Whats the point in giving away games? Why do so many people do it? What is in it for them?

7 years ago

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Why you ask this but you do giveaways to?

7 years ago

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so, nobody will answer properly. Thought as much.

7 years ago

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1) Because it's nice to give away games to poorer fellows that can't buy their own games.
2) Because, when you give away a game, your contributor level increases and you can participate in giveaways for higher levels.

7 years ago

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poorer people

redefining poor on sg

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7 years ago

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Heh, I know what you mean and I expected an answer like this one. Well, my answer was kinda generic, I know. :P Others give away games to people that contribute on this site, others give away games just to their friends, etc.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Well, then the whole statement loses its meaning. Those people don't need the free games, they can afford them then.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Yes, but those people that have to slave away for months are also the people that wouldn't play games. Reason being that they have no time. If you live alone, then of course the "I have to save up for months to buy a game that's up to $60" isn't actually a real issue. The current economy for most countries is good enough that it allows you to buy things in order to keep money circulating in a healthy manner and by that it'll be good enough for you to actually buy those games with some saving.

If you have a country where this isn't the case, then you're also in a country where you can't afford a computer to actually buy those extremely expensive games.

Same goes for the actual price of those games. Those that make just enough money to barely feed themselves and put a roof over their head are the same people that wouldn't and also shouldn't spend $60. They'd be budget gamers. People that buy games during extreme sales and then also buy the games that they could run and that they could get the most amount of bang for their buck.

A lower class person shouldn't buy a fuel-inefficient car just as much as a middle-class person shouldn't buy caviar.
While there might be a notion out there that everyone should be able to afford everything, it's not actually the case in practice.

So, if you're that poor, then you wouldn't be on this site.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Jesus, what a clichΓ© of a fallacy. So just because you don't know literally every exception to the rule, you can't know the rule.
So, just because you haven't tasted every bottle of Coke, you can't say if Coke is delicious or not? Or you can't make claims over any situation because it'd be impossible to know literally every angle for it?
I wonder if literally every court case should be thrown out the window because nothing can actually be definitively the case. You can have DNA, fingerprints, physical evidence, eyewitness reports, CCTV footage of the suspect killing another person, yet you can still say that it might not be the case because there might've actually been a ghost person that stuck a different knife into the victim's chest or instead the suspect was actually possessed by Bigfoot, making the suspect actually innocent.

How can you say that a millionaire is poorer than a billionaire in that case? Some millionaires have more useful assets and they might have emotional wealth, which in the case of the way you articulated yourself, is also applicable.

So, essentially, according to your logic, literally no statements can be made because instead of saying a general statement, they are all meant as definitive, absolute statements.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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"If you want to go fully philosophical about it, then yeah, that argument can be made." - False. You started the narrative that just because not everyone is like what I'm describing, then no one is. You, yourself.

Am I full of myself? Most likely. I'm a person that's argumentative. At the same time you're a person that just says "Well, that's just, that's just your opinion, dude!" as if that actually meant anything or contributed anything.
The "not all" argument has no value because it's pretty much a "get out of jail free" fallacy. if you don't agree, you just say "Well, not everyone does that". You could say that for everything. That's my problem with that idea. If we can just start dismissing anything by saying that it doesn't apply to a whole demographic, even though the context was obviously generalizing, then there's nothing to talk about. Nothing is correct then.

Call me an ass though. Keep it classy, bud.

(Although, you can't say that I'm an ass. You don't know everything about me, so you can't claim that. Not all. Not all!)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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And you have the gall to actually call me an "arrogant ass". Genuinely pathetic. It's not really an adult thing to do, but then again...

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I agree with that but I like winning. Same reason I can afford a holiday but if I enter a competition for a holiday to the sun and sea... I'm taking it xD

7 years ago

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An important difference here. One's a PR move by a company, the other is just users giving away games. Now, it's smaller scale, sure, but one's still essentially a free thing that holds high value in the eyes of the consumers. Also, they actually profit from it. Increased sales, good publicity, and other smaller positive changes. Maybe tax write-offs and so on.

I like winning as well though :D

7 years ago

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Either way I'm greedy and honest enough to say I like seeing that space cat and getting some nice games :3

7 years ago

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Before I found out that the correct term for the cat was Space Cat, we (wife, son and I) called it crazy cat. Never even noticed the background until I saw it mentioned in a thread.

