It is that, for sure. I think they limited it so much because it is so accurate and devastating a weapon.
Have you ever played the Synergy mod? I've always wanted to try it but don't know anyone who still likes to play HL2 and its mods like I do.
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I've stated my play-style for years on my Steam profile :)
"Cover is for wimps!"
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I do like a bit of stealth, but as far as multiplayer games go...THAT ENGINEER's A BLOODY SPY!
Games like Commandos (2), Jagged Alliance, Thief and Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell are excellent fun.
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Before Cover Based shooters were a thing I would go hard and fast into areas (Like the old Desert Storm or SOCOM games on the PS2) with a machine gun and shotgun.
I then became a stealth. . . apprentice with MGS 2 being the only one I played (Until I recently got the demo for V A.K.A Ground Zero) and it definitely appeals to me to be that way, but lately I've delved back into my first style of playing because i'm a masochist.
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My playstyle is "LOOT EVERYTHING"... Does that apply to your question? More seriously, if there is a loot system, i'm gonna loot everything and min-max my inventory and go like a snail. Otherwise, sniper and stealth all the way is my playstyle. :)
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right here with you. Actually the only drug I use in fallout is buffout for what i call "overpacked emergency fast travel". Or at least it was that before i got that skill that let you fast travel while encumbered :3
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I can be quite obsessed with planning. In RPGs or adventures I just might check the map or skill trees, without doing anything else. In games from Paradox I often spend more time checking out other nations/forces, than with my own empire.
But I think most extreme is Football Manager. When I start a new game at a new club, I don't hit the button to move on to the next week. Instead I spend several hours (if not days) analyzing the current status and making up my mind how I want to transform the club, before I make my first little step forward.
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Usually cautious. Rogue/mage style in cRPGs, trying to avoid fights by sneaking and rely on CC/diversion tactics in combat.
Pure support/turtling base defence in team-based games, both in shooters and in strategy.
Conservative/slow pusher in poker. :)
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I like to make things as easy or simple as possible. Usually, if I play a game, depending on its' type, I want to find out the story, or unlock other levels or features.
I know that a lot of people either don't feel like they get their games' worth, or don't feel accomplished, or don't feel like they actually played (and many other things) unless they went on the hardest setting, but I'd personally rather finish the story/unlock everything than try countless times to pass certain spots, because I suck at pretty much everything and also because I'm really impatient.
But sometimes I'll do anything I can for achievements, even if it includes doing really difficult things.
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I know what you mean. I'm actually a casual gamer and I prefer to play games on easy or normal. Stealth has to be hardest difficulty at all times but other games I just casually play them. I am an achievement hunter myself so I try to get them too but I also draw a line somewhere; for example I'll never go for Deathmarch difficulty achievement for The Witcher 3.
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Yea I heard Ciri was completely overpowered even on Deathmarch hehe :D I am just not good with combat stuff, I don't really like that there is no targeting system in The Witcher. It feels clunky to me as a whole. I also don't have much patience when it comes to fighting/action/killing which why I avoid games like Dark Souls completely :D
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i just do stealth for days, im highly against wasting items so ingames i almost never use them ( is if i had a death wish ) unless i want to fool around or cannot risk dying, lets take dying light is in example, i havent used a single medkit until i finished the opening + half of the first chapter, thou i somewhat cheated early game using grenades to steal air drops.
is for stealth i always use a machete or shotgun when traveling or escaping, gotta love kill and run style.
also im a loot nerd, in fallout 3 i never left a thing in every area i explored, even burned books worth almost nothing it all xD
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I'm a passionate explorer.
Remember that guy in your Diablo 2 party who's always falling behind because he can't leave before all of the map has been uncovered?
That guy who wanders through the Mojave Desert for hours without even thinking about completing my mission?
That guy who saves the game before every descision to see how other answers would have played out?
That guy who fucked up the whole raid because "Aww man look at that shiny loot!"?
That guy in your tribe/clan/whatever who is no help at all because he's never gathering resources but rather just admiring the beautiful landscapes?
Yep. That's me. Guilty as charged.
I played Sunless Sea. I played 80 Days. I played The Banner Saga. I played Lords Of Xuilima.
And you know what all of those games have in common? I can't play them! I keep running out on supplies because I can't for the life of me resist the urge to explore every damn corner.
