Should we make the event in the same day, or one of the games displayed here certain days? [Stardew Valley a Friday, SUPERHOT a Saturday, etc]
I'll give the winners the link via PM! The game has a Friend list Chat! So there's no problem!
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I.. no, I meant, how do you decide winners?
Simply everyone on a single team from a single game?
That would arbitrarily split the potential winners from the very start.
Or are you running multiple games and scoring by total wins?
Trying to get a feel for the potential time investment :P
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Not quite right, town can be big, but it's a double edged knife.
Jailors can kill a townie, and get himself out of jails.
Vigilantes can kill a townie, making him kill himself.
Veterans can kill townies if the townies decide to visit him.
Escorts can role-block important roles as Investigators, making them waste a night of investigation.
Transporters can transport a bad guy with a good guy, and get them accidentally killed.
Bodyguards can protect a bad guy, making a Town Killing role die, as well as the Bodyguard.
Townies don't know who's each other, while Mafia has their members well defined.
There you go! Oh! And the first roles to die Night 1 might be a Doctor and a Jailor, so 2 important roles gone before being used!
I'm going to use the Ranked variant to make a fair game.
Hmmm... I'm not sure, but I could make people win 2 times or so, so they can get in the giveaway, I just have to think about it, I'll constantly update the thread whenever possible.
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Due to low players today,
I don't think the timeslot was well clarified, I thought I still had an hour and a half [as of this point]. :P
Probably not the best idea to run the games across consecutive days in light of that, doesn't give a good opportunity to figure out confusions and errors. :X
Oh well, that was the only one I needed, so, c'est la vie. ^.^
(Likewise, I tried adding you earlier, but I still had a long list of friend invites, and couldn't figure out which you were (and I couldn't find where you'd mentioned your name- perhaps include that in the OP, next time? :X))
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Invited, check the game to accept invitation.
If you don't get anything, please tell me, so I can add you again.
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Ok, that's weird...
Try entering the main page:
Click "Play now"
If you can't, still, here's a direct link to the game:
Hope it helps you, Rocky! :)
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Correct! There's your Town of Salem username, and the townie name.
The townie name can be re-named as many times as you want and no one would know who you are (unless you use a townie name related to your preferences!)
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Haha! No need to hide it, you can choose a name for your townie to hide yourself from the rest of people! :)
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Will do and the others as well! But in a couple of hours!
I'm away from the keyboard. If my name is "Isaac30", my brother is using the computer.
But no worries! It's a good while for you to train against the competition! :)
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Oh, crap, lol! It's May 20!
I'm sorr, will fix it now!
Interested in joining on as well?
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Damn that sounds fun, but I'll still be in school at that time.
Have fun!
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I'm in, too. Name is KingCalifornia, if you can't find me, add me on steam, that should work then :)
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Pal, you have another week to add me as a friend in Town of Salem.
If you want to participate, please do so. I'll remind you a few days ahead if you can't check in.
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You always will have a space, as long as you come into the game!
I was thinking in increasing the max entries to 50% of the amount of entries online, with a minimun of 10 entries. Depending on how much interest the event has! :)
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Sound like fun..
Never tried that game before but willing to try and learn.. :P
Count me in:
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Well, I'd love to join this since I tried this (more like got addicted to it :p) when you posted that other thread and it was a lot of fun... but 2 pm CST is 3 am here. XD Good luck to the participants, though! :D
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Awww. Are you sure? It might help to drink lots of coffee, since it's a Friday! xP
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It'd be Saturday here, actually. :D But I might waste a spot if I tried to join and dozed off in the middle of a game or just before it starts... so maybe not. XD
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Awww, I tried to make it possible for everyone with a nice and flexible date... I'm sorry if you can't enter :/
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Haha, great. I love this game.
My name is CheeseButcher
Hope I'll have time to play!
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Invited, check your notifications in-game! You can tell me if it comes while you aren't online! :)
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How about providing an alt. email address so people can send in their Salem usernames w/out public exposure that leads to unfair lynching?
