New giveaway - - here is a giveaway to test this - ended

I was thinking about the recent threads seen about wanting to add people to the list of white - but why?

Is it enough to just ask to be added isn't the point merely because you think this person is great and you feel like rewarding

Then I got to thinking about my own list and looking though I can't say I remember why all of these people got added:

I mean maybe it's because they made a nice thread or event ( I run a Christmas train each of the last 3 years and again this year and added people who make some carts)
Maybe because they made a lot of giveaways
Maybe because they helped out in they way of staff or even just been their to answer people's problems and questions

I mean ( and sorry to single her out) it is easy to know why if someone like Lily is on the list (which of course she is) as she spends a great amount of time making and updating the bundle threads which is well kept and this white list addition is simply the small way to say thanks

Or staff members like Eiion, Eefrit or Gaff or many of the others which have over the years helped out with problems from banning users and re rolling game giveaways

But then I get on to the main reason I make this topic and it isn't to say that people on my list are always good and people not on my list are bad (mostly we haven't interacted together that much or at all)

Sometimes (as stupid as this sounds) maybe the reason and I know this has happened for me more than once is that I added someone simply because their profile pic is cool ( I know is that really enough)

The reason for all this is to ask the following:
Why do you think you add/people deserve to be on you whitelist?
Do you ever Spring clean you list (remove people - I should do this more often even more so with accounts no longer used)?
Is it simply enough to add someone who has added you - do you feel guilty knowing your on a list and that person is not on yours or do you think they added you just to get added back?

I do hope or wish their was a way to write a note or comment saying why you added them in the first place - anyway that is just my two cents for the day

1 month ago*

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Are you on my whitelist?

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Why do you think you add/people deserve to be on you whitelist?

TBD, I haven't really used it much as I don't really like playing favorites, I do know making a good effort to play wins will be one of my criteria when ... if I really start recruiting on it. Not much point to it if I basically never create whitelist GA's.

Do you ever Spring clean you list (remove people - I should do this more often even more so with accounts no longer used)?

not really, only things that would make me consider removing is they don't play their wins ever or being completely rude somewhere in discussions. The blacklist does get occasional cleaning.

1 month ago

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You're on my whitelist probably because of those awesome Christmas trains you organize. I'm on your whitelist probably because I've added a few carts of my own to those before. I usually add people to my whitelist if they come across kind and helpful. I've had lots of nice conversations with folks in the movies thread, so a few people on my WL also come from there.

1 month ago

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Will be doing the train again this year and thanks for the giveaways

1 month ago

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I whitelist people when I like them from comments they've made or when they've been helpful, either to me or the SG community. But I mostly use the feature when I'm sending games that have been won in GAs. When I have time, I check the won/given situation of the users, and when they have been generous I try to add them. I use the ESGST notes feature for my blacklist, but I don't use it for my whitelist.

1 month ago

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Added you and you not someone I can remember sorry but you have cool list of made giveaways and seem nice

1 month ago

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Thank you! I've been around forever, but I don't get super involved in discussions - I'm more around the edges these days in online communities. I do try to be nice, though everyone has their irritable moments now and then.

1 month ago

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I dont know anyone that well on SG, so 'good people' isnt that big a factor although I do enjoy when some users comment something wholesome or hilarious. My whitelist doesnt really matter becz I have not shared any epic GA yet.
Apart from liking other users, most usually WL users based on their giveaway stats as well like someone that gives great games, not leechy, less number of wins, etc.

Im probably there becz I used to bump threads a LOT, and yours was one of them. Maybe thats the reason🤔

1 month ago*

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Maybe I do like bumpers

1 month ago

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It was a good surprise when i noticed it but tbh i don't know why you whitelisted me.

Why do you think you add/people deserve to be on you whitelist?

  • people who gave advices after a hard night years ago (permablue even if they abuse)
  • won a game from someone (permablue except if they abuse)
  • people who make this forum live (as you said for example sensualshakti) or nice-helpful / tecnically helpful to other members
  • someone won a public / private game from me and tried it (2-3h + achievements unlocked by 80% of players)

Do you ever Spring clean you list

A game purchased specifically to gift, winner just idled or never tried,
then he will be out until it's fixed (i can get him back aboard), staff member included
Bundle leftovers depends, if someone won multiple times but didn't try, yes i can clean him too to increase other people luck.

Is it simply enough to add someone who has added you - do you feel guilty knowing your on a list and that person is not on yours or do you think they added you just to get added back?

It happened that i reciprocated because i was extremely surprised, but i try not reciprocate without reason
usually yes i feel guilty and then refrain to enter from those who whitelisted when i didn't

1 month ago*

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I added carts on the Christmas train heh

I did a big WL and BL cleanup at some point, but my WL consists on people who make the discussions part great and build the community. Of course, in a subjective way

1 month ago

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Thanks and you not the only one to say it's because you added gifts to the Christmas train (same again this year)

1 month ago

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Honestly I don't use that feature as much as most do, so wouldn't really matter if a person is there or not (I don't use blacklist either, someone had to screw it really bad in my eyes to get there), because when I can, I do giveaways either open for all, with little to no level limitations, or I do for groups that requires the won games to be played (ofcourse I got really disappointed with those too, but I can understand that each individual is different and has personal reason why he/she/it doesn't do it).
I'm not in your whitelist and that's more than fine, I'm not active enough to deserve that or something like that.
Have a nice evening!

1 month ago

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If I am could you take me off it please and blacklist me instead?


1 month ago

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well you not on my list white or black - was that a real request or a joke?

1 month ago

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I add people to mine when I see them being generally decent people on SG or giving to the community in some way (above and beyond a few giveaways).

The majority of people on my list though just come across as good people.

