New giveaway - - here is a giveaway to test this - ended

I was thinking about the recent threads seen about wanting to add people to the list of white - but why?

Is it enough to just ask to be added isn't the point merely because you think this person is great and you feel like rewarding

Then I got to thinking about my own list and looking though I can't say I remember why all of these people got added:

I mean maybe it's because they made a nice thread or event ( I run a Christmas train each of the last 3 years and again this year and added people who make some carts)
Maybe because they made a lot of giveaways
Maybe because they helped out in they way of staff or even just been their to answer people's problems and questions

I mean ( and sorry to single her out) it is easy to know why if someone like Lily is on the list (which of course she is) as she spends a great amount of time making and updating the bundle threads which is well kept and this white list addition is simply the small way to say thanks

Or staff members like Eiion, Eefrit or Gaff or many of the others which have over the years helped out with problems from banning users and re rolling game giveaways

But then I get on to the main reason I make this topic and it isn't to say that people on my list are always good and people not on my list are bad (mostly we haven't interacted together that much or at all)

Sometimes (as stupid as this sounds) maybe the reason and I know this has happened for me more than once is that I added someone simply because their profile pic is cool ( I know is that really enough)

The reason for all this is to ask the following:
Why do you think you add/people deserve to be on you whitelist?
Do you ever Spring clean you list (remove people - I should do this more often even more so with accounts no longer used)?
Is it simply enough to add someone who has added you - do you feel guilty knowing your on a list and that person is not on yours or do you think they added you just to get added back?

I do hope or wish their was a way to write a note or comment saying why you added them in the first place - anyway that is just my two cents for the day

7 months ago*

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Are you on my whitelist?

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I want to whitelist people who play their wins mostly because I want to use that feature to give away my favorite games etc.
Or just people who do good for the community in general. I don't have a lot of people on there yet. I find it hard to find the right ones.

7 months ago

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Adding people who actually play what they win is a great idea also - never really thought of this

7 months ago

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Using the groups that require playing seems like it might be a good way to add more people who play games. Like Play the Games You Won on SG.

7 months ago

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I am still debating what I want with my whitelist.

I do know playing wins will be one of my criteria, something I have worked on improving this month(to great success to), almost done with the old 2013-2014 wins that I didn't get to over the years since I was playing WoW/Path of Exile almost full time.

7 months ago

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You can check using this script called Do You Even Play, Bro?. Be prepared to be surprised by how most users dont even touch any of their wins....even after 3-5 years later.

7 months ago

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I add people if they have decent conversations with other users, are helpful, make a lot of GAs, seem to be kind people, play their wins, report back to GA creators about the game after playing,... all kinds of stuff, really.
I don't add people just because they put me on their whitelist, nor do I expect them to when I add them (see yourself ;) ).

I actively try to include people on my whitelist who have different views from me but manage to express them in a civilised manner, because I think it is important not to build your own bubble (we tend to do so anyway). But all in all, I'd say, I want "decent" people on my list.

7 months ago

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added should have done so a long time ago to be honest

7 months ago

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That wasn't the intention. Now I feel guilty, reading back my first post.

While I do feel honoured, I hope it wasn't out of a feeling of "duty" or anything along the line.
As mentioned, I do not add others as a favour and I do not expect them to. Each of us has our own criteria for our whitelists and I add people in order to ensure that some of my "better" GAs go to people I feel deserving (for whichever reason).

7 months ago

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Not at all it's totally out of my own reason to do so and I wanted to so I did

7 months ago

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7 months ago

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Im on your whitelist... i wonder why?
Is it cuz i added carts to your event? Do you like my profile pic? :D

I agree that it would be cool to make a note, cuz i also would like to his this kind of reminder.

Usually if i see someone like, for example Romaki96 above you, who is has little wins compared to the games he won, im leaviing a blue heart for those.

If i had some interactions with someone and i think its a nice dude, than its also possible, or if someone is helpful or for example admins of groups, who have a lot to do with managing it. Lilly is also on my whitelist, but i wouldnt expect her to enter anything from my giveaways, cuz she owns all the games already ^^

And about cleaning... at the beginning i whitelisted most of the people i won a giveaway from, but after a while i just thought , that there are better reasons and removed some of them (tho most of those i removed werent active anymore).

7 months ago

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I do hope or wish their was a way to write a note or comment saying why you added them in the first place

There is with ESGST:

7 months ago*

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This feature works great. Not only lets you write a note but the tags appear next to their name everywhere you go so you don't even need to bring up the notes page if you use tags. One of my favorite things about ESGST.

As for Wigglenose's original question, the boring answer is I whitelist people I think are a net positive to the community. Originally I had added too many people whose stats looked good but in reality were kind of abusing the system and over time I've gotten better at weeding those people out and replacing them with people who actually provide a net positive to the site or community in one way or another.

I don't tend to blacklist people all that often unless they are either a significant detriment to the community in terms of sharing or the way they treat others. Not a very high bar to clear, but some people still manage to find a way to get under it.