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You are safe, friend.
When you start one of the games, you have a chance to make yourself another name! (A Townie name, like Erron Black, Shamwow Guy, among others!)
You can do this when you start EVERY game and no one will know who are you! :)
Also, do you want to participate? You'll know how it works if you go for one game :)
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Yeah, I want to join in. I like what you are giving away. :D
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Hehe, then please give me your Town of Salem username to add you onto the list, and so I can add you on the Friend's list in-game! :)
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I see what you mean by changing names. I thought login username was my in-game name.
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sounds good and i would like to enter if there is still a spot open. will have to check my acc name when i get home later, but probably it´s the same as here on SG
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Better make yourself sure, I can wait until you can come with your verified username :)
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Well, seeing the Hunger Games made by IgotElbows, I got inspired to make something similar, but with a twist...
What if you can actually KILL your opponent, instead of watching a simulation? What if, with only a click, I can end the chance of winning of whoever unfortunate soul that stands in my way?
Well, if you either love investigation games, or you want to kill somebody you hate the most (or you love the most) without you knowing it until the end of the game, then this game is for you! (It might also interest you, since it will have unbundled games! ;) )
The premise is simple:
Make yourself a new account (Skip if you already have an account!)
Put the name of your "Town of Salem" account in the list that I'll provide below, so I can add you for the future, and so I know you are online when the time comes!
Once the day of the Tournament comes, you'll connect the next Friday (20 May) 2:00 p.m CST and I'll add you to the lobby, so we can participate. Up to 15 players (including me or the lobby master) will enter the game, so, preferably, I'd like to have 30 players, just in case people can't come to the game.
The winners of the game (excluding me), will be added to a private giveaway of the current game that you guys will be participating, the private giveaway will allocate a certain number of people (more if the winners exceed that amount, example, if 15 guys/girls wins the game, 15 people will be added to the private giveaway!)
Current Phase: [UPDATED!]
As of now, we are on the "Training" Phase, you guys will play the game and get familiarized with it, it's up to you that you get prepared enough for the event because you are competing for a spot in non-bundled games!Now we are on the last day of training, which I'll call "Encore!", as of now, I'll give one extra day for all of you to train, as hard as you can, until Day 20 inevitably comes. Once that happens, I expect everybody participating to be super MLG professional lynchers, for Salem's justice.The day has come! Several hours are left now! This is what I call, the "Calling" phase! In a few hours, I'll be calling people to connect in the game, I'll invite them once they are on, I'll be connected half-hour earlier (1:30 p.m CST), so you guys better be on to get a spot!
I have a couple of people in the "In" list that aren't in my list yet, so I'll message them again to remind them they have to get in, or be left out, sadly. If they come in the day of the event, then it's no problem! I'll add them!
May 20: Stardew ValleyMay 21: SUPERHOTMay 22: Enter the GungeonThe most desired game of them all, in hopes of a fierce fight for the entries in the game. I also want fair games and good sportmanship, if you die, fear not, you can try again, but please don't get upset if you end up not entering, you did your best, but human free will killed you (People chooses whoever they want to kill, based on their judgment)
You can check what the roles do here!, don't be afraid of the number of roles, you'll be learning all of them in a matter of minutes! We'll also be playing a Custom game with Ranked settings.
The Ranked settings are as follows...
For any questions, you can add me, or you can ask them directly in the thread below! I'll be available whenever possible!
Also, if you want to contribute to the game with your own unbundled game (No need for something expensive, cheap unbundled games are ok, still!), you can tell me, and we will prepare the game with your OWN conditions and the max entries the game should have, as well as you being the lobby master (Keep in mind that, if the winners exceed the amount of your max, you HAVE to allow every winner to enter the giveaway, it's not cool to leave some winners because of reasons). If you don't want, it's all fine! You are still winning from this! :)
TL;DR for the above paragraph: I accept other non-bundled games to be used in the event, any of them works! :)
I'll meet you at 2:00 P.M CST (Earlier aswell, so be punctual!) and I'll start adding you guys. The choice of selection will be "first come, first served", each round will be about 20 or so minutes, probably less!