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Hahah I am extremely familiar with your situation. My bases in Heroes of Might and Magic would get captured simply because I always went to the furthest corner from my mission to explore and I didn't even pay attention to anything else. Games like Torchlight, Diablo, Sacred etc I always open the whole map before going into dungeons and when there is a fork I always pray that I'll pick the wrong path so I won't have to backtrack if I find the mission location first.
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Exactly! And then I change my mind halfway, turn around and follow the other path, just to find out that it's a full circle and I just wasted twice the time because of my indecisiveness, while the real exit is hidden somewhere completely different...
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+1, I just can't be stealthy. What starts as a sneaky backstab always ends in a Michael Bay-esque shootout, with tons of explosions and giant robot dinosaurs crushing whole cities... And most of the time, it doesn't end well for me
But whatever, I enjoy stealth games anyway, I just really really suck at them.
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I've played so many classes, can't say I have a favourite one. Lately, I've been enjoying range classes - but that being said, I've played as melee and tank in the past too. Only thing I don't really like in any game is stealth.. I like being loud! :P
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It depends by the game, anyway:
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Sneak freak here. Strict no killing rule - I'm batman :D If it's possible I go for no takedowns too - not touching anyone, just sneaking through, stealing everything that can be stolen and not leaving any sign of my presence. In Hitman games I played, I always tried not to use any disguises either - or if that wasn't possible use the disguise, but change back into the suit before extracting.
Also, I'm a madman - playing on any difficulty other than the highest is not for me ;)
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My style is fairly simple just point me at what you want dead I'll go get em so basically front line attack in any kind of game is what I'd lean to most. If I team up with people I can adapt to the role the group needs but I'm happiest just being a sword to kill enemies and I prefer close combat to range, stare em in the eye as you rob em of life. In summary just lemme KILL ALL THE THINGS. =p Arf .!.
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a lot depends on the game. as well as mood.
often covertly. always normal.
if it is hidden items that normal or difficult
RPG - partially chop up or defraud. sometimes right through
horror in different ways
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Bump. I pretty much play ranged for FPS - Halflife crossbow/RPG, CS:GO AWP. For RPGs, I'm pretty much either Assassin or Wizard Class and I'm known to create at least 1 character of each class.
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Playstyle tends to change between games, but my mentality in games is to try and explore all possible paths
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i mostly play rpgs, especially turn based rpgs. i tinker with skill trees and gear for hours, just to end up doing mostly autoattacks anyway and rarely using offensive skills, never defensive ones or buffs.
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It depends. But im a very fast and strategic player, always giving out info.
Battlefield Series:
Im always the Jet, Heli or Tank pilot/driver, providing air info and giving group/air damage.
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive:
Im always snipping, doing rush entry frags.
Other than that, i just like really fast games and horror games.
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Hello everyone. The topic is exactly what the title suggests. I simply want you to share your unique playstyles. I will go first so you'll have a better understanding of what I mean.
I'm a stealth purist at heart. And when I say purist I mean total purism at its finest. I do not do any takedowns, I do not kill, no detection, not raising any suspicion, no alarms. But I don't limit myself here. I add even extra challenges such as not using any items, not using any distractions, not using any abilities, upgrades and so on. I simply do not do anything except avoid everyone through my movements and do what I need to do without leaving a single footprint. I even close the doors that were closed when I started the mission, I do not leave them open. Everything remains exactly the same as I found them. I am known to restart the chapter just cause I made some tiny noise and some guard in the next room said "What was that?" or "I heard something" etc. I always play stealth on hardest difficulty at all times. (I prefer easy/normal on other genres).
So what is your playstyle? For example do you favour a certain weapon when you play FPS? Or do you love blowing up stuff with explosives? Do you like melee or ranged combat? Do you always pick the same class in every RPG game you play? These are just examples off the top of my head. Simply explain how you play the genre you are passionate about. Don't feel the need to stick to one genre only because playstyle changes from game to game. Explain all if you have the time :) I love reading how others play their games!
The GA is for a game that I hold very dear to my heart as it almost gives me every opportunity to play the way I want to play my stealth. Full ghost+pacifist. The only factor that breaks my rules is that it required me to use a specific special ability during certain chapters, it's totally unavoidable. Fortunately the upcoming 2nd game will allow me to refuse special abilities from the start and play without them. I can't wait!
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