7 months ago

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This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

7 months ago

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Yes, i am on your whitelist :o)

Why do you think you add/people deserve to be on you whitelist?

I add users to my WL when they, as example, are honest, direct, friendly, helpful, when i know them since a long(er) timeframe and like them and when they don't exploit/cheat/botting/multiaccounting (on sg and outside of sg).

The honest part is very important for me because i don't need people that tell me what i want to hear, always share my opinion etc., i prefer people that are themself, with edges too. That tell me their real opinions, if they are the opposite of mine or not and acting natural.
And not try to reach something with faking opinions/what they say/how they act etc..
I don't like asskissers, the twitter/x shitstorm people and all the extreme (a)social media damaged ones. This are for me dumb people and i don't want to waste my short lifetime with such people.

Do you ever Spring clean you list (remove people - I should do this more often even more so with accounts no longer used)?

I done it 1x, in 6 years+, a few months ago.
I kicked around 30% from the WL because they were complete inactive for years, don't done (WL) GAs for years and hadn't some sort of contact with me on sg or ouside of sg, switched to the dark (cheater/exploiter) side and such stuff.

Is it simply enough to add someone who has added you - do you feel guilty knowing your on a list and that person is not on yours or do you think they added you just to get added back?

A lot that add you to their WL do this only to get on yours (often visible when you do a lot of GAs in a short timeframe and get then messages about "i add you to my WL" in a higher amount as usual).
I can't give names here on sg but i know different ones that are very successful with the extreme ass kissing behavior (and all of them are shady people, which is maybe not really a surprise when you know how to look behind the curtains). Special sentences like "I appreciate you and added you to my WL" (they appreciate, of course, only the ones that do a lot of WL GAs...^^) .... off course each and everyone get the same copy & paste sentence but, nearly, each one think the words are honest and the most set them on their WL too.

I tested what happens when you not wishlist users back when they tell you they added you to their WL (as small detail: mostly users that never do WL GAs...) and the result were that the majority kick you from their WL after a week or a few weeks.

Such stuff were for me a eye-opener and i am absolutely not fast with giving someone a WL only because he added me to his.

7 months ago*

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i am absolutely not fast with giving someone a WL only because he added me to his

I don't think that should be a reason at all. I find whitelist exchange unnecessary and unnatural. Maybe with time, after you advance your acquaintance with them, that's probably fine. Everyone has their own conditions for their whitelist. If one acts outside of those conditions, that's unnatural. Not gonna say anything if someone's conditions include WL exchange though.

To be fair, it's not really different from blacklist. People add others (to both lists) for reasons that don't make sense for some people, and that's fine. Some people will like you, some won't. There is a problem if everyone likes you or hates you, because it's almost impossible.

7 months ago

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I mostly added peeps to my whitelist because I thought they made a cool comment in the discussions or were very generous with their GAs (Mostly giving away AAA titles, not only shovelware or Humble Bundle leftovers)

7 months ago

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thought i'd be on the other list then as a lot of what I have in giveaways is not a* games

7 months ago

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You mean the blacklist?

I have nobody on there. I dislike blacklisting as a concept.

7 months ago

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I am, but not sure why. Not sure why many others add me either, none of my giveaways are special.

7 months ago

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I whitelisted you because you're thoughtful in responding to others, and I'm trying to build up my list of active and thoughtful people who make the site a better place. That way when I do have more giveaways, my whitelist will be ready.

7 months ago

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Your just a nice person I have seen and talked with a lot and saying a giveaway isn't special as long as it makes some one happy it's good to me

7 months ago

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I somehow end up on some WLs like you... Probably because I end up posting giveaways in discussion semi-regularly... Maybe those attract more wls than public?

Train thing is likely culprit here...

7 months ago

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I typically add those whose GAs I won and maybe some others who are nice!

7 months ago

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7 months ago

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never won a giveaway from me then? That's ok keep trying and you'll get one someday

7 months ago

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Not yet but maybe some day soon!

7 months ago

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7 months ago

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Why do you think you add/people deserve to be on you whitelist?

I add people for a variety of reasons, someone makes me laugh, someone is always visible in the community, they are kind expecting nothing in return or they help me solve one of my issues. Nobody deserves to be there, it's not a list to heaven, it's just a list of people i consider nice.

Do you ever Spring clean you list (remove people - I should do this more often even more so with accounts no longer used)?

No, if someone gets added to my WL it's permanent, the only way you'd get taken off is saying some horrible shit or being extremely ungrateful.

Is it simply enough to add someone who has added you - do you feel guilty knowing your on a list and that person is not on yours or do you think they added you just to get added back?

No, and not in the slightest. WL are a nice to have, not a must have. If someone considers me a nice person, great, if they choose to reward me for it even better, but i don't think that makes them automatically deserving of a spot on my WL.

7 months ago

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

7 months ago

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Totally Helped me many times over the years

7 months ago

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I'm pretty sure you added me to your whitelist when you asked where people get games to give away here. I was mostly replying to antidaz, and his comments about gaming the system, and how people react to it, but I also included a few sites I used that hadn't been mentioned yet.

