I doubt I'd be solving your problem as you are more tech capable than me.
However, for the sake of it, this thread came up in search with a user who solved their own problem a few comments down in July 2021.
I can say I do recall having issues in the past with WindowsApps folder and similar things but not recently.
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You know, you said you might not be able to fix it. But you actually did. Made my night honestly as I've been trying to troubleshoot this for almost 3 days. Saved me from trying to dual boot tommorrow.
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That was unexpected..but hey glad it's resolved and I took the chance on suggesting it!
Gamepass is a great deal on these trial periods but Windows Store is still a pretty bad experience. It's gotten better since they added some mod toggle but it's clearly not perfect if this issue is still happening to people.
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Game Pass is a really good deal for me, since I got it for free from Discord, randomly found it in my gift inventory. The only dissatvantage was the fact that I had to use a VPN to make a US Microsoft account since Game Pass isn't available in Romania, oh and change my Windows region to the US since it wouldn't give me full access to the app without that.
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ah that's rough. Region issues are so annoying. But lucky you got it going now.
Since this is from Discord and you're not using the current promo for $1 for 3 months ultimate, be on the lookout after your time period ends. They might have a $1 for a month deal in the opposite thing. (Aka if discord gave you gamepass ultimate, you may be able to get $1 for 1 month in regular gamepass afterwards). Helpful if you just barely miss completing a game and need a little more.
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The promo didn't charge me anything, since I used a prepaid card with 1 cent on it, making it an actual trial! It's a 2 month trial btw.
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"UWP should be scrapped". Wrong. It should be BURNED. Every single pice of it DESTROYED TO THE GROUND. The creators should be shot. The idea itself should be put in a coffin, buried in the middle of the desert, and have an nuclear bomb thrown onto it for good measure.
I had SO many problems with it. SO many problems. Trying to fix it I ended up having to make a fresh install of Windows does that I REALLY didn't need, and wanted to avoid.
Even at the best of times being unable to install mods, or do anything with the game is a deal-breaker for me
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I've never had any problems with UWP... well cause I haven't used any UWP, but I've heard so many bad stories about it. Fallout 3 apperantly takes up 60 gigs! It's a game from 2010 but it apperantly downloads EVERY LANGUAGE EVER TRANSLATED for the game.
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I had alot of problems at first with Gamepass on Windows 10 as well.
Do you by any chance have W10Privacy or any other Windows tweak tool installed?
I blocked basically everything which contacted Microsoft with W10Privacy and that prevented me from installing Gamepass games.
But yeah: UWP is basically a giant pile of shit. The games run worse, are almost never updated & can't be modded.
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The only tweak that I've done to my current install is block Windows Update from downloading drivers, as they usually are poor versions. But my issue has been resolved by NegimaSonic. In the past I have done tweaks like removing all bloatware possible though.
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Heh for sure, that seems to solve every problem with M$.
This should be written on every PC now: if your PC is not functioning as it should, try taking off all your clothes and assuming the position M$ favors.
There is a lot of ways to pretend M$ is not up your ass but in the end, it'll always cost you
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On my VM's, when I try to make them lighter to save space, I just boot into Hiren's to delete stuff that I don't need, like Windows Defender, since Hiren's bypasses the TrustedInstaller bullshit.
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OMG you have made my life so much better. i want to thank you personally by sending you a steam gift of choice. please reply back with a game.
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Personally, I don't want anything but since you really wish to send me a game, I'd like Left 4 Dead 2, since I'm stuck between 2 choices, CS 1.6 or L4D2. I'm glad I could help you in this way though, Hirens is such a useful thing to know about, it saved me time when my Windows install wasen't booting, just cause Windows decided to remove itself from the boot entry and BCD.
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I remember that! I remember having so much fun in that era!
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Im pretty sure he was making a joke :D
GFWL was internationally despised .... it wasnt like "wasnt that great", it was absolutely fucking horrible
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At least they weren't as bad as NVIDIA. When I still had my old machine which was quite bad, I used Geforce Now to play titles. One day it stopped connecting to NVIDIA's servers, which was strange to me since I was a first day adopter at that time for Geforce Now and didn't experience any issues. Contacting NVIDIA did nothing besides send me to the Russian NVIDIA support, and my country doesn't speak Russian (Romania).
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I just can't stand microsoft tech support. I'd better prefer waiting times and to actually get an answer from a specialist instead of receiving pre-tailored answers from regular folk and end up with "we cant replicate your problem" and end of discussion.