Once the game is over, I'll screenshot the "X wins" screen and the username screen! And I'll paste them here! Once I have enough players (for the CV award, lel), I'll send you the giveaway link to the game you are participating, it will last at least 2 days! Just in case somebody has to go and has no time left to join.
As soon as the round is over, I want the winners to leave the lobby, so others can participate as well! Those who didn't win will stay in their positions, unless somebody has no time left to continue.
If, for some reason, I don't have enough players to play the game, I'll simply add everybody who has participated or decided to connect today, and add them to the giveaway! The giveaway will host 28 lucky players, so there are big chances of people not appearing at all. In other words, simply connecting might potentially make you enter the giveaway instantly! :)
Everybody will have their turn, so don't complain if you didn't get to go first, you still have a lot of chances to enter. I also want the players to be sportmanlike, if you die, you have died. Free will is something that cannot be changed easily, so, maybe you got killed because of your name or how you play.
NO SKINS! Please use default townie skins, so none looks out of place, that can increase the chances of you getting killed. It might not be true, but who wouldn't like to kill the flashie pyro guy with that zombie behind him? Lol.
In case something happens in my end (Bad Internet connection, power outages, personal reasons, etc), please understand that all of that is out of my control. To make things up, we can participate the next day for BOTH games! So don't worry! I'm not going to take the reward for myself! (Stardew Valley key... S-so... close... Want... to... use... it... D:)
Critical advices! (UPDATE, PLEASE READ!)
If you are going to participate, PLEASE use a different name that you are known here on SG, any random name works! It's also fine if you want to use your SG name, but bear in mind that you have high chances of getting killed, depending on how notorious you are around here! :)
Please don't use notorious names like Justin Bieber, Pewdiepie, etc. If you have a deathwish, then go ahead! Especially if you name yourself Roman Reigns, if you do and I'm the killer, you will be INSTANTLY killed! Just kidding! xP But some will do... Be careful out there!
For those joining in, IMPORTANT!
If you don't see the invitation in-game in your notifications, probably the notification expires or something, if that's the case, you can add me on Steam, and we can arrange live to add you immediately to the game, so I can keep you on my friend's list when the event begins, you also have the benefit of asking me about the event, as well as questions about how to play, etc.
Maximum winner entries: 29
Will increase as more participants are in!
(3.44% chances of winning the games as of now!)
The games that are gonna be given away are as follows:
1- Stardew Valley
3- Enter the Gungeon (I decided for this game, since it's a newer release, why not giving the game some love? :) )
Player List (will be updated regularly)
In = Means that you are now on my Town of Salem friend's list, so I can keep track of all of you! :)
Player group!
To keep track easily of the participants, I've made a group myself! I should have invited everybody who is in the list above! Give me a shout if you haven't received your invitation!
(Not my idea, give the credit to shakeebthe1! Thank you for that awesome suggestion!)
Game 1
Game 2
Game 3
Game 4
Well! We have had double the amount of fun today! :O 4 MORE GAMES! :D
Game 5
Game 6
Game 7
Game 8
Final Words
Well, guys... I guess it's over! And everything has to come to an end, it's inevitable, right?
It has been very fun to play with all of those who managed to come to my event.
Stardew Valley giveaway ended, and I made someone happy about it! Hope his sisters enjoy the game a lot! :D
The thread will remain active, if future giveaways are added here, I'll gladly update the thread.
Now, it's time for me to say bye! :)
So long, and thank you for participating! :)
Please add me, I'll give you personally the code for the giveaway! :)
Thank you for taking part in the game today!
PS: Also, if my name and picture is different (Isaac30), DON'T contact me! My little brother is using my account to play! :)
(Courtesy of "Sooth")
While you wait for the event, cower inside your houses with fear with this giveaway!Over! Thanks for participating! :)(Courtesy of Oppenh4imer)
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