Right now the contributor system is flawed. People can get cheap gifts, or games that are often -90%, and use it to boost their contributor value.

What I think would be better is to reward people for gifting WANTED games. Yes, these games :

Gifting those games would give more contributor points that unwanted games such as bad rats mhich is often at -90% nowadays.

10 years ago*

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And how many good and AAA games have you contributed?

10 years ago

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Why does it matter ? I did not contribute a lot of games anyways.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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It is sort of ironic to say the least.

10 years ago

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Not really. You don't need to have given away thousands of games in order to talk about the massively flawed contributor system.

10 years ago

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The beggars dont have the option to ask what they will get.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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It often seems as if people who don't have a high CV can't have an opinion on the contribution system on this site, people are ignorant that way.

10 years ago

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That's not it, it's the fact that 2 out of 3 giveaways OP did are games you could get for free at a certain point, which was around the time he gifted them.

10 years ago

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And yet, that invalidates his opinion? And what about every other time I've seen anyone even hint at a different CV system? In my opinion, the people with high CV's have just been here long enough that they don't see any reason to change it, and they invalidate anyone else's opinion on the subject.

10 years ago

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Noone said he was right or wrong, only that it's ironic that he's the one complaining about this since he himself is part of the problem.
Also, this has nothing to do with high CV I really don't get why people always bring up low CV as an argument for being mocked, it's simply that beggars can't be choosers, if he's willing to give away stuff as well there are tons of groups that do exactly that what he's suggesting, but clearly he only want to receive, not give.

10 years ago

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Actually, I'm reasonably confident that a majority of people with high CV want the most drastic change possible - to eliminate the CV system

10 years ago

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no, i dont want that at all. i believe the CV system is the reason we have high quality giveaways. if you just take it away, steamgifts could transform into something like galagiveaways, where you see 99% bundle games. i really don't want that. CV is a major motivation for many people (i do not exclude myself here, it was for me too for a long time). just look at how many threads we have here regarding the CV for bundle giveaways. people obviously want to raise their CV, and once they realize bundle games won't cut it, they start to give away other games.

that doesn't mean there is no room for improvement. i would like to have a more accurate system, that saves the price at the date of the giveaway creation. this would prevent exploitation.

what we definitely should not do, is to take away the motivation. we are egoists. all of us. we don't just want to give, we also want to get something in return. and if we don't see a number raising, if we don't see our chances for winning games ourselves raising, we will give away less games. the older members with high CV will continue to give away stuff, of course. they are already used to it. most of them hiding in private groups, giving away games mostly to the people they know and like (which i totally understand and do myself). but i think that at least many new members will just be leechers without any motivation to do otherwise. same goes for many of the members who now have like 35$ CV. what do you think why they gave away barely enough bundle games to reach 30$, and then just one more non-bundle game? so they can enter those 30.01$ giveaways. ^^ and that's not too bad. that's what populates the site.

no, i think the CV system (or a similar motivational system) is very important for this site. and i am surprised, how many of you constantly talk about removing it completely.

10 years ago

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well say, well say

10 years ago

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on the other hand can't you understand our arguments? I know you earned your CV fair and square. A lot of us did, and we take advantage of it. BUT - as long as the system is in place no matter what changes staff implement - people will always find new ways to cheat it. People I cannot mention by name not to call out :). There are other ways to motivate users - good contributors will always find a spot in groups, get invited to private GAs, and we even have upcoming whitelist feature. Fake CV boosters on the other hand would get smacked with no-CV implementation. Not to mention a simple fact - both you and me already have over 5k$ CV, there is no point for us to earn any more, as 5k is maximum on Contri GA. So supposedly we have no motivation at all to make GAs. So why do we still do? ;p

10 years ago

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sure, i understand your arguments. i just don't completely agree. ;)

you say, other motivations would be spots in groups, private ga's and so on. i would say, this is stuff for the advanced users. new users won't get into good groups. and it's quite a bit of effort needed in order to get invited. and i dont think every new user even wants to deal with groups. i didnt want to, when i was new here. CV is a more direct way of saying "contribute just a little bit, and your chances will increase".

well, my suggestion would be to save the current price on the giveaway creation date. what do you think about that? i don't see how people could possibly exploit the system then. the only exploits happening right now work, because SG calculates with standard prices.