I can't recall when any support from microsofts side has helped me actually solve any issue. Latest issue I have is my laptop not letting me change or update my face for logins. Basically I set it up when buying the laptop and now it simply says that biometrics including face recognition is not available on my laptop (although I already have it working). Basically every try to find out any fix (or at least the core of the problem) leads to some stupid morons suggesting "buy a PC that supports it" or "check if your laptop even offers this choice, because man dont" or "update drivers" or "Follow this unnecessarily complicated guide that is not officially supported by microsoft and includes shortcuts and applications we haven't supported for 30 years, good luck".. I mean maybe for a total moron these suggestions help ... who knows, maybe someone wants to have facial recognition from laptop that doesnt have a web cam ....... but I refuse to accept everyone is so stupid that these are the only suggestions microsoft support gives out.
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Most of the time, Microsoft support probably thinks you're a moron, nothing much really. They're most likely just reading a script, can't do much about that but at least you're talking to real humans, as the people I talked to did make some severe grammar mistakes.
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I have a feeling they could simply employ a bot to answer according to script...
As hardly anyone actually tries to understand the problem.
Its like the old joke about buying something from autozone -
-"Hi, I need a new drivers seat for 2000 honda accord"
-"Hi, is it petrol or diesel?"
Just random questions and statements that could easily be answered by a bot... "have you restarted your PC" , "have you the latest updates".. It just gets me so angry :D even though I understand some people truly would call support over PC not turning on which they havent plugged into the grid ...... :D
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They asked me shit like "Are you using a custom built PC?" and "What is your BIOS version?" and then I contacted them again last night to tell them to close the ticket since I fixed the issue, they kinda responded in a angry way and then told me right away "Check Windows Update for the newest patches and security advantages" which just made me pissed. The fact that they had the audacity to say that after not being able to help me in any way, shape or form baffles me.
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This is my exact opinion on Windows 11. It just works but barely. It's jam packed with features that no one will use (widgets, bring back the gadgets from Windows 7 instead of this bullshit). Once installing it and you see the start menu, you'll notice that it's full of third party applications like Tiktok, Prime Video, Whatsapp etc. Why is all of that needed? It's just a lazy reskin of Windows 10, hell it even runs on the same NT version as 10, meaning that once Windows 10 is killed off, you might be able to install updates for 11 on 10. My moms PC is still going strong with Windows 7 with updates from 2011, why should I be forced to update to 21H2 just to install the Xbox app? Granted, LTSC exists but I wouldn't consider it a solution to most problems, as apps like the Microsoft Store are missing which are needed for the Xbox app, and installing it (in my case) still didn't work, as I also tried installing a game in a VM to see if it'll work, and it did, just not on LTSC, had to download the latest version just for that.
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I personally feel done with Microsoft. Can't even make capable services or products. Installed DIRT 5, tried to log in and would you guess, IT DOES FUCKING WORK. I have attempted to uninstall and reinstall the Microsoft Store via Powershell, reset the Xbox app and Xbox Live app but it didn't work. Screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/AzTwpej.jpg
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The fact you were even able to make Gamepass work in Romania when it's not even available there should not be overlooked. I could understand if you were having issues in a country where it was available, but to blame MS for login issues to a service you're technically not eligible for in the first place may in fact be half of your issue.
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To me it feels strange not being able to log into Xbox Live, since it worked fine with FH5 but all of the sudden not with DIRT 5, and it also worked with Among Us. I'm currently downloading 3 more games to see if it's gonna be the same issue, if thise game are gonna work I'll just have to boil it down to Codemasters.
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I ended up downloading more than 3 games, and they all work, even online so the issue boils down to Codemasters.
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Reject subscription services, the more you use it the more companies will push for more subscription based services, the end of personal propriety is nigh.
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Quite sad knowing that one day subscription services will be normal things.
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Subs can be great. You get tons of games for few bucks per month - no need to spend hundreds of dollars on lifetime licences. Not everyone is a hardcore gamer or some maniac, who plays one game for the rest of their life ;) If you play only one game - sure, buy it and forget the subscriptions. But if you simply like to play whatever, subs are much better choice.
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A sub can be a great thing - there are great subscription services out there.
Many subs is, well... Expensive if nothing else.