I don't have a WL myself, since I haven't done any WL GAs. Maybe if I was giving away games in a small group, and was concerned that I wouldn't get the required five for CV, I'd make a temp list? So far haven't needed to do that either. I'm still not a member of many groups.

Sometimes people randomly add or remove me from their WL, and I still don't know who all of them are, since they don't make WL GAs. Some I applied for, and others were people that won games from me, and added me after that.

7 months ago

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Primarily I add people to my whitelist because they seem to be lovely! That's my first consideration, really.

Then, I also add people if I see they're really contributing to the site, either through generosity or putting effort into creating puzzles or events in the forum.

And, if I notice somebody has me on their whitelist, I'll almost always reciprocate. I try to be aware of people cynically adding to "farm" whitelists, but I prefer to give people the benefit of the doubt most of the time.

I never "spring clean" in the sense of looking at my list and going through the people, but occasionally I have seen someone making some very not-lovely comments in the forum and realised they were on my list, and hastily removed them.

I should also add, regarding your comment about not knowing why people are on your list - the ESGST user tags are hugely useful for making notes about why people caught your attention in one way or another. Really invaluable for me.

7 months ago*

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Let's see.

  1. I did whitelist recruitment and added just about everyone who followed the simple instructions, but as people win my giveaways if they fail any integrity checks I remove them. So I figure at least they won something before I removed them.
  2. I've added people who make puzzles because I enjoy that stuff.
  3. I've added people who have posted something that brought me joy.
  4. I've added people who contribute to the community.

I don't generally do the add back thing, and I don't expect others to do it either, most of the time I don't even tell people they've been whitelisted unless it's #1 or #3.

7 months ago

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Honestly, this is completely subjective. When I like someone, be it for his general behavioir or for something specific, I add them. I also do so when I feel someone is very active and/or positive for the community.

And sometimes, I'm wong. I've removed people from my whitelist several times already.

I'm not very experienced yet to detect all the shady behaviors , but I've spotted a few recently, and acted in consequence.

Mostly, I try to keep my WL under 100 , to prevent abuse as much as possible.

7 months ago

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No idea why but i am :)

And why people are on mine, mainly these reason:

  • good contributor in term of giveaway
  • participation in discussions (event, information, ..)
  • people who play the giveaway they win
7 months ago

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I am but don't remember why, but I know why you're on mine. Hosting those Community Christmas Trains :)

7 months ago

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Thanks doing it again this year

7 months ago

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I mostly add people to my whitelist if I see they added me. I add them back. but I haven't made a single WL giveaway yet. I think before my first one I'll purge almost the entire list and maybe make a recruitment post asking for people to suggest others who they think deserve it. (and probably add a few that I myself think deserve it.)
Or maybe something along the lines of AmanoTC's recruitment post.
If people also play their winnings it's a big plus in my opinion. I really do need to tackle my backlog of games in general and the backlog of winnings here in particular.

7 months ago

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I don't use the whitelist / blacklist feature. I give away games because I want other people to have them. What they do with them is up to them, not to me.

7 months ago

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7 months ago

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nope :)

7 months ago

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Happy cakeday!

7 months ago

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Happy cakeday

7 months ago

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I’m not on your wish list at the moment, but there are already a lot of people who have suggested good ideas, for example how to add only those who play what they won. In general, I think that everyone deserves a chance to win, but if a person is greedy and loots too many games and doesn’t play them and just collects them, then that’s bad

7 months ago

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Added you just now

7 months ago

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It's basically my "kind trusted people" list. Y'know, people who are consistently nice and respectful to others so I can trust them to only enter my giveaways if they want to play the games. So, kinda like an extension of Playing Matters, basically. (Although there is one person on there who just asked me to add them while promising that they were really interested in the games I was giving away at the time and that they would play them... So, yeah... I have that person under watch, lol. ^_^' )

Do I "Spring clean" it? No.

Do I add people who added me? Um, no? I don't really know anything about them. ^_^'

7 months ago

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I'll answer the part that no one else has.

do you feel guilty knowing your on a list and that person is not on yours

Yes. Enough so that I won't enter a person's WL GAs if I don't think I can/should WL them back based on my own criteria. The only exception is if they have a very large WL, in which case, I might take part, but only if the game really interests me.

Reciprocating whitelists automatically is a terrible idea imo, even if it seems like the polite thing to do. Lots of shady accounts count on that to get on other's lists.

7 months ago

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in fact i am on your *whitelist ... atleast for me i add people that are generous gifters, gave me a valid key, generally helpful and/or may do something interesting i use

edit: changed "wishlist" to "whitelist" lol

7 months ago

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I always say wish list and mean white list

7 months ago

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im on your wl and i appreciate it! i add people to my whitelist for being generous givers, for standing up to racist/sexist/homophobic tirades in discussion comments, and for being helpful when someone asks a question.

7 months ago

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:) No problem one of the easiest ways to get on my WL is just to be nice and giveback when and what you can (not just you of course this is a general thing for anyone on it)

7 months ago

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