10 years ago

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well - there are 2 problems regarding keeping current price on SG that cg adressed when it was suggested last time. 1st is site performance - you would have to additionally keep "current price" value in DB on SG, as you cannot simply pull price from Steam like it's done now. Right now there's been 710617 completed and received GAs on SG. even more if you add all with 0 entries, deleted etc. It means nearly million more DB entries for now and number will grow with time. But the 2nd problem is even more important - it actually can be exploited quite badly and would require shitload of support work to deal with "exploits" and to maintain system fair to all users. A lot of times Steam sends broken prices - we've seen it before, TR2013 listed for 90p, F.E.A.R. 3 listed for 50p, Each of Total War games listed at price of full collection. and so on and on. A lot of them we're not even aware of, as when they occur there's none currently running GA for these games. Each time something like this happens if your system would be in place all users who created GA during this time would have boosted CV that would stay with them not only like now before pricing goes back to normal but this boosted CV would stay with them forever. To deal with it Support would have to track all these games and GAs made for them each time and alter the data for pricing each time.

10 years ago

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i dont think the database size would be a problem. 700000 is not very much. and we are not talking about new record sets in the database, just a new data field.

your second argument is not bad, this could indeed be a problem (although it's not like we have 10 pricing errors every day). but i think ways could be found to circumvent this. for example a table with the initial price for all games, which could then be used as a maximum value during the giveaway creation. i admit, it's getting a little more complicated now.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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A) People were giving out high quality giveaways before the CV system was ever implemented. In fact, bundle keys were prohibited from being given away, yet there were still tens of thousands of giveaways being made.
B) CV was not originally implemented to be an incentive system. I can dig up the post from cg if you want, although I'm not sure how he didn't see that it would essentially become a motivational factor.
C) Game value given away was always displayed on profile, even if it didn't apply to entering better giveaways.
D) Zel brings up a good point. Why do we still make giveaways if we've already reached max CV levels? Clearly there are other motivating factors in play, such as group enrollment, e-peen growth, etc.

Sorry for the bullet points - I didn't feel like writing transition sentences since I'm short on time this morning. I'm not denying that some people give away games purely for CV, but I do believe it causes a lot more problems than it solves. You know the easiest way to settle this debate? We need data on current non-bundle giveaways and data after transition to sgv2.

10 years ago

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@D - you forgot aboiu puzzles! the best moitivation is to make GA so other users suffer finding their way to it! ;p

10 years ago

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Schadenfreude is the best motivation!

10 years ago

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I wouldn't say majority - back when we had poll on the matter the votes were evenly divided. A lot of high Contributors wanted to get rid of CV, but a lot wanted it to stay as well.

10 years ago

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Would it be better if I replaced "majority" with "a good number"? :P

10 years ago

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lol +1

10 years ago

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You're $0.01 away from learning the real truth.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

10 years ago

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correction $0.02

10 years ago

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So if my giveaway ends in a few hours, ill get out of the matrix?

10 years ago

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Inflation? Currency exchange problems? Fiat currency does mean FAKE afterall...

10 years ago

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omg, I lol'ed so much. This comment is such a win!

10 years ago

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Bundles don't count to CV after $30 anyway, and games I believe 95% or over off don't count either.
Bad rats is a bundled game I believe.

I think it's fine as it is. There are plenty of good non bundle games that aren't on that wish list and there's no reason why people shouldn't get CV from it. Also, some games on the wishlist have been bundled.

10 years ago

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That's not how bundle CV works.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Pointing out, that is over a year old... things change...

10 years ago

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FAQ is all you need

10 years ago

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Playblink use a "wishlist" system to help determine value of gifts if you want to scope that site out.

10 years ago

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Dude you have given away a F2P game and an indie game that came out in 2006...really? REALLY? Sit down.

10 years ago

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A game which you get free copies of upon activating at that...