1 month ago

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I just add anyone that strikes me as kind and friendly. Though, I haven't done much with my WL and don't really plan to - it's more a list of nice users than anything else.
I appreciate when people add me to their whitelists but I don't add them back automatically.

1 month ago

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Thanks for having me on your WL. I try to contribute to the community discussions, but my ratio has seen better days..

I had a whitelist member win a WL GA, and then I had to chase them to activate the key, even though the system kept showing them logged in again and again. It turned out to be someone using a bot 95% of the time. I had WL'd them just because they had given away a cool game once. I did a spring cleaning after that, and have been more selective since then. I have cleared my blacklist for the Christmas / year-end holidays.

1 month ago

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it's still a good ratio though

1 month ago

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I checked and it seems like I'm in your whitelist and you're in mine, but if you ask me the exact reason why my brain just shoots me a 404 error as I don't really remember. I don't keep track of that stuff, I just trust in past me, he must have had his reasons.
I usually just add whoever seems somewhat active here that has a personality I like, or as much of their personality as I can infer from random comments. To me it's mostly a "I like you" button. But I'm honestly not quite sure if I've always treated the "blue heart" button this way or if I started doing so at some point some years ago and that memory just supplanted whatever reasoning I had earlier on, issues of having been here for a decade and memories blending together.
And when it comes to culling the whitelist I only remember attempting it once a few years ago and in the end I just removed 4 or 5 people from it because they hadn't been active for years and I couldn't remember who they were. I extremely rarely remember to make whitelist giveaways anyway so it's not like it has much of an impact on anyone.

1 month ago

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View attached image.
1 month ago

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Yes I am on your list. I don't know why but I can tell you why your on my WL. I mark these things in a spreadsheet.

Your entry is as follows.
2021-06-20 wigglenose ms wigglenose "Pro Vaccination - son got first shot thread
210812 - removed him as he is leaving site. He has not entered any GAs at all.
210813 - readded, he is staying."

I remember that thread and others like it at the time. I added a bunch of people from that. I also blacklisted a bunch of those against getting a vaccine.

Reasons vary for both lists from small simple things to big things. I don't tend to change or look a my lists very often. So once on it, you tend to stay.

Looking at the dates.
WL. 7 added this year so far. 11 last year so I guess I average 1 a month.
BL 4 added this year so far and 5 last year so I guess I add less BL then I do WL. :)

1 month ago

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I add less to my BL also have some people but wow your detailed

1 month ago

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I whitelist people, that I like (for example after a nice conversation in one of the discussions), and people, that IMO contribute greatly to SG.

I don't "trade" whitelists and I don't ask to be whitelisted. If I see, that someone has whitelisted me, that is not on my whitelist, I do check their profile, and I may add them back, if they have a good GA ratios and I like their profile, but in no way I feel pressured to do so.

For different reasons I have removed a few people from my whitelist, but never because they didn't add me to their list. At least for now I see no reason to make any clean-up of my 290 blue hearts, though some of them are long inactive (as well as of my 224 blacklists). As long as I can add more folks why bother?

1 month ago

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My reason for adding people (including you) is simple. I add people I like. The ways people catch my attention may vary, but it really just comes down to liking a person. It doesn't have to be specific or profound, I remember adding someone because they shared a song I enjoyed. That song made me a little happier, so I figured maybe better odds for a giveaway they want may also make them a little happier.

I don't spring clean, but I think if someone on my whitelist did something unlikable, I may remove them. I haven't encountered any such situation yet, and I assume it would take a lot to get to that point - simply having a different opinion would not be enough.

1 month ago*

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Thank You

1 month ago

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Me being on your whitelist should have been due to my handsome looks and awesomeness.....but sadly that aint the case.Probably because I started making train, adding carts to New Year train or bring my good sense of humor to the discussions.Dont remember,been here for a while,gradually did lots of things,achieved some milestones,cant remember why people put me in their white and black lists.
I put people in my whitelist if they make a GA for game I really wanted,make great trains/events or are helpful and contribute alot to the site(like you and MeguminShiro).Dedicate their time on maintaining tables/charts of bundles,deals,interesting games or keep an eye on Gamingnews sites and keep the community updated.

1 month ago*

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Maybe I do reward people who give back

1 month ago

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Brings Tears to my Eyes😭.Thanks for the nice words Wigglenose.😭

1 month ago

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I think I am on your whitelist for that one time I saved your dog from nuclear explosion and burned my chest hair in the process of doing so (chest hair is very important in my culture, so I now must wander the world before it grows back).

1 month ago

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ha ha

1 month ago

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Well... You can add notes with ESGST

1 month ago

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Forgot to add you before - sorry

3 weeks ago

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No worries - I just commented regarding your wish I order to help, without further intentions.
With ESGST, you can add user notes and more.

3 weeks ago

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I am not on yours but then it hardly matters since I enter GA's only for wishlisted games - and increasingly that is fewer and fewer these days. I also went to add you to mine but I see that you never enter GA's at all - not once! I am curious as to why that is if you'd like to share. If not, no worries...

As to me and my whitelist, mostly it contains people who gift a lot and tend to take less. I don't care if it takes someone years to play a win - if they wanted it enough to enter, then it's up to them. Oh and a super nice thank you, or being helpful are other reason why I might add someone.

1 month ago

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Just really don't play games at all much - not many new ones

1 month ago

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Ah, ok. I hear you. I got a bit bored with my GOG list and have moved back over to Steam recently - but I'll need a whole third life to finish my catalog!

1 month ago

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Hah! Found something from your wishlist!

1 month ago

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Forgot to thank you also added you a while back if you hadn't seen

3 weeks ago*

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Also added at top of OP but thought it was time to add a new giveaway for my whitelist -

3 weeks ago

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