And that is the gist of the issue, gaming going the same way TV or Movie streaming sites are today. You will need ALL (or at least MOST) of the services to get the whole shebang. Don't pay for one service? Miss out on a big slice of games. Don't pay premium subscription for the ones that you do? Miss out on another whole slice of games.
It's maybe not so much the model itself we dislike, it's what it means for the subscribers in the end that we dislike very much.
Hey, a sub that would allow me to play any game I'd like could be a great thing!
Paying for 15 different subscriptions and still not have all games available to me? Not so much.
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Maybe I did not explain what I meant very well if I must have it all is what you took away from it....
What I meant is this:
Today (for the most part) I can choose from it all. There's a difference, see?
I can buy the games that I find interesting from almost any publisher or game creator, the market is fully open to me without heavy consequences. I can choose not to buy a game until I've read reviews, I can avoid certain companies I don't like, etc.
A fully developed subscription based system however, would lock me out from several interesting titles because they are behind a paywall I'm not willing to pay for, and force me into paying for things I might not want.
And this is perhaps where it gets tricky to follow what I mean: Becaus the paywall might (like i said above) be a very good thing. It might be cheap, it might give access to a pletora of good games for me to choose from - and then it could be great.
But then another developer has one of their games that I am interested in published on another subscription servicel, and I have to get a new sub, and then another, and another...
And what about that old game that we all like(d) so much, but only return to every now and then, perhaps once a year, or even less? If that is behind yet another subscription service, well, most likely we won't pay for that and we'll miss out on all those great games.
And in all likelyhood - like with almost all locked or semi-locked systems - it will fall prey to paywall owners greed. So if the system that is here today totally is replaced with subscription services I would believe we would see much more of unfinished games, as a subscription service is (not only, but in part at least) a sort of pre-payment system, and we alreday see even today how publishers use that to justify selling unfinished/broken games. Imagine how they would work that if your choice not to buy a specific game was removed from the equation?
And then you have the watering down effect of such systems in a harsh economic environment - and these effects we see very clearly with for example TV-show subscriptions as there really is no open market on those, mostly only subs. You can't tell me you havent browsed netflix for a new show, and you see the first two episodes of a hundred shows - and they all feel sort of the same? Yeah, because the formula to sell lies somewhere around the median, and they try to hit it right all the time, so odder shows are few and far apart. Odd games will therfore most likely completely disappear, or at least become scarce. And if a game does not get what publishers think is ''enough'' plays, it is immediately cancelled - just like shows on TV subs today.
No, it won't happen directly - but it will happen. What, Netflix launched online streaming when? 20007-2008? Struggled for a few years then exploded, and lots and lots of competitors came with that. So today these servuices are the mess they are, with cancelled shows, and competitive cost cutting everywhere (WD/GoT anyone?), consumers not wanting to start new shows because they might just vanish the next day...
And what about those gamers that don't play too much, only now and then? Lets keep it at 5 different games games in three different subs, at say €13 a month. Thats €39 a month for a few hours per week. Thats €468 per year for a few hours per week. Year after year. Want a new game? Great if its on one of your existing subs, not so much if it's on another.
So no, I dont need to have it all, I just want us to have basic consumers choice. I want to be able to read reviews of a game before I choose to pay for that game. I want to be able to not pay for a game I don't want. I want to be able to sit with my old titles and reminisce (with my pink sunglasses on, and my absolute refusal to see the old games flaws...). I want to have the freedom to do what I want with my money.
Again, a good sub can be a good thing. Subs as an alternative payment method on platforms I don't mind at all, choice is a good thing, you do you. But wholesale switching over to them I really don't want, as that will put a smile on greedy publishers faces and a big hole in my wallet without fulfilling almost any of my gaming dreams.
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You're not alone. Errors on Microsoft Store are very common. A couple of years back you were forced to install games on the same HDD as your OS.
I never got to connect EA with GamePass, regardless of what I do.
Plus the fact you can't access game's folders naturally to use mods or edit files yourself, it's terrible. I usually find the need to increase FOV in games, which requires some editing/modding.
As as service and a store, it's perhaps one of the worst I ever seen, and it's definitely built in for consoles. Microsoft NEVER got the whole "PC Gaming" right.
Even Valve has done more for Linux gaming than Microsoft on their own platform. That says a lot.