7 years ago

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I'd say that's fine. I mean, I also use the site to win games. I just think that we shouldn't pussyfoot around the fact of what we're doing :D

7 years ago

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You might be winning but are you Charlie Sheen #Winning ?

7 years ago

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Always Charlie Sheen winning ;)

7 years ago

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Why did you do it?
Did you hope someone would enjoy them more? Did you just want to level up?

7 years ago

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According to Steamgifts, you asked your question one hour ago, and you posted "so, nobody will answer properly. Thought as much" an hour ago, as well. You couldn't have waited a full hour before claiming victory in stumping the commenters? This is a pet peeve of mine.

  • It makes the original question seem insincere, as though it's just a prelude to your posting your "thought as much" That means you're predisposed to discard any sincerely offered answer without weighing the thought that goes into it, which is rude to the person who had taken the time to write a reply. Don't ask a question unless you want an answer or it's clearly a rhetorical device.

  • It's dismissive of slow and thoughtful replies, since you're not giving them time to see let alone write-up a comment. It fails to take into account that people have lives other than sitting here waiting for an opportunity to answer your question. It's a holiday in the US and Canada a workday most other places - both reasons people might be doing something other than hanging on your every word, hoping for a chance to answer your questions.

  • It's a conclusion based on the fallacy of argumentum ex silentio. You can't draw any conclusions from someone not having bent and scraped to answer you. Maybe you're just annoying in how you answered your question and people who had a good answer ignored you as a troll. The Internet is rife with unanswered questions - go searching for an obscure event ID sometime: easily answered ones, ones with clever solutions that never get posted in reply to that particular request, questions with answers right in a site's FAQ. The lack of an answer to all of those questions meant nothing.

Apologies if this outburst seems rude in its own, but out of all the bad logical arguments I see on the Internet, replying to yourself with "Hah, I knew you couldn't answer! I win!" before you even give 90% of the site a chance to be online is one of the ones I find the most annoying.

7 years ago

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If you hover over the xxx time ago text it shows the exact time posted. He waited an excruciating 3 whole minutes before replying.

7 years ago

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That's like 21 minutes in dog minutes!!!

7 years ago

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maybe they think we all stay awake 24hrs a day waiting on steamgifts to reply - rather than noting that we all live around the world and have lives to live (well some have a life, mine is often in the shallow end of the fun pool though :p )

7 years ago

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First off, excellent reply. I know you wrote this yesterday afternoon and I so wish I'd seen it then. I really shouldn't tackle posts like this before coffee. I am in no way criticizing you post, it's just that I'm from Texas and we can only use so many multi-syllable words in a day. Your answer has got me through Thursday, so Thank you.

As far as the OP, why wouldn't we? If it's a game I have no desire to play or it is a dupe from a bundle, why not let it go to someone else. I do try to find that fine line between bots snatching them up and actual members with a valid interest (I have not been very successful). My backlog is so long due to pretty much only playing MHO, I found a random game generator that I use to try to at least get some playtime in on some of the more obscure titles in my bank. If this rambled too much, I'll refer you to the second sentence of the first paragraph.

Thank you for your time.

7 years ago

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So, nobody will answer properly. Thought as much.

I agree with IncoherentLight. That response to your own question makes you sound like an arrogant, self-centered jerk. It makes me wonder if that was the intention....

Regardless (and overlooking the snide comment), everyone already knows my answers as these questions have been asked many times on the SG forum. .

Whats the point in giving away games?

The joy of giving. Taking possession of something offers only a momentary pleasure, one that fades quickly because we are never satisfied with what we have and are always thinking about what we lack. Giving, on the other hand, allows us to feel the joy of others and a sense of achievement in having satisfied the need of another. That is a feeling that is long-lasting and inspirational.

Why do so many people do it?

It is a choice that each person makes on his or her own. To receive is easy and reflexive, but giving takes effort and mastery of one's self. Not everyone is up to it.

What is in it for them?

Suppression of one's greed, and a stronger sense of what is really important in life. Also, in the case of giving something for which one has no use (e.g. an extra copy of a game one owns), one man's trash is another man's treasure.