10 years ago

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dota wasn't at the time, that happened later(very slightly later, almost immediately)

10 years ago

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"Registered 2 years ago" BibleThump

The FAQ will answer your question.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

10 years ago

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also keydrop for ninjas

10 years ago

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thanks ;)

10 years ago

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you're welcome good sir ;)

pls write what exactly you got

10 years ago

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sorry, i got the The Lord of the Rings Online: Steely Dawn Starter Pack :)

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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I doubt you want more cv for yourself because you want to give away the wishlisted one.
Rather than that you want others to be encouraged to make AAA giveaways so you can win the ones you really want. But no. I don't really think you are a kind of person like this.

If you really want an other system you should check out the private GA groups. There are some with systems like the one you mentioned.

10 years ago

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I don't want to win games anymore, and the chance of winnig AAA games is too low anymay. I just think the current way the contribution points are is too easily farmed.

10 years ago

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Farmed? Maybe in the short run, but cheapass games will also have their base prices lowered more rapidly, which retroactively affects everyone's CV. So it's less "farm effective" (or whatever) than giving away decently priced, quality titles.

10 years ago

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That happens? I never knew. Whats the reason for that? Would adding what the game is currently worth be too complicated? Or is there a different reason?

10 years ago

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SG takes the prices directly from Steam. So if steam devalues a game over time, which it does, the CV will lower here as well. I'm not sure how often personal CV is recalculated, but the frequency of threads commenting on it (or rather of people losing their CV) could be a proxy.

This system is also the reason sometimes giveaways will cost more or less than they should because their is some confusion with a bundle or pack on steam.

10 years ago

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Not that complicated, bet mostly unreliable.

Discussion about it

10 years ago

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That makes sense. Thanks for the link!

10 years ago

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Assassine, it seems that you need to read the FAQ.

10 years ago

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I did, it doesnt say that anywhere.

10 years ago

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If you've read the FAQ, then you've read the part about CV being based on the game's Steam value. It would seem you simply didn't understand it. Here are the relevant bits:

"What's with these points?" (entire section)
. . .
"Your contributor value will be locked until you submit further giveaways that are not from bundles and will continue to rise gradually until the full value has been reached. "
. . .
"...only users that have successfully sent that value or greater to other users in the community..."
. . .
"...the game is included in the bundle list and thus you might not receive full contribution value for it."
. . .
"Giveaways created prior to a bundle always receive full value."* (Re: Important Updates to Contributor Values and Bundle Games)

CV is based off of the (rounded) dollar value of the games given to the SG Community. When the value of those games drops (through price decreases or other means), the CV for those games drops. In addition, bundled games have application of their full CV restricted to 20% of total non-bundled CV.

10 years ago

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It's actually the other way around. A $60 game is far more likely to see a price cut than a $5 game, and usually by a much higher percentage as well. If I give away a $60 game, a year later its full value may be only $20, where as a $5 is probably still going to be $5. Cheap games retain their CV for a much longer time in general.

10 years ago

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I think that this "no CV for bundle games after 30$" is total shit, because doing this SG declare that bundle games after certain point START TO COST NOTHING. It's absolutely ridiculous and just unfair, some bundles cost one dollar, some 5, but 1 dollar and five dollars ARE MONEY TOO. I understand that SG wants to stop bundlebuyers from raise conribution value, but doing so that people spend money and got something like "lol, another bundle idiot, kek, live forever with your 30$ CV, asshole, even if you buy bundles for 10000$ you still be a 30$ jerk, lololol, get a life, freak" is pure, total shit of a conception. Why don't you give us just freaking dollar of CV for, I say, 10 bundle games, ok, even for 20, isn't it more fair than what is going on now? I think it is.

10 years ago

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[ ] understands how CV works

[x] bitches anyway

10 years ago

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Your bundle contribution above 30$ are still calculated as high as 20% of your non-bundle contributions. If you give non-bundled games, some of the contribution from your bundle games will be added to your CV.

10 years ago

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That's why I stopped creating giveaways here. I get the reasoning behind the CV rules, but I strongely disagree with it. There are places that I can get 'rid of' bundle leftovers and people really appreciate it.

10 years ago

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you mean these places where you see 95% bundle games? ^^ the CV system at least gives us a decent amount of non-bundle games here, and the possibility to significantly raise your chances for specific giveaways. i think overall it's a great system.

10 years ago

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You mean like this site? If you check the giveaways here they are 95% bundled games.

