Quite often Steam will list a game with a hugely inflated price (I think it also can happen when a game is only in a Steam bundle). When SG syncs with Steam and gets this over-price in it's DB, anyone giving away the game gets the CV at that price. If the CV value was static the mods would have to fix this manually.
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I don't think it really matters.
If you're on this site simply to have a high CV to join better giveaways then you're here for the wrong reason.
Give things away because it makes other people happy, not because you get something out of it.
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Nah, there are some people here who don't want to win.
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I have to disagree, sorry.
It´s called mutual benefit. I don´t see anything wrong with giving away a game because you want to raise your CV. The game is still gifted, and the winner is still happy about it (hopefully), so what´s wrong with "rewarding" the donor?
As to answer the second part of OPs question, I don´t think it´s fair at all, if you spent 50 bucks for a game, your CV should be 50 bucks, cause that´s the amount of money you spent. It´s not like Steam would give you money back, because the game is cheaper now.
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That´s a whole different hairbrush.
There are always loopholes, workarounds, frauds, name it however you like. Taking away CV from "honest" gifters doesn´t magically become fair because someone else "cheated".
I see and I know about the problems with the CV system, as they are similar to all problems in every internet community ever. You can´t get it perfect, some guys are always "smarter" than you.
The question was not "can you live with it?" or "do you understand the reasons why it is like it is?", but "do you think it´s fair?". And it´s not fair, by any means for the guys who paid full price.
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I am one of the guys who "paid full price," and I think you are missing the point. The value of any game will drop over time. That is both normal and expected. The value of the CV you receive for the game you gifted will also drop over time. This is in keeping with the value of your gift over time, so that would also be normal and expected. SteamGifts is not a CV bank. Your "deposit" does not accrue interest over time, nor does it retain its value in perpetuity. If that is what you are looking for, try investing in silver.
Now, the fact that you can get your hands on games for reduced prices results in an inflated CV. The fact that the price of the game will drop over time results in a reduced CV. These two opposing factors balance each other out. The average shopper of average intelligence may get the average game for an average discount which will garner inflated CV in the beginning and reduced CV later, resulting in an average CV which is close to the average price paid. In other words, the current system is both the simplest and most fair way of balancing these two variables.
As far as I can tell, the only people who get bent out of shape about how CV is currently calculated are those who focus on CV and spend their time and effort trying to inflate theirs (usually artificially). This is not to say, however, that there may not be a better way of calculating CV. If you can think of another way (other than linking CV to the exact price paid by the person gifting the game, which is impossible) then feel free to present it. Keep in mind, however, that most of the people at SG think the current system is "good enough" and are not bothered about their CV. After all, it is an imaginary number, given as a bonus, and we should be thankful that we receive it at all.
CV is a gift, not a right.
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As I've stated before, no I don't think it's fair because it actually discourages people from giving away new AAA games. AAA games tend to drop dramatically in price more so than indie games.
If someone gave away Skyrim when it was $50, they've now lost $20 in CV because of the price drop.
On the flip side, if someone gives a $20 indie game and then a month later that game is given away in a bundle, bundled games aren't retroactive so they get to keep that $20 CV.
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ding, this is what ive always said. if ppl are here to give away for the purpose of giving then they need no CV. but i was met with tons of "your so fucking stupid" replies
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That's completely irrelevant on whether the system is fair. And like it or not, the CV system does encourage people to gift more.
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I believe this only affects games that are discounted 90% or more. I doubt many AAA games would do that. They get discounted dramatically because they cost more in the first place. I believe it's the price that matters not how much percentage it got discounted.
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My CV just went down from 135.53 to 63.56?
The only thing that could have caused that is that apparently The Heist has been asterisk'd (*'d) (just right now).
I have given it away 1 week ago three times. It wasn't bundled then (and only at -90%), it still isn't as far as I know.
And even if it was bundled now, I was being told CV remains if stuff was given away before something got bundled or goes over -95% discount.
What's the explanation for that?
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Same thing happened to me with The Heist. I'm curious what bundle it was supposedly in?
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How can that be a reason to "bundle it" when it's the first time we here of it and the staff apparently also didn't know of it for 1.5 months? And then retroactively after such long time after it has been on a regular sale in between?
It sounds to me in the first place like maybe about 1-2 guys from like Kongo were able to buy a mere ~10-ish copies of the game at -96% or so instead of -90%. Totally justified "bundling".
I was so glad to finally be able to gift something non bundled on sg and then they fuck me over like this? Awesome...
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Russia - looked it up and it was 29 rubles or $0.87 and 95.7% off base US price.
Not commenting on the rights or wrong of it - just passing the info on. I've made a couple of giveaways for that one too.
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Regional Pricing Exploit? ROTFL.
Tell my why we have CV as USD? For me this is Regional Pricing Exploit because not all SG members live in US and not all earn and have prices in USD.
What next? Skyrim, Bioshock Infinite, Borderlands 2 marked * besause members who earn 400$ per month can buy games "cheaper".
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Maybe the bundle list should be updated more often, to avoid such talking.
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I believe "fair" is artificial construct that ppl use when they don't like how rules are set. Rules are there to make order with whats available. Making system that will track game price at time of giveaway for such huge community we have here would be very hard, both in design and workload for server.
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Those with 5k+ CV will likely always have 5k+ CV... Everything else is irrelevant. I'm nobody, just the guy that suggested they pick a % off for CV to be on bundle list and a measly $100ish CV.
But to answer... Yes and Yes and I could care less...
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had 2k before, now 1k :D 1k of lost CV. I dont really care about but it seems weird to bundle games retroactively. Especially Serious Sam Pack (every pack costed me 6 tf2 keys to trade for) Also i bought a lot of The heist for GA buy because its costed only 2 bucks.
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I think that would only happen to heavily exploited games like Serious Sam Complete pack, Payday: The heist etc.. If you are buying a large number of copies of games that are 90% off or more, I think that's exploiting the system. The CV system is not perfect, nor can it be made perfect unless someone wants to hire some people to check where a game came from and how much the game was bought for etc. The support is doing what they can to make sure CV remains relevant, and people who genuinely wants to give stuff get some reward.
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I have a little doubt: If the price of a non-bundled game drops after you made a giveaway, your CV also drops? If so, do you think it's fair?
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