7 years ago*

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7 years ago*

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Also it's easier to just give them away here on SG than trying to find a buyer/trader who want your spare bundle keys

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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to appear generous in the eyes of others.

7 years ago

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Thanks for the nice comments :D

7 years ago

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  1. because I have leftover and do not know what to do with it?
  2. because I want to give something to someone make someone happy (and myself as well)?
  3. because I want level up?
  4. because I want to show my appreciation?
    Pick one or more.
7 years ago

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Event promotion can be a thing too. Or spreading awareness.

7 years ago

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For a number of reasons:

  1. When you don't wanna play it yourself. It's better being played by someone else, than collecting dust in my backlog.
  2. To make someone go through an experience I enjoyed.
  3. To give other people something decent to play. Not everyone has enough money to buy games.
  4. To feel good about yourself.
  5. To level up. Level 10 is everyone's end goal on SG, like it or not.

I probably forgot some other reasons, but those are the main ones.

7 years ago

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Yes level 10 is a nice thing, but I would not spend a thousand on games. (For any reason) Heck, I don't buy games at retail.

7 years ago

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Level 10 lies at the horizon.
When I draw nearer by two steps,
it retreats two steps.
If I proceed ten steps forward, it
swiftly slips ten steps ahead.
No matter how far I go, I may never reach it.
What, then, is the purpose of Level 10?
The answer: to keep going.

7 years ago

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Have you ever gave something to someone and felt really good?
That's why I do it.

7 years ago

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Giving feels lovely, especially if you have fantasies that person who won your gift is happy and will enjoy both playing the game itself and the fact that they got it is a present from someone.
It doesn't need to be charity for 'poor people', just gifting to someone who would value, appreciate this. Of course when you will look what actually happens with your gifts you may create different type of topic, but this will happen after a long time when you have already given away a lot! <3

Welcome to Steam Gifts!

7 years ago*

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Because we are stupid

7 years ago

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Also in those extremely rare cases when the winner actually plays the game it feels quite nice.

7 years ago

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How do we know if they play it

7 years ago

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But it's not a surefire way to tell. When confronted with the question why they haven't played any of their 300 wins surprisingly many people tend to "play in offline mode". One or two of them might even say the truth :D

7 years ago

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what would the truth be?

7 years ago

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I phrased that badly. I ment: One or two of them might actually play in offline mode but for the vast majority it seems to be a convenient explanation why they keep entering for games they do not intend to play / just farm them for trading cards.

Since my first reply wasn't very detailled the screenshot below shows how to find somebodys Steam Profile over SteamGifts, just in case you didn't know yet ;)

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7 years ago

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Thanks very much :D

7 years ago

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Are we supposed to PLAY games? I thought they were just for gifting...

7 years ago

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For shits and giggles.

7 years ago

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bcs i dont want to mess with karma :D
and show people how rich i am :D

7 years ago

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Haha, best answer ;P

7 years ago

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  • Usually it's leftovers and instead of them rotting on some website until it ceases to exist I rather give it away. :p
  • It's nice to be able to share with others that have this fine hobby and it might make someone's day.
  • Giving back to a community that gave me plenty.
7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Do you want an honest answer? My sole reason is: "why the fuck not?"

7 years ago

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Don't lie! You just do it so you can do statistics :P

7 years ago

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For science

7 years ago

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View attached image.
7 years ago

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mine reasons are: 1) boosting my karma before my important tests and exams
2) leveling up
3) getting rid of games that I already own

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Whats a patron? How do you become one?

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Thanks :D

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Does SG give any gifts, or is it all third parties?

7 years ago

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7 years ago*

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Who knows? The shadow knows.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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  1. To get rid of games in bundle that I don't play, and have little value in trading.
  2. To level up to get access to high level giveaway. High level giveaways usually have less participants, and higher chance of winning.
7 years ago

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So we can feel better about all our dirty little secrets.

7 years ago

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and now we also have a star to feel better about ourselves ❀️️🌟

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Oh this is a nice answer <3

7 years ago

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Duplicate games or to boost your lvl and enter exclusive giveaways.

7 years ago

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cause Steamgifts is one of the best meta-game out there.

7 years ago

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