Yesterday, I reached a very important milestone in my SG journey: I was blacklisted for the 100th time! 😜

Let's face it. SteamGifts can get boring sometimes, so I have to find ways to entertain myself. One way is to watch my blacklist counter. It always gives me a good chuckle whenever it ticks up. As you can imagine, hitting triple digits is a big deal to me :) I feel like a true SG veteran now!

So, let's celebrate the occasion with a quick train. It's mostly made of boring, old leftovers so, if you're one of the lucky 100, you're not really missing much.

Grab your tickets here

Train is restricted to Level 4 and is protected by SG Tools (1st section: >0.6 RCV. 2nd section: >0.8 RCV and <800 games won + some extra rules)

4 days ago

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I must be missing something, because I don't get why.

3 days ago

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Bump! Congratulations on reaching such a monumental milestone!

3 days ago

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3 days ago

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3 days ago

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Congrats (?) and bump!

3 days ago

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Congrats on the... achievement :P I mean it's a big milestone, so If you're happy, then I'm happy :3 I used to take blacklists personally, until I commented on the pride thread and gained like 9 blacklists. Now I just think of it as the trash taking itself out :) Thank you for the train!

3 days ago

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Oh you announced the project short time ago. At least they auto-filtered, it's for the good !
Please stay with us, wouldn't be the same if you left.

3 days ago

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I'd like to put the meme about rookie numbers, gotta pump them up from Wolf of Wall Street, but last I saw I was only at like <10 blacklists.

3 days ago

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Well I try to support everyone even if I don't agree. The world would be a very boring place if everyone agreed on everything all the time. Most people under 30 seems to think the best option is to just blacklist and block or cancel culture everything they don't agree with. The sad thing is it seems to be catching on with older folks too. I'm not even sure there is an actual word for the opposite of evolution but that's what is going on with society these days, we are moving backwards. I'm sure I will land on at least one blacklist for this comment. Cheers.

3 days ago

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That's a nice milestone. Congrats :)

3 days ago

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Congrats :P

3 days ago

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Ahhhh, so important to enjoy life's great milestones! Congrats :D

Yes, the pridethread does wonders for a spike in the blacklistgraph, it is quite entertaining (although not the reasoning behind it obviously). Thanks for the train!

3 days ago

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Whoohoow congrats PK! :D

3 days ago

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Congrats! Have a bump ✨

3 days ago

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Congrats on the milestone. I feel I'm also getting close, yesterday morning it was just 46 and now it's 79.

3 days ago*

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3 days ago

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3 days ago

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3 days ago

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that one of the lucky 100


3 days ago

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3 days ago

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congrats!? and bump

3 days ago

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3 days ago

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View attached image.
3 days ago

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Congrats and thanks for the train. I'm impressed by your custom SGTools rules.

3 days ago

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Hey, guys,

I'm Swordoffury and i'm going to be your motivational coach

Today, we'll pump up your ratio so that you can access this nice train.

First a motivation quote: Believe you can, and you're halfway there

And now the exercise itself.

Gift, gift, send . Gift, gift, send. Gift, gift, send.

Aaaaaaand enter the train !

View attached image.
2 days ago*

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