Dear SGCommunity,

I thought adding this feature to the site would be really nice and helpful, so my account got flagged lately for multiple wins which I was unaware of, so I took a look and realised that it happened because I simply entered multiple giveaways of the same game and left for a few days, result after winning it once, I wasn't able to delete my entry of the other giveaway which resulted of me being flagged as having multiple games.

Now what I was thinking of is whenever you entry multiple giveaways of the same game and for example you win one today, it automatically deletes ALL your entries for that same game you have.

Best regards

7 years ago

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Ask for a reroll and do not click on "Received" -.-

7 years ago

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I didn't realise I won it twice until it was too late :/

7 years ago

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If I win a game today, tomorow I will still know I won this game, why not you?

Both ended with a 1 day difference.

7 years ago

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The thing is I was gone for a few days :/

7 years ago

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Bad excuse.

Even if you win it, you can as Marsh said, to reroll and not click received because why are you clicking received when you try to enter the code as it'll say that you already own said products? The key isn't used. You can't use a key if you already owned the product.

Also the person giving it away should check your account too as there's a "reroll because winner already has owned products"


View attached image.
7 years ago*

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So if I get it right, if you already own a game and you redeem a key of that game, the key is still usable afterwards?

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Yes, in the vast majority of cases. As long as it did not say that the key was activated on your account, but you got an already owned prompt instead.
But if the new key had some content (soundtrack or such) that the other did not, or if it's one of the few games that have different AppIDs for different regions, the key will have been used (in case it was from a different region than the first one) and you'll have to buy a new key for the person who gave you one, and ask for a re-roll

7 years ago

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I think you can still uncheck it

7 years ago

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I can but I already redeemed the key on my steam account :(

7 years ago

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how did you redeem both?

7 years ago

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If I redeem it and it says game already owned, is the key still usable afterwards?

7 years ago

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Yes, it is !

7 years ago

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really? bruuhh, I thought it wasn't thank you I am going to ask for a reroll

7 years ago

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Humble shows you that message yeah, but the link/key is STILL USABLE ask for a reroll, do NOT TRADE the key to anyone the only person who can access it is you if you claimed the link.

7 years ago

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yes, it is

7 years ago

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Yes, it does not get redeemed when you already own the game.

7 years ago

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as m0l0 stated, it remains unused. Unmark the correct GA and leave a message for the creator on the GA asking for a re-roll

7 years ago

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I'm actually writing the code for that feature at this very moment. Expect an announcement in the next couple of days.

7 years ago

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Amazing, thank you :D

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Exciting to hear that more updates are on the way. Looking forward to the new feature!

7 years ago

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<3 u

7 years ago

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Why bother for those who don't bother for themselves?

7 years ago

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Because a computer is so much better than a human at doing this kind of stuff?

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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Ok, so you are doing this for lazy ppl.
What are your plans regarding regifters which are far more bigger plague ?

7 years ago

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It's not neccesarily for lazy people, it might be useful for busy people as well.

7 years ago

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While it surely serves people well, if somebody doesn't have roughly 20 seconds to leave entries for the won game ( open, search name, press all the X on the right) then they don't really have time to play those games either. But again, a safety measure that makes some people's life easier while not making anyone's harder is not a bad thing :)

7 years ago

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ctrl + c on won game, view entered ctrl v, hit enter
10 sec max
and then you must click recieved
any solution for 'busy' ppl ?
and i hope there will be some autojoinsers, also for VERY busy ppl
i have BD 01.01 (no kidding), and it would be great to see that official feature
and year after auto thx
come on dude, great work here you doing etc, but come on seriously

7 years ago

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I'm not here to argue with you nor to make anyones day any harder, but you're talking without understanding the circumstances, if I had the time to delete my entry from the giveaway do you think I would've made a discussion suggesting this, but let's not talk about my 'laziness'' because apparently everybody has enough time and I am the only one who can't do a simple thing that only takes 10 seconds. But thank you for your ''time'' and replying to my suggestion.

