for real though, how the hell did he bypass Steam Guard?
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"If you've mistakenly checked the "remember me" box when logging in to a public computer or if your account has been compromised, you should deauthorize any computers that you've previously Steam Guarded. You can do this from your Account Details page > Manage Steam Guard and select "Deauthorize all other devices" at the bottom of the page. This will deauthorize all computers or devices other than the one you're performing this action from."
(There doesn't seem to be a way to check which devices are authorized though.)
He may have access to your devices physically. In which case it's time to get really paranoid and make sure a) you change password regularly and b) you make sure to always sign out when done
You'll also want to check your inventory history. That should show who your items got offloaded to - maybe it's someone you recognise.
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yeah, but i am affraid, what if he has access to my PC somehow? he will still be able to trade even from another account.. I dont feel save at all anymore i was gonna wait 5-6 days more so I can sell the items for real cash and i got ripped off twice.. I feel worse than shit
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And then install both a good antivirus program and anti malware (
And change all relevant passwords, and dont make easy ones that are guessable.
If then you are still being hacked again, it is magic.
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Indeed, I wouldn't exclude that, better format everything
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No, Steam support returns items from a lost account maximum once. Their policy is that if you cannot safeguard your login information, it's not their problem.
You sure it wasn't a key logger?
And didn't you activate the option to only sell/barter an item after email/mobile app authentication?
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More than sure mate.. I never click on those phishing links nor downloaded any files from unknown websites.. I only use CSgolounge for trading most of the time and that's all.. Well I didn't think it would be such a problem if I didn't turn it on, I use different passwords for steam and email acc, so I didn't thought something like this is possible....
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Even if their ToS says that, I've read about some guys that got refunded twice, obviously I don't know if it's true, but it's worth a try
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I know, but so far I always just had people "hearing about" it. It almost sounds like a wishful thinking urban legend to give some hope for people who think their stuff is forever lost.
Not to mention that it seems Steam support decisions are very specific to what handlers the tickets end up at.
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Wow. I can understand once. But twice? What the hell?... And how did he bypass the Steam Guard? Do you use Mobile Authenticator? If you use e-mail verification that can mean that he has access to your e-mail too.
Tell me if I'm wrong with this one.
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No idea mate really.... I only saw once or twice"my login credentials has expired" like when someone logs in your account from another PC, but wtf.. I don't know, It showed up only once or twice(before/after the first hijacking) and after that it never showed again... I don't think he has access to my email, because it is not an english one and even if he did, he wouldn't understand shit..
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What steps you took after you got hijacked the first time?
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Changed steam PW(email is not in English so it doesn't matter even if he did have access which I doubt) and also turned the verification after trade, but as I trade a lot I disabled it, because I got annoyed by confirming every trade offer I send and etc.. I guess this could've saved my inventory, no idea.. If steam support restores my inventory I'm transfering the skins to acc of my real life friend and will probably use the steam confirmation feature and the mobile authenticator as well.. I'm such an idiot
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You might want to consider using 2-factor authentication, because It sounds like whoever did it last time has already had Steamguard enabled on their system, so they can access your account already. If you enable the Steam authenticator on your phone, Steamguard alone won't allow them to log in as you.
The real question is how you got them into your account in the first place. Have you ever logged in at a friend's or an internet cafe?
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No.. Never.. I only login from my home.. I am wondering the same I dont think its possible just to brute force my account and then bypass the e-mail and enter from his PC without a warning that someone has logged in from new PC.. I don't know how he did that..
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Check your email setting. Maybe it have been hacked and have redirect to scammer's mail.
Also, download some live-cd (or live-usb) antivirus, load from it and check your system, maybe you have a troyan. It's important to load from other media, because this way malware can't interfere in antivirus work.
I doubt scammer hacked steam (otherwise it would not be only you), so somehow he have access to your data, either mail or PC (or both). You have to find this hole, or you'll never be safe.
Good luck in solving this problem. Do not despair.
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Something you can do is Unauthenticate your login on all other places other than the one you unauthenticate from, could be good to do as well.
If you havent already that is, and if you have, sorry i cant think of anything else to do that hasnt been mentioned already :C
Edit* Have a kitten to help cheer up...
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You go to settings > Manage steam guard security > scroll down and click unauthorise all other units (its below the email settings), and Voila your done and no other computers should have any access to your steam account without entering the code you get to your phone/email, depending on your settings.
I hope it helps!
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Just as something on the side, it might be good to change the password as well after or before doing it, as someone with access would need both the new password and have to reenter the code.
Good luck! :3
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Dunno but it's also possible that it's someone who can lay their hands on your computer while you leave it unattended.
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your pc seems become part from large botnet and it's owner install something on your pc so he can remote access your pc
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that's steam problem. open a ticket to get it solved. if it isn't, you should go to justice to get it all back since you paid for it.
security issues are their responsabilities, not yours as merely user. steam should do back what they let someone else do.
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well.. superantispyware found 86 adware tracking cookies and adware opencandy/variant w/e that is (after the format) gonna do few more checks with other adware scanners and pray for the steam support .. I turned on the mobile authenticator too.. Thanks for the help to all of you.
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You can bypass Steam Guard easily when having access to your victims computer (eg trojan).
Your machine most likely IS infected. And an anti virus program won't find it (unless the "hacker" is really dumb).
Reset your whole computer and install a new windows. That's what I would do :)
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gg guys. Some fcking idiot hijacked my inventory TWICE in a row(200 euros worth of items) steam guard on, nothing about entering from new PC, i never click phishing link I actually delete everyone as soon as they say " Hey bro! bla bla" I dont download any shady stuff i dont know how he bypassed the steam guard.. i dont think steam support will actually return the items i lost TWICE that got stolen from me.. I spent so much money and steam couldnt even protect me. I dont know how he manages to do that I really dont know what to do guys.. I've made support ticket, but I think it won't help i feel like i wanna die.. 200 euros converted here is a lot of money... just a rant cause i got no one to share this with. And now i sit with empty card, ripped off. Sorry for the idiot part but i couldnt act calmer
You are idiot[|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||] 90%
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