Yesterday, I reached a very important milestone in my SG journey: I was blacklisted for the 100th time! 😜

Let's face it. SteamGifts can get boring sometimes, so I have to find ways to entertain myself. One way is to watch my blacklist counter. It always gives me a good chuckle whenever it ticks up. As you can imagine, hitting triple digits is a big deal to me :) I feel like a true SG veteran now!

So, let's celebrate the occasion with a quick train. It's mostly made of boring, old leftovers so, if you're one of the lucky 100, you're not really missing much.

Grab your tickets here

Train is restricted to Level 4 and is protected by SG Tools (1st section: >0.6 RCV. 2nd section: >0.8 RCV and <800 games won + some extra rules)

2 days ago

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Congratulations! :P

2 days ago

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Bump! For this wonderful milestone. :D

2 days ago

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bump! thanks for the mini train, entered a couple

2 days ago

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Wow, when i said I would be your cheerleading blade for your next train , I did not think this would be so fast :D

Here goes

View attached image.
2 days ago

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Making GAs for the Pride thread helped a bit. June is always a productive month for BLs πŸ˜›

Thanks for the support! It means a lot coming from a fellow melee weapon :D

2 days ago

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I got some BLs as well for the same reason :)

2 days ago

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But hey at least this year we didn't get troll posts in the Pride thread so it's worth a celebration!
I'll take the blacklists (saves me from blacklisting them) over the hate in the thread

2 days ago

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To be honest, I can't undesrstand why someone as nice as you manages to get 100 blacklists.

But again, I also gained a dozen just for the pride thread (and being blacklisted for that really makes me proud) , so sometimes it's probably just that easy.

Anyway, your train is great, and you are too.

(praise bump)

1 day ago*

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Oh man, I missed that thread, I'm nowhere near as active as I used to be. That said, if anyone wants to blacklist me for supporting the rainbow community, please do. πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

13 hours ago

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2 days ago

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HAve a bump

2 days ago

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Up we go. <3

2 days ago

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100 free slots ;) thanks

2 days ago

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Congrats PK! :)

I am here one month longer than you and I am at 113. ^^

2 days ago

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At first, I hated being blacklisted for no reason, but later I realized that this is the microcosm of life. Sometimes there is really no reason to be liked or hated.

2 days ago

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...does that mean you'll be working towards 200 blacklists next?

Thank you for the lovely and interesting train.

2 days ago

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Nah. I've run out of Steam. I only managed 16 since the beginning of this year. I'll have to start a BL recruitment thread to even have a chance at 200.

You're welcome :) Glad you didn't find it too boring.

2 days ago

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Their loss ;)
Can't make it to the train (I'm working on that shameful ratio) so good luck to all the entrants, minus the d***heads who won't get to partake.

2 days ago

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Not the typical reason, but hey everybody has the right to celebrate what they want ;)

2 days ago*

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thanks for the ride! last few games seem interesting, likely will get them once i clear out my backlog (if i don't win)

2 days ago

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2 days ago

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2 days ago

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Congratulations on achieving your milestone in just 2 years and ranking up to SG vet status?!. Thank you for the train giveaways and looking forward to see if you make 200 BL in the next 2 years!

2 days ago

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I m always surprised about blacklists...
I am blacklisted 20 times... vs 14 whitelists of me)
perhaps some guys do not like my spam jokes )
But you are in my whitelist for a long time )

2 days ago

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2 days ago

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I presume you can still see posts from people you've blacklisted? I'm curious to see how many blacklists will go away due to this post so the blacklister can get in on this sweet sweet train.

That was probably your plan all along, to get off people's blacklists!

2 days ago

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If they remove him from their blacklist, they still won't be able to enter his giveaways for at least as long as they had him blacklisted up until 7 days.

So: no, that was definitely not the intention, probably even the opposite, because PK chose a runtime of less than 7 days for the giveaways. ^^

1 day ago

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Yup, that was my evil plan all along. muahahaha! You got me! /s But I'm sure it'll backfire and I'll end up on a few more blacklists :(

PS: You do realize that you have to wait for a week after un-blacklisting someone to be able to enter their GAs, right?

1 day ago*

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I was 100% joking (just in case it didn't come through clear) but no, I did not actually know that. Makes total sense though so people don't abuse blacklists like in this instance, un-blacklist you, join the giveaways, then re-blacklist you immediately after joining. Based on the logic for whitelists (where a person doesn't get removed as an entry if they are no longer whitelisted), I believe they would still be in the running for the giveaways.

1 day ago

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I believe they would still be in the running for the giveaways

That is correct.

1 day ago

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TY bump!

1 day ago

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Bump for a nice train, congrats on the milestone <3

1 day ago

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Hm.... congrats, I guess? :D :D


1 day ago

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This is an awful milestone... I love it!
And thanks for the ride! :)

1 day ago

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Everybody needs a hobby πŸ‘, congrats on the achievement!

1 day ago

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I'm glad you understand! Some people like to collect games, I collect blacklists :P

1 day ago

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