I wonder if it's just me or there really is too much bundles at the same time?

Starting 14.02 - making me hope for something really good - that's what I'm keeping my money for

Ending 14.02 - I would buy above average just for World of Goo (I do have the game on CD but it would be nice if I could play without searching for it) but the time wasn't best for it since I already was waiting for upcoming Indie Royale

Ending when the copies are gone - I hate new system, really! I already own 1st IG bundle so I've got choice between less or more ~6$ (and to say 6$ is all I have to spend right now - I guess more will come after 22.02) seems fine but... actually what I like most in this bundle is music (4 of 6 new ones) and splitting payment like that leaves me hanging (yeah, the album I like the most is in above average price thing). My problem is that the copies might end before IR starts (<- the one I want to see if will be worth buying before getting rid of my money)

Starting 14.02 - Seems like something decent but does it really have to be THIS date?

To say, all of them have something worth spending money to but in my opinion making them in (almost) the same time is missing the goal. The charity is awesome but since there is too much of it some of us will buy it at lowest possible price(and I guess that sadly so will I)

13 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

13 years ago

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well im mostly waiting for the groupees bundle only so its okay :)

13 years ago

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Buy them all!

13 years ago

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I agree....if only HIB existed I'd be way happier than now...

13 years ago

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Hey whats the games in groupees?

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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Are you sure?

13 years ago

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100% positive

13 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

13 years ago

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Buying it for Sideways New York. Looks like the best of the bunch this this week

13 years ago

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atm. it's not that bad, even if you think there is lot of them (i think i know about 3 or 5 more indie games / music sale projects)
it's still ok, as long as it's sub 10 (or 20) ... then users don't suffer from the 'too many choices' paradox
sure even more is not bad (competition)
but in moment the number of 'sales' points grow too big
then the overall income for these projects comes rapidly down (too fragmented market)
when that happen You can expect some service die fast and rest start to 'merge'

13 years ago

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My solution, ignore all of them except for the Humble Bundle and Indie Royale. HIB is always good and Indie Royale has been good in the past.

13 years ago

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My solution: Dont be a fanboy to a freaking "store". buy from who has what you want.

13 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

13 years ago

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right. we're buying video games, not stocks.

13 years ago

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The problem starts when each bundle have 1 or 2 games you want to play (I have just 1 or 2 games installed from each HIB I got) or music you'd like (for me current Indie Gala is music only)

13 years ago

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thx for BE MINE !

13 years ago

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Yyeah next bundle :D I like the amount of bundles because you can get games for "nothing" and give some money for charity !

13 years ago

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That's a very good bundle!! Gonna get that one for sure!

13 years ago

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Agreed...flooding the market with bundles just drives the price down for consumers. It's not really a wise decision to make fundraising competitive, especially when we can just split what we'd normally pay between all of them and get every game.

13 years ago

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the only people making it competetive are the consumers.

Bundles are no different than games. just buy the games you want, just buy the bundles you want.

this is worse than the imaginary war between EA and Valve the SPUF users made up

13 years ago

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I agree. For the first Humble Bundle I thought that was something special and paid accordingly. Since then the prices I pay for bundles have gone down. Initially I was also inclined to buy all the Humble Bundles for the value and charity aspects, but I started skipping bundles with time. These bundles still make me buy games I otherwise probably wouldn't have, but they've really devalued them,

13 years ago

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The Humble Bundle is where Indie games go to die. It's sad, but true.

13 years ago

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Indie Madness?
This is Indie Sparta!

13 years ago

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Closed 13 years ago by Carnehil.