Sirius Online contributed by YunieRozier [Ended]
Save The Furries contributed by Jabbergeist [Ended]
Dark Matter contributed by Fruitbean [Ended]
If anyone anyone else feels like doin' the same it's more than welcome!
Thank you all for keep being awesome! :]
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1 JonathanKalo
2 darveshpreet
3 vhAdam
4 CowofDarkness
5 sigma3
6 bbklyn
7 DarthKnight
8 Dianatrix
9 Zareh
10 Triisken
11 Therianmysti
12 nekromantyczny
13 GetBlazedSon
14 bosque91
15 noonemakesnoise
16 Zoey1
17 Mefistofeliks
19 llSomarll
20 jbondguy007
21 Tristar
22 acolis
23 EsE
24 lanny223
25 bastirei
26 coldcocoa
27 daniyo94
28 ShandyAndy
29 metyGAME
30 jeffhowe
31 JJ00
32 Latsk
33 m3rc
34 morikalina
35 Nordhbane
36 nonamebg
37 Charlie22
38 xoid
39 Razelli
40 AnnieBolton
41 voshi
42 daxter606
43 missmewx
44 Tsukiruka
45 Griff3nZA
46 Tewam
47 TrevorGoodchild
48 ziltoid84
49 TheLuckyShamrock
50 ryanimator
51 kenm
52 Glitchsteam
53 Rpbns4ever
54 TheSecretCircle
55 devilstheory
56 Kartyl
57 ankarabibi
58 PatchmaN
59 mabdk
60 MidwestDrifter
61 Heeroo
62 SaraphL
63 Tort1
64 PrivateJokerGen
65 quinnix
66 falcogr
67 Sayckeone
68 watary
69 gameofthrow
70 rclbob
71 lemondrops
72 Gracee
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Dang, wanted to recommend Disturbed0ne, but only 20 / 45 were publics.
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Has been active on the forums in making helpful, informative, and positive comments, and has a solid ratio.
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Hmm, would private forum giveaways (puzzles/events/trains etc) count for the 50%?
If so, I'm voting for JonathanKalo.
Nice person, active member of the community, makes nice puzzles and has creative ideas for groups.
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mmm, if they are clearly meant for the community and not for friends/friendly groups we are ok with it. As it is 'against our rules' we'll let you convince us with your stunning explanation why this person is the next SG community leader. Including links to said puzzles/trains/events help us to make a motivated decision on this :D.
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Yeah, I saw some very high level users (9-10) with almost 100% private giveaways. A bit shady.
Your initiative is very nice, good job :)
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seems legit
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Explanation? Active user and he fits all strange requirements. Even build up whitelist.
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Strange, yes. I can say something about user only with the help of his/her posts. With the help of activity on discussion board. And of course invite giveaway is the most popular type of giveaway here. So it's hard to remember active low-level user with more than 50 % public giveaways.
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Just remove requirement about public giveaways. There are so many good people here, bur they are doing invite giveaways during their events, puzzles etc. Not public.
For example
word games by
or sports by
or nice and hard puzzles by
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Oh, thank you very much for your kind words. Yes, I tend to make (scientific mostly) puzzles that lead to giveaways. xD Done 12 private giveaways so far (which you could find from puzzles mostly) and I'll keep this up in order to spread the knowledge. :P I would gladly nominate this guy though: ;P Registered 2 months ago and already level 5. That's no small feat! But I'll mostly nominate him because he's polite. I would never vote for an impolite person. ;)
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But I wanted to nominate him. :'( Well, there's also jbondguy007, but he's already nominated. Hmm, I'll need to think of it. :P
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I also agree about ! He's also a very good choice. Very active and very nice person. :) And look at how many giveaways he made. Many private giveaways, but they could be found from nice puzzles.
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Thanks for the kind words-- I also only make all of them level 1 to open to more users... and work personally with everyone that needs help...
I do make some public ga but not as many that are behind a puzzle. My present puzzle event has 40 puzzles... 26 full blown ITh puzzles and 14 puzzle lock puzzles...
Yea I get a little over-board with making puzzles! Lol! Did you say addict? Me??? Nahhhhh!
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You are welcome, you puzzle addict. xD Keep doing what you're doing well. ;)
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DId you see the edit to the rule we made there?
more than 50 % public giveaways (and/or private forum giveaways open to the community)
Key of that rule is to find people who want to give to the community rather then only to a small group of friends. As others pointed out too: private giveaways can also be meant for the community, so we edited the rule to include these type of private giveaways too,
Metygame has been added to the list. You've got one nomination left; would you like to pick any of the above? (not TheLuckyShamrock as he nominated you another one of our 'strange' rules and Jeffhowe who is also nominated by him... so... Pengguins6687?