10 years ago

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really? now compare it to gala giveaways for example ;p suddenly SG doesn't look so bad ;P but if you so dislike it here - feel free to leave, noone will cry over you ;* just dont let the door hit you on your way out!

10 years ago

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Strange... We have CV here at SG and people still seem to appreciate receiving bundled games.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Yep, but some DLC for 20 cent gets you more of your awesomesauce... I mean CV while 1/5 of a 3$ bundle tier doesn't. Each to their own :)

10 years ago

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You misunderstand both my response and the way in which the SG system works.

10 years ago

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Edit. But stay vigilant nonetheless.

10 years ago

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What makes you think they're regifting?

10 years ago

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I think because he won and gifted "The Ship" both a year ago.

10 years ago

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Why, did he?

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 months ago.

10 years ago

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If only that were always true.

10 years ago

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No, since he did not regift.

10 years ago

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Good, no need to be hasty.

10 years ago

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How about we report you for calling out? The guy didn't do anything wrong. :x

10 years ago

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The guy didn't do anything wrong
Impossible, we are all but sinners

10 years ago

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Nope, just you.

10 years ago

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you don't get Value for bundle games. After you get 30 $.

10 years ago

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Only if one doesn't also give away nonbundled games.

10 years ago

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^ 'dis

10 years ago

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So if i do nonboundle giveaways i will get Value from bundle games too??

10 years ago

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Yes, but only partly, 20%. Imagine you give away a non-bundle game worth $20, then you can get additional $4 from bundled games.

10 years ago

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There is a reason that people often make giveaways with the $30.01 CV limit, and that's to counteract fresh accounts with nothing but bundled giveaways. There's nothing wrong with making giveaways of games on sales, but I do agree that it would be cool to give a little extra bonus CV to people who offer games above a certain price on the wishlist. You know, as a reward to the few who are the most generous.

10 years ago

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Most games' prices inevitably drop, so there might be complications since SG pulls prices from Steam. o.o

10 years ago

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oh no! people is boosting their digital little numbers! the society is going to collapse!

funny thing, OP is not even on the $30.01 range...

10 years ago

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if those game are NOT WANTED then how come people enter those giveaways?

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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I guess they don't want the games, only free stuff.

10 years ago

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Never seen a CV compaining topic from a user with CV more than 40.

10 years ago

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If the site used my suggestion, it would probably lower my CV.

10 years ago

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My main complaint is that CV drops if the game gets a permanent price cut. I think the CV should stay unchanged at the value of the game when the giveaway was created.

10 years ago

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If you give games for CV you are doing it wrong.
Also, how about historical low? huh?

10 years ago

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Warlock and SPaZ are not on there. If this went as you wished, then I would have never found two such fantastic series.

10 years ago

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True, I found great games such as Sam & Max thanks to this website. But again, it won't stop people from gifting.

10 years ago

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Because the site only shows the top 100 most wished games.

10 years ago

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Where do we draw the line? 1000? 10000? If we go big enough, 90% of all games will be on that list. Then wouldn't the suggestion be moot?

10 years ago

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What are you talking about o.O

10 years ago

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Those discussions never die out...and they also are never coming up with a new idea. Lets wait for SGv2 and see what happens... meanwhile

10 years ago

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Well, you can have new ideas. It's just that they're not necessarily better than the current situation and they're usually dismissed without much debate.

  • No CV at all
  • CV for non-bundle games calculated on the historical low, not on the full price.
  • More CV for bundle games (not necessarily the same as non-bundle)
  • Different ways to calculate value (possibly a combination of price and wishlist rating).

Not everyone likes the CV concept. Fair enough. But it's a fact that the mechanism is routinely exploited, so whether one believes the system is unfair or simply imperfect, I think it's natural for people to come up with ideas to change or improve it.

Person A can buy 5 poor random games that are 90% off, spending $5, gift them and get 50 CV. Person B buys 5 low tier Humble Bundles (example: Guacamelee, Dust, Giana Sisters, The Swapper), spending $5, gifts all games and gets whatever the 30-CV-bundle-rule allows them, which is potentially and often 0. The way I see it, there's room for improvement.

10 years ago

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The reason they are usually dismissed without much debate is because the people making the suggestions usually don't know what they are talking about.

