13 years ago*

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13 years ago

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Hats in DotA 2. I don't know how to feel about that.

13 years ago

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The way I see it, this is the proof that it will be F2P. I would probably never get it because I dont like LOL too much. Ignore the hats if you dont like them and enjoy the free game.

13 years ago

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It wouldnt be f2p. it would be like tf2 with hats if it was like that and it will be a shitty game.
DOTA 2 is different from LOL dont judge it by playing LOL

13 years ago

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LOL is its closest competition. LOL was even based off of DOTA. It would be stupid for Valve to not make it F2P when a game that is almost identical is F2P.

13 years ago

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actually HoN is closer competition, LoL is too different from dota. Dota players will obviously play Dota2 + HoN, but new player may choose LoL because its noob friendly, not to say dota2 wont be. LoL and Dota's similarities are; there a creeps lanes and heroes and you fight to kill each others base. LoL took out alot of mechanics from dota and added there own

13 years ago

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Dota is the most competitive among the other clones. Well you say HoN is closer competition which is kinda right. The reason why HoN is more popular is because of the graphics.

13 years ago

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BAD, honestly Dota as whole doesn't need these useless HATS, BOO! Stay to original Formula Icefrog PLEASEEEE ^_^

13 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

13 years ago

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That's the way i see it. Don't like hats don't use 'em. Problem solved.

13 years ago

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Hats are the backbone of any stable economy, remove the hats and it goes downhill. Fedoras may be coming back in style, but it's too little to late; not only that, but the people who wear them are doing so in an unfashionable manner, hindering the economy even further. Mass adoption of top hats and tuxes would give the economy a shot in the arm.

13 years ago

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Too much information. Have to check them tomorrow. Amazing news, Ep3 :o

13 years ago

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is it really episode 3? HL3 would be better

13 years ago

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Correct me if I'm wrong but I think the episode trilogy was intended to be Half Life 3, just split up so we wouldn't have to wait 6 years for a sequel, which so far hasn't worked out :P

13 years ago

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that's why I'm saying since it hasn't worked out they should just make hl3 instead...episode 3 feels out of place

13 years ago

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The reason it goes HL, HL2: Ep1, HL2: Ep2, HL: Ep3 etc is because it is a story line

HL was one story

HL2 was the beginning of the next story and the "Episodes" are just chapters that continue this part of the story because the idea was that valve would quickly put together the next part of the game to be released when people have finished playing that chapter every 4-6 months or so thus preventing huge wait times for them to complete the entire HL2 storyline... sadly this backfired because of the Duke Nukem dilema... each time they would get far in the development of Ep3 the source engine would update causing them to have to redesign the game allowing for new and better gameplay mechanics, physics etc or a new project would come a long which needed more dedication

HL3 may happen when the HL2 story ends and a new one begins

HL was one story, HL2 is another with "Episodes" being chapters in the HL2 book... calling HL2:Ep3, HL3 would destroy the storyline of HL2... then when the actual HL3 story gets released it would have to be called HL4 thus confusing the shit out of people because they would assume HL4 was really HL2:Ep4 when it was really a new story in the halflife world

13 years ago

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Ehh. Valve is kind of notorious for when leaks happen to delay shit and rework things. So while kinda happy there's news, given their history not exactly a fan of a leak.

13 years ago

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"notorious"? as far as i remember there as been one leak - Half life 2. and they stated that the stuff that was changed was changed because it had to be, not because the game was leaked.

13 years ago

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You're happy that people's hard work got leaked? ... what? :S

13 years ago

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No, but at least we know it was not another hack attack. I am happy to hear some news about Episode 3. I dont care at all about DOTA 2 and will probably never play it unless it is F2P. I just want more Half Life!

13 years ago

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They've had this stuff in files for the past few games. I really wasn't surprised that they would put something like that in this game, too.

13 years ago

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HL2 EP.3 wasn't leaked...
there were just references to "ep3" in the code...

13 years ago

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It's like the time someone found "Ep3" code in the Portal 2 SDK. As much as i'm excited that they're still working on it, the wait is killing me!

13 years ago

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The good guys and gals at Valve are now successful trolls.

13 years ago

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I'll be damned

13 years ago

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A new Half-life? Impossible!

13 years ago

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I hope, that EP3 will be released before the Maya Calendar ends :>

13 years ago

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I dont get it how cna people still belvie for Half-life ep3? Dont you think thye could create Half-life 3 instead?

13 years ago

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best news for hl2ep3 so far!!

13 years ago

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the question now is

when will Ep4 be released?

13 years ago

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You know, that there will be no Ep4....?

13 years ago

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valve is obsessed with hats, now they will curse Dota2 with hats!!

13 years ago

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well they are teasing us ^^

13 years ago

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This is not even a leak. It's just code of what appears to be weapons and effects. They will be used in DotA, not in ep3. Valve has been known to do stuff like this a lot.

13 years ago

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Closed 13 years ago by pyromcr.