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Oh, I didnt see edit, Ok. No problem then.
And you can remove me from list and add TheLuckyShamrock. It's fair.
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It's not meant to be a race at all, neither would it be stalking & none is getting punished.. On the other hand some people get rewarded for their actions during the time being.
As this is meant for newcomers/unknown profiles of SG it's just for some extra spice to it and as the title says you are not forced into this by any means. :)
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there are many people i would like to nominate, but as like your candidate: the levels are to high :/
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Well, to be fair, early for me is 12 midday, but that matters... SG is the last thing I check before going out, and first thing I check when I get home. Just to not miss anything cool here. I'm way too unstable and poor to be an actual top contributor though, can't promise I'll be here in a year from now, but I'll keep dumping keys from bundles here when I buy a bundle for one game inside it.
Thanks for your support, obviously not many people know me here, hard to make name in only 5 days. :P
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For 5 days you're doing pretty well I'd say. Already seen you around in several places :)
About the top contributor thing - I'm not the wealthiest of all people and even was unemployed when I started using this site, but it adds up over time and occasionally you'll get to the point where you go ahead and spend your last money on a game for a giveaway just to give something back to the awesome community of people here - at least that's what happened to me.
Welcome to SG, wishing you a pleasant stay :D
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I actually am unemployed. Let me give you a rough example of my wealth... FO4 is 1/5 of my monthly income. Not sure if funny or sad, but yeah. Maybe I'll win it some day. I sure hope I'll not get addicted enough to actually buy games for my last money though, starving isn't pleasant at all!
Thanks for the warm welcome. :3
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Unfortunately Fallout 4 is still outta my league as well although I actually managed to acquire a little part time job six months ago that slowly helps my finances to recover, but check my profile for a chance on one of your top 6 wishlisted games :)
You seem to have gotten into gaming not long ago, right?
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Not sure how to define "gaming", everyone has played some Mario as a kid, and other console stuff. I had PSone as my latest console, only PC after that. Different MMOs mostly. There hasn't been a long period of time in my life where I didn't play anything at all. I'm definitely not a hardcore gamer or anything though, but I'm looking to widen my horizon. It's more like a hobby that somewhat comes and goes, but never really disappears.
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Can I nomiate
He just joined one moth ago, but he's already level 6, showing all signs of addiction just yet and is clearly going to be the next gen superstar of SG :)
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edit: nope, cant think of an user to be honest, every one i think about is over that level and the one i think about has a bad ratio... may edit again if i think of one
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did you have a thing about ratio before or was I imagining that?
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Now im not 100% sure what you mean, or rather im completely lost?
Edit: Aha if you meant the ratio on the suggested guy i have my hands full atm, all i said was that he "might".
Because he would first of all need a short briefly explanation why this person deserved his vote before im putting work into checking everyone.
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let's also nominate
he's lively, lovable and showing all signs of addiction as well :)
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more than 50 % public giveaways
But isn't the point of this thread to "celebrate" those who make the community (mainly the forum) a great place? I mean, I feel that people who contribute many giveaways privately to the forum should be appreciated for their efforts. :)
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Nice! I'll see if I can find "that one user" I saw a while ago who would fit the requirements.
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I'd like to nominate vhAdam because I won Rocket League from him and can't stop playing it! he is pretty active (I'm not sure how to search through a user's made threads but here's his last puzzle that I solved). He's lvl5 and a lot of his giveaways are forum giveaways that are meant for the public so I hope they count :D
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132 / 172 GAs were public ;)
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Anyway - who are those famous SG users?
Some of them are famous only to some people :P
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You are looking at me? ;)
What do you mean?
I was nominated once - by Cowie :D
Remember nomination =/= popularity.
I try to nominate 50 people, firstly - Cowie :)
If he would be already taken - I would vote for someone from that list.
And he is not popular enough :(
Even if I am nominating him - remember about that!
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I nominate
Because he fits the criteria, and he's friendly and active, and he's the only person here with whom I've had a somewhat meaningful conversation.
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I'm nominating keksinator, since he was one of my two top choices, but out of the running due to level.
You don't have to count him, but I am nominating him! :D
Level 8 in 4 months. Nuff said.
And yeah, I know he's level 8, but if you guys can nominate a level 6 I can nominate a level 8. :P
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I want to nominate
1 win, 126 giveaways.