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The Microsoft Store should be removed honestly. It never had place in Windows and most of the apps there are available on the app publishers website, like Spotify. I don't wanna play any EA games via the EA Play benefit of Game Pass but I have linked my Ubisoft account to maybe play Assassin's Creed Odyssey, and when I looked at my library, I saw 3 new games, Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Far Cry 5 and Rainbow Six Extraction. I was looking forward to playing Far Cry 5 but it's marked as coming soon in the app, which is hilarious since the game has been out for years. Game Pass doesn't even mention Far Cry 5 as a game apart of their services, neither as coming soon. Valve is most likely doing this for the Steam Deck, since it runs a modified version of Arch. With the modding part, I'm not really interested but I know a friend who tried to mod Skyrim and failed, cause of the hard process. Another friend had minor inconveniences with Fallout 3, and the biggest one was the fact that the game downloads all of the languages ever translated for the game, making the game 60GB in size, 2008 game btw.
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Almost 40 of my games are from Indiegala gameplay giveaway or freebies from the Steam Store like Ark. Appreciate your blacklist too.
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Not the stuff I deal with, wrong person to contact, here's the very necessary proof, make the calculations before calling out: https://i.imgur.com/fLVN4x0.png. Just the calculation of unbundled games. Steamgifts values my account at 900$ and Steamdb at 125-200 euro.
120.19 euro=125.18$
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I mean if you respond to someone and say you did that in a public place its calling out ,i mean youre lvl 10 ,you should be better than that
He has enough Value ,he made the math from only some games and there are more games.
If somebody isnt as long on Steam ,lives in a poor country or lacks time to play .you try to call them out?
Wait youre probably now saying ,hey im lvl 10 im so gernous ,if we would go by Value he has even a better ratio than you .
so take my BL and please start trying to use your brain .
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Break it you two, no one is a winner here, they're just giveaways but the person at fault for starting all of this is clear. I don't wish to see this thread just become a place for argumenting and shouting. Sure one may have better giveaways than one but for you MirkaHN, I don't see why you keep argumenting that you did the right thing even with proof that I did nothing wrong or even provoke you. You both and I, consider the end of this argument.
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im always online yeah sure we go with that.
The op doesnt want any arguments further in this topic and you dont need to provoke him with a spam comment ":)".
Now make your train,take a shower and take a good night sleep and stand up with a better leg .
Hope youre doing well soon .
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I haven't read the solution thread but if I had to guess, the problem probably involves wrong permissions on the C:\Program Files\WindowsApps
folder. In short you never try to open this folder manually taking ownership of this folder in the process, this will break all windows store apps! Microsoft is very strict about you not messing with it...
Most of the solutions will involve "resetting" the windows store app and running troubleshooters or powershell commands that try to restore the original permissions of this subtree.
Of course if you ask this on MS forums, you will get the usual canned responses that range from running sfc scannow to resinstalling windows xD
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The issue in the end boiled down to the partition that I was trying to install the games on not having the WindowsApps and WpSystem folders. Changing the default location of where apps install fixed this (credit to the first person who commented on this thread as their fix actually worked).
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Nah, much easier than that, just had to change this 1 setting. If I would've created the directory myself a lot of important stuff would probably be missing.
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I want to make this quite short, so here we go:
What started this?
Everything began since I got a Xbox Game Pass trial. I was excited to play some games but what would you guess! Downloading games didn't work! Every time I tried downloading games via the Xbox app, they would error out at 100% with the error code 0x80073d0d.
The evolution
So, like every normal person, I take to google, only to find mixed results about the error, some say it's a Microsoft Store error, some say it's a error that is referring to the lack of permissions (the user account that I am logged into has administrator). Not knowing what to do next, I go to contact Xbox support, as they might know more. Well that went like shit. Everything they did was to reset the Microsoft Store, Xbox app, check for updates, enable some services, make me try an in place upgrade (installing another Windows version on top of another one), new user account and upgrading to Windows 11, which I'm currently running and that I absolutely hate (returning back to Windows 10 100%). After a day of talking with the Xbox support person, he tells me to go to the Windows support people, which you guess did jackshit. The only option according to them is to do a fresh install of Windows which I currently can't do.
Linux needs to take over. UWP should be scrapped and Game Pass should start using the Steam version of games. If any of you have any possible suggestions, please leave them down in the comments.
Update 1 (6/30/2022 11:24 PM): Downgraded back to Windows 10.
Update 2: My issue has been solved, check the comments. I will still leave the thread open for people to share their UWP frustrations as I can see I'm far from being the only one.
Update 3: Check comments.
How Microsoft reacts when you contact their support team: https://i.imgur.com/SORfHCz.png
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