7 years ago

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im not arguing
maybe im so narrow and cannot understand that some1 wins games dozens times a week and dont have spare few sec on every won game to check it
you probably spend more time googling funny cats (or sth similar) then it would take to check won games
thats my point of view, any1 can have it other way
peace ofc

7 years ago

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I like your point of view and you're right everybody can see it in another way.

Peace comrade :D

7 years ago

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Will it give us our points back after automatically deleting entries?

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I hope it will be optional. I don't remove my entries until I receive the game incase the creator doesn't send the key or it doesn't work. There are many private giveaways that don't end for weeks or a month that were hidden behind puzzles or buried in some thread and if I needed to re-enter those for some reason I wouldn't be able to find them all again without going through every thread in the forums.

Also, I would prefer if it was optional so that I can allocate the points to other giveaways as I remove them instead of dumping them all at once and losing all the points that go over the 300 point cap (especially if your account is already at the 300 point cap). A good example is when the humble monthly comes out and you spend all your points on a single game. When you win that game you can easily have over 1000 points in entries for that single game.

7 years ago

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That's true, I didn't think of it that way.

7 years ago

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the pros outweigh that con though by a long shot imo. if it's made to be optional i hope it's at least the default, otherwise it will hardly do any good for the actual problem it's being implemented for.

7 years ago

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I hope so!

7 years ago

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I like your thinking. One possible implementation could be that if the GA creator is using a key and sends the key (which some people including myself consider more reliable), to then remove you from other GAs for that game at that point in time. Still doesn't solve the issue of entered 1000 points and get back <= 300 points, but keying it off "Key Sent"/"Gift Sent" would limit "false alarms" to some degree.

Edit: Also, for this...
"There are many private giveaways that don't end for weeks or a month that were hidden behind puzzles or buried in some thread and if I needed to re-enter those for some reason I wouldn't be able to find them all again without going through every thread in the forums."

Do you have to go back and re-find the GA link in order to re-enter? I always thought that if you entered a private GA and then un-entered it, that it would still show up in your list of GA's. Thought I saw it after a page refresh once but I might be misunderstanding how it works or it could have disappeared later (page change / diff session / etc) and I probably wouldn't have noticed.

7 years ago*

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If you remove yourself from a giveaway you will not see it again on your "entered" page. The only time you see a giveaway there that you are not entered in is if a giveaway you entered gets deleted. I guess you are technically still entered in that giveaway, but no winner is going to be chosen.

7 years ago

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I doubt it would be implemented to remove entries upon winning, 99.9% it'll be when you mark it as received.
In which case forced or optional wouldn't matter much, you can just do everything you wanna do before you mark it.

7 years ago

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That would work, but hopefully people won't leave their giveaways unmarked after activating them because they haven't moved their points yet and they know they have 7 days. That would get annoying.

7 years ago

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Great. Thank you :D

View attached image.
7 years ago

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Awesome, thank you!

Would it make sense to also have a similar feature for 'Remove all entries for this game' that is user-controlled? Use-case: User enters a bunch of giveaways for game XYZ. Then they spot a sale and end up buying on HB / steam sale / etc. While trying to un-enter GA's for game XYZ, such a feature would let user click a button and prevent missing any due to human error and save time for the user.

7 years ago

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Woohoo! Long waited feature, thank you!

7 years ago

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Great news! Keep up your awesome work cg 😍

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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For real? That's awesome!

7 years ago

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This is amazing news!

7 years ago

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I'm honestly a bit surprised that I can't find a userscript for this feature. I'm pretty sure someone must have made one.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I was actually working on that feature, but now I guess I won't have to. :P

7 years ago

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Won 2 giveaways with each 2 entries for the same game... The others must have been pretty sad.

7 years ago

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Looking forward to that feature being added! I usually enter the same games (especially if it was just bundled) and there's always the possibility of winning the same game while you're asleep or too busy irl.

7 years ago

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most likely it will be done on steam-sync.
If you (would) win twice but the first GA happens to be a fake / dupe /whatever. You do not have the game afterwards.

7 years ago

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I would love to have an auto-delete feature. Even just a "Click here to remove your entries from all giveaways with this game" button if it can't be done through the Steam Sync.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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wow, wish granted O_o

7 years ago

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