Just under level 5
Registered only 2 weeks ago
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I would like to nominate Dianatrix Registered 5 days ago Gifts Won 0 Gifts Sent 27 also plus 'cause she posted on eev's stalk selfie thread
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2,445 Comments - Last post 7 minutes ago by Marius11
180 Comments - Last post 28 minutes ago by Sooth
270 Comments - Last post 45 minutes ago by pb1
87 Comments - Last post 47 minutes ago by Chris76de
129 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by JMM72
113 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Realtione
225 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by canis39
11 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by moronic
984 Comments - Last post 10 minutes ago by Yamaraus
53 Comments - Last post 11 minutes ago by ThePonz
568 Comments - Last post 15 minutes ago by FallenKal
39 Comments - Last post 21 minutes ago by Tomoel69
6 Comments - Last post 45 minutes ago by Inkyyy
3,731 Comments - Last post 57 minutes ago by Iceboy19865
20160201 Gates are closed, groups are made, ga's are created. In a few months we'll get back to you with an update! :)
1 JonathanKalo
2 darveshpreet
3 vhAdam
4 CowofDarkness
5 sigma3
6 bbklyn
7 DarthKnight
8 Dianatrix
9 Triisken
10 Therianmysti
11 nekromantyczny
12 GetBlazedSon
13 bosque91
14 noonemakesnoise
15 Zoey1
16 Mefistofeliks
17 llSomarll
18 Tristar
19 acolis
20 EsE
21 lanny223
22 bastirei
23 daniyo94
24 ShandyAndy
25 metyGAME
26 jeffhowe
27 m3rc
28 morikalina
29 Nordhbane
30 nonamebg
31 Charlie22
32 xoid
33 Razelli
34 AnnieBolton
35 missmewx
36 Tsukiruka
37 Griff3nZA
38 Tewam
39 TrevorGoodchild
40 ziltoid84
41 TheLuckyShamrock
42 ryanimator
43 Glitchsteam
44 Rpbns4ever
45 TheSecretCircle
46 devilstheory
47 Kartyl
48 ankarabibi
49 PatchmaN
50 mabdk
51 Heeroo
52 SaraphL
53 Tort1
54 PrivateJokerGen
55 falcogr
56 Sayckeone
57 watary
58 gameofthrow
59 rclbob
60 lemondrops
61 Gracee
62 Adelion
63 daxter606
Community contribution by Jabbergeist: Save the Furries
Community contribution by YunieRozier: Sirius online thanks!
Contribution to the Nominators train: Lost Planet 3 by JonathanKalo; SanctuaryRPG: Black Edition by nonamebg; Cities in Motion 2 Collection by CowOfDarkness
Contribution to the Nominees train: mystery game by JonathanKalo; Death Goat by nonamebg
72 valid nominations till now, check here to see who (disclaimer; clean sheet check at start of trains)
Click here to see who already made 1 or 2 nominations...
From time to time there's a big clickbait announcement of great games given away by someone and you enter the thread in anticipation ….
... to find out it's another nomination thread ...
In those threads you see the same names getting nominated time and again and not without reason: they are the ones making all those events, creating the puzzles we have fun with, commenting on anything&everything and giving away ludicrous amounts of games. They are the backbone of our community and they deserve some recognition.
But recently a few far too many!!! of those 'community leaders' have announced they'll be leaving SteamGifts temporarily?!. And that made me and Fruitbean wonder who will be the community leaders of tomorow...
So we thought of this event which is meant to be a nice way to shine a little light on the lesser known heroes of SteamGifts. The people who are kinda new and trying to find out what this community is all about... The people who aren't yet invited to all the cool inner circle groups that are around but will be after this!... The people who are not addicted yet... but have every sign they will be very soon
So please nominate 1 or 2 lesser known heroes who you think will be the community leaders of tomorrow and explain in a few words why (no explanation = no nomination). First come, first serve. So pick your favourites quickly! I wonder how many people find this sneaky link
Rules on nominees:
Rules on nominators:
All valid nominees will be invited to a group and get access to a train with Tomb Raider: Anniversary, Tomb Raider: Legend, Tomb Raider: Underworld, Primal Carnage, Yosumin, Sparkle 2 Evo, The Last Remnant, Bloodrayne 2, Gyromancer, Journal, Lara Croft & the Temple of Osiris, Bedlam, Just Cause Collection, Monochroma, Tomb Raider: GOTY Edition, Alien: Isolation, Hitman Absolution: Elite Edition, South Park™: The Stick of Truth™, Sniper Elite 3
All nominators of valid nominees will be invited to a group with access to a train with Murdered: Soul Suspect, Millie, Front Mission Evolved, Room 13 and Evil Within
But wait, there's more!
In 6 months we'll check on all nominees to see their progress in becoming the next community leaders. We'll measure their progress in 5 categories:
The top 3 of all categories will get invited to a special group with special goodies. If a winner of a previous category gets another top 3 spot, number 4 will take his/her place and so on. 15 winners in total, no more. Their nominators can expect something too.
NOTE: If a nominee doesn't want to be part of this event, just decline the invite to the group and you're out. Simple as that.
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