to medicines. Mankind's foolishness and greed leading to war. Asteroids which either hit, or if big enough, fling the earth off it's rotation and fuck up the "Goldilocks conditions" that the Earth has, but that would kill everyone.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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It's science fact!

10 years ago

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Well... in saints row IV zin attacks and zinyak destroys earth leaving only the main people alive (the president, shaundi, ben king, johnny gat, etc) for at least untill they finish creating time travelling. But my real answer would be a scientist creating a weird sciency thing that makes people be idiots (like patrick in spongebob) then things get wrong and it spreads causing humans to extinct because they are to stupid to live (like the dodo birds, they didnt have any enemies causing them to get stupid). Btw the whole thing I said was sarcasm

10 years ago

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Yellowstone , wile improbable is still very possible, but I think we are more likely to kill ourselves mutual annihilation style .

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Predicting the path of an asteroid is not an easy thing to do -- what with space being incredibly vast and us not having a complete map of all gravitational forces that are in effect. It's true that right now, astronomers think nothing of importance is going to hit us in the next century -- but it's also true that could change tomorrow. And even if they're somehow dead on the money -- 100 years may sound like plenty of time, but political inertia, other disasters and simple limits to innovation might prevent us from being able to take effective measures.

Don't count out the asteroids just yet, is all I'm saying.

10 years ago

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