10 years ago

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If you're referring to me personally, what do I not know?

10 years ago

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I think 1 big problem is the remaining of the "is a bundled game"-marking.
A game which was bundled a year ago still has the marking of a bundled game. Sooner or later... OK, later nearly every game will have been in a bundle sometime and since then it will be handled as "bundled game without full CV" forever...

10 years ago

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I think that particular problem has no ideal solution. A partial solution would be to never treat Steam gifts as bundle games; but I'm not even sure it would be fair to treat two methods to obtain the same game differently and to prevent abuse a trade bot should be set up to act as a middleman.

10 years ago

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Not quite. Games given away before being bundled still count as non-bundled games when it comes to CV.

10 years ago

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Actually your assumption is (currently) incorrect. I kept track of additions to the bundle list vs. new steam releases for a couple of months. See here and here. I actually have data through February but I never bothered to post. Essentially, new Steam releases and bundled games are added at an essentially equal pace.

Note, however, that if you include DLC, Steam releases far outpace bundled games.

10 years ago

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I'm not talking about the "amount" of bundled games vs new games, but the "if once bundled than it's forever bundled"
So if I'm buying a game right now, without a bundle or whatever, i still only get the CV counted for a bundled game because "anytime" it has been part of a bundle.

10 years ago

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I was responding to "later nearly every game will have been in a bundle sometime"

10 years ago

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I was referring to those "new ideas" you mentioned which are "not necessarily better than the current situation and [are] usually dismissed without much debate." That description applies exactly to the idea expressed in the OP and its summary dismissal.

10 years ago

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Fair enough. But even a not particularly innovative suggestion can be followed by a meaningful debate, which shouldn't be dismissed. :)

10 years ago

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True. The value of any discussion is only limited by the participants' willingness to learn from each other.

10 years ago

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The difference is that in case A, the person is buying for the sake of giving away. Usually in case B, that person is buying the bundle for him/herself, and then only giving away the extra copies because he/she has no use for them.

10 years ago

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No, well, in my examples both persons are buying with the purpose of giving every game away.

The difference I see is that person A is doing it too boost his/her CV, person B - in the "worst case" - too, but person A gets a lot more of what he/she wants (in this case, CV).

10 years ago

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Oops, I misread your post. I do believe that most people who give away bundle games are just giving left over keys, however,

10 years ago

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I agree. But I also believe that the vast majority of those who buy bad games or DLC items when they're 90% off and give them away do so with the pure intent of increasing their CV. My point is that I see no reason why the behaviour I described should be rewarded more than the one you described.

10 years ago

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Before making suggestions as to how the current system might be improved, one should first make sure that he or she understands the current system. When one is obviously ignorant of how things work, people are unlikely to take one's comments seriously.

As for ignorant complaints, those are just plain annoying.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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they all think because they gifted a few 1$ bundle games they can get skyrim

10 years ago

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the cv system is good not perfect but good,don't complain that you gave away a few cheap games and you can't win all the awesome games

10 years ago

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Pointing out, he doesn't complain that he cannot win the "awesome games", he does say he's given up on the more popular games due to their high entry numbers. And why does someone have to have contributed a large value in order to have a valid opinion? Because someone cannot afford to give away $200+ their opinions are worthless? At what cash value can someone speak their mind?

10 years ago

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According to Citizen United v FEC and McCutcheon v FEC, money is speech. So the more you spend, the more you speak. Obviously, SG agrees with the rulings.

10 years ago

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To whom are you referring with "he?" Overking's comment was not directed at anyone in particular.

10 years ago

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yeah i was reffering in general because alot of people complain about the cv system but they always just gave some bundles not some cool games that they needed to pay more than 1 $,BTW THX KHALAQ!!!

10 years ago

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You're welcome. )

10 years ago

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So? When the price of the game changes the CV decreases even retroactively. That's much worse than people buying stuff at a discount.

10 years ago

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I proposed the perfect system ages ago. The contributor value should be replaced with fortix value that indicates how many copies of Fortix the person has given away.

10 years ago

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And skyrim!

10 years ago

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No-no-no. But we should definitely have "fortix giveaways entered"/"'Thanks For Skyrim' comments" ratio.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Sir, you are a genious.

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by Kiwec.